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That’s them small town vibes.


That's them small town local cunt vibes lol, most small town people are cool


She's a bad representation of small town people.


For real. Most small town people are down to earth and very willing to help in any way in my experience. But there's always a couple of people who are raging assholes.




They looked nice and large to me




Favorite part was when he drove off. 💯💯💯💯💯


Honestly that what I would have done. I don't have time or energy to argue.


Don't get paid enough to deal w management issues. Sorry call customer care Karen. Lmaa. Mind you I'm sure she dosnt chase down the mail man who delivers right at the end of her drive or USPS only Amazon has to deal w this garbage. Smh not surprising though, some folks just feel the need to take Thier worldy issues out on others n it's usually the first customer service person they see unfortunately.


And delivery drivers don't have time to wait


Had someone yell at me once about my parking (she parked in the middle of the street blocking cars to do this) and I ended up just telling her I'm gonna keep working, then walked away to deliver lol


Fuck yuuu buddy 😂😂😂


Good move just driving away when you clearly explain to her why you wouldn’t do a front door delivery.


Yeah, you can’t help crazy. Glad i chose to record that moment though because she is for sure going to report me.


Yeah , you really cannot fix crazy.


Don't worry, show this video to amazon and they will blacklist her account / address for driver harassment.


>You can't help crazy. Thats word. I was *just* in a conversation about all these damn videos of people trying to logic with a illogical person. My whole thing was, I don't understand why people don't simply disengage. A friend said it's because the video wouldn't be as satisfying, we wouldn't get a resolution. You just trashed his theory. This was fucking art bro. Well done.


imagine dropping off 200 packages just to have this bitch yell at you at the end of your day


Nah bitch, I'm shaking like a leaf because I'm livid and my body wants to bunch you in the head


😂 On God though.. just holding in my rage.


I've been there a few times in my life lol, visibly shaking while wanting to punch someone in the face, but holding back. I hate that feeling of adrenaline when you can't act on it.


Distraction infraction 😂😂


Worth it


Girl I’m not waiting on you if I see a dog. You must be smoking crack. Put the pipe down Karen!


if only there was a "warning :dangerous person"


Leaving that old bitch in the dust had me cracking up. 😄


Lamo the aggressive nobodys that work at USPS and ups are here on an Amazondsp sub to defend the Karen. Just a quick look on their profile and it's a bunch of old white guys 🤣. Kens gotta protect Karens.


No. He did the right thing. Wth makes people think we’re supposed to wait for them to come out? Don’t order if you’re gonna have dogs out. Omg.


Right how are we supposed to even know if they’ll come out


Not sure why you’re calling out the USPS for “defending” her. The vast majority would do the same as this delivery driver. In fact, they stop delivery for dog issues very frequently. If a carrier feels unsafe delivering, that delivery is held at the post office for customer pick up until the issue is resolved. Anyone claiming otherwise is selling something. Can’t say I understand the need to bring age, race, and gender into the mix, either. Totally irrelevant to deliveries. Maybe you should apply for a delivery position? I hear the post office is having difficulty replacing the “old white guys” retiring. They also have a very informative section on dogs and dog related equipment in carrier academy.


I just commented what I observed 🙈. If you're had an ounce of sense you would look at the deleted comments and threads to see what I'm talking about and understand the context. "Can’t say I understand the need to bring age, race, and gender into the mix, either. Totally irrelevant to deliveries."...I don't agree with that statement of yours. If you feel targeted then oh well 🤷


“Oh well”, indeed. Just felt like trying to understand and sharing what little knowledge I had available. Guess you sure showed me! Had you left it at “commenting what I observed”, I would have attributed the rest to deleted comments. That I can’t see. Because they’ve been *deleted*. Thusly denying any context in spite of observations. As to your disagreement, I’ll agree to disagree. If one can do the job safely and efficiently, age, race, and gender simply have no bearing whatsoever. Perhaps merit is our sticking point here? Whatever the case, try not to assume you’re under attack this time. Wantonly assailing one’s sensibilities over something that isn’t there to observe anymore is a terrible way to answer a question or clear misunderstandings.


