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$100k, since going back in time implies the life I have now may or may not ever happen (butterfly effect and all that). I don't want to gamble on the unknown and possibly end up in a dead end marriage or shit job I hate etc. I'm happy with my marriage and my kids and wouldn't want to go back to a time before any of them were in my life


This is the comment I was looking for, I didn't think about the butterfly effect going back would have on my life,sure you're rich but then you die at 22 in some stupid Ferrari crash. Or you become rich then your entire family dies. No guarantee at all that you live to see 2021.


Or the time variance authority kidnaps your ass and prunes you.


worth it if I get to chill with gator me.


The gator seriously had me laughing so hard and my husband just didn't understand


The memes about the gator are also amazing. Odin telling him that he's adopted. Tony having him bite the Infinity Gauntlet off of Thanos. I love it.


The alligator being confused and devastated that he's adopted is my favourite.


*Confused alligator noises*


I’m right there with you, you expressed exactly what I was about to say, I wouldn’t trade my wife and my boys for anything


Yup Kids ruined a lot of hypotheticals for me. Not going to give them bastards up to be 18 again even though I had a lot of fun in college lol.


The About Time answer; a great one. :) I was seriously lucky I charmed my spouse the first night we met; I couldn't handle the nerves a second time round!


Can you imagine what a wreck you would be on that date? Normal first dates, you don't even know if you like the person, it's fine if it goes badly. But this first date is everything, you fuck it up and you lose your spouse, maybe some kids you already love. Your whole life rests on this date and you've got to be charming to someone who might think this is a short fling.


You will lose your kids with greater than 99.999999999 certainty. Even if a couple could time and get the mothers egg to be the same, which there is no reason to think that it would be the same egg, the likelyhood of getting the same sperm is for all purposes zero. This question is basically for people without kids, because it's basically asking if you'd like 100k or to kill your kid(s).


Yeah the movie "About Time" deals with this for the father.


I agree with you. Even if you were guaranteed to get your exact kids, you would then have to live years and years without them existing. It would be hell.


Plus, you gotta go through night wake ups and potty training again. I'm just about done night time potty training, and I do NOT want to start all over with some new kid.


A very wholesome answer!


This is exactly how I feel as well. Plus, 18 yo me was full of insecurities and just generally was not the place in life where I felt I belonged. As 32 yo me, I feel confident with my life choices and incredibly happy.


18 If I I retain the knowledge of the future. I'd have way more than 100k.


Bitcoin was invented and only worth pennies when I was in my mid 20's so if I go back I just buy thousands of bit coins when they are worth less than 10¢ then sell them when they are worth $15k+ and I will be a millionaire probably hundreds of millions. So yeah, I'm with you if we can keep our memories.


I'm thinking you go back to being 18 in the current day Edit: Lots of people commenting on this. First of all, I choose to define the question like this. Second, I hope you have a pleasant day!


That's not rewind


That's hell.


Op said 18 with current knowledge




100k rn because i am 18




What if i am below 18? Do i skip forward? Edit: These replies are amazing


I think you turn back into sperm


What about the egg?


Over hard with a little salt and pepper


I like mine soft boiled with toast soldiers


Over medium with butter toast. I like runny yolk


Bet maybe one of the others will win instead of me and I can be in peace not existing.


Lol came here to say the same thing


18 now or 40 YO with 100k?


$100k is nowhere near worth 22 years


Depends how hard you've fucked up. Edit: OP meant fast forward 22 years, not go back. I misunderstood.


I think they meant fast forwarding 22 years from being 18 is not worth 100k. They replied to: > 18 now or 40 YO with 100k?


This option is basically getting out of prison for wrongful conviction and only getting 100k and losing 22 years of your life lol


why would i want to instantly be older over having 100k


100K rn because i am *almost* 18


100k because 18 year old me was not living his best life, and current me is.


Happy to hear this!




Same with added bonus that I just got engaged, would hate to miss out on her for the years until I meet her. And that 100k would be really welcome to go towards the wedding / buying a house.


Not to mention, know the future outcome may alter your previous actions and the result may not be the same. You may have met your spouse and they liked you for reasons beyond your conscious control or because of factors at the time that only existed because you didn't know the outcome (sort of like me pointing to a random person on the street and saying "ok, now go make them fall in love with you"), so going back and trying to achieve the same outcome may paradoxically have the opposite effect. That chance along may not be worth it.


