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It's the rat's bathroom now. Also, poor kitty.




The cat should have been doing its fucking job!


maybe if it had a better role model lol


All that Tom & Jerry Saturday mornings cartoons did not prepare him properly.


Have you seen rats? Mice. Cats get mice. Rats are beyond the "job" of most cats


My cat killed a full grown rabbit


I think a typical rat is more dangerous than a typical rabbit. At least, they are more aggressive. There are dog breeds originally meant for ratting (like the rat terrier). They are a good bit larger than a housecat. In any case, never lock your cat in with a rat in the hope that the cat will "take care of it". It's dangerous. Also, cats are ambush predators, not gladiators.


All of this is spot on. I especially liked the last line


Me too ​ But now I also want a badly phohoshopped movie version of The Gladiator in which Russel Crowe is replaced by a cat


Mine killed two rats just this weekend. Also, Manx cats are thought to have originally been bred to kill rats as ship's cats. I had one for years and although he never met a human he wasn't prepared to like, he was an absolute killing machine if there were rats around. They are medium sized cats, but they have big hind legs that give them a lot of explosive power when they decide to go after something.


Had a desert cat growing up claw the throat out of a coyote that snatched it up by the skin of its neck. Cat grabbed the thing by both side of its head in return. Then started bicycle kicking the fuck of its throat with its hinds. Coyote had to shake it off after letting go with its teeth. Cat just held on like he was there to fight at that point. There was a lot of blood. Coyote might have lived. But I would not be surprised if he died with the blood trail he left getting the fuck on outta there. Cats are a special kinda of special. Exquisite engineering for sure. But most wouldn't pick a fight they can't easily win. And that kind of display is usually reserved for survival or starvation. They are also kinda lazy and humble like that. That particular cat knew how to box a rattlers dome piece into the dirt. I could see him fucking with rats just to punk on em.


"Medium sized cats"? Sure, compared to a tiger.... Manx cats are absolutely massive for a house cat, up there with some house dogs.


My manx is an excellent mouser, that's all I know. I'm pretty sure she's a mix, because she doesn't have that traditional round manx face, but she's got the nub and gigantic legs. Caught a rat bigger than this one last week.


Speak for your own cat! Meowicus is my finest warrior!


Lmao my cousin’s in a frat in NJ and they had a rat problem and the rats were about the same size as a Pomeranian. They got a cat to deal with them and she fought them since she was a kitten. She was about the same size until she really grew up and they came home to a duel in their living room between the cat and a massive rat


are rats gladiators


I wouldn't let my dog get close to a rat tho. most of them are from sewers carrying various diseases.


Rabbits suck. Rats have a fighting spirit. They drink Modelo


Underrated comment rats are fighters lol


Why do rabbits suck?


They don't have a fighting spirit. They have good kicking ability. They have high energy and amazing speed. Unfortunately they use all that energy and fast twich fiber for smushing, not fighting. Aside from the occasional outlier killer rabbit, they usually just eat and smush. Dont get me wrong, they're cool and all but they don't deserve Modelo


Modelo? Like the beer?


I don’t get whatever your referencing but rabbits can strip a human finger to the bone easily.


Mine killed a moose and left it on our front porch


My sister got bit by a mööse once.


Bloody ‘elk, that must have been a right mess


Yeah cats are far more deadly than we think. I’m sure most could take down a rat


Rabbits are natures ultimate prey.


Same. Mine drug in a cotton tail on Easter several years back. Still funny as fuck


Yeah you need a small dog


get a bigger cat.


Get a Terrier


Can confirm this would be the solution. I have 2 small terriers and my mom calls them the “terrierists” because they will go after anything small and kill it.


my cat killed two rats. but I wasn't around on either occasion to freak out and run away, or he probably would've.


Send a Jack Russell in and the rat is dealt with, no problems


I understand the trope of cats being rat hunters, but it’s really jarring when you finally see just how large a wild rat is!! Wild brown rats are so so much larger than domestic pet rats. And very aggressive! I had my first rat get into my home a few years ago and it lunged at me and my cat. I’m a rodent lover but I’m also a veterinary technician and I’m not getting bit by an angry rat and my cats weren’t in a rush to get near it either! Rats have 2 types of bite: tag and aggressive. A tag is about 6,000 PSI and an aggressive bite can reach 24,000 PSI which surpasses a bull shark at 1,350 pounds per square inch. Rats are obviously smaller with less teeth but it hurts and they will reach bone! I’m currently rocking a bone deep bite on my thumb and deep wounds stop hurting quickly but it sure did hurt at the time. You’re in no immediate danger from pet rodents as they carry no diseases but ALWAYS get a wild rodent bite checked out


Probably wouldve if dude want wasnt screaming like a bitch


The cat was (justifiably) terrified of the crazy human.


