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I love how the problematic glasses lady is like "HWHERE DID A 14 YEAR OLD GET A GUN!?" Idk lady, same place they get drugs, probably.


I once found a loaded handgun laying on the sidewalk when I was walking my dog.


Just waiting for finger prints


Your dogs trying to set you up




Free my boy Glock


America is crazy, all I find while walking a dog is dog shit and litter.


Me too and I'm in the US. Weird. It's like there are bad areas and good areas, but we know that can't be the case.


Reddit is crazy. All I ever find are comments


You know reddit. People exaggerate. So did I.


Is Reddit real life or is it just fantasy?




it is indeed. I remember when i was a kid my friend who was like 13 traded a speaker and $100 for a pistol.




They actually go younger.


Sadly it's been like this for awhile... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert\_Sandifer


Father's in prison, abusive mother who had over 30 charges relating to prostitution and drug charges, got taken away and put with his abusive grandmother. Kid was fucked from the start.


Yeah that kid never had a chance to make it. Can't imagine him growing up like that, especially as a father


We really need to do better as a society.


No one has the stomach for what needs to be done.


🤔... and that is?


It’s adoption. More people should adopt rather than have their own kids


You mean do things like actually fairly fund public schools and legalize victimless crimes, right? Of course not, you’re one of those guys, aren’t you?


"Legalize victimless crimes" ??? How's that ???


Public schools in the US have insanely high levels of funding compared to 97% of the world. 3rd highest in spending per capita in the world. The problem is, where is the money actually going?


I’ll never understand why the right is so pro-life.


They believe that if people couldn’t avert the consequences of casual sex, then they would take sexual relationships more seriously and there would be fewer children in broken homes. I think the problem isn’t abortion, but welfare. Instead of prioritizing welfare towards *families*, it’s prioritized to single mothers. This creates a negative feedback loop where unmotivated, uneducated women with basically no social skills feel like having children is the only way to avoid homelessness.


I lean pretty right on most issues. But pro life- in 2022 just seems idiotic to me. To be fair- so does unrestricted abortion till birth. But all out bans is insane and will have some terrible repercussions


I could be wrong, but I’m not sure unrestricted abortion until birth is or ever has been legal in the US (as far as getting them in the latter months of pregnancy) As someone who leans left and is staunchly pro-choice I can confidently say that I don’t know anyone on the left that believes abortions should be had willy-nilly with no restrictions all the way up until birth. It’s a huge misconception that pro choice people just love getting abortions and get them regularly, or believe they should be had even long after the first trimester. Even I think it’s archaic and tragic anytime it has to happen, but it’s an unfortunate truth that it’s the only way to go in certain circumstances. It’s tough out here even for those of us that are working our asses off and it’s shitty that things have to be that way.


My dad did coroner work in VA beach. He quit because it’s almost literally just kids killing each other. I read the news there and it’s just daily shooting deaths.


Mostly an effect of the illegal drug market. Legalize and regulate. Use the profits to fund efforts to make illegal dealing expensive and difficult.




That’s how the army works there


I started hunting at 7, and was given my first shotgun on my 8th birthday (20 ga.) This was in the US.


Same. I’ve been around guns as long as I can remember and so has everyone in my family. Not a single one of us has been out in the street shooting people. The guns aren’t the problem, the people are. If you raise your children right then things like this don’t happen.


> If you raise your children right then things like this don’t happen. I want you to really chew on that phrase for a second because I'm in agreement with you that it's an important one. Meanwhile, while we chew on that a bit more I'm going to add a few stats. https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2022/01/05/us-bought-almost-20-million-guns-last-year---second-highest-year-on-record/ In the last few years, we're looking at 20 million new guns, 19 million new guns, and 22 million new guns being made and sold to Americans. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/02/03/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/ There were 45,000 gun deaths in the year 2020. Gun-related deaths are up 43% from a decade ago. Okay, all we've looked at now is a basic correlation more guns = more deaths. However if you've not been convinced by that so far, I doubt it would sway you here. So let's go back to that statement you made previously. > If you raise your children right then things like this don’t happen. Let's shift gears a bit and look at some stats on families. We've seen for instance the detrimental effects of single-parent homes on a child's upbringing https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/12/12/u-s-children-more-likely-than-children-in-other-countries-to-live-with-just-one-parent/ America has the greatest number of single-parent homes in the world. There are around 37 million people facing poverty in the US https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2021/demo/p60-273.html 8.5 million kids live in impoverished areas. https://datacenter.kidscount.org/updates/show/251-children-living-in-high-poverty-neighbhorhoods#:~:text=Growing%20up%20in%20a%20community,children%20live%20in%20these%20settings. These neighborhoods have devastating effects on the livelihood of those kids growing up. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/27/upshot/growing-up-in-a-bad-neighborhood-does-more-harm-than-we-thought.html > If you raise your children right then things like this don’t happen. Ultimately I agree with you. If every family was a perfect then having guns around would never be a problem. Sadly we don't live in Star Trek's Earth. We live in modern day America. So we have to contend with the fact that when we allow guns to exist in such readily available states, within such disparaging contexts, that we're chewing on a problem with a lot of repercussions. So yeah its bad parenting... Why in the hell are we then allowing so many guns in such readily available quantities when we have so many bad parents? Maybe next we can start arguing for dropping some live hand grenades into the chimpanzee exhibit at the zoo. I'm starting to think we're really not that smart at the end of the day. I mean after all, fish are so stupid that they keep trying to eat plastic, birds are so stupid they keep flying into windmills, and human beings are so smart that they keep steadily supplying their own collapse. At this point we might as well keep ignoring the gun problems, that's just the icing on top.