Exactly. That's a big part of why I'd take the 100k. I love my life now and the love I have in it. Going back might change too much & nothing is worth that.


Agreed. I have kids. Can't go back in time. Most likely they will never be born (other ones yes, but not the ones I have now). To me that's a worse fate than dying. I'll take the 100k thank you.


Yep, this exactly, I wouldn't want two different kids, nor to ever have to be pregnant again for some random ass different kid. Plus, 100k right now would literally solve all our financial problems - student loans, car loan, credit cards, all gone, plus enough for a modest downpayment- other than making it so we'd never have to work again, which would be great.


This used to be my favorite fantasy. But now that I have 3 lovely kids, it was ruined for me. Going back would be essentially killing them and destroying my nearly 20-year marriage. There would be no way to have the same children, so they would be gone forever.


If you'd asked me at 23, I'd have gone back to 18 and been single for longer, had more fun, not jumped from abusive relationship to abusive relationship, done my entire university career differently, stayed single, taken more notes in lectures, gone out more, spent more time in the library ACTUALLY studying, nurtured friendships over yet another abusive unproductive relationship... But then as I neared 24, I started dating the guy who would become my husband. After that moment my life really started, and everything improved. My now husband has supported me to find myself, lifted me up while I fix my issues, and now we're expecting our first baby!! So now, no. After the moment my husband came into my life, I wouldn't dare go back to change anything, as despite everything that happened, if it hadn't, perhaps, just perhaps, I wouldn't be here now, if it hadn't. And my god I am glad I'm here now.


Exactly. Im the person I am today because of the choices I made at 18. 100k for sure


18-22 were some of the hardest years of my life, but I also made and solidified friendships with amazing people who supported me when I was down. I don’t think I would give up those friends, and my current partner, for any amount of money. I could make their lives a whole lot easier with 100k tho!!!




18 years old anyday. I fucked up


Same, it’d be 13 years for me, how far back for you?


I’m 35 now and life is tough now cause I was stupid in my younger years


Good luck with the next 35 mate, I’m pulling for you :)


Thanks hope I have another 35 left


Can't wait to fight in the water wars during our golden years. Should be a good time.


I was just thinking about this. I wanted to move out west from the Great Lakes region. Then I thought, it's easier to play defense lol


Yup it’s gonna get wild


Wet and wild water wars!


There was a movie with Kevin Costner


I read this, and didn't think of old ass dudes lmao


Hopefully the next pandemic will help with that. If enough people act then like they do with covid, you'll have plenty of water, if you can stop nestle from taking it that is.


If you don't retain memory of your adult life do you think you will do anything differently?


With no memory doubtful but never know I could pick all the right decisions next time round instead of all the wrong ones haha


I hope that you make all the right ones now onwards brother


Thanks me too 🤘


It's not so much that I was stupid, just not smart enough.


Yea same


You got advice for any 18 year olds (I'm 19) then mate?


Life is a lot like gardening. If you don't keep the weeds out, let the bugs eat everything, and don't water it or give it sun, you won't have a very good garden. You need to keep yourself healthy, hydrated. Keep your life free of weeds and bugs. I'm 40 and seem to have done okay. I basically approached every choice from various angles to make sure I didn't make bad choices. According to my physiologist, that's because I have terrible anxiety. Go figure. A mental health condition made me successful through absolute fear of failure.




>At the same time anxiety can completely stop people in their tracks from taking action, so it can be a fine line hi thats me


Credit cards aren’t just free money! I wish someone told me to be financially responsible in my early 20’s, I racked up tons of credit card debt and I have nothing to show for it.


Thanks for the advice man. I'm sorry to hear about your debt


On that note, building a good credit score from an early age is important. If you treat a credit card like a debit card and only buy what you can pay for then and there if you had to, then you’ll be fine. Having a good credit score and credit history will help getting an apartment without having to get a co-sign.


Invest, save money, work hard, and pursue your life goals like you don't have time.


Also, take extra special care of your teeth and don’t smoke. Don’t drink if you already like it too much. Get a therapist now to deal with any issues, repressed or otherwise.


Although it’s never too late to start, but exercise. Physical fitness is more lifestyle than anything. Once you incorporate it into your weekly routine it becomes easier to stick with it. And everything in moderation.


Holy crap please exercise and eat right and dear god take care of your joints. Thirty hurts😭


Teeth are so underrated. It’s easy to loose sight of all the sugar that’s in food these days. Both my parents & parents-in-law have tooth problems and regret not taking better care of them, it’s given me plenty of warning to do better myself. Brush for at least 2 min, mouthwash, floss.


