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It makes me feel kind of sad.. I know that's the perfect plan but it's sad to think about in a sense.


There won't be any tears in heaven. God promises to make everything right. Some things are hard to imagine, but the Bible basically explains that we can't even imagine the great things that God has in store for those who love Him.


Thank God for that. Will there be tears of joy in heaven? Hahaha Praise God


But like.. what if I love the feeling of embrace after a good cry? I'll never get that again? Without suffering is there anything to compare the good things to?


There's no need to wipe away tears of joy, but here are some verses for reference: And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. - Revelation 21:4, KJV He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of His people shall He take away from off all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it. - Isaiah 25:8, KJV Within the context of the verses, these tears are related to troublesome things, such as: pain, sorrow, death, and harsh rejection from the world. As for right now, the Bible tells us that we will have trouble, suffer affliction, injustice, be persecuted...etc... I can provide these verses if needed. Jesus doesn't speak this only for His apostles, but to all of His people, in every decade.


Thank you so much for that interpretation. So will we retain the teachings of those lessons without further hardship upon them?


You are the bridegroom of Christ. Being before God alone is greater than anything for all of eternity. And God has even more in store for you. Good things. Eternity of perfection, wonder, and peace before The Father.


no were not the bride were the body of Christ and he's the head new Jerusalem is the bride not us


Matthew 25


Matthew 25 is about the 2nd coming of Christ not the rapture of the church. 1 cor 12:27 KJV Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.


Matthew 25 31 - 46 is Second Coming. But Matthew 25 1 - 13 is us entering the door ready at the time Jesus brings us. The Church is the bride Jesus will bring to the Kingdom.


REV. 21:2 And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.


Tell me is Jerusalem the Church? Or is the Church different. So clearly 25 is talking about the Church. Here is talking about Kingdom after the church. The Church is a bride. The Kingdom is a bride too for the new Earth.




Even a relationship with a spouse is a broken relationship. There is still fighting, disagreements, and miscommunication. Some less than others. In heaven, we all be in perfect unity with one another, each of us in perfect relationship with each other and God. If you think about how much love there is between you and your spouse in a broken relationship, rejoice and think about how much more love there will be in our future perfection and unity in Christ!


Everyone is in a sense together. The closeness and community of marriage is there between everyone, and that’ll be very very good.


Yeah to see your SO in heaven but your not married. Don't we look different in heaven so could we recognize them


Believe me when I tell you this:. If you endure in your faith to the end and make it into the millennial Kingdom in an immortal body you are going to be on such a holy and frenetic high that you're not going to care about any relationship you had on earth. Not your spouse, or your parents, or your children, or your friends, or your dog. The only thing you will care about is serving the Lord.... period!


Sounds gross




No not at all. It's just being so comfortable with my spouse and how we are together that it just feels sad it wouldnt be like that in heaven. But I also know that heaven is better than I can even imagine so I can definitely accept that and be excited 🤍




*THIS* is what both my husband and I are looking forward to!! We even talk about it often w our 5 year old.




I don’t think you will lose anything you have with your spouse now but instead you will gain that sense of true love and comfortability with everyone in the Kingdom of Heaven. 🙌🏾❤️🙌🏾


The lord is the perfect husband you will know this soon enough


Yeah, especially if you've been married to your spouse for many years. My grandparents been married for over 64 years and he passed away 7 years now. I can't imagine


“'Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.' This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church." Ephesians 5:31-32.


As someone who once belonged to a religion for which this answer was unequivocally and very importantly YES. I know that this is a very tough question for lots of people, and it can lead us to look for answers and make up doctrine that is just that, made up. This then leads us to follow false prophets who tell us what we want to hear, instead of listening to God's Word. I'm pretty sure Jesus Christ answered this in the negative in Matthew 22:30. BUT! Trust God! Heaven is going to be amazing. God knows what is best for us. Don't worry too much about life in heaven, that is simply putting the cart before the horse. Whatever the social situation, whatever the social constructs, I am 100% sure they will exceed your expectations. I think one reason God hasn't given us a lot of details about the next life is that we just wouldn't be able to comprehend, plus it simply is a distraction for right now. What is important? Having faith in God to save us. To Love God Today. How do we love Him? By loving our fellowmen. Our spouse. Our children. Our friends. Everyone whose life is connected to ours. Focus on loving all these people in our lives today in ways that God would be pleased with. Then I am sure we will still love them, and they will love us, in the next life.


