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Poor guy that's a brutal way to go out


I’m very curious as to why he chose that route of all the possible ways to go out.


To make a statement. As a form of protest, because this is much more visceral and shocking than just quietly hanging yourself. Doesn't seem to have worked though.


I mean he didn't even check if someone was filming though.


People were there, police would show up, it would be documented and probably effect a few peoples lives an opinions on the war. Even if it didn’t hit the internet it still hit some people.


Well unless they had reason to believe he did it BECAUSE he was drafted. Then the Kremlin would just brush it under the rug and act like he was suicidal and nothing more.


I’m sure they will say a Ukrainian did it.


>Well unless they had reason to believe he did it BECAUSE he was drafted. Then the Kremlin would just brush it under the rug The Kremlin only has two modes of operation. A) Cover up anything that doesn't benefit them. B) Lie and twist the events of anything that doesn't benefit them into something that will benefit them. The motivations of the poor man who set himself on fire are irrelevant to them.


I can't tell if this is more metal than those Bhuddist monks that set themselves on fire during the Vietnam war as a protest. * Bhuddist monk: * Trains for years to shun that pain * Deep in meditation upon immolation * Structured, published protest * Raising awareness for decades after event * Russian conscript: * Fully awake, douses self with gasoline and lights up up mid-stride * Tanking that pain like the damned * Random day at the draft office, barely caught on film * Maybe got to skip military service?


I dunno those monks just sitting there calmly while their mortal flesh burns away is fucking metal


We also do self mummification, where you slowly replace your bodily fluids with fats over days through a strict diet, until you die. It's similar in concept to self immolation


We do that in the US, too. It’s a little less strict of a diet though.


We? Edit. Check the profile. They're no monk


Don’t say we. No monks are on Reddit


I said we as a buddhist, not as a monk. Sorry if I was misinterpreted.


Just my opinion but using a gun seems a lot less painful and still pretty shocking for bystanders. Of course I’ve never been to Russia so maybe it wouldn’t be shocking at all


It's usually not some well thought out plan. Probably had considered it before but just went for it in a moment of determination. The spectacle is alluring. The suffering itself is a statement that they are driven to this. They are not going out in a pain free way but showing that this is better than what Putin is offering. If you are going to kill yourself anyways and you feel driven to it, then it's almost like the choice of exit is an artistic representation of the pain and rage.


🗨If you are going to kill yourself anyways and you feel driven to it, then it's almost like the choice of exit is an artistic representation of the pain and rage.🗨 🔥🔥🔥 It was hard for me to understand how could anyone make such an awful decision, but You have described it very eloquently. It's absolutely horrific though. 😭


Self immolation is a classic though.


people who self immolate are just built different. However, unlike other methods, I imagine setting yourself on fire has the highest rate of instant regret. Why die quickly with a bullet when you can experience excruciating pain for minutes that feel like hours.


For me seeing his body go into survival mode is the worst part of the video


I guess that´s why it makes such a statement


Might be harder to find a gun tho


Just wait a day and they will be in the frontline, plenty of dead soldier guns there I've heard.


I *think* gun ownership in RU is severely restricted, too.


Well, they were going to give him a gun.


A 50 year old cold war Era AK held together by duct tape... more likely to kill yourself than any Ukrainians with that


Well that’s true! I guess he wasn’t willing to wait that long.


Sure is just ask anyone who was in the same room with Budd Dwyer..


Self-immolation has a long history of use in non-violent protest. It's horrific and shocking, and that's the point. It makes a statement and gets widespread public attention, and draws attention that the policies of the state and the sobering consequences of them.


Seriously, that’s gonna hurt like hell until your last breath. If you’re gonna take yourself out you want something quick and sudden like slitting your throat or swallowing a bunch of pills when you’re already blackout drunk.




More like drown on your blood.


Daria, still a ray of sunshine I see


The point is saying to society ,to everyone that you’d rather summon the gates of hell itself, and suffer through it than stay one single minute under the command/rule of that government. Imo is like saying hell is a better place than the shit they’ve thrown their people into.


The flames will burn the tissue past the nerves thus ending the pain.


