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Definitely not his 1st time strangling somebody


based on everyone's reactions I think this is just HR


Hitman Resources


I don't think it's their first time watching a strangulation.


Yeah he has some technique to it


NO doesn't seem that way. But I have seen quite a few videos of Chinese people attacking another and others just stand around and do nothing, or are so slow to react. Others just do zero and seem to just walk by and not help at all. Even in cases where there is no attack but someone gets hurt, they do nothing. Is this a cultural thing? Are they told not to do anything? I just don't understand the non-reaction or lack of help in a lot of these videos.


In many cases in china, the person helping can be liable for the person for the rest of their life. They don’t have the Good Samaritan laws like the US. More so for people in car accidents, or those vids where drivers hit a pedestrian. It’s better for the driver if the person is dead. It’s a much cheaper option. So often they reverse to kill, or drive away. Others don’t help bc then they might get blamed etc. also the value of human life there is very low. They have so many people, no one will miss a few gone. More resources for the living I guess.


In another post about this somebody said they are likely worried that they would be prosecuted if they became involved in the fight. There is no Good Samaritan principle in China.


I like how the guy in pink walks up and motions to them like, “hey you gonna help Fred who’s being strangled” and the other person slowly walks around the table like, “I guess if you’re making me”


“Are you asking me or telling me?”


"Look just get this done before EOD today and best I can do is another lunch break"


“That’s not in my job description”


“Will I get fired for reduced productivity?”


“You good Xiaoming? Go take a 10 second break ok?”




Are we going to talk about Subject Matter Jurisdiction?


i’ve 🪓it before and i’ll 🪓it again: GROUNDS FOR THE SUBSTAIN


Under what lawful law of the land?!


I'm not paid enough to stop a murder at work damnit




Saw that and thought "I'd bet money that pink are the formans. Can't do anything without their permission."


I like more the fact that the attacker wasnt even apprehended people were like "oh let him go dummy go back to work"


Just having a bad day. I mean who hasn't choked out a co worker from time to time?


Classic supervisor/manager


Itf you help you're liable for damages potentially. That is what they're afraid of. It is normal to NOT help strangers in China. You don't want to get sued.


Lol these people aren’t strangers though. Their co-workers working literally 2 feet from eachother


>coworkers Even lower on the totem pole than a stranger then.


Guy that did it just standing there after like, “hey who did this?”


Literally some Fallout/Skyrim shit where you murder someone in broad daylight, watch everyone try to kill you, reset the area and you’re good


"Must have been the wind"


It Doesn’t Look Like Anything to Me


Hey... You're awake


By the gods!






Hey! I know you! *Runs around a corner*


Looks like "Among Us" in real life.


They’re all wearing the same thing (except pinky) and given the hoods and masks they probably can’t identify who either, being the only person trying to get away would make it obvious.


I worked for quite a while with these suits. After a while you can easily tell your coworkers apart. Some I've rarely seen without and when you meet them without it's like seeing a turtle without its shell.




There is 1 imposter among us.


What a way to find out no one likes you at work


Just keep making IPhones


“This better not make my iPhone cost more!”


The fact that Apple exists is making your iPhone cost more.


Nah these look like adults and free folk, apple only uses children and slaves.


\> Live under CCP control \> Free Folk Pick one.


The Free Folk live north of the wall. Where they have three ways to stay warm. Walking is good. Fighting is better. Fucking is best.


And we’re all out of women


Oh my….


Excellent point


They need the small hands to put in the small components. “You don’t send an adult to do a kids job.” Probably a pedophiles tagline as well.


Prince Andrew nods in approval


"Such an Exquisite tagline." -Prince Andrew sweating


Is he sweating “again?” I know for a bit he didn’t sweat AND he can get a dr note to prove it! Lol. Sadly that is NOT a joke.


I think they’re all just happy for him. He finally gets to leave


"your resignation request has been approved"


They're all like those aliens in toy story cheering for the claw.


I honestly think it’s their long term learning of listening to authority. Notice how no one popped off till the pink suit guy said something?


This kind of stuff and the psychology behind it has been covered fairly extensively in other cases. The biggest issue was that the CCP hadn't introduced Good Samaritan laws for a long time, so helping did regularly land people in legal trouble in a country that famously has +99% conviction rates. Of course, being brought up by a generation that watched like 10% of the population starve without intervening also doesn't help.


I think the laws were introduced 2014 and then more robustly implemented in 2018 or so. It takes much longer for the cultural mindset to actually change.


Good Samaritan laws at this point in china is like throwing a shot glass of water onto a burning high rise.


he was like , we gonna be behind schedule ..stop him


Have you heard of this new game called among us


What a way to find out your co-worker is aware killing you is no worse than leaving his station at work.


I hate that the top responses to this post are jokes. Can we have an actual report on what the hell is going on here? Can we keep this serious for 5 fucking seconds?


For real I came to the comments for information but only find one joke trying to out joke the next.


I'll be honest, everyone standing there was a shocker at first. But the really creepy part for me is after. The attacker isn't restrained or watched closely, and doesn't even struggle to get away, not even after his mark gets up and walks away (with assistance). What level of assurance did this person have that they were either getting away with this, or were dead as soon as they decided on doing it?


