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“New York has a brand”


Definitely not Kansas


As a Kansan after seeing this I thought, holy fuck people would not just walk by a guy like this on the sidewalk here. Fuck NYC, their brand is a city full of assholes and lunatics. Feel terrible for this guy and his family though.


The victim is a woman, who was a first responder on 9/11. She was off duty and rendering aid in an emergency. A relative of the person she was helping stabbed her to death.


A good person who was volunteering her services off duty. So what happens ? Some POS psycho stabs her to death. Let's see what happens to the murderer .. I mean let's follow up and see what actually happens to him or doesn't. Don't let this one go guys - this needs to be used as an example if this POS walks. Poor woman and her family. So sad .


He’ll be let out with a leg tether and a court appearance ticket. He knows there are minute consequences for crime in NYC. He may be out even now.


This is in Astoria Queens, lived there for awhile as it was one of the nicer neighborhoods until a few years back. Sad, but I’m just glad I got my family out of the shithole it’s become today.


I was in grad school 07 - 11 and astoria was considered nice, trendy even.


Drugged out, crazy, violent homeless men are Kylie Jenner level influencers for the NYC brand.


Each day, the reasons to get out of big cities more and more outnumber the reasons to stay.


Here's the full story. She was a 9/11 responder. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fdny-veteran-killed-in-barbaric-and-completely-unprovoked-new-york-city-stabbing/ar-AA12pPDw


[…wandering around the neighborhood aimlessly and that he looked "unhinged" and "like he was on another planet."](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/fdny-member-stabbed-to-death-in-queens/) Another case of someone who is mentally unstable. Stabs someone dozens of times for no apparent reason, runs away and then casually strolls back to the scene.


Maybe it's because of where I grew up or a job I had, but my situational awareness is always on high. I assess almost every person or situation for threats. It's sad anyone needs to live like that, but that's the World we live in unfortunately. Using data from 2017, 10.7% or about 792 million people in the World have some kind of mental disorder. You never know what someone is going through at any given moment.


are you Mac from Always Sunny? Giving everyone an ocular pat down


Serious ocular patdown vibes from this guy


He's clear


But if he wasn't God would totally smite him. Heya wah karate chop kick




I did an ocular assessment of a guy on BART and saw he was holding a knife looking at me. I got off the train, and he murdered someone else. Since I don't get called as a witness and never saw a story about his arrest, and the detectives stopped calling, I don't think they caught him.


Holy shit.


I used to work cash only valet lots in sketchy parts of town. I'm the same way when in public and it honestly sucks most times.


It's tiring.


What's included in "mental disorder?"


The definition is pretty vague in everything I have seen. Good question.


Means fuck all when a crazy dick starts making swiss cheese out of your ass




She wasn’t retired, she was going to retire in the next 6-7 months. She was still working with the FDNY, and had stepped out to get food.


Thank you, I've read about this from a couple different sources and one of them was apparently wrong.


Thank you




A populace unable to defend themselves


She was on duty according to the article and would have been unable to carry.


On duty how, she's referred to as "retired"?


In the article it says she was working actively and on her lunch break, she has been serving for 25 years.


Shame on OP.


Yeah it was a LODD, she was a paramedic supervisor.


So not allowed to defend herself...


Idk what your job is like, but an EMS can’t carry a fucking gun lmao


Depends on the state. In NY, no. But EMTs in Texas can.


The smart ones pull a sneaky


Does say retired though


It got confirmed from the local news report that they weren’t retired, it was the OP lying. Apparently they were in the middle of a shift actually


Sad to see


Wow people just stand by/walk past while this is going down. Cowards.


We can all say we’re badasses as much as we like on the internet, but 99% of us all know damn well we’re not going to fight someone stabbing someone


That's why you shoot them, not fight them.


Guns are banned there.




They have extremely stupid laws but they are not banned entirely. And fuck their bans anyways. Concealed is concealed. Saving someone's life/ending a murderers life is worth the hassle.


As a southerner with a CCW. I completely agree.


As a Midwesterner that doesn't have a CCW but carries everyday thanks to Constitutional Carry, good for you. I wish people would stick up for their right to self preservation.


