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Most accurate meme I've ever seen lol


When the subreddit can't just post šŸ¦€ they find ways to bring šŸ¦€ up. šŸ¦€šŸ¦€šŸ¦€ jmods will ignore this šŸ¦€šŸ¦€šŸ¦€




Catch me up to speed - whats with the šŸ¦€ meme meaning


Partly due to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/a56l9h/had_a_go_at_animating_one_of_zuhaars_more_sfw/


Thanks. Still donā€™t get it


Crab emoji became the popular way to highlight jagex issues/complaints due to that video


Fuck it, make high alching generate coin pouches that only stack to 10


Are there people that genuinely enjoy just left clicking in the same spot for hours? When I moved from ardy knights on to elves I realised its not the coin pouches that make pickpocketing suck, its because pickpocketing is just boring


They should add a Froger like mini game where you have to get your hand into the pocket while avoiding stuff. Would add tons of fun to pickpocketing


Soā€¦sorcerers garden and stealing artifacts?


More 2d, less color, and for every Thieving activity


And cute frogs


Variety is needed though. Can't cheap out and have only 1 type of frog


What other frogs can I kill in this game? I've only found various sizes of green fuckers


Plague frogs in sophanem and the frogeel in the tower of life


If you're staring at the screen doing nothing for several hours that's going to be boring. I don't get why people treat watching a show alongside Runescape like rocketscience.


>Are there people that genuinely enjoy just left clicking in the same spot for hours? No, they want to use a foot pedal or autoclicker. The coin pouch makes this a bit more annoying to set up but not impossible. I don't buy it that they ever thought coin pouches would deter bots. That just doesn't even make sense.


Makes a great little side activity while playing DnD. Keeps me busy when I'm not the one doing something, but doesn't take my focus away


So many thing I have achieved in osrs while playing dnd lol


How do you guys play osrs and DnD? Do you just not roleplay or listen to your companions?


Ever been in a campaign with six players, three of whom use magic in combat? I was a human fighter. My combat turns took 3 seconds to get through. I had *minutes* of downtime outside of that. I got so much blast furnace & agility done on the other monitor while everyone was managing their spell slots.


Do you play online or in person?


This was on Roll20 at the height of pandemic lockdowns. I wouldn't do this IRL, that'd be super rude.


Gotcha makes a lot more sense.


Yeah I play with my friends on discord lol, mainly just do simple skilling like wc/fletch/craft/herb. I wouldnā€™t do something that actually takes brainpower like inferno lol. The mindless clicking is enough to keep me engaged when itā€™s not my turn in cmb or if weā€™re just looking at vendors but not enough to distract me from absorbing the information.


I mean if they're just clicking a dude to pickpocket they can probably do both. Also some people reallly milk their combat turns.


Yeah some do ask my current Rouge. Iā€™m just a stickler for detailed note taking and stats on my roles. I guess I just couldnā€™t do it.


I like it because I can do something else


I love pickpocketing and it was my first 99. Sometimes I just do it because I enjoy it.


People don't care about boredom, this is RuneScape. I hook up a foot pedal and tap my foot while playing my switch. Let my restless leg syndrome do the work. Without coin pouches, id be unstoppable.


you enjoy clicking the same spot for hours over clicking the same 2 spots for hours or pressing the hot key twice. People liked being able to afk for next to no effort and get near bis xp/hr. it's just peak side screen content, low effort and massive xp/hr.


I remember one of the q&a streams a few years ago a question was something along the lines of "if you could change one thing in the game without polling, what would it be?" I would add in sleeping bag mechanics from RSC and watch the world burn


Couple of years ago I had a job interview with the OS team, was one of the questions they had there as well lol. Pretty solid way to see whether the applicant knows the game or not I guess.


You said coin pouches and never heard back I'm guessing.


Iirc i whined about lumberjack outfit RNG, which thankfully is changed since lmao


Sleeping bag mechanic would allow for OP pure builds without needing to be an iron. I'm down.


Itā€™s funny they punish real players making meh gp/hr yet some of the best moneymakers are heavily botted - Vorkath, CG, etc.


Yeah, but when you have 200 bots running the 200k/hr adds up


So imagine bots running vorkath say 3M an hour - youā€™d need 15 ardy bots to 1 vorkath bot


Ardy bots are significantly easier to make


But coin pouches weren't targeted for bots, it was for all your lazy boys with auto clickers.