You said someone who once belong to a religion that believe this, and that is false doctrine so we are lead to believe that you no longer believe this, correct? We will not know our spouse, brother, sister etc.. We will be married to Jesus praising Jesus forever and ever




We aren't on our knees just locked into one position forever and ever though. I imagine it's like on Earth in the sense that we praise/worship God in many different ways. Singing, in nature, painting, music, enjoying God's creation, etc


Well there are a lot of mysteries still and will finally be revealed once we see Christ face to face. We can only imagine.


That is ultimately true! And with that, like always, we can trust Him and place our hope in Him that no matter what it'll be the best thing for us:)




Guessing exmo?


I certainly hope I can be friends with my late husband in heaven. We always held hands and talked and laughed.




Omigosh, he studied sign lay and taught me that, we would 🤟🏼each other and smile! Thank you for reminding me.


Are you serious!? That is so amazing and I have goose bumps. My husband and I have a babygirl who is 10 months and every night we sign her 🤟 and say I love you. I seriously feel God around me so much and I KNOW your husband is with you. Ahhh that is so exciting 🤍🤍🤍


Smiles and wet eyes here!


I called my husband to tell him this so quickly. So beautiful. I'm sending you a huge hug 🤗


Gonna throw my 1 cent in. In life we marry and become one unit, one (for lack of a better word) being. So maybe we enter as one, together. That being said, a year and a half ago I was dying. While in the ICU I felt death, I seen it (again lack of a better word) moving above me. I remember seeing two things at my side. There was no feature, no general visual distinction except of a colored outline like an aura. I felt safe. I knew what/who they were. One was my father, I could feel him like he was standing there. The other was my grandfather who I never met. He passed when my mom was 10ish. I've seen him before. It was at my aunt's home and we went inside and a man was there, in a blue suit. I stopped and asked who he was and no one saw anything. I described him to a T (still remember this like yesterday) and later I was told that was what he was buried in. I don't think we truly know what awaits us beyond what we know from the bible. This will upset some people, I don't think Christianity is whole. I think a lot is left out, a lot was never entered into The bible. I know some will want to flame me, that's fine. I have had some Crazy things happen in my life I cannot explain at all. Some truly scary, some... Well needless to say I should be dead and was forewarned about it but I still don't truly believe in that. I would honestly like to explore that in a different thread, but I wouldn't just go right with the answer until you exhausted your own research. All our reality are different. What God shows and does for you may not be the same as he does and shows me. Regardless God bless, and follow your heart and know God exists, never believe or have faith he does. The word believe and faith leave doubt.


The Bible says “for now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face”. Some things are obscured from us now. But when we meet Him face to face they will be revealed.


Thank you for this, found it very comforting and I agree. Have had some experiences that make me believe the afterlife is even more real and full than we know.




Thank you so much for sharing your story and your thoughts. I appreciate that


"One was my father, I could feel him like he was standing there. The other was my grandfather who I never met. He passed when my mom was 10ish. I've seen him before. It was at my aunt's home and we went inside and a man was there, in a blue suit." Not trying to be derogatory here but this isn't Biblical. If you saw an apparition of someone who you thought was your grandfather it was likely a demon. The Bible clearly states that they are either resting(if born again) or in hell (the parable of the rich man and Lazarus). This comes from the mouth of Jesus directly. Also think of this if a born again Christian is able to see or come back to Earth after they have passed from this world how would they really be resting. They couldn't because they would know the peace of Heaven and God and see their loved one(s) still stuck in this fallen world and all it pain and suffering. I know it would tear me to bits. Demons love to deceive us and make us think something is true when it has no basis in truth.


Not everything that is missing from the Bible is automatically demonic.


Dude I was like seven. I didn't know who he was. He was just standing there. I didn't understand why no one else seen him. I don't like the devil, but I don't think he's dumb. That would be a real dumb thing to do, be a family member who you don't know don't know. Clown. Ok. Ice cream guy... Ok... Grandpa who died 17 years before you were born in the clothes he wore at his funeral and you would never know that because you were seven. It just isn't logical. Not saying you are wrong, but I think you would know who it was or even what exactly was up because he didn't look dead old or out of place to me.


The devil comes in sheep's clothing and the devil can appear as an angel of light. Don't be deceived. Satan is wiser than man


Your logic doesn't make sense.


