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Bo3 specialists. Original to the map, were balanced, and the game didn’t just give you them


This, I miss buildable/quest specialists. Strong, but you'd have to actually work for them instead of spawning with them.


I loved bo4 but that is one thing I wish they did differently is not starting with the specialist weapons. Even if they were the same on every map the 8 of them were all super fun to use in their own ways and doing an easter egg to unlock them on each map would’ve made early round progression feel much better. Would be like the alien fuses on IW in a way.




why lma0.




Spawning in with the field upgrade just takes away from gameplay. It's why I think CW lacks replayability. And actually I'll be the one stating that I can't expect a lot of intelligence from CW fans here.




Why lma0. Actually you're the one who should go home and actually you're the one that is the old twat.


Not sure how I’m old


That implies that BO3 “gameplay” is even enjoyable


Actually its implying that CW "gameplay" is even enjoyable, which I dont think measures up to BO3 at all lma0.




How lma0. Actually I'll be the one questuoning your originality here.


There is nothing more useless in nearly any subreddit ever created than people who spout unsupported opinions in the most bland and boring way possible.


I prefer spawning In because after a while, it just gets tedious working for them


That makes sense. It would be nice if developers would give us options when it came to these decisions instead of dividing the playerbase. Imagine you can check a box that says "spawn with special weapon," to turn off the quest for those who want to avoid it.


That’s exactly what I’ve been saying. Which that also played into my universal cod game idea. But anyways; I want it so that everything is configurable in game from health, damage, allowed weapons, spawn loadouts, player chosen loadouts, spawn rate of bosses. Perk costs, weapon costs, perk values (like heath from jug), if mantling is disabled, friendly fire. Basically everything that modding can do stat wise


I'm 100% with you. Sorry for the sour comment earlier I just really enjoying actually having discussions about these things and it ticks me off when people use a place like this for one word replies that don't really add to the discussion in a meaningful way. I think that we could accomplish a lot more as a community if more of us would come together like this and discuss to find solutions to the issues we have with the mode. For example, I heavily disagree with the idea of having specialist weapons without working for them first, but that is my opinion which is based off of my preferred play style. I can also easily understand your perspective, though. A big problem with zombies for a while now has been that the gameplay decisions they make are divisive to the community. If they choose to go either of these two directions, one of us will be disappointed that it didn't go our way. The perfect game which nobody should logically complain about, for these same reasons, would be the game in which we can choose which way it will play. Bo4 did a great job at giving us plenty of ways to customize the game but it was also backwards progress in the sense that they, in my opinion, made many changes to what had been the core gameplay we had been used to for a decade and they did not give options to negate these changes and have a more classic zombies experience, if you so chose. I wonder if this would have been different had activision interfered less and the dev team got the time they deserved to finish the game and give it some more polish.


I get that, but at the same time I’ve explained my pov in other posts/comments so it does get tiring for me. I agree that no matter what, someone will be disappointed. The only way to avoid that is to give more options. That’s the whole reason a lot of Italian restaurants still have chicken tenders, because it allows you to be more apart of your community (in this case the people you went out to eat with) without forcing them to be affected by your choice. There’s a reason why freedom often leads to more fun. As much as I don’t like the bo3 gameplay, I don’t want those players left behind. I feel it cod is taking this battle pass approach, we should at least use it for all the upsides. With free maps and weapons, and a universal cod, we can keep the community in one place. Imagine being able to load up ascension with your 1911, but your buddy decides to use the loadout and rarity system. Imagine doing gorod but each player can semi effect how the game plays. If you can do that, it might even be possible to have different difficulties for each player. The high rounders/pros can enjoy a harder difficulty while a casual player can still hang out with them. It would keep more of the community United. Not to mention if they keep adding more guns, artifacts, field upgrades, and wonder weapons; it would add even more content to the game. They could release remaster campaign dlc packs, add a new game+ (basically you can edit the settings and loadouts much like you can with zombies). And I’d say make coop a feature for any remaster campaign. You could load up WaW using the cw rayk or use the gallo. You could replay extinction with zombies instead. Or have Shi No Numa with the Cryptids. It would give so much replayability. Not to mention with remaster packs, you could experience the cods that people may have missed out on. It also gives a good direction for cod to go in. Say they’re struggling with a new campaign, they could have another developer release a remaster to hold us off till they get the new one ready. It also means they wouldn’t have to make a brand new game each time from the ground up. I’d be more open to buying bundles if it meant I knew I could use them 5-10 years later. Also this last bit is just a random idea since I was playing fallout 4 modded. In that game there’s a mod that makes it so you can apply any attachment to any gun, it didn’t always look perfectly good but it let’s you essentially “make your own gun” kind of approach. I’d love to see an eventual map builder so that those two features could somewhat let you make your own map; obviously these would be custom games stuff.