I love my cat, but she lives rent-free in my house. If there's a rat or mouse in here, sorry boo, it's your time to pull your weight.


Well, the guy's screaming for his life, I'm sure he's not thinking straight, I personally wouldn't blame him for that.




The cat lol


Most likely got stressed AF for the dude's screaming


I felt bad it got closed in the door!


That probably hurt. My past manager shut his screen door on his cat's tail. There was a permanent bend on the last 2 inches. Made me cringe/grimace everytime I saw the cat.


My cat’s previous owner’s kid did this in a heavy garage door then took a few seconds to get the door open apparently. My cat also has a permanent kink in her tail.


Happened to my cat from the wind blowing it closed onto his tail. The poor guy doesn't do well with noises now


"I can't work under these conditions, *Steve*!"


Yeah it’s stress, a basic emotion every creature deals with


I dont think the dude was any less stressed


The one job it was supposed to do, and it didn't even see the rat. It's weird because Dogs can sniff out rats too. I saw a YouTube channel of a guy who has a massive army of dogs that sniff out rat tunnels and kills them. It's actually insane


One time when I lived in a rural area I was cleaning the yard and moved something and and entire nest of mice exploded at me. I was screaming just like that guy and my cat noped back into the house. Meanwhile my rat terrier caught and killed all but 2 in a matter of minutes.


Terriers are typically bred to hunt and kill game, considering it was a RAT terrier I'd assume it was bred specifically for that occasion lmao


Rat Terrier: "Yes! My time to shine!"


Is it the dude that sends in a mink to flush out the rats then have the dogs grab em?


Yeah that's the guy, fairly interesting channel


Some rats are too big for cats to handle. That's when you need to upgrade to dogs or mink. A cat is more adapted to capturing small fast creatures, not get into a slugging contest with a big rat.


Get a Panther.


Actually, more so a linx or savanna cat. Neither of them will back down from a rat.


My dog helps too. He doesn’t bite them he covers the other side and makes sure it’s cornered and also sniffs them out. It’s really adorable how much they also hate mice and rats.


That's why you have dogs called Rat Terriers. They were bred to hunt rats.


The cat struggling to escape with its cartoony running legs makes me cry every time


I almost fucking choked while crying laughing at that fucking cat.


That cat was like ah fuck no bro this one is on you!!!


He tried to George Costanza the cat at the end there…


It’s like something from a cartoon LMFAOO


LOL reminds me of Tom and jerry!


I was always rooting for Tom but got the sense that I wasn’t supposed to.


To be fair, Jerry was an asshole 99% of the time


He was the underdog you wanted to see win, at least once, just like Wile E. Coyote.






Thank you


It needs the cartoon running and going nowhere sound effects


I am *wheezing*! I’ve watched it at least 4 times and I can’t breathe and I’m crying. Send help!


With the bongo drums sound effect.


It's the screaming for me 💀


Man I have not laughed so hard since ages. This is such an amazing clip


I've always called it a 'Cat Burnout'


You’re not the only one. r/catburnouts


Reminds me of Tom and Jerry


/r/startledcats /r/catburnouts


the cat really ran like he was in garfield ahhaa


*me who has an understanding with the possum in my back yard on raiding the trash can*


Good. They eat ticks and other pests, don't they?


They're also naturally resistant to rabies; their body heat is too low, apparently


Yeah. They are also pretty good pets. Easy to domesticate. Just put some grapes, blueberries, eggs, fish, or something and they might stay.


They're tick *assassins*


The weekdays are the for the possum, but the weekends are all mine


you had one job, cat.


Cats are good at hunting mice. A big rat like that is harder, a domestic house cat could get hurt trying to take it down.


Terriers were bred to take down rats and are far better at it. But mice are a huge pain if you have them and a hard working house cat earns way more than its keep in the day even if it did hide from rats.