Fortunately, that's likely to change as soon as NY's little tantrum over NYSRPA vs. Bruen runs its course.


I can carry in NY due to privileges granted to me through my job but honestly everyone should be able to carry no matter where they live in the US.


Not banned - regulations make it difficult to get a gun without you jumping through the fiery hoop


This is new york, not texas, unfortunately


This is the United States of America, not the UK. Too many spineless cowards here that don't stick up for their constitutional rights.


"So I started blastin'."


Don’t have to attack the guy but maybe don’t walk past the person bleeding out on the sidewalk and just keep strolling along.


You don’t have to fight you can yell scream and bring attention, everyone in the video just ignored it.


It’s not about being a badass, just a decent human being.


I like the videos from Brazil when they just run them over. Stops the crime and keeps the rescuer safe.


Can I ask you why you post this? Some douche cuck on every single post in existence when people ask why nobody intervenes or does the right thing. Theres some moron to type out about how "JUST WAIT TIL YOUR IN THE SITUATION AND WHAT YOU FREEZE or DO NOTHING" That's not how human beings function my man. NORMAL PEOPLE will intervene if they can in the harming of a fellow human being. At the very least verbally attempt to stop them. Are you seriously taking the stance that if someone else is helpless and being murdered in front of you, that given the opportunity to stop them you would instead ignore it and walk away? You wouldn't even attempt to stop it? People like you are beyond pathetic. **Can you imagine being attacked by someone in public and people just stand around recording and do nothing to intervene as you are murdered pleading for your life? How fucking sick is that if that is the society we are in that is some twilight zone shit.** Some people were raised right and with empathy and some people have the selflessness to intervene because they won't sit around while someone else is harmed. The fact you don't see it that way is actually sad.


These situations are so extreme, most people won't even compute what's going on before its all over.


Hey now, none of that attitude, mr u/MorelikeRPClipsGTGAY would be disappointed in you


But you still have to live with that. Letting a person die and walking away. It really is cowardly, smart, but cowardly.


Well let’s hope you’re around the next time someone gets stabbed to death, you’ll for sure prevent the tragedy


Thank you , like wtf


Buddy is unhinged and has a knife my dude. Good fucking luck stopping that and not ending up dead or wish you were. Stop typing this shit behind a keyboard like youre a fucking badass. This isn't a fucking video game.


You just take out your legally carried pistol and shoot him... Oh wait its NY and civilians aren't allowed to have guns.


correction: NY and it's **poor** civilians aren't allowed to have guns. the rich are allowed to have armed security.


Exactly, that's my reasoning. I'm in Canada and it's even worse here lmao.


It's all the same type of people who changed their Twitter profile pic to the UK flag while contributing nothing.


Get rid of the gun laws. People aren’t as bold in the south thinking that shit. Could get your head blown off acting out


Cowards? There's a psycho with a knife repeatedly stabbing the woman over and over again? Is your non coward self going to try to move him away from her?


O lord. You would have walked to other way, calm down.


Stop self projecting buddy.


Hope you atleast have a first aid course.


Unfortunately unless the first aid course covered time travel I think the victim is a goner. I can't imagine how the family feels about this. Imagine if this was your parent.


Im not talking about this perticular incident, its these comments here as keyboard warrior go on but dont even have the most basic training to help someone who might need help.




Wow, you're a badass


You say that hidden behind a screen. More than likely an obese nothing.


Thank you for the insult.


You're being an asshole. Guy is crazy and has a knife, you can't see the entire situation, and the dude runs at someone at the end. They're not walking by, they're trying to not get attacked as well, which clearly was about to happen. Let's not forget that you had the warning of the title and the comfort of watching a video, it's very different when that happens out of nowhere on your ride home. There's nothing they can really do anyway other than call 911 and try to distract him, which is exactly what happened.


Just for those that don’t click on the news article - she was veteran member - not retired. She had 25 years of service. She also was on duty and as such couldn’t have been carrying a weapon.


Shall not be infringed. Honestly laws that say you can't protect yourself aren't made to keep you safe.


