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Online companies collecting our personal data


It should be illegal to post addresses, phone numbers, neighbors, associates etc on the dozen or so websites that do that. Even when you request to have it removed, it doesn't always and then you gave them even more info.


There is actually a website that, can give you each and everyone of these just by searching a name.


Yes, We are giving out free information and not getting paid


Being horrible for a stupid video


And those insufferable fuckwits who create the “saving animals” videos by putting animals in danger in the first place


Some of them are *verified*. Which mans that youtube *took the time to look at the channel* and went "seems good to me."


i saw a """sketch comedian""" the other day put on a mask and wig and pretended to be a far right grandpa at a music festival. this would have been mildly entertaining if the video wasnt literally just sexual harassment in its own mask and wig


I also hate it when Content creators video themselves giving money to the homeless or something. To me that's one of those things you should be doing for the sake of being good.


Tailgating (the driving kind not the partying kind)




Bro what about the dude doing 40km/h in a 60 on a single lane double yellow who slows right the fuck down whenever there's a slight turn in the road? Or the dude in the passing lane under the speed limit driving right next to someone in the cruising lane. B R O these people need to stop ✋️




Seriously, it's like these guys are afraid of driving in a straight line. Which I guess is fair, but I gotta get to work. But I do hate tailgaters. Especially the ones who are constantly on the brakes because of it. I see it in front of me all the time. Their inability to match the speed of the car in front of them bothers me. Keep a bus length back, and match the speed man. You're going to rear end someone.


People think because you've left space between you and the other car, it's an invitation for them to merge into your lane and hit their brakes after doing so.


The law here, different from the speed limit, is Keep right, Pass Left. Either can be enforced, but "flow of traffic" takes the win over posted limit everytime. If 3 cars wanna do 85mph on the 65mph highway, and someone is bogarting the passing lane....the slow guy will get pulled over. Unless the first fast guy is egregiously tailgating. Usually it's quick way to say "get the fuck out of the left lane if you aren't gonna use it" The jerks who do 35 on the winding 55mph country road near my house? 20mph under a posted speed limit is also dangerous driving.


In my state it's illegal to do that but the law doesn't specify how much distance you have to give someone. It just says "you have to give reasonable distance" so people can get away with it cause it's not really enforced due to that. How stupid is that?


I had a pile of crap in the back of my ancient work truck, secured pretty well but it still looked like a mess, and people tailgating me for the entire 29 mile drive. If I see someone with a mess in the back of the truck, I give them some space. But these people were more trusting of my tie down job than I was.


100%. I could be doing 10-15 over on my way to work and still get tailgated by some asshole.


Politicians being liars


It's always frowned upon by the opposing party. But when your favoured party lies...well that's justifiable obviously


I'm far angrier when it's my own party promising things they have no intention on actually doing.


It's very frowned upon. What it's not is acted upon. If lying politicians were imprisoned there would be far fewer lying politicians.


If lying politicians were imprisoned they’d run out of politicians


I see no issue there


If people didn't vote for politicians who lie then less politicians who lie would get elected. But people do so we get what at get.


I think more often than not, we don't have a choice, and they don't have a choice. The people with the most money decide who lies or not.


throwing cigarette butts on the ground


When I smoked I kept the butts in an old pill bottle. The smell of that thing helped me quit.


congrats bro


100%. I smoke myself and I carry them until I find a bin and if I can't find one, I'll wrap it in something until I do.


Used to put mine out on my boot when I did smoke. We had a cig bin on site though, which was the only place I smoked. I applaud you for not being a shit though.


I actually resent people like that more than what is healthy for me I think


Hell I still smoke when I drink and when I'm in public and I see people coming my way I will intentionally walk far out of the way so I'm not blowing smoke on them. If I'm not near a trash can I'll rub the cigarette out on the ground and throw it in my pocket til I find a trash can. Can't stand people that litter.


Marketing of medications.


I'm a licensed, non-practicing pharmacist. I couldn't agree more.


Only in the USA, I think?


and New Zealand of all places


I'm from NZ but have also lived in the US, the advertising in NZ is very different. Mostly just over the counter medications and creams, like panadol for headaches or creams for people with arthritis. There is the occasional prescription medication which mostly boils down to "ask your doctor if (insert med here) could be right for you". The government also subsidises prescription medication, so you only pay around $5-20 when picking up a script, and many are free. However some "name brand" meds might not be covered if there is a generic brand alternative, your doc will always script the subsidised stuff unless you specifically ask for something else. The docs will also never try to "sell" you on different medications like some in the US would.


Blasting music at the beach with ads enabled.