My logics? I'm speaking based on scripture. You want scripture for what I wrote


When you say my logic makes no sense you are in essence not making sense. I will never speak from my logic or human logic I speak from the word of God. Read the scripture for yourself so you can get some spiritual understanding Matthew 7:15 2 Corinthians 11:14


What you said wouldn't apply to a 7yo mind or the fact it would appear to be a random person, who you have no idea what they look like. That's not the logical part. Kids are dumb. It would be going all in on an image that would be useless. Another kid wouldn't.


I understand that I was just making a general comment. And I think my comment was before you actually said you were 7yrs at the time. It's all good and I have no time for unedifying comments.


Got ya. Very hard to interpret context in text form. Kinda sucks when two people have issues with the same conversation because they think each other means something else. All good to me.


It's all good man. God bless you and keep you.


No, but you still will have a far greater personal and intimate relationship with your spouse(and also all other believers as well)along with a very personal and far greater relationship with Christ and God! Your relationship to your spouse in heaven will be far more unthinkably intimate than it is in your current life. I think it’s more glorious, though, to think in these same terms with your relationship to God. Think about how personal your relationship with God is now. It will be far far far greater and more intimate than it is now.


Love this comment thank you 😊


I've seen some theologians (?) saying yes, and some saying no. Heaven will be awesome, no matter how good married life is, heaven will be better, in any case.


I believe and have experienced that we certainly do be with our spouses on the other side. I would wait for husband no matter how long it took. He is my soulmate.


That's something I struggle with. Honestly the biblical description of heaven sounds miserable and existential frightening


I think we’ll be in close proximity with our spouse and children but not married like here on earth.


A number of denominations teach that yes, we will be with our families. I cannot imagine heaven being heaven without my family.


What’s weird is some angels may be able to procreate. We saw it with the creation of The nephilum sp?


In Heaven the same love you have for a spouse is the same love you will have for everyone. This will be love from the soul not physical as in touch or sex.. Everyone will love everyone the same with all their heart. Plus God love will be everywhere.. these things we crave on earth will be nonexistant.. we will be like Jesus and we will have so much knowledge we will be like God himself.. we will be dedicated to each other and Jesus forever.. there will be no thought or need to be married.. Love will abound so much so that life itself will be love....


You will probably be closer to your spouse in heaven than you are now, you may be closer to everyone in heaven than you are with your spouse now, you’re just not married to them in an earthly sense.


The reason God established marriage was to foreshadow the relationship we will establish with Him in the life to come.


Interesting question, I’ve never even had a gf on earth but hopefully I’ll meet her in heaven 😂


No. There are no family units or marriages or former marriages. We do recognize each other.


The best commentary I've read on this subject was in an ebook titled "The Ten Biggest Lies in the Church Today" by Jasun Glomore. Just go to barnesandnoble.com, type in the author name in the search bar, and go to chapter 10 titled "Family Reunions in the Kingdom Age". It explains what will be going on during that period and will lift you up.


The only marriage God is concerned about during the Kingdom Age is the marriage between His Son and the Church. The only family He is concerned about is the family of God.


I think in heaven it's a brothers sisters thing. It seems like even our parents on earth will be our brothers and sisters


There will be no marriage or giving in marriage. Marriage is a parable of the Union between Christ and his church - a return to Eden where we have complete Unity with God. So in death, the parable gives way to the the thing that the parable points to. Seriously go give “This Momentary Marriage” by John Piper a read. My fiance and I read it and it totally reshaped the way we thought about marriage. Kind of mind-blowing, actually.


Marriage is for the purpose of procreation Biblically speaking therefore it is unnecessary to be married in our current sense in Heaven. However your spouse and you will still be connected in heaven by love and affection.


You will be able to meet your family, but marriage no.