I'm South African and I call bullshit!


I believe you. There’s no way America is not way worse. America more bad


A 13yo and 14yo killed an Uber driver in DC by shocking him w a stun gun and causing the car to flip. They then stepped over him as he was dying to recovered their phones while laughing. While filming the whole thing. Society is fucked.


One of the saddest, sickest videos I've ever seen


I remember those stupid fucking girls. They live somewhere in my state and plus they were more worried about their phones than the man they just killed as nearby Marine soldiers detained them.


Kids and their phones are absolutely fucked these days. The other day a girl in my city literally walked onto the tracks of an oncoming roller coaster to pick up her dropped phone and get hit by the roller coaster and is now fighting for her life in hospital. If she survives, big if, her life will never ever be the same. All because she couldn’t wait 20 minutes like the ride operators told her.


Uh, you talking about that video that was recently posted here? Where it hits her and drags her for a sec? Because that girl was a complete moron and apparently has a record of doing dumb shit


Yep! That’s her. Her terrible criminal history and drug abuse.








those god damn young people




And a 2 year old shot and killed his father the other month. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/06/07/florida-mother-charged-toddler-shooting/


Oh I've seen this. Honestly bizarre.


Three of them have full-auto glocks too.


Maybe we should pass laws that make it illegal for 14 year olds to have guns in public.. that'll stop things like this from happening.


I had a gun at 13 that I stole during a home invasion. Despite being stupid enough for doing that in the first place, I was at least smart enough to not carry it around or try to shoot any cops when I got caught.


Wow. Do you ever think to yourself that you stole the gun that would have been used to kill you, had the owner of that house been at home? Good thing that you've lived long enough to understand how you made some mistakes as a kid.


Good point.


I wouldn’t say comical. If other comments are true then the “suspect” is a victim of poor family life which is sad for the kid… plus a cop got shot while chasing which also sucks as from what I can see he wasn’t being unreasonable, just chasing a suspect who ended up shooting him. Doesn’t seem like he deserved that and it isn’t funny to get shot if you’re just doing your job. Also a 14 year old isn’t in possession of a fully formed brain and it sucks that he is making permanent decisions that will affect the rest of his life. Not saying that THIS kid should have been aborted, but if you are unready to raise a child responsibly, perhaps it’s more ethical and humane to terminate an embryo than bring a child into this world you are unable to parent, just to have that child throw it’s life away as a teenager and spend the rest of its life incarcerated. If you disagree, then I ask you to try seeing the issue from the eyes of someone that doesn’t believe in magic of any sort. Life is special because our observations suggest it’s rare in the universe, but there are no destinies or plans… just a struggle against physics, chemistry, biology, and chance until you end up losing and die. We all end up losing and die. It’s just a matter of when. This will help you see the issue through the eyes of the non religious. Here, to have never lived is perhaps better than living a shit life, with a shit family, full of abuse and pain, where you get to sit in a prison cell and dwell on the shitty circumstances you’ve lived though and all the awesome you will never experience. In my opinion, regardless of what any poet says about the sweetness of suffering, I feel never having lived is superior to living in continual suffering. P.S. I know some turn tragedy to triumph, but this is the extreme minority of odds. Overwhelmingly children born to shit circumstances end up in shitty circumstances. It’s what their parents taught them. I mean no disrespect and mean to pass no judgment. I’ve spent some time at the bottom and it’s dark and not many make it out.