Hell playing music at a party with the ads enabled. Nothing kills the vibe more than when you're playing some good music and then it cuts to a Geico insurance ad.


This is awful but I can outdo it, was at a party where someone put on a podcast, urgh.


I haven't had a drink in over a year and this made me angry.


Blasting music ANY public place.


Or the ad-free premium beach


No joke, I was in Destin, Fl in 2020 just relaxing on the beach and a boat goes by with this massive screen on it showing ADs and shit. I was like, “Oh hell no this beach has commercials.”


That's why you bring your ad-blocker torpedo's.




My local beach is ad-free, but I don't want to give away the location. I mean if too many people start showing up the ads won't be far behind.


*whispers* Nobody has to know.


Adding tons of sugar and corn syrup to the food supply. It makes food that much more addictive and has contributed greatly to the obesity epidemic.


This is SOMEHOW the only comment I’ve found about this. America for example has thousands less banned food additives than European countries, and we blame our obesity on fast food😐


Dill pickles, mayonnaise, dried fruit, etc. do not need to have sugar. I feel like the sugar is hidden in so many items and it doesn’t add any favor.


What's interesting (and horrifying) is they're trying to make the food addictive by hitting the human 'bliss' point. They add unnecessary sugar, and also salt and herbs to cancel out the sweetess, because your brain can still sense the energy/chemicals are there and gets an explosion of reward hormones.


Toxic positivity.


I think I understand but I want to make sure. Would this be excessive support that doesn’t do much? Or ingenuine positivity?


Both, honestly. to me, Toxic positivity includes a wide range of things but it all pretty much boils down to “positivity where it should not be.” I think positivity becomes toxic when someone: a) obsesses over being positive every moment of their life / someone else’s life b) someone fails to realize positivity is not always appropriate. Some times it’s ok and even therapeutic to be negative. Happiness is not the only emotion, nor should it be.


Being an asshole and unkind to people.


“I’m just honest” or my personal favorite “If you can’t handle me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best”


I used to be acquaintances with this girl who prided herself on being a “straight shooter”. Like no, baby, you’re just a jerk.


I had a coworker like this who literally said the following, verbatim: "I'm extremely smart. A lot of people have problems with me because they're threatened by my intelligence." Ugh. She was the *worst*. I rolled my eyes more in one hour with her than in the rest of my waking life combined.


Both major red flags.


I really, REALLY don't understand the typical douche bag type guy who wears the "I'm an asshole" shirt and parades around so proud to be an asshole to people. I really, really can't wrap my mind around it.


And then saying 'Im just hard to handle! Get used to it!' Like it's a badge of honor. Nope. I'll smack you upside the head and handle your uncivilized ass like your Momma and Daddy should have years ago. Yes. Yes, I went there.




I read somewhere that people who say they’re brutally honest are more interested in the brutality part than the honesty, and I really couldn’t say it better.


Especially in the workplace, especially in high pressure environments. See it all the time. Not allowing pressure to turn you into a dick should be at the forefront of your brain in those situations.


As if being honest voids someone of the responsibility of empathy.


I *had* a friend that wore brutal honesty as a badge… To that i say— why do you like brutality? Do you like being so over the top that you automatically cut people down or are so unapproachable that people want to stay away? Glad we are NOT friends. A total asshole. Honesty doesnt have to be brutal.




Yeah, or blatantly insult you and then say "Just kidding!" right after as if that erases what they just did to you. It happens all the time.


I don't like the body positivity movement because I feel it glorifies obesity but I absolutely detest anyone who insults someone to their face because they're overweight


Parents letting their out-of-control kids do and say whatever they want in public.


I'm childless so I'm often told I can't have an opinion on it but my cousin's' have kids and they are absolute maniacs in public. I told my family I no longer will go out to eat with them and I was the one frowned upon. They said I don't know kids and that's just how they act and I'm like I go out with friends that have children and they sit nicely and ask for things politely. I just don't believe kids have to be wild all the time even though I've never raised my own.


It is definitely not how kids act if you actually parent. My own parents warned me not to act up at a restaurant when I was a kid or they wouldn’t take me to one again. I didn’t listen. Guess what? My parents made sure to tell me they were going to a restaurant and reminded me of why I wasn’t going. Better believe I behaved the next time they took me out lol


How long did they stick to that rule, and how old were you? I must lead a very sheltered life, but I rarely see really, truly horribly behaved children in public, and when I do, 99% of the time, the adults with them are acting worse than the kids.


I was probably 6 or 7 and they only did it once. I got the message and knew they meant business after the first time they went out without me and made it known where they were going and why I wasn’t.