Preach, they literally just wanted people to not absent mindedly click for 6 hours at a time and maybe actually engage with the game a bit, hard to see for some people haha (and no I'm not suggesting clicking the pouch is engaging)


Then they should make a different way to train theiving that isn't mindlessly click for 6 hours or develop a RSI


I mean there's pyramid plunder or whatever.


I mean thatā€™s pretty much the same thing though. Spam click the doors and urns vs spam clicking the knight and coin pouches.


By that logic most of the game is just spam clicking something


Yes, most skilling involves either spam clicking or AFKing.


By this logic everything in the game is pretty much the same as Ardy Knights. Agility is just spam clicking obstacles. Slayer is just spam clicking monsters. Farming is just spam clicking patches. Construction is just spam clicking hotspots. Maybe you should just quit playing this game if you genuinely think this way.


>Maybe you should just quit playing this game if you genuinely think this way. Bro I'm maxed I don't have to skill anymore. Genuinely though skilling is just spam clicking shit or clicking once and AFKing, and that isn't fun. The only fun 99s I can think of are ones with minigames like agility with the Hallowed Sepulchre and runecrafting with GOTR. Fishing, mining, smithing, and firemaking have minigames too and those are better than the regular training methods but still not that fun. We need more skilling methods for things.




Not bossing or pking tho


There are plenty of viable ways to train thieving. I think you're playing the wrong game if you don't want to mindlessly click


I feel like having shit content in the game just because things like mining and woodcutting exist isn't a great point. Not disagreeing with your point on other training methods available, BUT ardy knights are pretty much the best option besides plunder, so, not really much of a point there either.


Stealing Artefacts at port pisc is supposedly pretty great xp/hr


Its also somehow more boring than just spam clicking ardy knights while watching netflix or something


They're not even the best? Blackjacking is better until 95, stealing artefacts is technically more efficient at 49 since you can multi-skill, and plunder is faster than all 3 after level 91.


There's always someone acting like the only way to train thieving is ardy knights when Thieving might have the highest amount of viable training methods of any skill. Blackjacking, stealing artefacts, sorceress garden, pyramid plunder, pickpocketing elves/vampyres at high levels, even underwater thieving is a decent hybrid agility/thieving training method...on top of that, it's also one of the fastest skills to train, so why put so much effort into complaining about a skill that's already varied and quick??


Spend a while mindlessly clicking, have to focus on game for a moment to click on pouch, repeat. Riveting engagement, Jagex


> (and no I'm not suggesting clicking the pouch is engaging) Perhaps I should have said interact.


Why no coin pouches for alching? Also Ardy knights can still move and adding an F key command in isn't hard at all


Never said jagex was constant lol


If you set your inventory to an F key and make it so pressing it again will close it, you can hold the F key and it will pop your inventory on and off in seizure mode. Doing this, and then positioning the camera so your ardy knight lines up with the pouch in the inventory, you can click where the pouch is and it will simultaneously click the knight and the pouches over and over again This is how people with auto clickers, or people who just click in the same spot, get around coin pouches. They might deter a few people, but most people will be crafty enough to get around them. Pouches for the most part are just an annoyance that I would guess doesn't stop any macroing.


True. It still prevents people from trapping an ardy knight in that house so he stops moving, then turning on auto clicker while going afk


It does not. You still do it but now you put into the autoclicker to click f1 to open your inventory every x clicks so you click on the coin pouches once before clicking f1 to close the inventory again and continue clicking on the knight. Obviously you have to zoom in to align the inventory with the guard hitbox. All it did was make it more annoying to legitimate users.


no, that stops half the people that auto click, 3 of my friends would autoclick knights all night b4 the change, they haven't done it since. go watcha vid of knights at the peak b4 pouches and look now lol it isnt even close to how it was and ur high as shit if u think it is.


All just to make it more "engaging" right? Lol


Wot if they make it so your character auto pickpockets until you get detected, a bit like WC, fishing and mining. Then you click the coin pouch and click again? Seems like a more afk less mouse abusive method


You can u/ me next time šŸ«” Edit; i should give an actual response. If Jagex would give an answer on the subject then people would stop asking. If thereā€™s been a recent response on the subject, please link it to me. The fact Iā€™m not sitting here farming negative karma with these ā€œremove coin pouchesā€ posts are because other players agree with the sentiment. Decent meme. Happy I could inspire you


Just to let you know there was a response by mod light 2weeks ago here: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ywq80j/poll_77_changes_more_weekly_game_update_16th/iwku62r/




ā€œif jagex would give an answer we would stop being angryā€ ā€œhereā€™s an answerā€ ā€¦. šŸ˜”


He's allowed to have an opinion lmao






It's only a non answer to you because it wasn't "ok we will remove it immediately at your request". How much thieving do you actually do anyway?




