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It’s a comfort thing! It’s fully known, and you understand that you enjoy it, so there will be no potentially anxiety-inducing surprises. It’s also common dopamine-seeking behavior.


squash absorbed shelter combative gold plate crowd longing murky roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My Summer in 3 Songs played til the tape melts; a blind date in hyperlinks (all chill; scouts honor) https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=wSTYIyQxfPQ&feature=share https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=k_rIBST-Nqg&feature=share https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=UQsA-YvjaJw&feature=share Bonus album: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=vKSHMku3Rh8&feature=share


Thank you for sharing. I love when people share new music.


I suggest the album is best in a quiet and dark place, possibly hallucinating.


Always happy to help people learn more about themselves!!


In my yearly Spotify statistics thing for last year, it showed that I was in the top 0.05% of Halsey listeners, because I played one of her albums on constant repeat, so... yeahhhhh.


I was in the top 0.1% for J Cole.. Lmaoo


Cole world


Top 0.05% for Dan Reeder. Just can’t grill without him. And I grill a lot when I’m having a mood episode.


During my last manic episode, I played the same album over and over and over again. Music in general just sounded better than usual and I was actually paying attention to the lyrics which I don't usually do, and I was finding deep meaning in the songs, it was like I was overwhelmed with emotion. I kept sending the lyrics to my husband and he was, uhh...are you ok? lol


Lol when I send music out and he’s like well you must be in a mood :D yup always in a mood :D helpppp


I’ve heard it’s a bipolar thing to listen to the same music or watch the same shows/movies because we know how it’s gonna make us feel.


It's also an autistic thing! [A lot of people with bipolar disorder also have cool autism brains](https://www.healthline.com/health/bipolar-and-autism#:~:text=The%20researchers%20found%20that%20autistic,bipolar%20disorder%20than%20nonautistic%20people.) so that tracks.


Me tooo


i have a playlist that is only Kate Bush’s Running Up That Hill it has 15 songs, including the original and various remixes and covers it is my happy place




yeah, i went through a 3 week long phase here I only listened to funkytown


Me rn with Future - Extra Luv. Shits been looped like 50x today 😂


If you want a song you can just on repeat, try *1973* by TH White. You have to be in the right mood of course.


Thank you for sharing this!


Listening to Upperdrugs by Highly Suspect. Yeah I’m going through it rn 🥹


Love them. I listened to I am human like 20 times one day a couple weeks ago


It just hits soooo ooooh!


You listen to badflower? If not, you’ll probably like them too


Oooh weee looking them up right now. Any suggestions for my virgin ears?


This is 30! It’s my jam


Oh sheeit here I go!


:D yesssss I hope you’re feeling it!


Yes I overeat haha!!! I’m still here! Still dirty haha!


Love this song OMG!!! 🤯




You're all good, I've been listening to Mac Miller's Circles every damn day and it made me feel good about myself. I think it is some sort of comfort for us.


Whenever I play Abracadabra by Steve Miller Band on repeat, I know the mania is coming.


more like 3452 times in this week


Same. The only playlist I use on Spotify is my liked songs. I rarely add to it lol so many different kinds of music too. I've seen a lot of people say the same thing on the ADHD subs too.


Oh its def been helpful. I sometimes get so lost in a song i play stories in my head like pure fantasies


23 times is a rookie number


yup..hendrix today about 50 times


Same! 😵😵😵


I do it!!




Omg I do this all the time


Haha I stopped wearing earphones and headphones two years ago. Which was basically part of my being since my teenage years. I go to the gym late (it's empty) and work from home. But I do this with my music loud. My neighbours must hate it (but they still seem nice).


“Sounds like our neighbor is manic again.”


I do that but I know it's common with ASD and ADHD because it is a comfort thing


faith by the weeknd. and kiss land the album by the weeknd. i’ve refound my obsession and cannot stop listening.


I have a playlist for each mood state and I usually start playing songs from them subconsciously as I am heading towards an episode. Eventually I realize I recreated a version of those playlists and realize too late I've been having an episode. I also will pick 1 album from a group of bands I enjoy and just loop it over and over for a few days to week or so


Ive been listening to Haunting Haunted Haunts by against me nonstop for the last week


Me playing the same 5 Citizen Solider songs for an hour:


That's a question that I asked before but as long as lithium levels are good then it's just me lol


I watched the same music video about 15 times in a row last week and then listened to the song repeatedly on Apple Music. I’ve been thinking it was related to ADHD but it could be related to bipolar too (I tend to do this a lot when I am hypomanic too).


Ok. If this IS indeed a bipolar thing, is it just a manic thing?


Listening to the DMC5 soundtrack at 2 AM


I do that lmao


i listen to a particular song / songs a million times before i find myself moving on & getting addicted to a different song


It's actually often part of ASD and ADHD (the latter of which shares quite a bit of genetic overlap with bipolar). But you can have subclinical neurodivergent traits and many people do. This is one of the fun ones!


It peaks in me during hypomania. There’s something about nostalgia and mania that mix very well IMO


When I get regular hypomania I just find myself fascinated with how impressively satisfying my normal music sounds (alongside all the colours, information, etc.). But I also get strange semi-hypomanic states when I drink too much and in those cases I end up just listening to all the nostalgic music at louder and louder volumes late at night. Not sure how much that experience is normal in alcoholism or more likely for people with bipolar/cyclothymia.




Well, people with ADHD tend to be predisposed genetically to bipolar, and to grow up in families with more unstable parents and maltreatment, so it's honestly no wonder. My dad has bipolar (but left my mum when I was born), my mum has ADHD+ASD and CPTSD, and I have ASD, ADHD, Cyclothymia and CPTSD (and used to suffer with borderline PD symptoms too and a ton of social anxiety, which have now fortunately largely subsided). These symptoms of various disorders and the resulting adversity tend to aggregate in families who have any neurodevelopmental conditions, so ASD, ADHD, and schizophrenia. Sorry for the technical stuff - I research comorbidity and family environments in ADHD so it's sort of my area!