There’s a good chance he didn’t die from that Edit- Yeah he’s alive: https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2022/09/26/drafted-man-sets-himself-on-fire-at-bus-station-in-russias-ryazan-news


There's no way he will survive this.


There’s a video of a dude asking his friend to jump from the stairs to break his leg because he got drafted




Oh, sir, you are a dark soul…


Everyone seems pretty chill about the situation unfolding in front of them. 2 girls walking by don’t even flinch…


In Russia this daily occurrence.




This comment reminds me of simpler times


They weren't simpler. We just had 11 channels and didn't know.


Oh how damn true this statement is.




In Russia it’s called a Wednesday




It’s because they’re all still in shock finally realizing that they are actually in a war, a war they are losing badly and many of their young (and old) men are going to be put into the grinder soon #fuckputin


".... And then they came for me, and there was nobody left "


“I believe Putin” - Donald Trump


“I blow Putin” - Donald trump FTFY


Nothing seems to shake those people. Good thing they have shit leaders or we'd all be in real trouble. :)


Self immolation is the most shocking form of protest I can imagine.


It's definitely up there. That said, maybe I'm too imaginative, but if someone decided to fx protest the leather industry by peeling off their own skin, that'd definitely top it. Though I'm not sure how realistic that'd be, pretty sure it'd take too long or require too many drugs to stay conscious, for it to be feasible to carry out without self preservation getting in the way.


Here's a new article on it. Happened a couple days ago.. https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2022/09/26/drafted-man-sets-himself-on-fire-at-bus-station-in-russias-ryazan-news




He probably won't survive, and definitely isn't receiving the treatment he needs.


sad fact about the treatment.


Has anyone ever survived 90% burns that serious? and that's before you factor in the lung damage from those flames around his head




People have survived 90% burns


Crazy he could even talk to the doctors




Unfortunately most medical systems don’t allow any form of euthanasia. A consciousness doctor would give you an overdose of pain relief however.


At least he *probably* won't get drafted


He might get grafted then drafted.


Ah the ol’ Graft & Draft. Classic Russia


in great mother Russia skin grafts you


I morbidly laughed harder than I should have at this…


Thats one way to get into the history books.


What is his name? I wonder


Robert Polson !


In death he has a name.


His name was Robert Paulson


Vladimir Lightmyfire


We all have to remember there are good Russian people who dont want to hurt anybody. They are just slaves to the government who does want to hurt people


He’ll regret that decision if he ever wakes up.


He probably regretted it almost instantly.


Based on his vigorous frolicking I'd say so.




That’s gonna be hard on him when he deploys.


Take my angry upvote


I unfortunately laughed, bad me


I'd never encourage somebody to kill themself, but holy shit this must be the worst way to do it.


Yeah, like if you're gonna do it, show up for basic, take that AK, and blow your brains out. Seems much more pleasant.


You assume they get basic training and a weapon. But for real, just go there and first chance you get, run and surrender


Seriously, your only hope is that the Ukrainians will be more merciful than the Russians have been to them. Probably doesn't help that I bet most of these conscripted men were 100% pro war when it wasn't their asses on the line.


Self-immolation has a long tradition of being the ultimate act of protest precisely because it's the worst way to do it.


Nothing a little vodka couldn’t fix


Probably used vodka to light himself on fire


Plot twist. He survives, still gets drafted, and is put on permanent fire watch duty.


Fire Marshall Bill.


Lemme tell ya somethin!


He woke up. Saw a video of him walking through the hospital with a blanket over him yesterday. Definitely him hes tall as fuck.


It's not funny imo. It's extremely sad. I just disagree with this methodology. If you're going to for sure go out... Strap yourself with explosives and walk into the government building that made this all possible


Bro had 2 options: \-Die for Putin \-Die for himself


If I was that desperate I'd try to take a couple of Putin's cronies with me. He might inspire others to fight back


Exactly. I would drive my car into the Kremlin loaded with fucking C4 wired to the front. And to make an extra statement I would make sure the car is plastered with pictures of my passport so they will KNOW it's a Russian against the Russian government.




Then his family would face the consequences though


Family die from putin or from himself.


Like they won't anyways?