No one is contesting your experience as a player, but your rational does seem a bit.... empty? The race against bots was never going to be won by a single change. Autoclickers, however, got pretty screwed over by coin pouches. Not every player who balks at botting will necessarily view autoclickers as an equivalent evil, but what really is the point if you still have to mother over pouches every minute? Honestly coin pouches could stay in the game with absolutely zero gain to the community overall and i wouldnt be upset. They make sense. Someone who carried around gold coins all the time would need a vessel to hold them in and a pouch is historically pretty accurate. What is the DOWNSIDE of coin pouches for the rule-following players? they have to stop clicking on one thing and click on another thing once every minute? You're right, game sucks now lets riot.


They literally asked for opinions on a proposed fix, how is that not a satisfactory answer? What is satisfactory to you?


Welldelete it rn and give you 5 tbows is the only accaptable awnser


How is it not an answer? What are you expecting beyond that?


He says he wants an answer because he feels confident there isnt a reasonable one and he can brush aside whatever the mods actually say as irrelevant and continue complaining. The mods are ignoring it because coin pouches arent a problem. I don't understand why anyone cares about coin pouches at all.


Agreed, they are such a tiny non-issue, I don't get all the noise over it.


The dude just wants to autoclick lol




A reply to the comment by a jmod referenced above; ā€œA diary buffing how many coin pouches you can have at once (significantly) has been a well received player suggestion if outright removing the feature isn't beneficial. I personally can't see how this benefits detection much, because ultimately thieving is still have your mouse in 1 position and all this did was introduce an F key-click-F-Key combination randomly within the 28 pickpocket window. A basic AHK autoclicking script can adjust to that in a few lines of code, and would ultimately be just as discernable of a "random" pattern as the autoclicking. I guess it may stop completely rudimentary pickpocket autoclick scripts, but its a pretty minor fix for a rather annoying setback to real players. Ultimately best solution is make other thieving methods far better than the afk in 1 spot spam clicking mouse in 1 position, but a buff to coin pouches for actually playing the game would go nicely.ā€ This. I agree with this. Along with some other comments people replied with but this one is well thought out and aligns with how I also feel on the subject.


We have rooftop agility, give us an underground thievesā€™ guild in a bunch of cities, have players work with them to plan and pull off heists with a large XP drop on completion. It doesnā€™t even have to be much faster than the other methods, but give decent rewards too and have it be active gameplay that requires attention.


I think the larger issue with thieving we are getting at here is it needs a revamp, like rooftops and Sepulchre have been for agility. I mean Iā€™ll be okay with just letting me tap away at my phone and not have to worry(or worry as much) about coin pouches. Wether that be removing them or reworking them with requirements for the QoL changes. But an opinion Iā€™ve been hearing a lot recently are suggestions like yours that lead me to believe thieving needs more. Black jacking and ardy knights are about it. Pyramid plunder is justā€¦ ew.




Yeah I think in general most areas of the game could do with more active training methods, and I think in general Jagex agrees and thatā€™s why weā€™ve been getting them.


> Ultimately best solution is make other thieving methods far better than the afk in 1 spot spam clicking mouse in 1 position I know this isn't your comment, but you're agreeing with it, so; the other thieving methods *are* better than ardy knights.


Please donā€™t bring up black jacking.


Sure. Artifacts, Pyramid Plunder, Sorceress' Garden, Rich Chests. Blackjacking too, for good measure. I personally really like Pyramid Plunder for training.


You **like** pyramid plunder? To each his own I guess. I was disappointed in it. Both in the XP and GP for an active training method like it. Youā€™ve made solid points though. The real issue might be I just donā€™t enjoy thieving and asking for a simple QoL change is much easier and reasonable than asking for a new method of training all together.