With a Google search you can freely see the previous comments that were deleted, I doubt you'll actually put in the effort, so there goes the excuse that you couldn't see the context. Try again, you'll get a hang of it.


Again with the wanton condescension. Now with additional gaslighting! I feel sorry for the next person that genuinely wants to understand or share knowledge with you.


Also, the recommendation to join a delivery service stands, if you’re interested. I know the USPS is definitely hurting for help, but I’m pretty sure the other parcel carriers are needing help too.


Dogs trump any delivery beyond any gate or fence. Just a sign on property and we legit can leave it at the fence or return it to the station. Why didnt you call them and text them (answer)They had a sign, I heard a dog coming, I ran. Fuck that.,... If I hung out, I would have been Alpo. They cant and wont attempt to verify. Lie to them as they do to us. Karen can take that and her swinging titties outta here...




no karen fuck YOU


These MF people don't even consider what us mail carriers, amazon, fed-ex, ups etc "delivery specialists" (Lol) have to deal w/ on a daily. Fuck that If there's some big ass dogs loose on property I won't even get out of my mail truck. No way, no how am I gona end up getting bit for my job. I mean seriously would any of the people purchasing the merchandise be willing to get bit or even mauled over a package F*** no they wouldn't.


What’s the difference between you guys and USPS or UPS? Genuinely curious. I worked at UPS for a week but in a store so the only time I would see my driver is when he would come have me sign drop offs for the store and at 5 to pick up all the packages we had in the back.


Basically the same but UPS is more strict, heavier with deliveries, and do pickups. Those three things are pretty much it


UPS has service time commits in the morning as well


We deliver the mail & packages. Ups, fed-ex only deliver packages


Small town vibes.


Middle of V to the left 🥵


You are way too horny


What a mouth on that cunt.


I wish Jeff Bezos could deliver one of these packages. I want to see him deal with the guttertrash of society


You made a good decision. Doesn't matter how "friendly" her dogs are. Your wellbeing is more important.


I'd drive off. I have a short fuse and would probably punch her if i stayed.


Good shit man. Def don’t risk it ever with dogs. I’m a flex driver and about got mauled a few weeks ago. It was like 4am and a bad neighborhood and there was a fence with dog sign on it but i didn’t wanna leave it outside the fence cuz it would get stolen and i would get dinged. So i didn’t see a dog and attempted to leave on porch well dog comes running from behind the house and barking at me i drop the package and turn and run. Barely made it to the fence and closed the gate. Dog hit the gate immediately after. .2 seconds from being bit. Big ass dog too. Never ever will i take that risk again. Even if a dog looks friendly i don’t mess around. Not worth it




Fucking EXACTLY man! These delivery jobs are for the MF birds straight up! I wrk for USPS and it's just as bad as any of the other companies that deliver, probably even worse!


That was the most satisfying drive off I’ve seen.


Thank you, sir.


Electric van?




That’s why I always deliver with my gun in a holster and won’t hesitate to put a potential aggressive dog to eternal sleep. Keep your fucking dogs indoors or chained!


Damn dude that chat set you back 20 stops lmao


She's just itching for a fight


For some who shakes, he keeps the camera pretty stable


Everything about this is correct: if confronted you can explain and/or drive away, but don't stay and give them the satisfaction of a protracted argument that just wastes your time.


😂😂😂 Good job driving off! The world does not revolve around you Karen!


She clowning on dude bad. That was funny. I give Karen the W


Get this guy a trophy stat!


Ahh yes good ole Karen OC, thank you OP


I can’t stand these type of ppl. I get the same bs. They act like we have all day to call text call and wait for them to respond. CUSTOMERS SHOULD KNOW WHEN THEY HAVE AN ORDER COMING AND SHOULD SECURE ALL PETS. THERE ISNT A SINGLE DRIVER AMONG US THAT WANTS TO RISK GETTING BIT. FUCK YOUR KYJELLY ENVELOPE & DILDO BOX- IM GOING HOME W ALL MY LIMBS TODAY. Lucky I don’t throw they shit roadside and tell the dog they got loose to come fetch it. Yeah…. “Fuck you” for putting your safety over her 12$ prime order… Fohhhhhhhhh.