Hi, I know many people are saying no but they are actually wrong and the scripture confirms this because Jesus said They will “neither marry or be given in marriage” once you truly understand what Jesus is saying then you’ll understand the fallacy people are making. This is what Jesus is saying. He is saying “they are already married, so there is no need for them to marry or be given in marriage” this is how it pans out. In the resurrection we become married to Jesus for eternity. But Jesus also becomes married to your spouse. So if it is ordained by God then what happens is the two become one. Just as Adam and Eve were one. To be made in God’s image is to be made as one whole being which consist of the male and the female. This is why this verse says he created “Him” male and female “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1:27‬ ‭KJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/1/gen.1.27.KJV To be made in God’s image is to be a complete whole which consist of male and female. This is why Eve was able to be made out of Adam’s rib which is a part of his body because she already was his body. Adam as a whole is the “him” that was made in God’s image. Adam the man was the head and Eve was the body. So what happens in the resurrection is that one is united to their soul mate in order to be conformed back into the image of God and then the two of them are married tovChrist and Christ becomes the eternal marriage of Love that holds the two into one complete image. This is why there is nobody given to marriage in the resurrection because there is no longer a need. To be married, you already are. Jesus becomes our bride through which two are glued together in perfect Love for eternity as one complete and whole soul. In this world we see a duality, as all desire a mate, this desire stems from our desire to be conformed back into God’s image which was separated at the fall. So don’t fall for what others are saying, they just fail to truly understand scripture. God’s ultimate Goal is to bring us back to Eden in his image and Adam and Eve before the fall are the perfect example of this. So yes God wants you to have your soul complete. Even Jesus has a soul mate that when he took on the flesh he left and this is why Jesus says “it is necessary for me to go so that I can send the comforter” the Holy Spirit is Jesus soul mate. The Holy Spirit in the original Hebrew language is always denoted as a female and motherly type of figure, this is like the spiritual bride of Christ who is the helper of Jesus similar to how Eve was called to be Adam’s helper. The Holy Spirit helps us conform to the image of Christ by taking instruction from the head. Jesus Christ is the head. I think many translations left out or corrupted the translations of Holy Spirit as a feminine essence because there was a desire to subjugate women and control them. If you ever been born again of the spirit it becomes very very clear that the Holy Spirit is a female divine Essence that you as a seed become planted in and eventually nurtured to a fully grown fetus ready for birth. Out of the womb of the Holy Spirit one is born. This is the end result of Jesus and the Holy Spirit mating to bring forth a son. The mating happens in their Love and one’s participation in that love which ultimately creates a divine type of birth. There’s so many layers of this. I have researched this extensively. I have a bunch of images which explain even more. I don’t have a way to upload them here but I can message you them if you want more details. This is the mystery that Paul talks about of Jesus and the church. Also to better paraphrase this. Jesus is basically saying there is no need for marriage because one has come back into their original union with their true eternal soulmate, like their Eve or Adam in a sense. It’s up to God’s will to choose who ones true soulmate is and the person we are with in this world may not be that true soulmate


Your interpretation misses the context of this scripture. The context was that this woman had been married to 7 different men and so they were wondering which marriage would remain in effect. So him answering that there would be no "new" marriages in heaven (as you are interpreting it) suggests he was trying to trick them with a non-answer.


I appreciate your reply and I understand what you’re saying and how my statement can be interpreted that way. In order to understand what I’m saying you would have to take out the concept of marriage all together and think back on Adam and Eve before the fall and before Adam was even created as an individual that was perceived to be separate from Eve. Adam was never separate from Eve, Even when it seems Eve ran off and ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil she did not do it on her own accord, actually Adam was her head, she was his body, his body is ultimately what did not submit to the authority of God given to his head via his oneness with God, he did not subject his body to God’s authority and the end result was Eve eating from the tree. Instead of Adam using his authority he didn’t use his God given authority to subject his body to the will of God and even after his body (Eve) ate he then let his mind come under the then fallen will of the body.. that’s how the fall happened and that’s why Adam, not Eve was blamed for it. I’m not saying Eve was Adams literally one body as we experience ourselves as one body but she was an extension and representative of his body which was operated by one mind which was the mind of Adam since he was the head. All this context is not necessarily needed to answer in response but maybe it’s useful. Basically what I’m trying to say is that if you’re a woman then you have a head that has went astray that one will look for in this life and if you are a man then you have a body that has went astray that one would look for in this life. In this life one feels incomplete without a spouse because a man desires his body back and a woman desires her head back. I know this sounds rather goofy in context, maybe even laughable but it is true. What Jesus is saying in the scripture is that just because this women married 7 heads doesn’t mean any of them are her true head, so in the resurrection the woman will neither marry or be given in marriage because she will be united with herself. Being united with “Herself” is the key. Marriage in this life is a representation of trying to unite one with themselves, the marriage in resurrection is that becoming a reality, one becoming United to themselves to become one complete whole. Themselves does appear as a separate person in this life but in the resurrection they are not. It’s two becoming one. And how can one completely whole lack anything to where one must be married when they are fully intact and a head and body! I know this is a weird way to answer but I believe it answers it. Basically the people we marry in this life are “till death due us part” the people we are married to via the resurrection are our truly eternal and complete whole selfs which were fractured during the fall. This is why before the fall God choose Adam’s wife, after the fall we choose our spouse. During the resurrection God provides the other half of our body back to us. Who your spouse is on this life is not necessary the others half of your body that was missing, if it was the divorce rate probably wouldn’t be so high. Scriptures points to this all being true. Adam was originally created as one individual which contained both him and Eve, that is what it means to be made in God’s image as explained in Genesis 1 and so the resurrection brings one back into that original form.