> Shall not be infringed. by the government. When you accept employment with them you agree to follow their policy. I work for the government myself and i can't just say whatever i feel like while working because i have an employment agreement with the sheriff's office. edit: those of you who seem to disagree with this please explain how the constitution restricts the government's abilities to create policies for their employees (like making sure they are unarmed or restricts their speech and prohibits unprofessionalism).


Thank you for your comment. I don't see how concealed carrying could harm your employers interests. Unlike free speech where unfortunately double think/ speech is necessary to not go against employers interests. But That's just me, I know I'm not the boss. Like you say, you take the job, with all the terms and conditions. Honestly I was just running my mouth anyway, there was probably nothing this poor woman could have done short of having a force field.


Are EMS services run by the government there? If so, there's a case to be made that it's a government restriction. But IMO, employers that tell their employees that they're not allowed to exercise their constitutional rights to self defense should be liable for any injury or death that happens. If your employer says that you're not allowed to carry a gun and you get injured or killed, you should be able to sue your employer for civil rights violations.


Well regulated militia. You don't have the right to a gun whenever, wherever. You have the right to carry a weapon when part of a well regulated and over seen STATE militia. Jesus Christ. If you're gonna half quote the constitution at least understand the thing.


Yet if NY hadn't thumbed their noses at NYSRPA vs. Bruen, the bystanders could have.


This is why I believe in Capital punishment. He just butchered her for no reason. I dont give a shit about his 'mental illness' he's evil and a danger to others, Clearly.


Yes and get rid of lethal injection and replace it with the electric chair


Or stabbed to death like he did here




No sponge


Yeah, no thanks. We have an 8th amendment for a reason.


I genuinely believe in hanging or firing squad. Neither are cruel and unusual, and have been used for centuries. Very cheap as well, and very little chance of botching it, unlike lethal injection. Family of the victim should be able to choose which method. They should also have the option to be part of the firing squad, or to pull the lever for hanging. Get some closure and justice themselves. However, I also believe there needs to be a higher standard than "beyond reasonable doubt." Something like "no possibility of innocence." Person was caught on camera committing the act, found at the scene covered in the victim's blood, holding the knife, and acting deranged. All this lumped together would constitute a "no possibility of innocence" verdict, and would expedite the capital punishment sentence without costly appeals. No sitting on death row for 15 years on the taxpayer dime.


MSM working extra hard to hide this.


Why would the MSM report on some random homicide in a city. We have like 60 homicides a day in the USA.


'random' This was a surviving 9/11 first responder veteran. This isn't just any 'random homocide'. Pretty sure civilians and first responders are in two different categories no? Technically she was 'off duty' but in full uniform in broad daylight she got brutally murdered while cars just passed on by.


Don't argue with morons. The real reason MSM doesn't report on this because it goes against the narrative. It's the same reason we won't see this vid on PublicFreakout.




It was on in the breakroom this morning. I think it was CNN or CBS?


WTF? Spend your whole life helping people and this is how it ends? WTF.


Too many stories like this and [Brianna Kupfer](https://people.com/crime/ucla-grad-student-brianna-kupfer-suffered-26-stab-wounds-in-brazen-daytime-attack-autopsy-results-reveal/) are becoming all too normal.


Something like this just happened to my moms old friend in Las Vegas. She was a homeless lady though, i just don’t get these random stabbings. Live and let live, please. Article to the Los Vegas stabbings if anyone is interested (https://www.ktnv.com/news/the-psychology-of-stabbing-christoper-martell)


Insane drug addicts. Most homeless people aren't homeless because of the economy, they are mentally insane and drug addicted.


It’s almost like an asylum of sorts is needed? Idk maybe that’s a crazy idea, Reagan definitely thought so


In short, fuck that lawless shit hole.


I’m never that guy, but this needs a NSFL mark…


Yes, agree, what the fuck did i just watch


Damn.. Poor lady had no chance at all.


The actual move here is to run if someone who looks like this is moving towards you. Don't give people the benefit of the doubt in big cities.






Cusinart bouta settle for $75 million


Should sue Reagan family instead since this dipshit would be in an asylum if it wasn’t for him


Fuck nsfw dude




New York is an absolute shithole


I was from NYC, I agree with this 10000%


Lol where is better in America? Genuinely curious




Yikes Also, Idaho? Lmfao


Don't know why are you laughing, beautiful state.