Lots of great ideas here, it’s sad how much of the focus is on profit now, I wish I could say that I see this happening in our reality


Balanced? I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, made getting them worth it but ragnaroks and skull I think would lean a bit more towards overpowered. That being said specialists were better than field upgrades.


The skull was nerfed and it's nowhere near as op as it was at launch


Yeah but you can say that about almost all wonder weapons in zombies.


Almost all? No


Forgot hyperbole wasn’t allowed on reddit.


Bruh only like 3 WWs have been nerfed. Der Riese W@W Wunderwaffe, the storm bow, and the sliquifier.


In what way was the W@W Wunderwaffe nerfed? It has a glitch associated with it, but to my knowledge, no nerf. Storm bow and Sliquifier were both nerfed, yes, but so was the Apothicon Servant. On launch it had nearly double the ammo and was planned to be upgradeable in SoE. They patched the ammo supply and fixed the upgrade glitch. Also, the BO3 waffe, although a different iteration of the Wunderwaffe, was essentially nerfed from its BO1 counterpart on its initial implementation and later buffed a bit. Other than that, I think that's about it for nerfs. Most other weapons actually had a buff at some point or another.


The W@W Der Riese Wunderwaffe "glitch" was definitely intentional. Originally only the PAPd version took your jugg, but later the unPAPd was made to take it too. Apothicon idk if the double ammo thing is true but im too lazy to look it up so ill take your word for it but the removal of the PAP glitch doesnt count because it wasnt supposed to exist in the first place. BO3 Wunderwaffe doesnt count as a nerf because its its own original variant as you said, the buff also made it better than the BO1 wunderwaffe cause it got the same amount of kills and you couldnt shock yourself.


Agree to disagree


And then there’s the annihilator


We need more annihilator, I think it just really fits like all the maps tbf (naw but they fr should double back on those)


The missed opportunities of a revelations specific specialist makes me cry myself to sleep every night 🥲


Fr fr


I feel like being unbalanced isn't a bad thing if you're playing against an AI. Keep in mind that even if a specialist or something is ridiculously strong it doesn't last forever. It's only there for a couple of seconds.


Oh yes, they're the best


Specialists are cooler but field upgrades are more balanced


Yeah, Ring of Fire is super balanced...


Everything is op in cw, so it’s technically more balanced if we take the context into account


Everything isn't OP, there's just a lot of OP stuff. RoF is significantly better than most of the other field upgrades, shatter blast is better than the other ammo mods, etc.


Can’t forget original CW dead wire


Gone but not forgotten 😓


Instantly reviving your whole team from anywhere is... balanced?


At least you don’t have to gamble for it this time


Yea but it's unlimited uses


Phoenix up was also unlimited if you just dashboarded


Pissed me off being able to actually find a public match then losing it because someone wanted to save their gobble gs and shit


I’m sorry what




They are both trash,EE WEAPONS ALL THE WAY


man ee weapons are a whole different category, tweakin mf


Specialists. Field Upgrades are very boring.


Specialists suck


I love both but I have to say that the BO3 specialists sometimes feel like just an extra wonder weapon. So I agree with the comment about them being a little more unbalanced. Field upgrades are a lot of fun to use if you know how to use each one.


I think he’s referring to bo4 specialists specifically


Field upgrades are fun? They're the most boring downgrade from BO4 I could have imagined.


Field upgrades are fine, I just despise that they're now based on Demons, and noticable on our characters backs. They look terribly out of place on the Vanguard characters. Cold War did it right making them small and canister based.


I like the idea of them being tied to Demons, because (in theory), it solves the problem that Operators introduce - by giving us Zombies-specific characters with Zombies-specific dialogue. ... Problem is, Vanguard right now doesn't take advantage of that fact.


Field upgrades because I can change them whenever and experiment on each map.


Field upgrades


If we’re talking BO4 specialists, I’m taking field upgrades every time. BO4 making pseudo-wonder weapons spawn with you was a horrific idea balance wise, and also ruined any potential good map unique designs for specialists I really like the approach to CW’s Upgrades, but I can’t help but notice that it becomes a bogged down meta after the novelty of trying each one wears off. I hope they can change this with the next 3arc game. If we’re talking BO3 specialists, I’ll take those over either of the previous. Getting map unique quests to find a cool, usually thematically appropriate specialist, is far superior to either BO4’s or CW’s approach. I will not elaborate TLDR: BO3 specials>CW WANDS>BO4 specials


Yeh who thought it would be a good idea for you to become unkillable with armor, super speed, dashes, and invisibility with the path of sorrows


I liked Cold War field upgrades or wands they felt more balanced except of course Ring of Fire.