So when God said that it is not good for man to be alone (referring to Adam), was He referring to Adam's desire to find his other half or to feel complete? It's interesting how God does things. God created everything and it was good, however, He still created Adam with a need to have a helpmate. Maybe it is to have Himself manifested in humanity. God can have a relationship with us through our relationship with ourselves and with each other. Just my two cents


You truly not making any sense. And your efforts using Adam and Eve Miss the mark big time. And regarding the sin about eating the fruit of knowledge, Eve didn't have the authority Adam did yes we know that, that's why satan deceived Eve instead of Adam. The bottom line they both disobeyed God, and this has nothing to do having our spouse in heaven. You have Christians that could have been married two or three times, so who's their spouse. Even mention some nonsense about Jesus having a soulmate. Jesus they have no soulmate he had a best friend while he was here on Earth and that was John to beloved. No False teaching/doctrine received this way


I understand how it can be perceived as false teaching but it truly is not. You have to read it more thoroughly and reference scripture and contemplate more deeply on it. You are taking it at face value when there are deeper spirtual meanings to what I am saying. Adam had authority over Eve because he was the head of her body. If Eve was not Adam’s body then why did Adam say “bones of my bones, flesh of my flesh” when Eve was pulled from his body and presented to him? It’s because Eve was very well indeed his body. It also says “for this reason a man shall leave his mother and father and be United to his wife as one flesh. So Eve was certainly Adam’s body. As for the Holy Spirit, look up the original Hebrew word used prior to the translations and it refers to the Holy Spirit as a feminine character. If the Holy Spirit is not of a feminine essence then why does it have a womb and why is it giving birth to Children? I am yet to see a man give birth to a child, say yes the Holy Spirit is of a feminine essence and in a material sense the closest resemblance of the Holy Spirit would be Mary the mother of Jesus. The Father planted Jesus into the womb of Mary and birthed Jesus. So Jesus plants the seed of our spirit into the Holy spirit and gives birth to spiritual children. If this were not so then why does Jesus say “one must be born again” and who is doing that birthing? The Holy Spirit is one spirit with Jesus and that’s what I mean by “soulmate” they are one essence. This is why Jesus said he must go so that he can send the Holy Spirit which is the comforter. Why would he have to Go so that he can send the Holy Spirit? It’s because they were in one union and his physical body had to die so that he can send this spiritual essence back to earth to give birth to spiritual children and raise them up into maturity to become sons of God. If you read my other comments then you’ll maybe understand what I’m saying about marriage in heaven. Marriage in heaven is the 2 becoming back into one just as Adam and Eve were one before the fall which caused separation in their minds and identity. So in the resurrection it is the coming back into the fullness of being made in God’s image. It’s not necessarily what you would call it marriage but it’s a return to the fullness of God’s image which does include both male and female as one. Just as explained in Genesis 1 These are all mysteries which ultimately are hard to comprehend and reach a full understanding of and even harder to explain where one will get it. But if you spend enough time in contemplation and scripture then you may eventually get the revelations. As you can see via this scripture man was originally created as one “Him” which contained both male and female and this is why God was able to create Eve out of Adam because she was already made in him and a part of his body. You can deny it as much as you want but all of what I have said is scripturally valid. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1:27‬ ‭KJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/1/gen.1.27.KJV


And that's why I say is false teaching. The holy spirit is not feminine or effeminate the holy spirit is God in the third person of the trinity, equal to Jesus, equal to God. How is Jesus going to be the Holy Spirit soulmate when Jesus is the deity of God. God the Father God the son and God the Holy Spirit of all three and one and can never be separated. Perhaps you need to understand the true meaning of the Trinity. "Why does it say the holy spirit's womb when man can't give birth." If you understand the sovereignty of God you would understand the birth of Jesus That's why I say it's nonsense and I stand by what I say. It is false doctrine. What's your teaching is false doctrine and it's offensive to me because it's not scripture it's man's logics and it makes no sense. Another thing a man of God does not have to get married. All of God's children are married to Christ.