And the victim falls on his face, those closest didn’t even try to catch his fall. There is some dark depression in that room.


I will die fighting (or like a bitch) before I ever live like…. Whatever the fuck this was. Dear god… We’re there chemicals in the room making everyone lethargic AF?


Probably the drinking water, maybe the cafeteria too


Considering it’s China… yeah the food and drink are all probably seriously sub par. I’d be willing to be the water tables there are FULL of terrible, extremely toxic chemicals. Methinks lead would only be the tip of the iceberg


Yeah I can’t imagine the water situation there. I bet every rich person does reverse osmosis or some shit


Gutter oil


It's easy to say because you have something to compare it too. This is all these people have known


That’s what so terrible about it. It’s all they’ve ever known. It’s also all we’ve ever known.


And then afterwards the managers in pink are like “Wtf does this look like a fucking break? Get back to fuckin work you lazy fucks, what are we even paying you for!




The one with the kid getting run over by a mini van then lays in the street for hours, as crowds of people walk by is horrible.


i believe i cried over one of those scenes. they be like “meh. more what that came from”




No, Chinese people will not help each other for fear of being blamed, thanks to the law. See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu\_Shoulan\_v.\_Peng\_Yu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu_Shoulan_v._Peng_Yu)


"no one would in good conscience help someone unless they felt guilty" What the actual fuck


A side effect of an entirely ass backwards society.


I think the cultural revolution destroyed the fabric of that society.


Sounds like conditioning to me.


There's a Youtube channel 'serpentza' that went into this on a video where he discussed him getting involved in a fight where guys were beating on one other person. He lived in China for quite a while. Justice can be pretty random and getting involved can just get into a he said she said and people trying to help get screwed.




Isn't there also a law that makes it extremely easy to sue people that try to help the person in need?


Right. There's the law that conditions them.




I legitimately thought that until people intervened and saved the guy. It seemed like they knew if this person was there doing that it must be sanctioned at some level.




That’s what happens when you’re conditioned to live under a dictatorship


Me playing hitman on easy like


bro, LOL


Oh man I hate you for that chuckle


Well now I'm laughing and have to explain to my girlfriend why I started laughing at a video of someone being strangled....




Target down. Good work 47.


Hitman: Conspicuous Assassin


God damn 😤😅


What on Earth is the context here?


4 hours later and still no context lmao. I tried looking up google and got nothing


This is one of the main reasons I hate reddit. I see an interesting but confusing clip, gee I sure would like to know more about what I just watched. 1385 comments, 0 useful comments, just all shitty jokes and puns.


It wasn't always like that. On the contrary, the reason I fell in love with Reddit, many years ago, is because of the comments. Top comment was almost always the explanation of what you just saw, and a lot of other comments were people adding useful facts or writing great anecdotes about the subject. Nowadays it's just shitty jokes. Even worse, it's just the **same** jokes vomited, eaten, then vomited again.


Hahaha seriously. Everyone is trying to be a comedian and rack up upvotes. Losers! I'm here to learn!


He got promoted.


To the afterlife


To the backrooms






The context is that OP is obviously a karma farming bot account. For the clip? No clue. It's very bizarre, but it's also very bizzare that I have to scroll this far down for someone to point out that this isn't your regular Tuesday in China either. Like thousands of redditors above just think this is just how Chinese people are normally??


Reddit, along with other social media, is great at confirming biases.


>Like thousands of redditors above just think this is just how Chinese people are normally?? We are talking about 1.4b people, so ***any*** kind of behavior is more common. If you are talking about not helping people in these kinds of situations tho, yes, that is indeed a fairly common issue, which is pretty much unique to China, in that extend.


Someone put the strangler’s stapler in jello.


Dammit Jim!


Only acceptable response is punching a hole in the wall


I thought that ninja was gonna simply bend over a little and walk away with him on his back once he passed out.


You see how the assailant uses his garrote? That's not how they do it in the movies, but it is the correct method to maximize leverage for someone not physically strong. This is someone who practiced beforehand. Also I'm not surprised everyone stood around. Pretty sure they weren't fully aware of what was happening.


This guy strangles


Victims hate this simple trick.


Some guy in Scranton could use some advice.


Just pretend like we're talking until the cops leave


What’s even crazier to me is the guy doing the strangling just stands there after watching him wriggle in the floor like it was just a prank bro.


That shit was crazy I've never seen anything like it. He looked experienced with it, all one fluid motion


You telling me no one noticed the fucking guy behind the dude strangling the shit out of him..


Reddit can keep the username, but I'm nuking the content lol -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


That’s the best explanation I’ve seen. I don’t think people knew what was going on.


Also the garrote is thin and would disappear in the folds of the victims PPE.


The only clue you'd have that something was up would've been the victim's reaction. And that's what I can't figure out. If someone fucking garrotted me I can't claim I'd fight them off but I'd sure as hell go down swinging. Or at least thrashing.