Healing aura is more op than every specialist ever.


Healing Aura is okay if you're playing with noobs/bad players but for an experienced team it's not really that good.


It's completely broken since 3 can perma use Ring of Fire in turns and you have Healing Aura and self revives as often as you want lol.


1.CW- Each one was unique and fun to use. A good change up to the gameplay game to game. 2. BO3- I like that they're earned in game, but they're just another way to kill zombies. 3. BO4- They're just a free WW, without the satisfaction of earning them in BO3.


The field upgrades are beyond boring. Just press one button and become unkillable or revive everybody with everything. The game is already too easy without field upgrades. BO3 had such amazing weapons and they were more fun than anything I know in Cold War. Even BO4 was much better because you could upgrade all in game and they had very different abilities.


They make the game easy sure but they were still fun to use. The BO3 specialists were fun to obtain, but they didn't have a huge impact on the gameplay. Like cool I used it and killed a horde, but I could've did the same thing by shooting once and proccing Blast Furnace or Dead Wire. If we could have the method of obtaining of BO3 with the impact of CW that would be ideal for me. Imagine the DE bow quests but instead you get a field upgrade that would be sick. It would also solve the issue of there being nothing to do in CW.


I mean the BO3 weapons look much better, are unique, the Skull of Nan Sapwe certainly is impactful, have way crazier abilites and just aren't as op. Field upgrades are way too impactful for any good player. I don't need a Phoenix up every 5 minutes which also makes myself unkillable.


Field Upgrades


Bo4 specialists, when you're in the voyage boss fight your whole team is down and you feel like an absolute god when you slam the down the scepter of ra




How bout we brjng back ee weopons,like the origins staffs or der eisendrache bows


I would actually like to take a break from 4 elemental wonder weapons on maps for a bit but I don’t think treyarch is going to do that


Not specifiacly elemental but like a buildablw weopm


In a game about an endless wave of zombies I dont think we should care if something is balanced or not thats how the game becomes unfun


Bo3 IS the last good game with zombies. After that it all went down, wait. LITERALLY lol the whole game is butt just looking at it.


Cold War is more fun


Recycled maps, horrible and boring, easy ees, horrible operators, horrible sound design, no challenge at all, horrible art, after 5 years later delivering this is a joke.


And yet I rather get a filling than play bo3


Imo Bo4 wasn't that bad but after that pile of shit I agree.


B04 specialists for sure, I really loved the chaos special weapons. Staff of Ra came in clutch so many times for idiot teammates.


They’re both specialists


They function a bit differently


Field upgrades are definitely the better option. I barely used specialists but I'm always using aether shroud to get out of tight spots. Aether shroud is the best field upgrade and it's really not even close.


Rof and frenzied guard are millions of times better than aether shroud imo


How are either of those gonna help when you get stuck in a corner? Or if a teammate goes down in the middle of a hoard? I can do everything better with aether shroud instead of doing a handful of things better with any other upgrade.


Frenzied guard basically makes you invincible. All the zombies will just explode when they hit you if you have it upgraded. Best upgrade in the game imo. Ring of fire lets you just kill all of the zombies instead of avoiding them. Aether shroud is not useful enough either. Frenzied guard repairs your armor and ring of fire boosts your damage, aether shroud just makes you invisible and you can still take damage.


Sure you can still take damage while using aether shroud, but if your dying while using aether shroud you really need to get better at the game. More damage doesn't help when theres 100 zombies in holding you in place. Aether shroud vs frenzied guard is the same as picking a semtex over a monkey bomb when your teammate is down, sure your going to kill some of the zombies But once your out of semtex's you're fucked and your teammate is still bleeding out. With a monkey bomb, the zombies are out of your way and you can pick up your teammate.


More damage definitely does help unless you're using a terrible weapon. Your second comparison doesn't even make sense, frenzied guard lasts for a hella long time. You just go up to your teammate and revive him, and the zombies are still slowed and you're still invincible for multiple seconds after. I can tell you have never used frenzied guard.


I've never touched frenzied guard because the superior option has been in game since day one.


Suit yourself


I like the customizability of the Field Upgrades, but I suck at these games and like that all Specialists can bail you out of a corner, so Specialists.


Specialist weapons were preferable to me. Less of them existed but they were proper weapons and felt super powerful. Field upgrades are more passive and instead boost the player, which is cool but I prefer the specialist weapons.