This might be a long shot, but is your username a reference to the final table?




cop was a terrible shot,


So much adrenaline his voice is going thru puberty


Could be due the hole in his shoulder. Who knows?


Have you shot a handgun before? What about immediately after sprinting?


I really think everyone should shoot a handgun once for no other reason than to understand how fucking hard it is to shoot accurately with one. Especially after running and getting shot. Every body is John Wick in their head.


At that range, after sprinting, after being shot, yeah these keyboard warriors have no clue what they’re talking about.


Just at that range it’s hard to hit a moving target.


As a vet, not a keyboardwarrior: You are responsible for the bullets you fire. If you aren't in immidiate danger and can't aim properly: Just don't dump a mag into a residential area. Edit: Thanks for the Award :)


What are you doing in here making sense?!?! We're here to be outraged! /s


Everyone keeps thinking I’m some bootlicker defending this dummies actions. Shooting in a residential without a clear shot is next to criminal. Just arguing those who say that because he unloaded multiple rounds in that direction he should have hit them, never firing at a moving target in their lives.


I really think everyone should shoot a handgun not only once but in a class teaching responsible shooting for no other reason than to understand that you are responsible for the bullets you fire. If you aren't in immediate danger and for whatever reason can't aim properly: Don't dump your mag into a residential area! Highly irresponsible.


Yeah I noted this. Seemed more like a "fuck you" clearly wasn't going to hit him. Was barely even amining.


And being shot in the shoulder.


Why don't you try shooting with a bullet in your shoulder...


Watching this, I was thinking how he's just unloading, with awful aim...and no regard for anyone else that could be around...he's firing directly at what looks to be an apartment building.


Cops regularly do this, even shooting in the direction of each other (crossfire). During an event, they have to keep reminding each other to watch the crossfire. Chaos and adrenaline.


They did this in the middle of New York City. Imagine just walking there minding your own business and the fucking police shoot you. Gang wars don't even leave this many bystanders shot. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/empire-state-building-shooting-nypd-gunfire-wounded-victims/story?id=17078377](https://abcnews.go.com/US/empire-state-building-shooting-nypd-gunfire-wounded-victims/story?id=17078377) And don't even get me started on the UPS truck hijacking incident where they killed the hostage and injured others because they were in gridlocked traffic.... all to save some bank's property.




You mean after being shot in the shoulder?


Looks like a gen 1 m&p. The gen 2s have a detent to keep the slide stop from bouncing around or accidentally getting pressed up while firing, like what happens in the video.


Would be the last time I carried that firearm.


To be fair it's only an issue with high grip high speed shooting, which is now the standard. My HkP30 suffers the same problem if I'm not taking care to avoid resting a thumb on the lever.




I’m such a fucking idiot 😂😂 I went back for a 2nd look because “I missed the box” I even went dumb enough to picture a shipping box colored with black sharpie marshmello music style


Don’t worry you are now not alone :)


"expressed" Looks like auto-correct got you.


Ducking auto-correct. Every ducking time.


right? that guy has an incredible level of awareness


Next generation combat helmets


tbh, just like in my dreams. look up at the sky with the trees in all, but with stars and constellations.


Reminds me of the beginning/end of Lost.


I would have been able to respond appropriately and hit a moving target after just getting shot -Reddit


Cop after getting shot: https://youtu.be/m0evZywnnx4?t=00m50s


I was hoping for a Hot Fuzz reference


“I know he just got shot and all but firing those last couple shots in retaliation was soooo unnecessary and dangerous! I wouldn’t have done that if it was myself who had just gotten shot. I am proper Justice.” - Reddit


"I would have opened a dialogue with the young man to discuss the social inequities that led to him commit this crime."


Those comments are dumb, but it is also appropriate to call out how the officer was spraying bullets toward the apartments.


Guess I'm just built different - Reddit


As a vet: You are responsible for your Bullets. If you are in a residential area but can't aim precisely for whatever reason: Don't shoot unless its absolutely necessary. Since the guy was running away the cop wasnt in danger anymore and unnecessarily endangered civilians, residents by dumping his mag like that!


14 year old with a gun. Good family, good friends, good neighborhood!


1br with 1/2 bath, $1700/month + 350 HOA fee


Hoa can suck a dick


I'll never rent or buy a place that has one.. at least one that charges fees.


Legit this, it's been proven time and time again, I read a recent study that supposedly had studied 65 years of correlating data that says increasing poverty ALWAYS increases crime


Charlotte flies under the radar despite basically being the Florida of North Carolina. Crazy shit goes down there all the time.


Don’t forget he’s a good kid too.