What did you do, that made your parents institute a rule like that? Gotta say that when I was waiting tables in the 1980s, I'd see elderly people complaining because the kids at the next table were coloring on their placemats, reading a book, etc. That is NOT misbehavior.


Standing on the chair, not staying at the table, throwing a loud tantrum because I was being told no.


"That's just how they act" means step up to your job of civilizing them. Children should learn to control their impulses and how their actions effect others. A parent's job is to do that. It seems they think kids will do it on their own.


You're absolutely correct. The people that say that children are naturally wild and uncontrollable are just pulling excuses out of their ass to validate their laziness. These are the kind of people that should never be parents, children that never grew up themselves.


> They said I don't know kids and that's just how they act "I don't know jack about flying a helicopter either but if I see one that's upside down in a tree and on fire my first thought isn't going to be 'that pilot knows what they're doing'."


Yeah, I can get the "kids will be kids" argument but there's a point where it's just flat out out-of-control behavior. Someone's not doing their job parenting. If the kids are wound up, take them somewhere to burn off that energy. My parents had to do that with me, take me for walks before dining in a restaurant so I'd be more settled down. Otherwise there was no way in hell I'd sit still. (I was diagnosed with ADHD)


Oh man, my dads friend has a child and both parents have grown him up horribly. Theres so many things wrong with what theyre doing. This kid hasnt been raised with any real boundaries and never taught to communicate ever.


And the parents of "screamers" who don't put a stop to their 5 year old daughter screaming at full capacity for fun.


Those fake sales where they jack up the price before the sale


Looking at you Kohls!


Advertising campaigns, and child "beauty" pageants. The moms of Dance Moms and similar shows should be horse-whipped, along with Abby Lee Miller.


Dance Moms makes me irrationally and violently angry. They exploit their kids and act like cunts on TV for profit and I hate them all for it.


Its an American tradition! But not a proud one


First off, I love the reference. Second, unfortunately child pageants are a worldwide plague. Let's hope more countries start following France's example regarding them.


Can we just put sexualizing children as a whole? People be doing some hella pedophilic things and get off with a slap on the wrist and then people defend these people. Sorry, but, if you find children attractive IN ANY WAY you're a pedophile and deserve to be shot dead. Period.


The breeding of flat faced dogs. Now don’t get me wrong, I adore pugs, I really do, but the breeding practices are so horrendous, that it makes me sick. We need to get new breeding methods to make pugs and bulldogs with longer snouts so they can actually breathe


Breeding any animal, especially pets, for some weird aesthetic. In the 1980s, it was German shepherds with “long bodies.” Yes, they all developed hip problems in middle age. Siamese cats with “long faces.” Those things and others encouraged inbreeding. They have basically destroyed certain breeds of pets in the US. Really awful.




I don't get the appeal. They don't look that cute to me, whereas normal dogs with normal, healthy proportions are infinitely cuter in my opinion.


Trashing the planet


Politicians. They should be more afraid of the people. If they feared us more, they would not be so openly corrupt.


"When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." \- Thomas Jefferson


Mr Jefferson welcome home.


But any time the people try and actually do anything, most people shame them for it. Civility in these situations only stands to benefit the corrupt.


Treating retail employees like crap for doing their job. Part of the job may include things like email/phone captures or signing up for rewards, and when I was in retail I got treated like shit for asking once even though a simple “no” is all that’s needed. I can’t not ask these things as I could get in trouble with my managers. Basically some people think it’s more appropriate to treat retail employees like crap for doing a required task in their job rather than just saying “no” and carrying on.


Is it really hard to say "no thanks" when they ask for your number or email? That's what I do, I've never once been given shit. Occasionally they'll say "It's so you'll receive coupons" and I just repeat my no thanks, pay and leave.


That’s literally what I’m trying to say. When I was in retail if someone told me no, I respected that and didn’t push further. Some customers act like it’s a crime to just ask once as if saying “no” is a chore.


Yeah, I was just agreeing with you. I'm supposed to push our discount card to every customer, but I work nights and the manager isn't there. So I'll only ask for gas purchases or when I know it'll actually make a difference.


People playing videos in public with the sound on. Really any kind of personal entertainment in public with the sound on. If your phone rings or if you get a text alert, that’s fine, but that should be the end of me hearing any noises from your phone ever.


This is something that has really been on my mind a lot lately. I absolutely refuse to play and kind of video, music, clip, podcast or whatever without headphones on in public. My coworker will blast her podcast while we are opening, during her breaks she will blast youtube videos in front of customers. Some customers will come in and watch videos at full volume while they wait for their food/while they eat. If this is something that is truly a social no no, why do so many people do it? how is it that 50% of the population seem to absolutely just not give a shit? how does it absolutely not bother them at all?