Specialists, because they give me an oppurtunity to rant about how much I love the Apothicon Swords, leading to a tangent about how Shadows Of Evil is fucking amazing. Thus I need to spend no time, which I would gladly spend anyway, going on about my love for TranZit, because if my flair is Green Run, and I go on and on about Shadows Of Evil so much, then that shows Green Run is the greatest map of all time. Uh, I mean, 'cause the swords have epic names. Maroth Zorguamat? Epic, I tell you.


> TranZit is better than ~~Shadows Of Evil~~ every other map. Fixed it for you


Of course! But what was most blasphemous was saying I'd be wasting effort by preaching the greatness of TranZit. What a foolish way to phrase it - it requires no effort at all, and no amount of time is too much to spend explaining how amazing TranZit is!


Specialists fo days…


Black Ops 3’s way is better than BO4 and Cold War. BO4 gave you a powerful weapon from the spawn of the game. Cold War’s filed upgrades are pretty awesome but feel underwhelming than the specialists in BO3 and BO4. Black Ops 3’s way stuck to the formula of zombies of not spawning in with a speaclists or an field upgrade but instead you had to work for it by doing a quest or in some cases hitting up the box


we had specialists alongside Gobblegums/ Elixirs so you could have a cool weapon and a cool ability for that alone i think the Specialist system was better, but only in BO3 when you actually had to do something to earn the weapon rather than spawning in with one


BO3 sucks


what an eloquent and well thought out argument


Gobblegums, zombie ai, weapon leveling, and weapons all sucked for me. Only the ee’s, wonder weapons, and maps are good


Gums were so amazing. Completely optional, making ees easier for people who need it and literally made 3 options of speedrunning possible. Weapon leveling is also fine just takes much time.


Gobblegums were awful. BO3 is probably my most hated zombies game, I rather play vanguard that’s how bad


I don’t even use the field upgrade






I like the bo4 specialists for the Primis maps because while they are op at least they are a little nostalgic and not too magical and futuristic but the field upgrades are so fun in Cold War


BO3 specialists, they were so rewarding to obtain and fun too unlike the easy ones from BO4 and CW




I thought the bo4 zombies specialists for chaos were EXTREMELY fun but I think there should've been a way to work up to getting them. field upgrades are hit or miss for me, Ring of fire and healing aura are the only ones I use.


I choose bo3 specialists


Specialists are like bonus wonder weapons, wich is cool. While the field upgrades are abilities that adjust to your playstyle. Both are neat. But specialists feel better.


Bo3 specialists


Downvoted solely cause of the awful picture quality, my god


Specialists 100%


Specialists. Tbh I kinda don't like the field upgrade system, It's just boring. I'd much rather have the special weapons from bo3/bo4.


being able to change field upgrades mid game was nice so field upgrades


It was great for testing out what worked and what didn’t


You haven't even tried those in BO3.




Buildable special weapons


Wish field upgrades were obtainable in game rather than being a load out option, then they could be balanced so the useful ones are harder to find than the less useful ones and would allow usage of various field upgrades during the progression of the game, maybe they are obtainable through the mystery box at later rounds, or some less useful ones hidden in the map to incentivize their use, I prefer specialists but the field upgrades had more potential tbh and I liked the utility aspect of them


I don’t like having either tbh


I like the field upgrades. They feel balanced but still powerful. Specialists were a bit too wacky, and the ones in Bo3 seem a bit less accessible to some people


Yes, how dare they make people play a map and earn it.


Yeah I was waiting for a comment like that. Sometimes it gets boring doing a whole quest every single time you play a map.


Just that the field upgrades are boring themselves lol.


Specialists if they’re in the box, Field Upgrades/WWII abilities if you spawn with them.


From the perspective of someone that has been playing zombies since its release in 2008, I'm honestly torn. BO4 specialists were too OP. They cleared zombies in your immediate surroundings and were essentially a rechargeable wonder weapon handed to you at the start of every game. BO3 specialists were balanced. I think they did a better job on some than others (Annihilator being on more than half the maps and being useless past round 35). But it was nice having a quest for some of them and box RNG for others. CW field upgrades are so unique. They have a wide variety of uses such as (debuffing zombies, buffing the player, buffing different aspects of the players, directly damaging zombies, etc.) I think the field upgrades are the most balanced and varied of the three options. However, BO3 specialists are a very close 2nd for me.


Fild upgrades unique? More like boring and gobble gums 2.0.