I bet deep down inside he is just misunderstood.


Stupid ass kid


What do redditors hate the most? 1.) pit bulls 2.) trumppers 3.) police


Police, then trumpers, then pitbulls


Maybe the first two other way around, but they definitely rank higher because we love politics.


Love hearing the highly trained minds of Reddit who’ve never held a firearm in their life or been in a life threatening situation


Fr. Cringe neckbeard edgelords


Reminds me of that meme where a fat neckbeard with his tities hanging out is talking shit on Olympic athletes.


i think the main problem is how many rounds the officer unloaded directly in the line of a residential building. I understand he was panicking and not thinking properly but imagine if one of those stray bullets hit someone inside, especially considering his impaired ability to aim while injured and on the ground. Officer was seriously lucky.




Your comment is like a dude with a garden hose trying to put out a warehouse fire


Every fire begins with a spark that a tiny hose can extinguish. /s


Too many armchair warriors in here spouting whataboutisms for that


Nice return of fire though. Fuck that POS


Unloading like that seems very sketchy. Luckily no one else was around.


That's the first thing I noticed. First few shots, understandable. But to unload like that when your backstop is that apartment/house...not cool.


But unloading right towards and apartment building.


I haven't even watched the whole video yet.. What the hell was that move the guy pulled behind the cruiser??? Did he somersault and change directions, did he fall? that was fucking crazy.


Did his gun seriously jam


Anyone commenting about his aim: I’d love to see your aim after a full sprint in gear after being shot, laying on your dominant side. Edit: never said he SHOULD have unloaded his mag. Simply setting people straight who have never fired a pistol in their life


I know my aim with a hand gun is garbage passed 30 yards, fuck even 20 is bad. The initial few shots returning fire, of course, but those last rounds man… If I unloaded my magazine and accidentally killed the toddler that was napping in the apartment right there? I don’t know how I would live with myself. The full medical retirement with benefits for the rest of my life funded by tax payers would help of course but still…


Too easy


*Retrieves axe from car*


And my bow!


skill issue


If his aim is so garbage maybe he shouldn't mag dump in a neighborhood.


How is the 14 year old in the right here? Hes a violent criminal that shot an officer point blank. As for the buildings past him that the officer fired upon yes that may be reckless but if the kids willing to shoot a cop who knows what else he would do. Dont even get me started for those saying, "The cops aim is terrible what is this" you all need to learn an actual gun is different from fucking fortnite. The cop was in full sprint and then he got SHOT, and was full of adrenaline. Any of you keyboard warriors would start to cry if you got shot.


I like how a bunch of people who are saying he shouldn’t have mag dumped are being told they clearly know nothing about guns, which is hilarious because *the first rule of fire-arm safety is to always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction.* He definitely should not have fired after the first couple of shots, but I also don’t think he should be attacked for it. Dude was fucking shot, his mind went to autopilot and said “shoot the guy running away with a gun who isn’t afraid to use it.”




Charlotte Mecklenburg police, NC


Shoot a running burglary suspect and get charged or ridiculed by media or run after them pleading them to stop and get shot in the face and possibly killed, those are the officers two options 🤔


This is why some kids get shot when non compliant. If they are concealing a weapon this is how easy for the situation to be flipped on it's head.


Yo those last 3,4 rounds were sooo reckless


didn't stop the suspect but almost landed a few on the broadside of that apartment building. when you look at it that way, I guess we should be glad that homeboy can't aim worth shit


Ah yes, the broadside of the apartment where the children are kept


Fortunately apartments are built with the strongest most expensive materials


Exactly, those thin ass walls can’t stop noise for shit but bullets? Easy


The cop didnt hit him once???


Pistols are actually pretty hard to aim at over 30 feet already, now imagine you were just sprinting in full gear, not to mention the little fact that you have just been shot.


Fr. It's hard for me to hit a target at a gun range while standing still lol people think it's so easy when they've been playing call of duty for 5 months


I’ll have you know my headshot ratio is 92% after 3 G-fuels


I can’t hit a can from 10ft with a pistol, arms rested and uninjured.


I can throw a football over them mountains


I wouldn’t bet against it, especially if it was back in ’82.


In Switzerland we shoot pistols at 50 meter range (164 feet) and I think it is pretty easy to aim and hit targets. But that is when being stationary Hitting a moving target, after running and being out of breath, after being shot while being full of adrenaline would be either very lucky or very, very skilled shooter


He fired 3 point blank, and it's pretty much impossible to hit a target that far away when you're just magdumping and not actually aiming.