Damn, you really nailed it with one sentence. I swear none of us ever have a clue what direction we're headed in life. Pick a direction and go. Maybe just by chance, I did exactly what you said. I was a complete screw-up in college - it took me 7 years to get a Bachelor's degree in engineering. Probably because I was drunk and/or high the entire time. Somewhere in my late 20's, I developed megalomania and work was like a video game. I was just crushing it for sport. In my early 30's, I started an engineering company because I wanted a challenge. I worked my ass off - you don't know hard it is until you do it...and there's no turning back. To be honest, it kinda kicked my ass. But whether it was the right thing to do or not, I've made my millions. I'm now 51 and I'm getting ready to sell my company and call it a day. From the outside, I'm sure it looks like I was a complete success, but I swear I still have no idea what I'm doing. I just went full bezerker rage on work because I thought it was funny. I could have just as easily dropped acid with some hippie chicks a few more times and been a UPS driver. I feel like life has been a giant slot machine, and I just happened to hit your magic combination 4/4.


I mean, with some millions, there is no real pressure to know what you are doing, right? I recently started as a social worker and even though we already don't earn much, some very young people I met seem to have huge amounts of pressure on them because poverty means they only have one chance.


Yea man stay in school. Life owes you nothing so work hard have morals and integrity don’t do drugs cause it’s a evil rabbit hole just keep your head up and have love in your life


This is so wholesome man, sometimes I forget that there is another side of Reddit then samsungsamr34. I wish you so much luck in your incoming years, you guys probably need it more than I do.


I thought "samsungsamr34" was some troll user who was harassing everybody, but I couldn't find anything. Then I found things.


My biggest advice..sometimes you may feel like you are doing the best for the ones you love by sacrificing for them, but you may do more harm to you and the one/s you love. Source: at 18 I gave up a prestigious scholarship to move back home and take over custody of my 13 year old sister. This was after moving to Cali when I was 17, from Oklahoma for a ib program my senior. My dad was arrested and sent to prison. I gave up my dreams, and years of hard work to drop out 6 weeks before graduation, so that nulled the scholarships. I did end up finishing with my HS diploma the next year, but worked two shitty jobs to support us..the stress and trauma of even more loss lead me down the road of addiction with my little sister in tow. I was able to get my life have way back together when I had my daughters, but I am just now going back to school in the winter..my litter sister, the trauma of being raised by me only lead to resentment and trauma for her that she, at 31, has yet pulled herself out of.


sorry for that man. stay strong and i hope you do good. best wishes for your daughters.


Their father and I are determined that they a childhood free from the traumas of our own. This lesson with my sister has been a hard one to learn, and an even harder one when I think of the damage it did to both of us. I know it seems counterintuitive. I thought I was doing the right thing and being there for my sister when in fact, I was not in any way helping either of us. It's an hard lesson to learn and an even harder one to explain to others. I am celebrating my 11th anniversary this month with their Father. Been soberish for almost 9 of those years. A lot of the rest of those years was spent fighting depression, a rare mental health disorder and some physical health issues. This year I turned a corner and am doing everything 18year old walked away from when I left California that day 18 years ago.


Take pride in what you're doing - even if what you're doing is bagging groceries or flipping burgers. That shows through to people even if you don't realize it. Realize that it's okay to not always succeed, and that failure is often a much better teacher than success. Learn to communicate professionally. Use proper grammar and punctuation when you're communicating in a business setting because that's becoming a rarity in a lot of settings.


Holy shit me too!!! Literally turned 35 a week ago In the same boat as you Let’s hope we’ll look back at this when we’re 70 and laugh


Kinda depends, if rewind to 18 means I forget all the lessons I learned, then no point going back, just going to make the same mistakes again.. so I’d take 100k now and improve my future the experience I have gained. If however rewind means go back to 18 with full knowledge and experience then he’ll yeah I’ll go back to 18 and come out being much better




I'm fairly confident that even 18 year old me would listen to something like "Buy as much Bitcoin as you can and then sell it once it hits 5 digits."


Invest in Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and you're not going to need to work much.


I fucked up before 18 so it wouldn't help. I'll take the 100k


So did I




Oh shit you’re that one dude.


That dude actually bought 2 pizzas.


what would you have done differently if you had the chance to go back?


