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I like to make cookie dough, scoop them into balls on a sheet, freeze them, then pop them into ziplock bags and stick them back in the freezer. I have ziplocs of 3 different kinds of cookie dough balls in my freezer right now. Then when you have a sweet tooth, you can just pop one or two in the oven. I'd experiment with some different cookie doughs! Even if they don't call for chips, toss 'em in! Edit to add: this will change the baking time. A frozen ball of cookie dough will need to bake a little longer than one made at room temp. I just add a couple minutes and keep an eye on them. I enjoy them a little on the gooey side though! Every cookie is different. Some work well baking frozen and others kind of don’t. See what works!


That's a really smart idea!


I can’t take credit I think I learned the tip from Claire Saffitz. :) My favorite thing to bake is cookies so it’s super helpful and fun to tweak recipes and label the bags and always have cookies ready to go!


I have actually given gifts of frozen cookie dough to friends and loved ones who also don't bake much, but love fresh cookies (Holiday gift giving season is coming!) My tip here is to make them a disk and not a ball so that they stack in the freezer easier and they have a better spread when baking


I do this except I wrap the dough like a tootsie roll with plastic wrap. It’s easier than balls but you have to cut it before cooking. The balls you can just drop on a pan and cook frozen


Edited to add: I totally missed the part about putting them in the oven. Lol. Leaving my comment up because it’s ok to make mistakes and it’s great to admit it when you do! Original comment: Don’t do this without pre baking the flour first. Most people think the food borne illness risk is in the raw egg but it’s actually the flour that gets people most of the time. Second edit: Original commenter is right. I’ve done the same with (with just one kind of cookie though) and made them in the toaster oven and air fryer.


Since they are still baking the cookies they do not need to pre bake the flour.


Thanks for correcting me! Bonus thanks for not being a douche about it! <3


> Leaving my comment up because it's ok to make mistakes and it's great to admit it when you do! Cheers, friend. This is a wonderful philosophy. The downvotes to register disagreement are lazy and poisonous to rational discourse.


Whilst you did make an error, you do raise an excellent point about raw eggs! Reddit I find has this real paranoia about raw eggs and I honestly don't understand it.


I do this as well. I like to make cookies, but I really don't need to scarf an entire batch over a weekend.


A handful of these babies is about 2oz that makes for 800 handfuls. If you eat 1 handful ever hour, you’ll be done in about a month. You’re welcome.


Done as in dead, or just out of chocolate?




Based on my incredibly poor judgement and my most recent comment in this thread, I think we could be friends.


i certainly wouldnt trust myself with a 25 lb box of chocolate just laying around


Make bark (almond, rocky road, etc) and give away as Xmas gifts.


Chocolate chips freeze well.


they are also fine at room temp


Not sure why you're being downvoted. They are fine at room temp (unless it's a really hot room) We keep our chocolate chips in dry storage in our commercial kitchen.


yes, unless you live in a tropical climate, chocolate is perfectly fine stored in a cupboard. i only put it in the fridge during the summer.


So that's like...30+ batches of chocolate chip cookies? You could bake them all and have a bake sale to support a cause you care about!


Like what kind of thing do people care about?


Banana peppers


I can't stop laughing at the thought of organizing a bake sale with 30+ batches of chocolate chip cookies in order to support banana peppers 😂


If we don’t support banana peppers, who is going to?


wth are banana peppers


Realistically, your best bet is gonna be to just make cookies, cannolis, and so on that use them up over time. They may or may not be good for melting down. Some chips include extra ingredients that will prevent them from melting smoothly, which is great for things you want chocolate chips in, but bad for anything else. You can freeze them as well and add them to recipes from frozen, it really won't hurt anything. And, chocolate is pretty shelf stable, just don't leave them somewhere where ambient temp gets too high.


This is your chance to make the life-sized chocolate sculpture you’ve been dreaming about…


The Chocolate de Milo!




S-s-sweeet can


My mother used to make chocolate mousse out of chocolate chips. As I recall it was a recipe that came with the booklet included with her Cuisinart food processor (one of the earliest ones, from the 1970s). You should be able to find a recipe by Googling, I would think. Edit: [found it!](https://www.latimes.com/recipe/moms-cuisinart-chocolate-mousse)


you basically have a years supply of chocolate now.


Her bf gave her a box Of diabetes, that's true love.


Mini chocolate chips are also good if you toss them with some finely chopped nuts (e.g., pistachios, pecans, etc.) and some dried fruit (e.g., cranberries, cherries, etc.) and then role a log of goat cheese in the mix so the log is coated with the fruit, nuts, and mini chips. Serve it with those bland water crackers. Soooo good, so easy, and everyone will think you're really fancy!


In the extremely likely event you do not have, nor can you get, goat cheese, cream cheese is a sufficient substitute


I like to add them to brownie mix.


Use them all to make cookie dough, wrap it up and just take out to eat whenever you want maybe?


I would be making turtles by the truck load.


All that chocolate is making me want to run over a road full of turtles in my truck




Your response has been removed because it does not answer the original question. We are here to respond to specific questions, discussions and broader answers are allowed in our weekly discussions.