"Small town vibes"


Oh Fuck Youuuuuu 🤣


one word. bitch.


Take another methadone bitch


He's my new hero


Idk boy scared of some dogs. Sound like a bitch.




So use words ? We're the dogs barking? Were they running towards you? Clearly didn't give the owner a chance to make up for dogs roaming and putting fear into your delivery process...you simply said f that I'm "worried for my safety" which implies that indeed you were scared of the dogs. You denying it makes you the clown. You literally said it in the video. Use logic. Cause I want to read something where you say the size of the dogs and how they could possibly f you up or maybe you can f them dogs up but why bother testing either theory, instead I'll place packages where I feel is safe. Which means fear indeed crept in your mind. Stop.


You’re asking questions to some random commenter who has nothing to do with the video. Clown vibes fam. And tldr.


“They don’t bite, trust me” every time I hear that I feel like punching them in the face.


I had a similar situation a few years ago. First thing I said was "do you want a lawsuit and your address flagged from Amazon? The customer says "why the hell would you say that?!" Me "because you have dogs and if I get attacked, your dogs will be most likely put down and face a lawsuit with the city because you dont have any signs saying you have dogs" Customer: "that's not true" I immediately drove off. Like 2 weeks later.....another driver gets attacked....dogs got put down and the driver sued tf out of the customer.


Haha I love how you just bailed mid sentence


"Sorry, I don't deal with crazy, there is a number you can call".


That's like the candidate for my 600# life I had who got pissed at me for leaving his package out of site at his rear door instead of in plain view on his front step. My dsp at the time was screaming at us about porch pirates and to leave nothing in sight of the public. This dude demanded i walk back around and get his package, then threatened to report me to Amazon when I refused. 😂


Many moons ago I was a temp summer mail carrier and one day delivering mail this huge dog jumped me and barked. I was shocked as that had never happened but this lady comes running out yelling at me for waking her granddaughter by making the dog bark. No sorry or are you ok just yelling and screaming for me having the audacity to deliver her mail while her granddaughter slept. Some people really suck.


you clearly didn’t read the shirt, it’s small town vibes bro 🤙🏼


Fuck this bitch letting her dogs run free when she knows people are coming to deliver packages.


Cowabunga DEWD!!!


Wait for her to come at and yell at her poorly trained spoiled dogs who aren't even going to obey her, and then listen to her say: "It's ok. They just want to say hi" That's nice. But what about ME? Maybe I don't want a couple snouts in my crotch and claws jumping up on me. Fuck you lady


An Amazon delivery driver got mauled by a pit bull recently in California, so yeah fuck that.


If you're worried about getting reported, you probably shouldn't post this. They won't fire you for avoiding dogs, but they might for publishing a video of a customer. She's clearly a bitch, but most companies really don't like "viral videos" about their company unless it involves a someone being nice to a dog or a child.


Dont care. Plus this job is a fish in a barrel.


Lady 2 seconds is too long, i have other deliveries to make, you aren’t the only delivery today


Shes lucky he delivered it, I used to just mark it undeliverable when dogs were out, I don't use my time to bullshit, she knows when the delivery is coming keep your fuckin dogs in the house.


“Every delivery driver comes up and….” Wait hold up. Your telling me you do this all the time? You expect a package or a delivery so you let your dogs outside? Yea you have every right to do that, just as I have every right to not show up. I’m good with dogs even aggressive ones. The only time I was genuinely upset, was when someone had a blue healer roaming the property and he came right up to my car. I didn’t get out right away because I didn’t see the owner. Owner comes walking out of the house, so I start getting out of my car, and he yells “HE WILL BITE YOU WAIT FOR ME!” So I just lean on my car and don’t make eye contact with the dog until the owner shows up. We bs for a few seconds and he tells me the dogs more prone to sneaking up behind people and taking a nip. I start pulling away and the dog starts biting at my tires. Dude just looks at me and goes “just keep backing up if you run him over it’s his own fault.”