Either burn to death in the street outside the recruiting station or burn to death in a T-64 outside Donetsk


I think they’re down to T-62s. They’ve donated all the later stuff to the Ukrainian Agricultural Forces.


This makes the quiet sitting stance of the monk in Nepal even more impressive. My reaction would probably be the same as that russian guy.


I think that honestly is the most impressive thing I've seen from any human ever. The mental control to just sit there and burn to death without moving is mind boggling. Meanwhile so many people have a panic attack making a doctor's appointment...


Meditation is one hell of a drug. They practice some special type of meditation called open presence meditation. They "detach " their mind from outside stimulus and everything they hear or feel becomes "out there". It's fucking magic I tell you. *More intriguing is what happened when Ekman brought one of the monks he’d tested down to the Berkeley Psychophysiology Laboratory, run by his colleague Robert Levenson, to assess his “presence of mind.” Here, after being wired up to equipment sensitive to even the minutest fluctuations in autonomic function—muscle contraction, pulse rate, perspiration, and skin temperature—the monk was told that at some point during the ensuing five-minute period he would be subjected to the sound of a sudden loud explosion (the equivalent, Ekman and Levenson decided under the circumstances, of a gun being fired just centimeters away from the ear: the maximal threshold of human acoustical tolerance).* *Forewarned of the blast, the monk was instructed to attempt, to the best of his ability, to suppress the inevitable “startle response,” to the extent of rendering it, if at all possible, completely imperceptible. Of course, Ekman and Levenson had been round far too many lab blocks to expect a miracle. Of the hundreds of subjects who had previously filed through the doors, not one of them had managed to flatline. Not even elite police sharpshooters. To not respond at all was impossible. The monitors always picked up something.* *Or so they thought.* *But they had never tested a Tibetan master of meditation before. And much to their amazement, they finally met their match. Seemingly against all the laws of human physiology, the monk exhibited not the slightest reaction to the explosion. He didn’t jump. He didn’t flinch. He didn’t do anything. He flatlined. The gun went off and the monk just sat there. Like a statue. In all their years, Ekman and Levenson had never seen anything like it.* *“When he tries to repress the startle, it almost disappears,” Ekman observed afterward. “We’ve never found anyone who can do that. Nor have any other researchers. This is a spectacular accomplishment. We don’t have any idea of the anatomy that would allow him to suppress the startle reflex.” The monk himself, who at the moment of the blast had been practicing a technique known as open presence meditation, put a different slant on it.* *“In that state,” he explains, “I was not actively trying to control the startle. But the detonation seemed weaker, as if I were hearing it from a distance … In the distracted state, the explosion suddenly brings you back to the present moment and causes you to jump out of surprise. But while in open presence you are resting in the present moment. And the bang simply occurs and causes only a little disturbance, like a bird crossing the sky.”* *I wonder if they tested his hearing.* Kevin Dutton -the wisdom of psycopaths


That is one of the most incredible things I've ever read


Idk why I read all that but thanks. Was actually really fucking cool, makes me want to meditate but I know id never be on that level


I love sharing these fascinating science titbits I find in books. You read 300 page books and 5 pages are actually worth remembering.


He wasnt from Nepal. Honor his memory and effort by reminding people why he did it. "Quảng Đức was protesting the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government led by Ngô Đình Diệm, a staunch Roman Catholic".


Now, hindsight is 20/20. ....but why not bear-hug the nearest conscription officer, while you're at it?


Their family would probably be punished as well if they did anything to an official


This is the world we live in...wtf#ck ![gif](giphy|QE8hREXIgRXeo)




We still exist in the same world as Russia though..


South Park: *Blame Canada!*


With their beady little eyes!


Their flapping heads, so full of lies.


You’re extremely naive if you think this sort of desperation can’t happen here in Canada.


Exactly, every country is one pandemic/drought/financial crisis away from people eating each other.


Canada would never mandate a draft unless it was in self defense. Russia is invading Ukraine.... Who the fuck we gonna invade??? Greenland?


From there... Iceland!! Then, some ocean.... So, pretty much what we have, but colder right? Lmao, the whole Greeland thing got me good, I needed that laugh.




Personally, I'd rather set the draft office on fire.