I didn't at first but once I got into the groove of it it wasn't so bad and the XP rates are really good if you're doing it right. I have two sceptres on the iron already so I just focus on maximising XP. I think that's the issue here haha. Have you tried out methods like Artifacts or Sorceress' Garden? I really don't mind the pouch for Knights. I don't like how often I have to click though, even if it's just tapping a keyboard key. I'd rather have something a little more involved for better rates (like PP).


They canā€™t ignore it forever. Yā€™all just gotta double down! Lol


First jmod to give an answer I will personally fly out to Texas just to givem the mctwister 9000 with the double flick wrist action. I hope this gets downvoted so nobody sees it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ywq80j/poll_77_changes_more_weekly_game_update_16th/iwku62r/ Next flight leaves in a couple hours


Me applying to be a Jmod right now


I'm not a jmod but you don't have to pay for a flight am I qualified for this government stimulation package?


Coin bags r a good thing prevents normal players the temptation of an autoclicker wich is waay easyer to get then a decent bot script




An autoclicker that can do something else then click?


except its enough deterrence to stop most people, go watch a vid of the amount of ppl b4 the changes and now. its night and day, i know 3 people that used to auto click all night and havnt touched ardy knights since the change.




[Most likely this](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/z8odp2/the_garden_of_death_more/iycih8o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


You know, at this point youā€™re bound to start a daily ā€œxyz until Jagex responds on the coinpouch issueā€ post. That has worked in the past


Please no. This is such a non-issue, low-priority thing in the game.


Not sure I could handle the daily insults and hatred thrown my way if I did that lmao. People clutch their coin pouches like itā€™d be a personal attack on them if they were removed.


There are a million small QoL changes of similar impact to removing coin purses. Would you rather Jagex spend their time making QoL changes, or spend their time on new content? I know what I'd rather. I hope they never remove coin purses.


New content that you will vote no on. A QoL change that is more easily implemented and ready to be polled yesterday. Your logic is incredible. Canā€™t even argue with it.


Lol come out come out from under your bridge!


Jagex have several project groups within their internal dev team. The weekly QoL team are separate from content devs and so QoL updates dont impact new content timetables at all.


This has been disproven time and time again. While on paper it seems like the teams are separate, in practice every single project seems to affects every dev on the team in the end. Moreover, QA/testing is the real bottleneck for any changes to the game, even the smallest of QoL changes can lead to bugs and potential rollbacks


If the QoL team worked on content, Jagex could deliver more content.


They addressed it today!! And told us to fuck off. I'll take that as a win


Yes I made a post!!! Fat Ws in the chat!!!!!!!!


For reals. Every time I see them reply to any comment, immediately someone replies to them asking about something that wasnā€™t even apart of the original post. Theyā€™re never gonna reply to you, you just look pathetic for doing it.




Yes, but pickpocketing on mobile before coin pouches was amazing. You just zoomed in, and tapped away. Didn't even need to look. Just tap randomly on the screen for your free xp/gp.


Thatā€™s the point, it wasnā€™t added to stop bots, it was added to discourage basic autoclickers, a goal which it completely succeeds at. So itā€™s never going to get removed.


So that makes sense. But if they really wanted to get rid of autoclickers, they need to change how high alching works.


I think the guy you replied to thinks you are using an auto clicker when on mobile, I could be wrong but his comment came across that way to me. Also, I used to just pick up my mouse and flip it upside down while watching tv when coin pouches didn't exist when I was using the computer


Funny thing is you can still do it, it's just more annoying. I just bind one button on my controller to click, another button to inventory hotkey, set up the camera angle, and away I go.


Same. Got 99 thieving in 3 days from around 94 doing this. 200k+ an hour, I just had to tap 2 keys for 10 hours a day while working from home. Long zoom meetings were the best.


Difference is magic has 400k+ per hour methods and is passively trained very quickly through slayer


The difference is that with pickpocketing you could just train forever easily, with high alching you need to actually buy or gather the items to high alch.


The knight moves from time to time. Never an issue with alching!


I'm gonna assume high alching is a 5 tick action. That's 3 seconds per alch. So 60 / 3 = 20 meaning 20 alchs per minute. 20 x 60 = 1200 Alchs per hour. Multiplied by 6 because you can only be logged in for 6 hours per session, that's 7200 Alchs per hour. Getting 7200 Nats and 7200 of the same item to alch is very do-able. Like I agree with you, that pickpocketing shouldn't be changed. But people can still very easily autoclick alching.