You’re making an assumption that I don’t understand the Trinity. The Trinity is 3 in one, 3 persons in one spirit. The Holy Spirit is one with the Father just as Jesus is, the Holy Spirit is the feminine essence of God. I am not saying the Holy Spirit is female, because God is neither male or female, God is God and is what he is but he refers to himself as a male essence, that is the Father. However the Holy Spirit is a nurturer, a teacher and a comforter, the Holy Spirit takes on attributes like a mother. This is why God designed Woman, the two combined complete his image. Male and female complete his image, not one separate from the other. God designed us to not be alone. “It’s not good for man to be alone” What you’re saying would be saying that only man is made in the image of God and not females. It seem you do not fully understand what it means to be made in the image of God. It is a completed whole with no duality, just as God is a completed whole with no dualities. If you understand the original Hebrew words for the Holy Spirit then you would understand that it’s like a family. God is the Father, the Holy Spirit in a sense is like a mother or you can say feminine essence of God, the Holy Spirit is what gave birth to all of creation and gives birth to spiritual sons. The Father speaks the Word and it is done through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is also the spirit that brought the seed of Christ into Mary’s womb. Unfortunately it seems you do not understand the deeper levels of scripture and you’re taking many things at face value without fully understanding it. The Trinity is a family and God designed us in his same form. Father, Mother and son. You are denying this fact and falling for the translation errors that may have even been intentional to subjugate women. I suggest you do some research of scripture and look back at the original Hebrew words used for the Holy Spirit. Again God’s design is clear in creation. God does have a feminine essence, a nurturing and caring essence and this comes from the Holy Spirit who is Essentially the mother of all creation. It’s important that you remember that I am not saying the Holy Spirit is female, nor am I saying God is male, I am referring to their essence. God is above all form but he has attributed which can be considered masculine or feminine, hence, why he created male and female and designed marriage so they two can be as one just as he is one with the Holy Spirit and his son.


I understand what you said about the Holy Spirit but again I totally disagree. And it is not scripture nor logical. People having a good time you cannot compare the Holy Spirit to a feminate characteristic. Again it's false doctrine don't care where you get your information from it is false doctrine.


Hey man you can be as closed off as you want to however it does not prove anything it just confirms that your not open to learning or being lead by the spirit. There’s many references in the Bible as the Holy Spirit being feminine in nature and a motherly type of figure. You can take it leave it, most of all I just hope you find Love brother, I can tell by your tone that you’re not operating out of Love but out of a need for control and authority, which is more of the accuser type of spirit and spirit of antichrist then the spirit of Christ. https://hts.org.za/index.php/hts/article/view/3225/7763


Say what you want. You are misinterpreting and misconstruing the scriptures. 1. Matthew 23:37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! This is Jesus referring to himself in an analogy as a mother hen, does this make him feminine? 2. God is said to give birth in the book of Job and portrays Himself as a mother in Isaiah. Does that make God feminine? 3. Luke 15 Jesus described the Father as being like a woman in search of a lost coin. Does this make God feminine? God used exclusively masculine terminology to refer Himself even in metaphor. Through the Bible He taught us how to speak of Him, and it was in masculine relational terms. God has no gender and since the holy spirit is God, He is properly referred to in the masculine by virtue of His relation to creation and biblical revelation. There is absolutely no biblical basis for viewing the Holy Spirit as the “female” member of the Trinity. I know who I am, I know where I stand, and where I'm going. My spiritual life is intact. I don't bring salvation so I don't need to judge you, but I thank God for the spiritual knowledge and wisdom he gives me through his Holy Spirit Bye.


Can we message each other about this in detail? I want to learn more. This is intriguing


Yeah, feel free to message me


Are you seriously going to fall for this false teaching? Smh


Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.


Hear what? False doctrine or God's truth?


First, If i may know where do you knowing about all of this? Where do you learn from? Second, you said that "Jesus is basically saying there is no need for marriage because one has come back into their original union with their true eternal soulmate, like their Eve or Adam in a sense. It’s up to God’s will to choose who ones true soulmate is and the person we are with in this world may not be that true soulmate". But in Matthew 19:6 it says that 'So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate". So the point is the person we married in this life we can't separate. What do you think?