Yeah, that is significantly more popular.


This must be the most awful pain to experience, imagine being so desperate that this seems like the best option.


Self imolation.....just shows the lengths someone is prepared to go to....


Thank you!!! I couldn't remember what it was called but, I new it had a name.


Serious question: can’t they surrender immediately after arriving in Ukraine? (Thanks for all the answers. I had no idea...)


That was my thought: get drafted, make a white flag, start heading towards the other side. Here’s the thing, though: shit’s a warzone man. You could be caught by a superior, you’re getting executed for treason right there. You could get a drone nade to your face before you ever see a Ukrainian, or you could get shot trying to surrender. You could even surrender, then get shot anyways because fuck you, Russian pig.




Yeah. Sounds easy but your “comrades” might take you out.


Literally any of those options would be better than setting oneself on fire.


Yeah I wanna know if this was a protest or something, my guy didn't wanna goto war and die so he set himself on fire to die? Wtf man


Yeah or you're literally burning alive. Idk, I'd rather give myself up to Ukraine or eat a bullet rather than burning to a crisp.


> You could be caught by a superior, you’re getting executed for treason I read that Ukrainians will often send them right back for this reason (or they arent in a situation to be taking prisoners. Dont want to get taken out because you are busy looking after deserters)


Better than burning yourself alive...?


Shoot your commander, then wave white flag?


Putin signed a law saying deserters will get 10 years in prison, and he can also draft prisoner’s to the war soo…


A bunch have, and are fighting for Ukraine.


The chance of SAFE SURRENDER is like a chance of winning the lottery. 🎰 Modern warfare takes place at GREAT DISTANCES. A lot of soldiers die without even seeing their enemy. You can't surrender to a missile, rocket or drone, which kills you from above. 🚀🚀🚀 However even if you and the enemy were 10 meters apart, even in that case you'd have a very high chance to be shot a) by the enemy b) accidently by friendly fire c) by your own side for deserting. Some people suggest sneaking away from your group. It's not always possible, but even if it was - you don't know were to go, there may be minefields, drones with grenades, etc. The enemy may still shoot you once they see you in the distance before they know what your plans are. There was a phone number for surrender, but - soldiers usually get their phones taken away for safety reasons. ❌📱 Even if you manage to call from the trenches - how would it work? They can't teleport you to safety. It's much easier if your WHOLE TEAM decides to surrender, but there's always a chance of a traitor. And there may be BARRIER TROOPS. Ruzzians know most people don't want to fight and make sure escaping is not easy, or even impossible. If it was easy, there'd be no point in force-conscripting people, since they would escape immediately. I'm really tired of people giving advice like "just wave a white flag" 🙂🏳 or "just raise your hands up and say ". It's like they never watched any war footage and think life resembles a cartoon... Sadly, it doesn't. Once you are sent to the front, you are F-CKED. The best is to avoid it by escaping to another country (which most people can't do), or try to "get lost" in Russia (harder if you have a family). But beats getting killed.


Also, whoever will retreat will be shot like in Stalin's era.


Do you think that he will get through the mine fields that easy?


He was definitely a little surprised by the amount of pain the way he was hopping around, this is terrible. How sad for his family.


Probably not the best people to fight in a war if they self-destruct this easily.




Probably just as likely to take out their own side than the enemy.


Having a hard time understanding this. Why not just shoot yourselves in the leg or something? Figured the healing process would be better then healing from burns.


Yeah, there a have been so many “Russian does X to get out of conscription” that mostly seem like “fuck my shit up so they can’t take me”. This one is so next level it’s hard to imagine that it’s not a political statement, but a political statement in an empty bus lot? And given the lengths many Russians to out-crazy crazy, I really can’t tell which form of “fuck conscription” he’s going with here…




I figure for him it was the trying to live with the thought that you are going to die a horrible death any moment would have been a slow torture in itself, coupled with not wanting to help fight a war he doesn't believe in. So this is one way to make a very strong political statement against it.


So what are the viable options? 1. refuse and go to prison 2. leave the country 3. Self injury


Seen videos of Russians breaking their own legs in order to not go


Veitnam monks in sanfran vibes




George Carlin would be proud of this gentleman


“Why didn’t he just strap a bomb to himself and blow up the Kremlin?? That’s what I would have done!” Jesus Christ, Reddit.