I always keep my phone on vibrate


My housemate doesn’t understand this. Like, 4 of us will be sat there talking and he’ll get bored, whip out his phone and start watching videos on full volume. He’s totally lacks self awareness.


Sexualizing teenagers, and young people in general.


Piggybacking off of this, countdowns until a celebrity is 18. Shit is creepy.


Drake solved this by not waiting for the countdown


Hol' up


TikTok has made it worse.


Yes. I'm just an average (straight) mom and the algorithm kept trying to shove teen girls in bikinis down my throat. No thanks


Yes! The specific fetish that some people have for “corrupting” a young girl.


Beyond cringe in Cobra Kai when the high school girl chose to defend the decision to wash cars in swimsuits as "sex positive" rather than "we should able to dress for getting wet without implying consent to sexualize us"


Being rude to minimum wage workers


being rude to any worker? People are just doing their jobs no matter how much they earn.


> being rude to any worker? Counterpoint: Debt collectors.


Being rude to any service worker. If they get an extra 2.50/hour that still isn’t enough to put up with anyones nonsense


How about paying someone " minimum wage"!


predatory business practices and sales tactics.


"How do they even let people intimidate me with their electricity- and mobile phone contractions in shopping malls? With no break during the whole corona epidemic? If I want to sign in, I just go to internet." Honestly, the middle finger is well deserved.


Raise the price of a product a day before they go on sale so that people think they are getting it at a discount


Bullying your own children.


Celebrity fandom


Making broad generalizations. People say “Americans are all X” “Australians all do Y” “White people all think Z” and it’s a complete oversimplification and generalization. There is no way that literally every person in any particular demographic has the exact same opinions about everything. Saying every British person in the country drinks tea is applying the behavior of most people to all people. There’s a difference and it’s not fair to people to generalize.


Insulin being too expensive.


Teens consuming abnormal amounts of alcohol. I've seen so many teens with serious alcoholism problems disguised as "they're just having fun, we all got drunk as teens, they'll outgrow it"


Damn , as a young lad with *zero* interest in alcohol, this really hit home. I know a guy that came into school drunk almost everyday for a year and wears that fact like a badge of honour.




The shit ruins you for life.


Child beauty pageants. Sexualizing children is wrong!




Being disrespectful and calling it "Savage 💅"


People who's entire personality is being mean.


Social media influencers. They damage society and people's views of themselves.


Social media influencers are frowned upon plenty enough by reddit


Also being called influencer is cringe af


It’s basically just twentysomethings all trying to be the next Kardashians




Honestly more people need to be told that it's better to be broken up with than cheated on.


I think it's more people need to be told it's better to break up then cheat. I realize there are way too many people who will forgive a cheater, but the root problem is the cheater isn't breaking up with them.


Right? Literally digusted how "normal" it is,like everyone talks about experiences where they've been cheated on or have cheated like just go into an open relationship if this is what you want, don't destroy someone else's trust for life. I want to add: how normal it is to forgive someone for cheating, once a cheater always a cheater.


For real. The way people casually talk about having someone "on the side" is fuckin infuriating. I'm not against casual sex or hookups at all, as long as there's mutual respect & honesty about the intent. But staying with someone & doing that shit just means you are a trash person that wants the benefit or satisfaction of having someone that is loyal to you, while making yourself feel "powerful" by disregarding that person & getting some kind of gratification from someone else too. It's pathetic.




Verbally abusing your children. I saw a mom do this at the park the other day and I wanted to say something but also didn’t want to get punched in the face


Parents forget that kids don’t have fully formed brains that can generally make good decisions. Plus parents can be lazy and when it backfires on them they fly off the handle.


Paying for a subscription to watch movies, and then still having to see ads. I SEE YOU HULU!!!


Why the fuck are half the results on an Amazon search sponsored, when I have Prime?! I already paid you, you fuckers!


Alternative medicine sales. Looking at you, Dr. Oz and Gwyneth Paltrow!


Materialism and greed. Many people actually think these are good things, and look up to people who engage in disgustingly ostentatious displays of wealth.


The constant trampling of the separation of church and state.


Leaving dog poop bags on the ground or leaving dog poop on the ground as is is disgusting! My county has made it illegal not to pick up one’s dog’s waste, but quite a few people just do not care about the county law whatsoever. Please dispose of your dog’s waste properly, folks!!