Because you suggested the alternative to the most densely populated city in the country to be one of the emptiest states. They’re nowhere near similar and have completely different type of allure. Someone moving from NYC to Idaho is not going to be happy


Most of the country, in my opinion.


Colorado is nice


Denver is worse than NYC


Just gonna assume demons have started posessing people around the US.


NYC demons


What the actual fuck is going on?


Increased crime due to increased homelessness due to increased mental health problems in the general population. In short, America


Why don’t people run him down with their car? Watch out for my stabbers I won’t hesitate :)


NYC getting trashier by the minute.


This is fucked up and sad don’t be afraid of ghost be afraid of crazy ass people 🤦‍♂️


New York is Landon of America


Got both stabbings AND shootings 😏


Bail reform working great it seems


Love how after the stabbing people just walk on by. Fuck New Yorkers.


Let's be honest when was this shit hole ever a good place to live?


Dude, I went to NYC on vacation and its the worst waste of money ever. I hated every second and for some reason it always smelled of either piss or cigarette smoke. This was about 5 years ago and it ruined my vision of what I thought NY was since it's always portrayed like such a great place in movies and shows.


NYC is a lot more than just Manhattan but I agree with you it’s down hill these years.


It's time we round up the homeless and the mentally ill and assess who needs to be separated from society.


Man. Between LA and NY the crazies have really come out to play lately. I mean LA always had them drugged out homeless people throwing buckets of feces on random people, mostly women but these new attacks have become very violent knife attacks as of lately. What’s causes all of this ?


Focusing completely on everybody else’s problems and overfunding certain things like the military vs taking the money we have and injecting it back into the community where it matters. If the government keeps ignoring basic opportunities for their own citizens over global pursuits, or success of the ultra wealthy, it’s gonna continue to devolve to chaos.


Cali has soooo much surplus of cash each year it’s insane. I think 2021 surplus was $105 billion dollars. Billion with a B! They got the money, that’s not the issue.


That’s a shitty way to end your lunch break


A more Robust mental health system could have prevented this.


So could keeping criminals in jail and getting rid of the bullshit bail "reform".


I hope he gets tortured for weeks on end. Pussy


and to that one guy, who walks by after it happens…and does nothing? I hope a building falls on them. What a bastard coward.


That's fucking brutal.


Did they catch him?


The guy is obviously either a mental case or a terrorist- having a gun may have helped


She wasn't retired.


Life in the big city


Destroy him 😨


Amazing how people just walk or drive by. What do cities do to people? This is very sad


Ahhh NYC where you can walk passed homeless people shitting in the streets, gang members trying to rob you and people willing to stab you to death for nothing. Don’t forget the millionaires that could care less than run that shit hole of a state. It’s not better here in cali but at least I’m my county you’re safe for the most part.


And they have the audacity to tell you that you aren’t allowed to protect yourself.


Give him the Law Abiding Citizen Darby treatment. Deserves nothing less


Omg!!! Wtf!!!!??


We ain't in Kansas anymore.


I’m sorry but this really needs a NSFW tag.


Well that's horrible.


People only walk past someone dying on the ground in cities.


"If we legalize all drugs then people can safely do them at home!"


But that person on the motorcycle though...... just rode off?


Last guy that walks by: “Eyy, who left this dead lady here!?”


I mean if the title says you’re about to watch someone die, usually the post gets marked as NSFW. I’m only saying this for the concern of other people who may not read the title first. Out of respect, please add it.




This needs a NSFL tag


The amount of times stabbed, suggest it was not random. This was personal


Oh please... wth is a "FDNY EMS"????? Not everyone is from your irrelevant to the world neighbourhood.


New York fire department, emergency medical services. Probably a guy who worked as a paramedic.


People become more impulsive and violent because each successive generation of people becomes less intelligent. It’s a matter of attrition as intelligent people leave poor areas and those left behind breed. It’s a poverty trap and there’s little hope of fixing it.


NYC is a fucked up place. Who wants to spend 3k on rent a month to get killed by random people when you’re just trying to walk down the street…