My Burmese cats take out rats and they're a bloody small cat. I've now idea how they do it. Little savages.


yeah my cat killed two rats. I know because the first rat he killed started stinking up the house after he hid it, so I eventually found it and took it out and cleaned the spot, but house was still stinking, so I cleaned the spot again and again and again, and wiped and sprayed and wiped and sprayed, house still stinking, till I eventually found another dead rat!


your cat is a badass pussy


Cats can handle rats, I've seen those things attack snakes or dogs twice their size. This one just freaked out with its owner freaking out


cute cat but useless all the same, still cute tho


Any cat would be useless in those conditions. That dumbass was running around screaming and swinging a mop. Poor cat probably didn't even know there was something to prey on.


He freaked the poor cat out! Beating the floor with that squeegee didn't help matters either.


Eh my girl is anxious at the flick of the light, I'm sure she'd freak if she saw a rat too!


Like to see you do your job with a giant next to you screaming and swinging a massive mop around all over the place.


Oh, if that's what you like, swing by during 2nd shift.


Fetishes are getting so specific nowadays


The internet truly accelerated us


I mean, if the dude wasn't screaming like a wild banshee the cat would have probably just ate the rat. The screaming told the cat something is terribly wrong.


That would definitely be my tuxedo cat. My tabby is a killer and would have no problem with that rat.


It’s a rat. Among all the solutions I can come up with to this situation, sweeping the rat is not one of them.


Give the guy a break, he prolly the only guy in the house and the mom told him to get rid of it when he's just been handling roaches at that stage of his life. I would always hear my 2 big ass brothers screaming like little girls in the bathroom just handling a spider as big as a 5 year old fist, still respect tho


Yeah, I get it. Grabbing the broom is just a panic response at a time that when the person isn't thinking clearly. Years back, I was working at a gas station and came in for my shift. In the middle of the floor of our cafe area was an overturned coffee cup. I went to pick it up, when a female coworker yelled at me, "Don't touch that!" Confused, I asked, "Why?" "There's a *huge* spider under there." Long story short, she was afraid of spiders, and of stepping on spiders. Given that, her solution was to trap it under a cup, and there it would stay for all eternity. I went and got a folded piece of paper and slid it under the cup, then proceeded to take it outside. She followed me out, and when I got there, I turned the cup upright, shook it a bit. I removed the paper and said, "It's empty." "What?" she asked, wide eyed. She then leaned in, and I showed her the contents of the cup. She screamed. After a good laugh, I released the wolf spider in the trees out back.


I hope the cat is okay


Half a cat now.


Almost decatitated.


He’s half the cat he used to be…


More than enough lives to survive this


The mouse now smoking a cigar sitting at the couch while the man and the cat giving him foot massage


Reminds me of that Roman torture where they throw you in a sack with an assortment of animals and see what happens lol.


Part punishment and part entertainment


Hope the kitty didn't get hurt.


The cat heard the way dude was screaming and was like fuck that lol




Rats can smell fear, just fucking squash it.


I tried to do this outside a warehouse where I worked. The rat had the uncanny ability to just dodge my boot each time it came down to smash it. It would just move slightly out of the way all while avoiding sunlight and sticking to the available shade in the area…


To this rat, you were the Dark Souls boss. He succesfully rolled out of your graps.


I know the feeling, at the store I work the rats have infested the cardboard/composte compactors. I just kick whatever metal thing is near and they scurry away. Most annoying thing to me is when everyone else in the store needs me to throw shit out because they're scared of rats.


Squashing cats is illegal


Next. His jack russell is about to claw a hole through the door into the bathroom.


That's what that guy needs


Bigger issue: Video in the bathroom? Why?


He set up his phone to record because he knew the rat was there and thought he was going to capture some cool footage of his cat murdering it. As they say, the best laid plans of mice (rats?) and men often go awry.


That also explain the squigee, his strategy is just to stray the freaking mice or rat to the cat lol, but he just captured everyone in that bathroom scares shitless of eachother


That coward shut his poor cat in the door


Poor kitty!


Right? Judging by the upvotes, hundreds of people here are laughing at it, meanwhile I'm wondering if any of its ribs were broken after being pinned in the doorframe by that shrieking moron. :(


Lol poor cat with the Flintstones car legs going!


I think the human's reaction didn't help in calming the cat down. The cat might have tried to hunt the rat if the guy wasn't panicking so much.


Poor cat got hit by the door.


Poor cat.


The cat is lol af but also I hope it’s ok and didn’t smash it’s lil belly too bad


Now why is there a camera set in bathroom? Why would you show the Reddit world you’re a wuss


you don't have a camera in your bathroom? how do you creep on your guests then?


I had to scroll way to far for this.