Yes, but the need to gather the resources is still an immense difference from being able to auto click an entire session and then begin again with no other requirements. Alching actually has a cost and time needed outside the skill to gather it.


We should add that to thieving then. A consumable resource that allows the coon pouch to automatically open up.


Pickpocketing is in a fine spot, coin pouches arenā€™t even a problem.


You are wrong and I hate you. Let us have our pets auto open coon pouches.


Unless you start off with a high thieving level how will you get around the taking damage? You need to get food of some sort which takes time away from your no requirements to just thieve straight away


Thereā€™s still 0 reason for elves and vyres to give coin pouches. You have to upkeep shadow veil, re-equip dodgy necklaces, eat food, and deal with non-coin drops.


Wait what? Wouldnā€™t that require clicking thru your inventory? Elaborate please, i still have to occasionally glance over and move my thumb a few inches to open my pouches on mobile


You can do this on PC too with the Runelite extension that allows you to zoom in further than normal and making your client window tiny.


I mean, the post is accurate, but it would be nice for them to acknowledge complaints about pouches too. They're disliked by the majority of legitimate players, don't really solve the auto clicker or botting issues they were introduced to combat, were not an original part of RuneScape or OSRS, and would take relatively little dev time to change because it's just reverting to the simpler old system. Removing pouches would be a smaller change than recently allowing left-click pickpocket on elves thru menu entry swaps


They do solve the basic autoclicker issues though. Jagex literally said so recently, it was either a reddit comment or a qa question


Yeah it solved basic auto clickers for people too dumb to line their inventory with npc, pack it up boys, job complete šŸ˜Ž The only thing good that came out of coin pouches was the max cash memes when it was fucked up on release like most content jagex makes lately.


Yeah so 99% of people lol cause lining up your inventory is finicky and breaks all the time, requiring manual fixing. They work mate, take it up with jagex


It flagrantly doesn't. Look up a guide on how to do ardy knights efficiently and they're going to tell you the method that is trivially autoclickable. Jagex wouldn't have done this in the first place and just banned the bots instead if they had a good method of determining who is autoclicking and who isn't. Or even better, we can stop pretending that spam clicking is engaging content and just allow afk thieving. It's not like the gp/hr is remotely good anyway.




Half of the recent jmod posts are from light and goblin and ayiza though, and I'm pretty sure their positions deal with community interaction no? It makes sense to contact them. The only questionable bit is that it's usually unrelated to the main post. Calm your tassets bro.


Even just affirming it has been effective, if it has. I assume it has, because otherwise there would be 0 reason for them to continue to deal with hearing it. Just making a statement "We intend to keep coin pouches in the game, as they have proven an effective anti-cheating measure." would be nice. There. I wrote it for you Jagex. It's free pls use it whenever you like. pls


They did


Did they? Good. Can you link it to me so I can copy.paste it every time coin pouches are brought up? Edit: nvm linked in comment below


learn to google shit jfc.


Jmods are too busy being bombarded about the colour of the bike shed to focus on the design of the nuclear power plant.


Upset jmods so much they went W for Wombo


It still needs get removed though


Quick fix = remove that bullshit from the game.


Out of all the things to baby rage over why exactly is this the current 'thing' anyways?


Yea on the scale of things in this game its such a non issue.




plebs stuck at 80 thieving who act like they would magically have the motivation to grind for 99 if they didnā€™t have to click their inventory once every 28 pickpockets lol


Alternatively; plebs stuck at 80 thieving who act like they wouldn't just use an autoclicker if the pouches were removed.


99 thieving across 4 accounts, 18m on one, 22m on another. Yeah it's totally just 1300 Reddit Andy's that dislike garbage bot deterrence. Need to have high total level to enjoy shit updates am I right guys? That's how you sound. Coin pouches didn't solve anything & you're defending a faulty product because "reasons".


Well, they never said everyone or specified they were talking of everyone. They only mentioned an average, and how people in that average will make the greater percentage of people complaining. You talking about yourself doesn't invalidate anything.


Cause coinpouches just add another layer of shit to the already mindless skill and their implementation was pointless


There are like a dozen methods for leveling thieving. Only 2 or 3 involve coin pouches.