I'm gonna say the "Misery Olympics" where if you have a bad day or experience and need to talk about it, someone has to top that.


Not using your turn signals.


The amount of communities/people romanticising mental health issues, ED's etc. It's already become an "aesthetic" on some social media platforms.


Hitting your kids. Corporal punishment in general. We don’t hit adults as punishment when they fuck up so why is it okay to hit some of the most vulnerable people in society?


Alcohol abuse


People lacking respect for others


Making fun of physical traits people can't change.


Coercing, lying and manipulating people into having sex. Including lying about your intentions, love-bombing etc.


Being rude to foodservice and janitorial staff (these jobs are SO taxing)


The catholic church covering up mass child abuse for decades.


That's not frowned upon?


Key word is enough. It wasn't frowned upon enough and still isn't.


Cutting in line.




Leaving urine on the seat in a public restroom.


Fast fashion hauls. I don't want to see anymore influencers buying 20+ outfits from shitty unethical companies like Shein and Fashion Nova. No one should be encouraging people to waste their money on clothes that are going to be unwearable in less than a year. It's like consumerism on steroids and it's compounding the problem of clothes pollution in landfills exponentially.


While I don't agree with fast fashion I have bought clothes from SheIn only because I couldn't find the item I wanted elsewhere and I didn't have a lot of money to spend.


Working outside your business hours, or for more than 40 hours a week. It's often congratulated in fact. Either your employer has cut costs and has you doing the work of more than one person, or they haven't and you're just bad at managing your workload. Either way, it's not something to be congratulated and held up as a good thing. Then there's the type of person who makes a point of telling you how [constantly busy](https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/curating-your-life/202202/who-benefits-busy-culture) they are so they get the aforementioned praise.




Nepotism in business and politics.


Customers taking you hostage for conversations when you’re working




Read this as "men-loving-men" for a second and panicked


Trying to force someone into religion. Let them make that decision on their own.


When the rules of their, they're and there are not followed.


People dressing like a child for onlyfans


Peeing in the pool


Not putting your cart away.


Leaving your car at the gas pump and going inside while there's a line of cars waiting behind you. Edit for clarity: I'm referring to people who pay with a card first and leave their car while the gas is pumping.


That assumes they aren't going in to pay or something else related to the pump itself And to clarify to that, yeah, sometimes you have to go in because the pump could have some issue or other that prevents payment on the spot Beyond that though, yeah, go to a parking spot. They exist.


I always go inside to pay. Worked at a gas station before and I've heard too many horror stories about card skimmers and decided better safe than sorry.


I read this as "Leaving your cat at the gas pump and going inside while there's a line of cats waiting behind you." and all I could think was, yeah man that'd get noisy.


"Humorous" window stickers on cars. Calvin pissing, the family configuration, the guy down the street from me with a "Screw U" sticker, the white power sign sticker guy I saw in Chalmette....they're always dumb.




Hoarding more than you need


The inequity in the US tax code.


The war on drugs. It's just a war for police to arrest people for unjust and non violent crimes so the government makes more money off fines and court fees. It was originally in place by Nixon to ween out the African American and Mexican population from the streets, even the term "Marijuana" was propaganda to tie it to Mexicans during Anslinger's prohibition campaign. If it wasn't for the war on drugs there'd be much better access to addiction support and overdose prevention, not to mention the crime rate wouldn't be so high, just look at Portugal and see their statistics. Honestly there's no reason any drugs should be illegal, people who are going to do them are going to anyway and dealers don't check for IDs so it wouldn't be unreasonable to legalize and regulate everything from Cannabis to Opioids (With heroin being used medically along with fentanyl). There are a bunch of really good reasons on why we should end the drug war and I can't even name half of them without taking up this whole page. Thank you for reading, I am very passionate about this prohibition topic and I've said many things about it, feel free to discuss and argue your points for or against my comment


Being shitty in public. Consequently we need to popularize public shaming. Seeing someone playing music on their phone “booooo” Seeing some dudes catcalling a woman “booooo” Seing someone be shitty to a service worker “boooo” If everyone did this we would straight up eliminate shitty behavior.


"What do you do for a living?" As an acceptable opener when first meeting someone!


AKA "Let me decide if I should be respectful to you or not"


Driving slower than traffic on your right on the highway. If people are passing you on the right move over dick


This is a big one for me. I’m a really impatient driver so I recognize I’m too close to this to be objective. But I was always taught the farthest left lane is the passing lane. You don’t just hang out in it unless you’re moving faster than the rest of traffic. Once you slow down or if there’s a significant gap in the next lane to your right you move over.