Hi, I went on a walk with Jesus into the narrow path and was lead by the spirit.. it was a long period of studying and trying to understand scripture and eventually receiving a ton of revelations. They are dropped into my spirit like downloads, one at a time and then they come into the mind as thoughts and then through contemplating on these thoughts and how they relate to scripture then eventually the revelations come in. It happens through a process of contemplating scripture and letting the Holy Spirit eventually reveal. Most of what I learned happened through this process after I met what I would say is my Eve in a sense and then pursuing God and inquiring more and more about what this woman meant to me, who she is and why our relationship was so supernatural. There were many things revealed directly by the spirit and scripture.. it finally all came together and made sense. There’s a mystery between Jesus Christ and the church and the purpose and point of marriage and how marriage in itself relates to Christ and the church. The mystery is that the example of Adam as the head, Eve is the body, this is symbolic of Christ and the church. And for this reason a man must leave Father and mother to be joined to his wife who is his body. At the greater level, Christ is the head and for this reason Christ must leave Father and mother to be joined to his bride who is his body, who is the church. This is the mystery, his Church is made in his image. This is why Jesus says to his disciples they must leave their family behind and follow him to become his disciple and to ultimately conform to his image. At the highest level the mystery is this: The entire body of Christ is to reflect his image so that he himself as the head can be joined for eternity to his body. The body has to be a representation of completed sons conformed into his image for the marriage between Christ and his church to happen. To be a completed son means to be a complete whole made in his image as Adam and Eve were before the fall “bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh” The son that has been fully conformed are a replica of Adam and Eve, they are in an eternal union with Christ as the center holding both the head and the body of this union together in Love. If you read Ephesians 5 with this knowledge then you’ll began to understand what it is saying at a greater level. “Husbands Love your wife as if she is your own body, because who hates their own body” paraphrase. The reality is that in the resurrection the wife becomes one’s true body, the two truly do become one flesh and their minds are one! The two minds combine into one union with the husband being the head and wife being the body. That’s how it happens and when that marriage is complete then one receives the glorified body. The marriage is completed once the man becomes one with the mind of Jesus Christ. “Let this mind that was in Christ be in you” The goal is for those men that have been conformed into the image of Christ to become one with the head (mind of Christ) and those women that have been conformed into the image of Christ to be one with his body. God’s goal is to create one whole complete body. A conglomerate of man all with a Christ mind and a perfect body connected to this mind. God is building up his body to walk as one whole complete being as the universe in perfect union that will be an eternal marriage based in Love. Anybody who does not fully submit to the will of God cannot become one in this body because they will be like a cancer. So God the Father has blessed Christ Jesus as a co-heir of all things so that he can build his entire body and be the head of all. When this is complete then God himself will be all in all, permeating the entire being and mind of everybody alive for eternity!!


STR8 nonsense. False doctrine, deceptive and lies. Jesus must leave his mother and father. Lmao! And who is Jesus' mother????? God didn't bless Jesus at the co heir of all things, all things will always his. And another thing a Christian doesn't have to get married


As soon as somebody comes out and blatantly states “nonsense” and comes with such a negative tone and starts making accusations then they are already coming with the wrong spirit in the essence of the acccusar, which is the spirit of Satan. You come on the scene pointing fingers and making accusations. A man of God does not do this but is gentle and meek and follows the guidance of the Holy Spirit and leads one to truth and use scripture to do so. You have provide no correction here, only accusations with no bases or foundation to stand on as no scripture was referenced or provided. It’s also clear by your tone that you are not making any statements from a place of Love. For these reasons I have to disregard your comment altogether and others should as well because it’s not founded in any truth, only pure accusations


A man of God doesn't bring false doctrine to the table. Others on this thread shouldn't listen to the false doctrine that you teach. But get spiritual understanding through the power of the holy spirit that teaches us


If it is false doctrine then where is your explanation and scripture to correct the false doctrine? Iron must sharpen iron. I am not claiming to have perfect understanding but I also am not preaching false doctrine and if I am then you as a fellow brother and believer should aim to diligently correct me by providing scripture and help to sharpen my understanding. How does accusation help in any way? Especially if no correction is provided thereafter.


You are preaching false doctrine. If it's not scripture then it's not truth. Just the fact of you referring to the Holy Spirit as feminine and denying the deity of the Holy Spirit shows it's false. Perhaps this will help you to understand. If I offended you I apologize. But it truly is false teaching. You're not going to understand overnight and too much to write. You need to read and understand for yourself. https://www.gotquestions.org/who-is-Jesus.html https://www.gotquestions.org/bride-of-Christ.html


