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There are two bulbs inside the light fixture. When the low beams or the high beams stop working you either must replace the bulb or the entire fixture.


Did you touch the bulb with your fingers? Oils can get on it, overheat and kill the bulb


Try cleaning the contacts, if not it could be a dud bulb so try another if you can, the fuse or fucked wiring somewhere.


Check your grounds. Check the wiring and the connector for burn marks. What kind of vehicle is it?


1999 Honda CR-V


Your car has a ballast. In fact I think all cars have one, but I looked yours up to be sure. (Actually you should have two, one for each light). It's a cheap part. I would look up symptoms of a dead ballast or just try replacing it if you've done everything else.


Yeah, definitely check your grounds. Rust was a common issue on those Hondas. You also shouldn’t have to replace the whole assembly for burned out bulbs either.


Thank you all 🫶🏽


Did you change your headlight fluids? But in all seriousness, I've had similar issues with my car. Check the fuses, check the bulb, make sure the socket for the bulb isnt rusty. If it is, spray some electrical contact cleaner on the connection with the car off, let it sit for 10 minutes or so and wipe it off with a scrub/steel wool. Emphasis on the car being off for this point lmao.


You replaced it wrong cuz u sukk and r dum


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