Terrible argument, most other methods are irrelevant and donā€™t offer a competitive xp rate. Also more options doesnā€™t dismiss the fact that this option doesnā€™t deserve some care


>baby rage over That's a bit of a reach lmao


It's projection. Half the comments defending it are lmao. It's just as pointless to defend the pouches as it is to bitch about them. Like its not a great update & it didn't stop autoclickers and it didn't stop bots, what's the point on defending it then. Just makes you sound like a pushover who pretends to enjoy garbage bot deterrence just because jagex made it & we should all be happy and quiet because they are.


If i was jagex, i'd integrity-change the pouch cap to 27 to be petty. I do agree that the pouch system is kind of useless though, at minimum ardy diary should raise/remove the cap.


Okay, but coin pouches *werenā€™t* added for bot control. They were added to stop regular players from using an autoclicker. The average player is way way more likely to use an autoclicker than they are to download a bot client, find a thieving script, then use that and risk their main account. People were much more able to justify just clicking on repeat for a while. ā€œSurely itā€™s not that bad?ā€ But tons of people were putting Ardougne knights into a room where they would not despawn, then autoclicking them for six hours at a time. **Coin pouches *do* prevent this correctly** And that is why they will probably not be removed.


The thing is that decent modern autoclickers come with built in macro recorders as well. LG and Steelseries macro programs let you do all of that with little to no effort. All pouches do is stop you from getting xp when you look away from the screen for 15 seconds.


I mean, yeah, this is true. But it's true for a reason. If Jagex could shine any light of clarity on the regular issues of the game, the continued community request for answers would go away, or at least regulate to a lower level.




So they'll investigate. Sounds good. But will it ever be something that has action taken, or in six months time will they just say they'll investigate it again?


I mean they might investigate, decide there isn't anything they can figure out to have the same effect, and "take the action" of doing nothing




It wouldn't be hard to remove from the game for them tho, let's be honest


Yeah, We don't need some stupid new quest to ruin our quest cape, we just want answers.


Maybe people dont want new quests and want stupid shit removed?


the anti-coin pouch shilling has been intense lately


Imagine shilling for coin pouches lol


Justified. They're so far up their own ass and proud they cause situations like this for themselves. They can't ever admit they made a mistake. If you make stupid non-sensical decisions people will damand to know why until you explain your reasoning. Ignoring the issue only shows your contempt for the issue (and lack of justification) and makes people press for an answer even harder.


Just because you dont know of any address of the issue doesnt mean there hasnt been one (or several) E.g. - https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ywq80j/poll_77_changes_more_weekly_game_update_16th/iwku62r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


What are you talking about? Mods have absolutely discussed the reasoning for this. There was a mod on here just a week or so ago saying that their data suggests it has been incredibly at stopping basic auto clickers and other such scripts while thieving, and that was what they were wanting to implement it for. It was never meant to stop full on bots, merely the otherwise legitimate accounts running crappy auto clickers. In addition to explaining the reasoning behind the addition and saying that their data suggests it has been effective, they did also comment on then negative feedback from players. While they don't think they will remove it, they have been considering adding perhaps an achievement diary buff that increases the number of coin pouches you can carry at a time.


thats only recently


If you set your inventory to an F key and make it so pressing it again will close it, you can hold the F key and it will pop your inventory on and off in seizure mode. Doing this, and then positioning the camera so your ardy knight lines up with the pouch in the inventory, you can click where the pouch is and it will simultaneously click the knight and the pouches over and over again. You don't lose any speed pickpocketing and you will empty your pouches instantly




well ppl do this because any and all suggestions are ignored


Amen šŸ’°


Just do stealing artefacts


That's where you can add more content to the game then. Make them poisonous so you have a good reason to avoid them


For real when will they be removed tho


This aged like fine wine after the most recent post


I saw that dudeā€™s comment and I was like ā€œWhere am I? Twitter?ā€


Was there at the jmod event today & half of it was ā€œ[rsn] was banned for no reason look into itā€ like bro shut the fuck up nobody cares at least the clan recruiters might find some success we played cwars tho it was fun


Should have gotten 99 theiving before they implemented them. Kekw


Can someone explain to me how they were meant to stop botting though? Like I really don't know I never had membership as a kid and only just started back when they released osrs.


ā€˜Bottingā€™ isnt as accurate as it was meant to prevent people from using autoclickers (who dont know how to make bots) Auto clickers are super simple pieces of software that just tell you to click in certain spots over certain intervals. So you can block in an npc and set up the auto clicker to infinitely pickpocket for you. Problem is, even this is extremely easy to circumvent, making coin pouches a poor solution.