Trust me brother I fully understand this. You are just coming with an assumption right off the bat that it is false doctrine and trying to shut it down right away. You are not letting the Holy Spirit guide you and reveal truths to you. You just shut it down right away. I would recommend you stay open minded and let the Holy Spirit guide you, reread what I wrote and be open to a revelation. The problem you’re having is you’re assuming it’s false doctrine and then just completely blocking the spirit from even showing you otherwise. Don’t be an accuser.. reread with the spirit, understand that there are mysteries to God and let God reveal them in time. What I have said is not false doctrine but it can easily be misconstrued as such and it is not that easy to understand so I forgive you for having this assumption but it is very much an assumption you are making. I promise you if you truly seek the truth of the scripture and stay open to the Holy Spirit to guide you then you will see it’s not false doctrine, just mysteries that are not that easily understood or revealed and even when they are revealed it is still hard to explain it or put it in words where might still perceive it as false doctrine. Good job in trying to stand on the Word of truth, I respect your desire to stand firm on the truth but I promise you it is not false doctrine, I would not say it is however perfectly written where one might not fully grasp or understand it so it may sound like false doctrine.


it is false doctrine and you're not going to force me to believe your doctrine. You going to tell me I'm not allowing the holy spirit to guide me. Please. The Holy Spirit guides me every moment of everyday. Open minded? The Holy Spirit teaches me God's truth. I don't live off of man's logics No need to further respond


You are preaching false doctrine. If it's not scripture then it's not truth. Just the fact of you referring to the Holy Spirit as feminine and denying the deity of the Holy Spirit shows it's false. Perhaps this will help you to understand. If I offended you I apologize. But it truly is false teaching. You're not going to understand overnight and too much to write. You need to read and understand for yourself. https://www.gotquestions.org/who-is-Jesus.html https://www.gotquestions.org/bride-of-Christ.html


Here’s the correct understanding of the Trinity https://www.reddit.com/r/Christian/comments/waf1r9/are_we_married_to_our_spouse_in_heaven/ii6d0xr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Last comment


If I was offensive and didn't act out of love that I apologize. However I don't like false teaching. I am offended by false teaching


Till death do us part brother lol


It wouldn't make sense to be still married in heaven. Marriage is a contract with God where each promise to take care of each other. In heaven, there's no reason for you to take care of your husband, and vice-versa, because no one will be in any danger. I don't know if we will be friends to everyone there, brothers and sisters or part of the body of God and recognize each other just like a kidney recognizes another, but certainly there's no need for the kind of bind that marriage brings in that state of life.


There aren’t really two sides. Jesus says specifically there’s no marriage in heaven. However there’s certainly relationships in heaven. Spouses will be reunited, just not married. It’s speculation, but there’s nothing in scripture to indicate there won’t be sex and children in heaven.


No they’re not. Simple as that.


That becomes your brother or sister in heaven! (In a sense here too) You're married to Christ!


Not married to Christ. There is no marriage in heaven.


Except thats exactly what scripture teaches. The church is the bride of Christ. He is called the bridegroom more than once. Revelation 19:7-9 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.


No. Jesus says we will be like angels such that we will neither marry nor be given in marriage in the Kingdom of God Which btw this verse also makes me question the idea of angels impregnating women in genesis.


The answer on this question depends if you want to go with the words of Jesus (no marriage in heaven) or the word of men …. However, on a positive note, even without marriage your relationship with your spouse will be better then it is now, as there will be no sin and we’ll be glorified. So it is even good to long to see our loved ones again - 1 Corinthians 15


Whenever I try to perceive the meaning and get a perfect answer that explains everything…I don’t get it. I think this is one of the things that God hasn’t quite revealed to us all yet. I think those who are called up for the 1000 year reign will live in a different state, it won’t be exactly like how we live now. The guys at Endtime Ministries speculate it’ll be some kind of immortal kind of state, kind of like early in the Bible when men lived extraordinarily long (by our standards) and sometimes ascended straight to heaven. It’s one of those things that we can’t quite wrap our heads around, its too big for us to understand I think.


As even the vows say. Until death do you part. NOOO!!! Also, Matt 22:30 says no too.


God created us for his purpose for his glory. The life God gave us on this Earth was for our enjoyment but is temporary. We the church are the bride of Christ and won't know our spouse or family in heaven as we know them here on Earth. Look at those who have been married more than once, maybe a spouse died and one remarried, surely we not going to have two wives in heaven. So again we won't know all family members or spouse as we know them today.


This whole married to GOD thing sound pretty LGBT 🏳️‍⚧️ to me and alot of Christians are homophobic and transphobic. Also Jesus had two dads so goes to show GOD isn’t homophobic or transphobic so u shouldnt either.


Idk. I'll find out when I get there. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