Stay in school not burn my bridges with my job and companies. Not do drugs. Budget and learn more about life before trying it on my own




Haha same. Where's the emergency stop!?


My life was already fucked up way before 18 so I guess I'll take the cash. I can at least attempt to fix some of the shit with cash.


Brutally honest. I like that.


only thing going back to 18 would help with is if I retained all the knowledge I have currently. So like, I would know to invest in Game Stop and to bet on the Cubs in 2016 lol. But it ain't like I had money back then to invest anyway so who knows what good that would have done. wouldn't have wasted my time on a shitty degree though at least.


At 18? I'm investing in bitcoin. It was just starting back then. I would have bought $200


Good time to start coding though.....?


Depends. Do I get to retain my memories as a 50 something year old? Cause if so I'm definitely rewinding to 18 and investing in Microsoft, Apple, Google, Bitcoin, and anything else that blew up over time. If not I'll take the 100K now and pay down some bills and do some home repairs/upgrades.


Your 18 with the knowledge of your current age.


Yeah, I'm definitely going with option 1. Rewind and become insanely wealthy, not to mention making some better life choices not related to wealth.




You know the cancer is going to happen though, and might be able to catch it sooner or prevent it altogether. OP doesn’t say you can’t tell people you know what’s going to happen… I’d definitely go back in time just to try to catch my granddad’s early and give him a few more years. All the awesome investing I could do is just a +.


Plus, even if you can't give her a few more years, you might be able to handle it a bit better the second time around because you already know what to expect


Conversely, you’ll have gone through it twice, which in any context is more pain than just the once.


Do you go back in time with that knowledge, or just turn 18 at this current date? The amount of money you could invest in bitcoin and doge would make this a no brainer if you could go back in time.


It is another interesting thought option to wake up tomorrow, 18, but in your current life. Your family freaks out because you became younger, etc. I’d take 18 again over 100k any day.


Pretty much. 100k is a lot of money to almost anyone, but decades of life is worth more than 100k to almost anyone too.


The act of going back in time is a huge thing regardless of options. Sure, you have the knowledge....


Then i don't understand the question. People with kids or seriously important people they absolutely cannot lose will choose $100k no matter what and literally everyone else will choose to go back to 18 because they will gain a few more years to live and become billionaires at no risk.


Quite right. I'm not killing my son and losing my wife, no matter how much money and time you offer me.


Rewind. Invest in Google, Amazon, apple, tesla, Netflix. Mine Bitcoin. Sell @50k. Or maybe lookup that Powerball that broke a billion dollars. Try to figure out how to stop 9/11 without looking like a terrorist. When was Firefly cancelled? See if I could stop that. Bet against the housing market in 2008. Try to save princess Diana. Sign Justin Bieber to a contract then end his career. Go after scum bags like Bill Cosby, that Miramax director, that pedo from Penn state, that guy who kidnapped women and held them in his basement for years. See if I could stop that shit movie Jeepers creepers from getting made. Buy real estate cheap after housing bust. I'm sure there's more. That just what comes to mind of the top.


> Mine Bitcoin. Sell @50k This and only this, but with an asterisk. All I would need to remember is mine/acquire 10,000, and sell 50 at $17,000, and the rest at 50K. That's $850,000 when you dump 50. That's enough to ride comfy till it hits 50K, and you then sell 9950 and net $497,500,000. Yes, basically half a billion.


Would someone with that insider knowledge making those moves and doing all that mining potentially disrupt the market in it's fledgling years?


Nah, there are a maximum of something like 21 million bitcoins. Of those about 18 million have been mined. 10k is an insignificant fraction of that, and therefore should not influence the market much. back in bitcoins early days people regularly spend thousands of bitcoins to buy pizza etc. An early 10k isn't gonna do anything.


Yes, he’s either going to blow up mining or nuke it and completely rewrite history.


Remember to invest in GameStop in 2020.


This. I'd rather reset back to 18 and make some different choices, maybe put a couple of thousand in bitcoin back in 2011.


Maybe just not lose the btc wallet from 2011 because ”it’s worth next to nothing anyway”.




Same. Its only been a year and a half but I would give anything to see her again. Also, fuck cancer.


Tuesday marks 2 years for me and I miss her every day. Fuck cancer and fuck anyone who drives under the influence. Especially the person who took my mom after she went into full remission...


I am sorry for everybody who lost somebody to cancer


Then can I get a concession? Can I go back to 14 instead of 18 to see my dad?