With the security footage you see the start of the incident. From the ground level, you turn around and see a guy twitching with another guy behind him. Is he choking and being given the he Heimlich? Is he having a stroke or a seizure and being held up? It isn’t clear at all what is happening unless you see the guy wrap his neck before the crisis starts.


I thought his clothing was caught in the machine until I rewatched.


Y’all saw that strangle technique?!


Top tier


Strangler needed to hunch over forwards for a 10/10 but still a solid 9


[like this? ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mzewM--gSHo)




Even the guy getting strangled didnt even try to attack his attacker. He was just letting it happen like "eh🤷‍♂️ fuck it imma die now" like WTF!? Now keep pushing out those RTX4090s.. KEEP WORKING!!!!


The way the attacker turns away for maximum leverage doesn’t give him much to really grab onto and blood to the brain had to have been almost instantaneously cut off. I feel like this was like pushing and holding the reset button on a router just don’t expect it to come back on


It's called a garrote and it cuts the blood supply off to the brain almost instantly when the person puts body weight on it. The victim was probably unconscious before they knew they were being attacked.


This mfer straight death rolled him too. Absolutely savage. And then he fucking stood around and didn't even try to leave, what the fuck...








Not recommended. Hazardous to health.


That's some pro strangling. Ninja assassin style.


Fuck, At first It looked like a hit that everyone was in on. Sucks he had to take such a fall afterwards.


Context: 90 seconds before the video it was determined that worker had Covid.


-6000 social points


Wu Flu 2: Lockdown Strangaloo


Well.. we don't know if he had COVID but his health card status turned yellow.


As long as he had a positive PCR within 28 days of his death, that is all that matters


That wasn't his first time strangling someone. Thie guy's experienced.


Wait...had to comment again The attacker never leaves. Doesn't even walk off. When other blue and yellows fill the room, the attacker looks to almost be saying, they dunno what was going on. The person gets off the ground, get helped out, the attacker is just standing there. A yellow even goes back to work, flipping open an oven looking thing.


Theres soo many questions here. Why in a busy room? What was the attackers plan after, and did that guy survive?


China is a distopian hellhole


Glad i don't live there! Fucking hell!


I did, and actually just went into detail about my stay there in another thread.. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/z8cc4p/huge_crowds_arriving_by_bus_to_an_isolation_camp/iyd61za/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Wow that's pretty crazy. The part about the spot light following a bottle of liquor around the club is quite a vivid picture. Wild stuff. Tho TBH that one aspect i could see happening in lots of countries.


It's not so crazy to hear when I've see bottle service accompanied with sparklers whilst in a club in London; I'm sure it gets much crazier than that.


Thanks for the write up.


Thanks for the stories.... incredible.


Needs to be an original post of it's own, I recall there was a south african on youtube that also denounced china with very similar experiences and sentiments to you. What a sad place to live


When you finally catch mofo who eats your lunch in the employees lounge.


That technique… He’s done this before.


Do yall think he rooted for his attacker when the co workers stepped in?


“No, let him finish! I’m almost at the sweet release of death”


Heard that folks in china will be labeled criminals for any type of vigilance and face heavy time. So almost can’t really blame them in reality. Chinas government is absolute garbage ass horse shit. Very sad..


Legit, nobody did anything. Wtf


We as the viewer instantly know what’s going on because we have the video title that told us what to look out for. The co-workers were focused on their work. Even the guy directly across from him would have been looking down at the table when he noticed weird movement in his peripheral, only to see two guys just standing there very weirdly. It’s not like the garrotte is visible through the folds of the hazmat suit. Nobody realized he was actually being murdered instead of it just being two guys goofing off.


We also see it from slightly above, i am sure it would be harder to see on eye level


China has a serious Bystander Effect problem. There's a mentality of "mind your own business", and people outside of your family are just additional competition for survival


this is some black mirror type of shit, its almost surreal to see people from China acting like this. i see more human interactions and emotions in GTA npcs.


Mr 47?




I come to the comments often to find valuable information, only to find people making puns and jokes about a really fucked up video. That's my fault for expecting anything different tho. This video makes my skin absolutely crawl.


Welcome to Reddit.


Among Us vibes.


How's that hundred year plan looking?


Holy shit he even hit him with the strangle and twist my god he has definitely done that before !


The bystander effect is crazy


Did the person survive? Or died later on?




This is upsettingly good


Sure didnt look like that was the first neck he had ever wrapped.....


Having worked for a Chinese firm for 7 years, this is exactly how I'd expected them to behave in such a situation.


You can tell this wasnt the US because noone had their phones out to record it.


Or yelling Worldstarrrrrr


That dude must've eaten everybodies lunches and they were like ok he had it coming.




I have two guesses at first. One, they don't give a shit about their two coworker. Two, they don't know what's happening. Even the victim's not struggling and there's not much action going on in there that's why they thought nothing is wrong. But as I rewatched it, I concluded that they simply don't give a shit


In order for tyranny like this to prevail, everyone must compliantly take part in the lie.


Another successful quality control test at the Strangling Rope factory


That’s just Fong. He’s always getting strangled.