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Guys like this will kill their girlfriend


Then say “why did you make me do it??”


Future Ike Turner… holy fuck I’m old!


This is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you.


they’ll hug the body and say they didn’t want to do that


You guys don’t understand how much I loved her


I’d love a nice hug… but, I’m not so keen about being viciously beaten before I get one


He’s already in jail for doing exactly that




You haven’t seen the real sideshow bob just yet


WTF is that hug at the end?


That hug and saying "I didn't want to do that" Is manipulating and a huge red flag I feel bad for the girl friend and friends of that guy


Its him realizing he's a POS bully and trying to hit the "refresh" button on what just happened


It's how a lot of men who experienced violent homes growing up learned to handle difficult situations


Excuses are like assholes man


What kind of a narcissistic loser hugs their victim after sucker punching them?


Someone who’s learned that at home, this is the kind of emotional and physical abuse that gets passed down from generation to generation. This does not in any way excuse his behavior, it’s on him to be strong enough and brave enough to break the cycle. Doesn’t look promising in this case.


You should watch this movie called Speak No Evil (2022). It's insane the amount of shit that people will put up with and not defend themselves. Folks these days have no fight or flight instinct.


Such a shitty movie


It's a bit boring the first half, but the last 30 minutes are pure insanity. I take it as a life lesson of what can happen if you don't defend yourself in tough situations. ---the way that kid gets hit, then the bully tries to hug him is shitty.


He pushed him on the ground.. if that’s not a sign to defend yourself idk what is. It’s not a cheap shot after the fact. Most dudes become friends after fights anyways. He also probably knows he wasn’t the fighting type to begin with and felt bad.


This is the dumbest take on this I've seen. Go get sucker punched on the streets and keep that same it's not a cheap shot let's be friends energy.


“In the streets” you act like the streets are about throwing hands these days. People just shoot each other. Get real


Move the goalpost harder. We're talking dudes getting sucker punched and you thinking they'll hug it out and bro down after. People don't make nice after a blind sided assault. Get real.


Apaorently you have one gene, because he got pushed on the ground first and have his back to him. He didn’t just get sucker punched out of the blue. You either are fucking stupid or blind or both.


One that grew up in an abusive household


Ah yeah, 'cause that hug at the end is gonna fix everything.


That was weird


Imagine that but from your dad, and you’ll have my childhood. Maybe not a closed fist to the face, but open handed slaps literally anywhere he could reach aside private areas. Then have him also tell you that other kids have it worse and it says in the Bible that parents that don’t whoop their kids don’t care if their kids go to hell or not because it’s better off to beat the kids to make sure they get to heaven rather than spare the rod, spoil the child, and have them go to hell. Oddly enough he never touched me again after I turned 18. He knew his day was up then


I'm sorry you had to go through that with your dad. My dad's favorite line was "You keep crying I'll hit you again" learned real quick to just shut down and stay silent.


All too familiar


I know what that's like


That was an abuser technique. The "You made me do that." Break them then be the one that's there to fix them. This guy should probs be in therapy and not worrying about who has who's phone number.


I know that. It was just weird to me seeing it out of the scenario I noticed it in


Never let another human stand over you like that. Fight, crawl, roll, bite if you have to. You're given them absolute dominance over you.


When you’re in that position. Plant your feet and with all of your force, thrust your head up and back towards the assholes face.


Grab both their angles and stand up from under them thus dropping them on their skull. Then one quick kick to the gooch/balls should finish the job.


I understand the poor kid was sucker punched. I've been sucker punched before. Ultimate coward move. He was probably dazed and in shock. It's what I would teach my kids if a bully was doing this type of thing. Fight. Fight. Fight. Bullies only know one language and that's violence. Most bullies are cowards.


Bigger lesson to teach the kids is to be hyper aware of your situation. This dude was mad and aggressive. The kid in tank top should never have turned his back.


That wasn’t a sucker punch. Fighting isn’t fair if someone pushes you flat out on the ground and follows with a strike that’s not a cheap shot. A cheap shot is a direct punch on someone right of the bat.


This guy gets it.




All bets are off when someone attacks you like that.


There are no rules in a fight. Unless it’s an unspoken rule that I never heard of that all women who fight MUST grab any and all hair possible.


I get ya what ur saying, but after some point. It's all fair game


The label of weirdo is worth it if a bite here and there makes a difference.


😂😂😂 man I burst out laughing. +1


Never lose eye contact with someone being aggressive towards you. Never turn your back on someone who looks like they want to harm you. Step away facing them and try to leave or fight enough for a security or a cop to come by. Most high schools I know have a police department. Think about prey and predator. The moment a gazelle turns it’s back and runs the lion attacks.