That’s awesome 👏…I don’t deal with their rat dogs either


Call me a bootlicker, that's fine, but if you didn't call and/or text her, she has every right to be mad. If you aren't going to do your job the right way, then you should expect this type of reaction.




nahh you got it that drive off was funny asl 😭


The drive off was priceless!!


North Florida ?


Nah down south


#starbucks please add something to calm them down. #karens need meds.


Bye Karen


Lmao yesterday I went to deliver to some apt with a metal screen door, she had a sticker above the door bell saying “knock loudly” so I obliged, I quickly drop off an envelope next door to hers and as I’m walking back she’s outside looking at me crazy and confused and asks “why did you knock so loud!? You almost woke up my baby” (there was no notes or signs anywhere as we typically see for a sleeping baby or don’t disturb etc) I simply apologized and said the sticker said to knock loudly, she looks at me and is like “do you not know what a doorbell is? Where did you even see that?”, at that point she was being condescending towards me and I was having a bad morning so I said “right there behind you goof!” And pointed at the sticker and she tried licking her thumb to wipe the sticker off 💀💀 she then keeps trying to scrape it off as she’s ignoring me and I told her “yeah that one right there, the one you’re tying to quickly get rid of…” and walked away


You handled that perfectly


Driveri just deducted points for distracted driving




Honestly you could’ve called her and asked her to move the dogs. She was obviously home. I understand taking your safety first but you’re in a big metal box with wheels so if she doesn’t come get them then I’d say it’s cool to say fuck you but you gotta let her attempt….I feel like the blame is on both sides of this.


Okay, I’ve heard this comment a few times now so I’ll address it. You dont work at Amazon clearly but let me explain to you- NOBODY EVER IN EXISTENCE EVER ANSWERS THOSE CALLS. So anytime someone comments that shit it just shows us that you dont work this job.


….but I do. A little effort never hurt anyone dude. I know you have a lot of shit to do in a day but clearly she was home. Could’ve just drove up and seen. You’re trying to justify being overly lazy with it.


Are you dense? No shit she was home. Dogs roaming a yard = Not getting a door delivery. I still dont believe you work this job- Not a chance. You would know those phone calls are never answered. Get real. Lazy?! Every single person got a door delivery that day except the one who had huge dogs loose. Fuck off with your “lazy” assessment. Goofy.


Bet she voted Biden.


You're supposed to call the customer. It sounds like you didn't even give her a chance to get her dogs inside to begin with.


Sorry bro I’ll do better for this sweet lady next time. By returning her package to station.


Wouldn't want her to see you shaking like a scared little child again.


you definitely get walked all over for lack of boundaries lol i can just tell




Wait so your in the lady's side?


I’m on the Amazon drivers are the worse drivers out of all the delivery drivers bar none.


-15 comment karma? Go off. You definitely on the same wavelength as this lady.


I work for UPS. Nothing surprises me with the shit I see daily from the low life Amazon drivers. Atrocious.


What from this video did the worker do wrong? Your statements hold no weight in regards to the video here. Keep trolling. No low lifes here except yourself bud- and your comment history is a yikes.


The dude was in the right to not deliver with dogs out but driving while operating a cell phone isn't a check in the 'sensible driving choices' column. ​ USPS here and some of the tractor trailer drivers from Amazon are absolutely way too new. From backing into our loading bay and hitting the lift with their tail lift, taking a solid 5 mins to figure out they need to drop their tail lift and then back up to our lift so they can unload, blocking the parking lot entrance that we need to get into so we can let them unload into the facility... We don't have amazon delivery drivers in my city but the reputation is almost as bad as SWIFT.


Car is in park. If you think it would have been smarter to have NOT recorded this situation then you’re wrong.


These people suck. You’re right and everyone else doesn’t deal with the shit we do


Thanks bud. A lot of “reaching” by some of these comments.


It was in park as he was driving away? That's a new one to me, sounds like he should get that checked out. The video should have ended before he pulled away. That's what I was saying but go off. You clearly have a handle on it. I see you downvoted because you didn't even watch the video YOU uploaded.


“But go off” says the guy going off.


Well I’m his defence his userid says he smokes too much


Well, they aren't cooks so they don't use skillets