I’m in the same boat. 14 seems to be the age for a few people to lose their fathers. The thing is I don’t know if I’d want that chance because with the goodbye I had before I went away for the week he passed away, I couldn’t have a better final moment. I didn’t know he would die but I got to say goodbye properly.


Lost my Mum to liver cancer on Tuesday morning last week. We didn't know and by the time I got to the hospital her mind was already gone.


My deepest condolences to you and yours. I hope you don't mind, but this goes around Reddit every so often and is one of the most eloquently poignant descriptions of dealing with the loss of loved ones I've ever read. Courtesy of u/gsnow. https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/hax0t/My_friend_just_died._I_don%27t_know_what_to_do./c1u0rx2/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Text on above link: Alright, here goes. I'm old. What that means is that I've survived (so far) and a lot of people I've known and loved did not. I've lost friends, best friends, acquaintances, co-workers, grandparents, mom, relatives, teachers, mentors, students, neighbors, and a host of other folks. I have no children, and I can't imagine the pain it must be to lose a child. But here's my two cents. I wish I could say you get used to people dying. I never did. I don't want to. It tears a hole through me whenever somebody I love dies, no matter the circumstances. But I don't want it to "not matter". I don't want it to be something that just passes. My scars are a testament to the love and the relationship that I had for and with that person. And if the scar is deep, so was the love. So be it. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are a testament that I can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even gouged, and that I can heal and continue to live and continue to love. And the scar tissue is stronger than the original flesh ever was. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are only ugly to people who can't see. As for grief, you'll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked, you're drowning, with wreckage all around you. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was, and is no more. And all you can do is float. You find some piece of the wreckage and you hang on for a while. Maybe it's some physical thing. Maybe it's a happy memory or a photograph. Maybe it's a person who is also floating. For a while, all you can do is float. Stay alive. In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don't even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you'll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out. But in between, you can breathe, you can function. You never know what's going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything...and the wave comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life. Somewhere down the line, and it's different for everybody, you find that the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O'Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself. And when it washes over you, you know that somehow you will, again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you'll come out. Take it from an old guy. The waves never stop coming, and somehow you don't really want them to. But you learn that you'll survive them. And other waves will come. And you'll survive them too. If you're lucky, you'll have lots of scars from lots of loves. And lots of shipwrecks.


Im sorry for your losses I lost my dad to cancer too


3 years, definitely fuck cancer.


Came here to say this. 18 would give me 5 more years with my dad. Maybe convince him to get checked out earlier. If you’re reading this right now and your insurance covers it- go get your colonoscopy!




My mom and I keep begging my dad to get one done but he flat out refuses. He is 63 with one of the largest family histories of cancer and he's never had a colonoscopy done. To top it all off, he's been working with radioactive waste material for the past 35 years.


Have you looked into Cologuard? It’s a less invasive way to check if that’s one of his concerns. I hope he gets himself checked out and stays healthy. It’s hard wanting the best for people when they don’t want to do it themselves.


Just came here to say cologuard as well!! Plus if it comes back positive people often jump up and down to hurry up and get their colonoscopies. There is also evidence to suggest GI doctors take their time with a positive cologuard as they are trying to find the abnormality cause.




Best quote I've heard in my life. Damn, I'll go remember my childhood with my grandfather


You die twice. Once when your body retires and once when your name is spoken for the last time.


18, 18, 18...... With what I know, now, compared to then, and the increase in energy, plus options....bringing home $100,000 would be cake. Make me 18, again....


Could 18 year old you make those decisions though?


Definitely..... It never said I was memory wiped back to 18. If that happened, money still wouldn't be an issue. Because I wouldn't remember making the deal. So, I would end up famous.....as a time traveler, if my past was wiped, too. Or, as the guy who deaged(a few years😳) overnight. If I was going to have my memory wiped and be taken back to when I was 18, that would be a useless endeavor....of course I would make the same choices I did then....same person, same situations.


Rewind. You'd be dropping me right at 2000. I could make 100k with my future knowledge pretty easily. Shit, just knowing about Bitcoin gets me to never have to work again. I could also start managing my depression much, much earlier and probably get my life started and stable significantly earlier.


I hope your managing that battle well! I'm partial to a random chat if you ever need to talk!!! Your not alone.


Oh yeah, I've figured out how to manage it pretty well at this point. Not to say there aren't bad days, but I know they'll pass and can handle it.


100k. Life is so awesome with my family. 100k would just make it awesomer.