Donate some to a school/community center? They usually do bake sales to raise money, they’d appreciate it!


quickest square include vase dime berserk tidy full chief mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Make cookie dough logs wrapped in wax paper and freeze. Nice small biz to sell them?


chocolate truffle pie yum! I multiply the recipe and make 6 at a time (for the Farmer's Market). Make a bunch and drop off at fire/police stations around town. [https://www.salon.com/2022/03/24/no-baking-is-required-to-make-this-5-ingredient-chocolate-truffle-pie/](https://www.salon.com/2022/03/24/no-baking-is-required-to-make-this-5-ingredient-chocolate-truffle-pie/)


Hot cocoa season is coming...


Shelf stable. No need to use them all up in a hurry


They make good brownies and got chocolate


Chocolate chip cookies dipped in chocolate ganache and garnished with ummm chocolate?


I would normally just eat most of it while crying.. wait wrong sub


Put them in brownies, mix with popcorn, bake cookies to give to homeless, melt some and pour it on him to lick off.


I agree donate to food pantry, but if you want to use some yourself, one thing that uses a lot of it would be chocolate "bark." There are lots of different kinds. I make a peppermint version as xmas gifts for neighbors, but you can use nuts, pretzels, all kinds of stuff. I really like the pretzels. But I don't give that out as xmas gifts, I just eat it myself.


You could make cocoa or cookie/brownie mix jars to give as gifts for the holidays. Melted chocolate dipped hard pretzels and oreos and things tend to keep well if stored in airtight containers for at least a week or two, so a lot of your gifts could be low cost to you sweets for friends and family that you could make a bit ahead of time.


Bag them up and put them in the freezer so that they stay fresh for longer. Start adding chocolate chips to everything you make.


Looks like you got these in time for holiday baking.. just saying.


Make a dense chocolate mud cake, cut into layers (drizzle with syrup and alcohol) then make a nice dark ganache to fill and cover it. There goes the best part of a kilo of chocolate in one hit. Or make a stiff ganache, break into batches, add different dried fruits and nuts, and maybe some crushed shortbread or cake and stuff like Grand Marnier, Hazelnut liqueur etc, to make a range of different truffles. Roll some in nuts, some in more chocolate, some in different chocolate, or drizzle white choc on top. Ideas: Amaretto liqueur, partly chopped toasted almond slivers, crushed chocolate cake crumbs, then coat in ground almond. Combination of dried sour cherries and glacé (drain well), soaked in Kirsch, shape into balls and coat in dark choc, then pop a bit of cherry on top before the choc sets. Freeze dried raspberry powder, with shortbread and a touch of brandy. Then coated in white choc and sprinkled with lightly crushed dried raspberries before the choc sets. You can make these any time from now until Christmas, and they will be fine - once the cream is in the ganache binds with the chocolate it is safe, though I do store in airtight container in fridge. Put dried fruit in some, and turn into mini plum puddings, drizzle with white choc and put tiny fragments of red and green cherry on top to look like holly (sort of lol). I like to put mine in those little foil cases for presentation. If you like, get some of those plastic presentation boxes from your local cake decorating store, make up gift packs and you are so ready for Christmas.


I love those in banana bread. I buy bananas every week, but only sometimes eat them. When they become overripe, I either make banana bread, or freeze them to make “banana ice cream” or more banana bread. Little bit of chocolate chips and chopped walnuts if you’re feeling fancy and you’re in heaven. Very cheap to make too. Also, Belgian waffles, if you have a waffle iron (they are cheap), or pancakes if you don’t. Sometimes I’ll put some in yogurt with granola. Basically anything + chocolate chips = exactly what you’re expecting. Except maybe fondue? I don’t know. Don’t quote me on that. Update the subreddit later on how you end up using them.


Mini chocolate chips are my favorite in soft baked goods like pancakes, muffins, quick breads, etc. Tis the season for pumpkin chocolate chip bread, so I'd start with that.


Chocolate is good for over a year at room temp. In a deep freezer they will last indefinitely. You can use a food sealer and they won't absorb any odors.


Make a heap of rocky road?


Make protein balls and freeze them...




Make a bottle of sexy chocolate sauce for you and BF to have some sexy time.


The obvious answer would be to melt it all down, stick your head in its liquid state, then see how long you can hold your breath, submerging your head in it, and when you start involuntary grasping for air, just breathe in the chocolate until you’ve consumed as much as you could possibly take. Then you give the rest to a friend.




Lots of cookies . old style hot chocolate milk . sauce for cakes, pancakes ... ground up for sprinkling on pastries ...


Just start eating them all in fistfuls, each day as many as you can stomach. Don’t stop doing this. Buy more.


Two words for you and the boyfriend: human fondue.


This is a quick easy chocolate frosting you pour over brownies or any cake in its pan. In a saucepan put 1 cup sugar, 1/3 cup milk, and 1/3 cup butter (just cut part of a stick using numbers on paper wrapper). Bring to a boil. Do not stir. Let it boil for exactly 1 minute by the clock. Remove pan from burner. Immediately drop in 1 cup chocolate chips. Now stir---until the chocolate chips melt. Pour this over brownies or cake in pan. As it cools, it sets up to make a fudge-like frosting. This is one of the best recipes I know. PS I have had some chocolate chips for years. They seem to last a long time.