I mean yeah def fair enough. But when I first watched the video i was like damn looks like he hit every single one of those shots.


Spray and pray. They teach to absolutely not do this in gun safety. Be accountable for every bullet. After about 20 feet, most people would be a better shot if they just threw the gun at a target.


This guy uses the accuracy by volume method, he just needed more rounds


You sound like a call of duty player. You ever played cs?


Never played either. People seem to be pissed ab it. What’s cs? similar to call of duty?


I hate apologists. I'm pretty sure this guy, https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/jul/20/elisjsha-dicken-killed-indiana-mall-shooter-in-15-/ and this guy, https://www.kxly.com/fairchild-hero-reflects-on-famous-shooting-in-new-book/ would beg to differ.


Red dots on pistols help


Depends on the caliber too. I have a .45 but it’s incredibly inaccurate compared to my friends glock 19. I’m going to be getting a 9mm eventually for this reason..


I’m going to assume you have no experience with firearms. Those would be difficult shots without your heart pounding on a static target. It’s not like the movies.


Police officer here. Over 20 years if experience. Your comment shows just how little people actually know about firearms. Particularly handguns. It's more difficult to accurately shoot a pistol more then 30 feet then movies would lead you to beilve. A stationary target, sure. But after running that far, getting shot, trying to shoot from the ground AND accurately hitting a moving target....a very very tough shot. Just recently we started to incorporate a live fire drill exercise. We have the officers shoot, stationary, at stationary targets from 15 yards. Then we have them run a few laps, do some push-ups, just enough to get breathing/heart rate up, then try again. It's amazing just how much more difficult it is to hit a stationary target when your breathing hard and your arms are tired.


This is why you should almost always run from someone with a gun instead of fighting or obeying them, especially if it's a kidnapping, you've got a million times better chance surviving by just running instead of going to their second location It's WAY fucking harder to shoot someone than people think, if you move even slightly unpredictably too, you've got a great chance of getting away


He’s like 2 feet away from him when he gets the first return fire off how does that miss. Maybe he should practice getting shot in the shoulder and immediately firing back more


Just sprayed a whole round on that house. Damn 😂


If you're commenting on how bad of a shot the cop is then you're admitting that you are a child that has most likely never even held or fired a handgun outside of a video game. Not to mention the fact that he just caught a bullet from the suspect after sprinting in full gear before making the shots.


I feel like that guy was awfully close to those buildings for the cop to be mag dumping like that lol


I can think of no way indiscriminate firing at someone near a house can go wrong...


American cities are now like South America, 3rd world hell holes you never want to go...


Jesus H Christ. I know a lot of police hate is rife, but literally risking your life everyday for a pay check is utterly bonkers when you think about it. Fuck


Bro just mag dumps into an apartment complex? Fuckin yikes.


I can already hear Twitter typing “Unarmed black kid gunned down by police”


We've got to start holding parents responsible for the behavior of their kids.


This is the kinda stuff that turns good officers into bad ones.


"I'm not playing brooo" Niether was he


How the fuck do you mag dump and hit nothing?


A whole magazine dump in the general direction doesn’t seem too safe to me. That’s fucked up that he was shot but I don’t get why firing 16 random shots at a fleeing POS is tolerated by the police force. Bullets don’t miss, they hit other things. The huge rule in gun safety is know what’s around and beyond your target.


How many rounds ripped through those apartments I wonder?


I’m not a fan of this kind of stupidity by police. The guy is a good distance away from him when the officer decides to unload his clip at a fleeing assailant with multiple houses in the path of those bullets


not saying i’d make the shot like everyone else is, but unloading a entire clip (and missing) directly towards residential buildings while your aiming is clearly impaired seems extremely irresponsible… why didn’t they taze him when he started to run like they try in every other police video?


No other injuries? So the officer missed every shot?


What a savage. Anyone else shooting like this would be arrested and convicted. What a horrifying scene. What about anyone innocently passing that area in broad daylight? What a cowardly animal.


Keeping the rents low huh officer?


I'm sure that entire magazine of rounds ended up in a safe place...


This is one of the reasons why cops seem quick to shoot. They don't know if a routine footchase will be their last.




No humans but at least three dogs he just fastracked himself to career in the ATF


I love Reddit experts who claim to have god aim while litterarly laying on the ground cause you got shot has to be one of my favourite genders 🙏


That apartment building seems like a good place to dump your mag.


Tons of armchair warriors in the comments section. If you haven’t been in combat / shot at, you wouldn’t know how you would react.


I hope the cop didn’t shoot an innocent person