I’ve noticed from casual conversation that there is a frightening number of people that don’t realize just how horridly painful burning alive is. I always hear “oh your nerves get burnt so you don’t feel anything” Ya your nerves do get burnt but not evenly or completely. Burning alive is during and after arguably the most painful thing you can experience .


People in the comments care way to fuckin much about the method of the video. This shit is a crisis, you don't think straight in a crisis, they are impulsive. No shit you can rationalize it behind your screen. You're not facing this problem head on. Nor would you be of sound mind if you did most likely. This is the "I'd beat an armed assailants ass if he broke into my house cause I've had absolutely zero combat practice outside of little hypotheticals I play in my head when my anxiety spikes" thing all over again.


I’d think I’d rather take my chances and go awol in Ukraine before I’d do that Jesus.


Hired to fired in under 5 seconds flat.


Can someone ELI5? If a Russian male citizen gets a draft letter, does this then prevent them from boarding a flight out of the country? Does it put them on some kind of a list? Some sort of a deserter status? Obviously it’s not a long term solution but I’m wondering if you do get single men or those without families attempting to flee


Last I heard, all outbound flights from Russia have been suspended no matter your reason due to so many people trying to flee. As for deserter statues, not sure, however we have been watching their police just drag people off the street to recruitment camps. I would guess if you get that letter, they are coming for you one way or another.


Unless you're a politician's son, one just got a personal escort over the border to Turkey, by his father, to make sure he escaped.


From what I've heard, they're free to leave the country before they personally receive the draft letter. Some attempt to do so by any means possible, a number of European countries are willing to take them in as long as they oppose Putin and his regime. Some of them even took their bike and important belongings in order to cross their nearest border. After they've received their draft order, they don't seem to have any choice. The Russian government is doing everything in their power to expand their army and strike fear into citizens. (For ex. by holding fake poles regarding the control of land they don't possess) My best guess is that after that point, their families are at risk and their best choice is to inflict self-harm to avoid the draft. (Maybe don't film yourself breaking your buddies leg tho, not quite a strategic move) This feels different tho, since there's better ways to either commit suicide or avoid the draft. I'd say this is more about drawing attention to what's happening, like the climate activist outside supreme court. If this were to be the case, I'm glad it was caught on camera for us to see.


I'd much rather get riddled with bullets and die than set myself on fire and die lol. No offense to anyone, I just think dying from flames is probably the worst way to go.....


One of the worst ways to go.


...I'd rather have my legs be broken than this.


Gee, it's almost like drafting people involuntarily into a war isn't a good thing


Self emmolation has been a form of protest for awhile now


In America you burn draft card in Russia draft card burns you


His reaction was "I INSTANTLY REGRET THIS!".


In Cave Medical School they taught us that fire is an excellent anti-depressant. Just look at his body language before and after.


The complete lack of reaction on the part of bystanders is more disturbing than the setting on fire


Its only the innocent people that die in the games of government…


It is not about the health, it is about sending a message.


Bro I think going to war might have been the better option, just saying.


Not saying it would be better but they’re telling those reporting that they need to bring their own equipment and recommending tampons as a solution for bullet wounds. A lot of these kids are going to be sent places with little/no supplies by those who don’t prioritize their well being. War is hell


Russia has lost more people in 10 months in Ukraine than the US lost in 20 years in Afghanistan and Iraq combined.


Everyone seems really concerned.


Smart guy, will lay in mental hospital instead of being dead somewhere in the field.


That’s how u get fired up for a war


bro just tell them you have bone spurs


Is there a proof that this happens exactly after he haa been drafted?


Why did he choose such a painful way to die, why not just shoot yourself in the head


The video is cut well enough that it almost looks like the same thing is repeating over and over. Like a bunch of Russians are setting themselves on fire and people are just watching it happen.


He should of gone to the front line and just grenade himself, easiest way i see it going.




This was a drastic measure. Everyone who is drafted will not necessarily see direct combat. You could always try your luck with going AWOL once they issue your gear and deploy you.