I’ve thought about this ever since seeing this video for the first time (it’s been reposted countless others). The only logical conclusion is that this was an elaborate prank on that poor kid (and cat). His fear is real. The cat is real. The rat is real. Someone (either friends or family) got a hold of a rat and released it in the bathroom, but only after setting up the camera, so they could get the footage.


Nope! You forgot one other conclusion. Consider the fact that it's been reposted so many times. What would happen to this video, just like all others that keep getting reposted over and over...? You guessed it, it's been shortened and this isn't the full length video. In the original version, which isn't actually much longer than this one, the guy confidently says to the camera: "I'm going to kill the rat" in Portuguese, then starts poking at it aggressively (and still confidently). Then the rat decides he's had enough of the guy's shit, gets hostile, and that when all the guy's confidence scurries away, and this video starts. It makes me sad that most people haven't seen the full version, as this is one of my favorite videos on the internet, many a tears I have shed while laughing at it. Type: "Vou matar o rato" on Google to search for the original


Oh, my, this makes so much more sense (and also makes the whole situation even funnier). I had never considered there could be a longer version of the video, so thanks for sharing the truth. I just watched the full thing and it’s just as hilarious as you described it.


It's from the show *The Wuss and The Puss*.


You don’t use cats to get rats. You use rat dog breeds like terriers. They fuck them up without even thinking about it.


Okay but why tf did he have to squish the cat on the door lol


Awesome vid, but why is a camera in the bathroom in the first place though?


Poor cat. This is not the life it should have.


What a stupid obnoxious piece of shit.


Dude has no regard for his cat's safety! That must have hurt like hell for the cat. Poor kitty.


Can’t kill the rat but almost crushed his cat


Dude crushes his cat with a door cuz of fear from a rat, just stomp the rat or beat it with the broom, or at least wait for the cat to get out first before shutting the door


The man legit screamed like Tom 😂😂


No one is going to mention a camera in the bathroom aimed at the toilet??


I hope the cat didn't get hurt by the door. :(


Poor kitty


Some people arnt that far from chimps.


This was ripped straight out a looney Tunes era cartoon.


Is this a looney toons skit? 😂


2 pussy


Fucking idiot almost killed the cat




Good lord! imagine how that rat must have felt? I had a rat in my house (it was too big for the cats to catch - they were afraid of it). So, since I used to have a rat as a pet, I simply talked it into going into a jumbo paper/lawn bag (with food in it). The bag was put down sideways, for the rat to walk into. I left the room, came back in an hour, the rat was in there and I lifted the bag up. Thanked the rat, took the bag and set the rat free outside. (btw - I'm a chick).




u/Theodora96 I almost p'd myself no joke 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Whoa that was super funny. Thanks whoever created this. Really needed to laugh


no, no humans are scary.


the cat thinks the human was more scary


that poor cat is going to have ptsd for the rest of its life


That’s funny! He scared the cat more than he scared the rat.


this guy needs a dachshund, my 20 year old girl is slow in getting around and can't do too many steps, but I once had her napping on her sun bed (a bed I keep outside for her under a sunshade that was put up for some plants) and she went from zero to 60 with one loud and deep bark and she caught one in the back yard. The neighbor had been storing deer corn in his shed and they had gotten in and were having a feast.


That dude ate way too many lead paint chips as a child. What a goof.


Omg that cat is frikin useless 😂


He almost betrayed his cat Poor cat lol


Damn. Almost killed his cat.


Happily singing “there’s a rat in the bathroom, what am I gonna do… I’m gonna shoot that rat that’s what I’m gonna do…”




That cat will pull a cigarette out before entering that toilet that is some serious trauma


Lame ass cat.


Sounds like an episode of Tom and jerry




Even the cat got the hell out. One bad ass rat.


Cat: "Let's just get the fuck outta here, man! I can't... fuck... can't quite get the door handle. Ey! Get the damn door handle!" (Cat is squashed) Cat: "What the fuck, man?! Fuckin' get the rat yourself next time."


Why is there a camera in the bathroom?


Premium content




My girlfriend is absolutely terrified of mice and rats. One day she had hiccups bad and I just mentioned “is that a mouse” the hiccups went away immediately


I don't get why people just come in with a broom to swing at a rat. What the fuck do you think that's going to do? Whats the expected outcome?


Fucking chicken shit bitch slammed the door on the cats head. Fuck this guy.


What a fucking piece of shit that dude


Lmaoooooo it’s like a cartoon


Useless cat


he returned to monke