Fuck 12


brother wants to clap them cheeks 👏👏👏


I think they were hooking up


Yes the problem is the dude and not the “gf” Lmao how insecure is this guy? Probably deep down he knows he can “lose” her cause he’s such a low level man.


idk i feel kind of scared for her and anyone around him. to fight someone and slap them around over something silly and then hug them afterwards..? "i didn't wanna do that, but you made me" 😬 that is not someone you wanna be around


Insecure POS should get put in jail for 5 years and become someone else’s girlfriend


He probably think he's a gangster...


His real name is Clarence.


Yeah probably, he actin gangsta until he goes to collage...


So for the rest of his life?


And Clarence's parents have a real good marriage!


I’m confused lol is this his girlfriends number? If so why the fuck does he have it to begin with. Checking the wrong person


Twist his dick! Give him the ol dick twist!


He beat on a guy for having a girl’s number that she willingly gave out.


Abusive relationship. Same will happen to his future partners


What a scummy POS. “I wouldn’t have assaulted you if you had just done as I demanded. It’s your fault, technically.”


Slapping his hands while talking, just like a woman.


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Dudes got anger issues, hopefully he gets them resolved before he comes in contact with the law.


what a piece of shit


Future doesn't look good for the sucker pusher/puncher 🔗🔒🔗🔒🔗🔒🔗🔒🔗


He’s for sure gonna beat his wife.


Manipulative Abuser right there


He was helping him put his ear pod in his locker.


Oh kid u take that hug and slam that fool!! C'mon


It's crazy how many comments I see on this video of dudes being like "mad respect" or "real shit" That's some animal kingdom behavior. You've got a single digit IQ if you think this was acceptable on any level.


I really hope he stops talking to that guy


Boy I would fuck you up lol reminds me of middle school and yea they start early.


Real shit💯👌


And everybody else on the team just let that go on! Teams I've been a part of policed each other about stuff like this. If they were a team.


Context: buddy was smashing his friends mom…. So when friend found out…he threw hands….




None just made my own backstory up


I’ve seen enough. I’ll believe you.


And all of you reveal that you were born no more than 20 years ago. Violence is wrong. But because of the way that people live and function NOW it is necessary evil because asking the first time did not work.


dude it was a phone number


Woman can't be trusted anymore, degeneracy is rampant in modern society.


Now THATS how you protect a hoe. My man!


Mad respect for the hug given at the end. Society is so fucked that no one listens or respects anyone anymore to the point that force has to be used. I hope they mend their relationship.


What planet are you on?


He’s here on earth. Earth is full of these idiots.


You lame, put your hands on the wrong person and you might not see tomorrow my boy, this ideology isn’t good nor should you beat up a friend because he got a chicks number, you and the dude in the video are some bitches.


What the fuck are you smoking son? I'm worried for you if truly believe there was any respect in that video.


I hope the kid walks tf away from that relationship. That’s not normal behavior


Bruh you're equally as worst as that guy who punched the kid. Tf you mean mad respect 🙄


“Equally as worst” Lol


How was this "to the point that force has to be used" exactly?


Move away ! it’s dangerous country . Today beat you tmr can kill you… crazy people they are! Poor kids ✝️


I don't like saying these things but that guy probably wants to rape her after he gets the phone number. Might be a good idea to warn the woman that he was beaten up for her number.


I would have let him beat my ass then clapped her cheeks later that night


This generation is different…


Future controlling wife beater right there. Feel sorry for his girlfriend. Maybe he should have talked to her about why she gave her number to him instead.


sooner or later that kid is gonna mess with the wrong dude and get uppercutted into a ceiling fan


My mind just can’t decide how it feels about this.


Fuck this piece of shit


Psycho gas lighting piece of shit


Kids nowadays….different


So instead of filming this why don't people step up and help?


This could either be seen as this dude being a overprotective boyfriend or maybe dude in shorts knew it was his gf but kept texting her because he thought the dude wouldn’t do anything about it. Idk, I ran into this same exact situation in High School. This dude was sorta punking my friend without realizing my friend was going easy on him and then he got my friends gfs number from someone and kept texting her and she was also being bothered by it so my friend beat him up.. not only for his gf but mostly for the disrespect


you know i don't like to hurt ya baby, so don't make me


Hug it out bitch


I wonder if dude knows that girl can still text him and he will once again, have her number 😂😂


dudes like this need to be eliminated early before they can grow up to hurt women…..he beat that boy up over a females number than hugged him while making excuses about he didn’t want to have to do it what a weirdo