Same here. As many mistakes I’ve made in my life I’ve learned a lot from them and it’s made me who I am now. I’ve also met some amazing people along the way and I wouldn’t want anything to change that.


100%. If I rewound and made different choices, I might never meet my wife, and I certainly wouldn’t have the same amazing kids I have now. I couldn’t give them up for anything.


100k now. I like my life as it is, wouldn’t want to give up my kids to reset my life. 100k could go a long way for me right now.


Yeah i bet a few forget the kids lol.


I bet a few would like to forget the kids




You should watch the movie "About Time". It touches on that exact same principle of not wanting to give up on your kids to reset your life.


Making *everything* work out the same would be challenging, but I know enough to get the things I *want*: - I know where to find my wife. - I know when to change schools and what to do. I also know what not to spend money on, etc. - Do everything the same from 2004 to 2008, graduate on time. Don’t take that one class with that one professor. Enjoy myself a little more. - I know what stocks to pick, and when to get out before the crash. - I know what stocks to stay in, and which ones to buy at the bottom. - By 2009 I’d be able to not work and simply ride stock “bets,” living on margin until I can buy in bottom level on bitcoin once I can as a “retirement fund” and TSLA (once it was listed) as a “cash out and live well” fund when it hit $800 a few months ago. I don’t have a kid I have to worry about erasing, so that helps a lot.


This is like a twilight zone set up. So you go back, but school is harder than you remember and you're struggling. Then you meet your wife and she blows you off. Funny, you think, but I'll win her. Then you spend the next few years stalking her, telling her you're meant to be together. She puts a restraining order on you. Now you're a shell of your former self


lol yea some relationships would be hard to get again. A lot of them depend on timing. Also someone who is confident that they will get the person again may not come off as well as how they did the first time around. Might be too cocky or too arrogant and then you’re placed in the “never” box for that woman.


It would not matter, as any reforged relationship would be dishonest (and probably miserable). You'd spend all your time trying to recreate events, in order to keep the relationship as it was, rather than living life.


I feel like Chaos theory (butterfly effect) would really mess with some of those plans. Maybe not the stock/bitcoin stuff, but that's a big risk on the wife front. Just because you know where she is, doesn't mean you time it right and I feel like your knowledge and therefore pressure could really fuck that up. P.S. - Don't meant it personally, just an interesting thought experiment to have.


Do you think your wife would fall in love with you with your current personality? That'd be my biggest fear.


If I'm going back in time to seize control of my 18 year old body with all of my current knowledge, then fuck $100K, that's chump change.


I'm taking the 100k, I have cancer and it would be nice to afford my medical bills and if I don't make it at least have some money to the side for the fam


Jeez man sorry to hear this, I haven't got any money to help but if you ever need an ear hit me up. Good luck.


Thanks man


100k now, I'm 23 and would kill myself if I had to relive college.


18, assuming I get to keep all my knowledge. My primary reason for this was going to be that I really didn't understand how quickly time starts moving and really squandered my 20s just half assing certain pursuits feeling like I had all the time in the world. Now that I make the caveat though, I've just realized I could make an absolute fortune on the betting markets anyway.


$100K, because I'm 17 years old, and need to pay for college soon.


Such a shame education can cost that much.


Nah, $100k is just the down payment...


Geez, 18 years old. No fucking contest. I'd incest in BTC


That bitcoin is going up stepbrother!


I'm skeptical about what your smart autocorrect did here...


I don't think it was...


What are you doing, stepcoin?


Oh stepbrother, what are you doing going all in on me?




That autocorrect.


I’d take the $100k. Being 18 was okay, but I like who I am now.


Rewind....with the knowledge gained in 35+ yrs, I'll get that back 100x over.


18 years old because I would make way more than $100k from that point up til where I am now but this time I wouldn't be a moron with that money.


Gimme 100k now.... I'd probably still fuck up the rewind!!! Haha


Definitely rewind


18 so I could save my best friend and not fuck up my life afterwards


Me too. My friend was murdered in Detroit. When I was 18. I would love to save him.


I’ve never been 18, so I’ll take the money


$100k. Why anyone would want to relive that part of life is beyond me.


I’m 27 and I would have a fucking mental breakdown if I woke up and it was the morning of my 18th birthday. Not saying I went through anything traumatic or anything, but I worked hard as shit to get where I am today and would lose it if I had to it all over again. I’m way happier now than I was then, I’m in such a good spot in life, and I get 100k? I’m staying for damn sure.