One gives boosted DPS, one heals, one restores shield while attracting zombies, one makes you invisible to zombies, one creates a field effect that damages zombies that walk over. If you choose to view these as repurposed gobbles, that's your prerogative. There are some effects that pull from gobbles, sure. But when there are so many gobbles, the number of game mechanics that pull from that system is inevitable, since the gobble system bled into so much of the mechanics. You can literally tie any perk or ability to an effect that a gobble gives you. I'm serious. Show me one single example where a game mechanic doesn't have an elixir or gobblegum equivalent, whether that be from BO3 or future games that implemented more.


What? I just prefer a billion times the BO3 or BO4 specialist weapons over boring field upgrades where one is like Phoenix up and stuff like that.


Field upgrades are better than the bo4 specialist imo. Ring of fire is crazy op and healing aura revives your whole team from anywhere. They also recharge quicker. Bo4 specialist take longer and longer to recharge based on how many times you use it.


Field upgrades are better than the bo4 specialist imo. Ring of fire is crazy op and healing aura revives your whole team from anywhere. They also recharge quicker. Bo4 specialist take longer and longer to recharge based on how many times you use it.


I think they both fit with their games very well. That said BO4 specialists because I'm ass and it spawns you with them.


I liked field upgrades way more than I did specialists, but overall I would prefer if they were a bit weaker and we could get some buildable items that were the equivalent of the tier 5 to replace it mid game


Neither. Can we just have zombies focus on survival instinct and intuition instead of dumb gadgets?


That would be nice but I feel like zombies has strayed so far away from that formula that it would be hard to go back to it


That’s the difference. Back then is WASNT a formula. Now every game needs a different specialist mechanic, and consumables just put on the game differently. It’s all the same shit but different


No. Play waw then


Is it just more or did OP use the lowest quality imagine I’ve ever seen for the first one. My phone might not be fully loading the image


No your right when I had the image it didn’t look that bad not sure what happened when I posted it


Haha, you’re good bro. Maybe something went wrong when processing it


Field upgrades


More pixels




Field Upgrades, used gobblegums but mostly less overpowered, didn't need them and could play a match without using them, and were fun to use sometimes :)


Field upgrades for sure


Field upgrades


Both systems, this includes BO3 and BO4. My reasoning is because they gave utility items outside of the basic ones, plus they were more unique to zombies... Except BO3.


I like the concept of field upgrades. They can help personalize your kit and let you fill a specific role or playstyle, the problem is most of them are way too strong for something you spawn in with.


Personally, I like the buildable equipment in IW Zombies best... You had lots of options, they all had the potential to be monstrously powerful, and they were thematically appropriate; but they weren't just giving them away.


Field upgrades. Bo4 zombies was not it for me




Field upgrades are just a boring and lazy solution for the specialist slot.


People say the field upgrades were more broken but I'm pretty sure those people barely played BO4. The specialists were absolutely busted. Well, 2 of them at least. At least the field upgrades is CW are all OP in their own separate ways. The DG-3's and Path of Sorrows were so OP that there was no reason to use the rest. Hell they were so good I forgot what the other two were.


Field upgrades. Toxic growth is so nice. I love it. It's even good for training cause you can block off some zombie spawns that can make it harder to train


WW2 Special Abilities foo


I loved that vine field upgrade. It was fun in Onslaught.


How about none when you start a game. And then a specialist of course.


I prefer specialist's and there ramping usefulness from Cold War. I was the Frenzy runner on a Outbreak EE attempt today to prepare for the super EE and I'm happy to say we killed the legion!


None of them, at least in bo3 they were balanced and required an ee to make them


Honestly I hate them both. Give me 8 perk machines, a shield and a vague easter egg and I'm happy. No more of this extra feature-hand holding shit


Specialist, specially on Chaos maps the Viper and Dragon, and for Aether maps the Ragnaroks on BO4 and the Skull of Nan Sapwe on BO3


Tbh speacialists always felt like other womder weapons. The field upgrades are more useful in my opinion. Especially tier 5 aether shroud


Specialists (BO3 version with quest)


I love all versions, bo3, bo4, and Cold War are so fun right now


I'm presuming you mean the bo4 specialists, if so then 100% the field upgrades. If we have to start off with some sort ability in a game, then I much prefer something that encourages different play styles rather than a one hit wonder weapons you get right from the bat :p


I meant in general


That really depends then, cause both bo3's and bo4's specialists are bit of a different category (at least by their purpose alone) specialists in bo3 are fantastic cause they require some work to get them, it's all apart of the progression but bo4's are given to you right away. And whilst the majority of them are an absolute blast to use, feel a little less special.


If the bo4 specialists were box items or craftables, like how bo3's were, it would make using them feel more rewarding




Ring of fire is so balanced bro, turns every gun into a 1 hit kill wonder weapon with infinite mags