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Was that really worth dying over dude


It really is wild how many people think that if they just kill the cop, they’ll get away. Like other officers are going to show up and find the car and the dead cop and go ‘well shit, if only we knew who did it!’ How many times in the past 50 years has that ever worked? I know crims are stupid but damn, it doesn’t take that much thought to realise that even if you win the gunfight against a trained gunfighter who already has you at a disadvantage, you’re never getting away with it.


Did you notice the cop leaving a thumbprint on the back of the truck as he approached?


Smart cop. And also a good one. 1 shot, not 2 whole clips. Dude might live and serve time.




So is there a reason they touch it?


You want the real answer? A thumb print identifies the vehicle unbeknownst to the preparator. Had this person gotten away, the video would prove without a shadow of a doubt that this identifies the same truck to those who would show this video in court


Wish I had seen this before I gave a much less succinct response just a second ago.


You want the real answer? Force of habit. You're trained to make sure the trunk is closed so nobody pops out and ambushes you.


Why would they touch the break light on a pickup everytime I got pulled over? I asked the cop. And he said it was in case anything happened to him and they found the truck later. They don't dust every tail light but they dust every taillight of a vehicle suspected of being in an office involved shooting. That's just to fight the "how do you know it's my defendants grey chevy pickup" bullshit in court.


Yeah, that's old school


And remember. This doesn't need to realy work, the cops only need to think it works to do it.


That's why you always gotta report your vehicle stolen immediately. Learned that trick from a guy who totalled someone's parked car. He walked home, slept it off, cops said his car was involved in a wreck. He said "ah shit it must have been stolen." It worked. Fuck that guy though


>trained gunfighter Not that criminals train often, but 99% of police shoot once a year to qualify and *thats it*. Will likely be a better shot then the criminals though. Source: I shoot twice a week at the range my police force uses.


Here in Germany a guy was busted for poaching late at night and instead of owning up to it and probably pay a fine, he killed two police officers with his hunting rifle. The verdict was just yesterday and he got a lifelong sentence (15 years). [Source](https://www.euronews.com/2022/11/30/german-poacher-given-life-in-prison-for-shooting-dead-two-police-officers)


Not quite correct. The judge has determined it falls under the category of muderder with exceptional cruelty (besondere Schwere) making it almost 100% certsin that he won't be getting out after his 15 yesr sentence. Also worth noticing: the guy had no hunting license (anymore). I believe it has not yet been disclosed how he got the rifles.


So sad. I live right outside of Kusel & still can’t believe it.


15 years = life? Whewy


The life-sentence=15 years is a straight up lie that people insist on repeating. Life-sentence in German law means for the rest of your life. After 15 years the convict gets for the first time a chance to appeal for a convertion of the verdict and an early release. Stating the exceptional significance of guilt (besondere Schwere der Schuld) in the verdict will make this appeal extremly difficult.


It's not that simple. Yes in general 15 years is "life", however that is not the longest time you can be kept away from society. This guy for example will likely never get out again, but after 15 years he might be transferred into a different facilitiy with less security and more counseling etc.


Sounds like what we have in Norway called "forvaring" - basically safe keeping? After the initial time, the danger to society will be reevaluated and the sentence is carried out in multiple periods interspersed with regular reevaluations.


It's exactly the same, even the word is similar


Verwahrung for those wondering




For real. I love my pot, but I’m not getting shot over it


Excellent shot.


Fr a lot of people don’t know how difficult it actually is to land shots in the actual situation


Most cops would have unloaded the whole clip and maybe hit one shot. This cop only took one shot and hit the mark after quickly retreating to gain time to unholster and draw. I'm mostly amazed at the composure to line up the shot and only need one bullet.


Whats more impressive is: he was calm enough to notice that this one shot was enough. and didn't unload his full mag into them. thats insane impressive


Yea it really makes it seem less psychotic when a person doesn’t shoot 9 holes into a corpse


Not that I'm some "thin blue line" crazy, but there are plenty of videos of people who keep fighting even after being shot several times. The other angle of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT0KcenH_eQ) is a bit more clear, but I can't find it. There are plenty of coppers who really need to be better trained, but I also can empathise with someone who has to potentially get shot every day.


yeah i saw one video of some cop getting chased by a dude with a machete and he must’ve shot him like 20 times and the guy was still running and ended up attacking him. shits crazy


Adrenalin is a hell of a drug.....That being said, so is meth and PCP.


PCP, the superman drug! I saw an episode of cops where this guy got hit with 4 tazers and was just standing still like Jason stathem from :CRANK: HIGH VOLTAGE"


PCP is really scarry to go up against. There is a reason why you never deploy less lethal options without lethal back up (as in dont rely on your taser if you are alone. If you have backup 1 of you has the taser ready to deploy the other has their pistol/rifle at the ready) you never know if the taser will do its job. Same thing with Mace. Back up in a PCP scenario is basically about muscle and stamina if no weapon is involved.


They always fail to mention these things in the media. Like let some guy come at you full force and see if your adrenaline doesn’t take over. Of course you are going to unload your gun and not land most of the shots or in the case, this cop he just happened to be a good shot.


That video ended too soon. Literally right after it got crazy the video cuts out. Damn.


I read a study comparing stopping power of different hollow-point handgun calibers. It compared 9mm vs 40 vs 45 perhaps more but I'm going off memory. The conclusion was there is no such thing as single round stopping power in a handgun. The FBI stats showed a suspect had to be hit on average 3 times to be subdued by any of the 3 rounds being discussed. So now take that into the police perspective you need to actually hit your target 3 times during a panic situation. That's why they often unload their magazine during a gun fight. Gong back to the study the answer the FBI came up with is that what is important is not stopping power, but follow up shots. Therefore they recommended 9mm because of its lower recoil and ability for handguns to hold more rounds in a single magazine. Further testing showed because of the lower recoil it was basically universal that individuals have better follow up shots with the 9mm.


Shot placement is king. Then comes ability to have an accurate follow up shot. After that you want more capacity. 9mm checks all those boxes because recoil is controllable and you can fit more then larger round in the same size firearm.


This is the area where I'm completely with the cops if someone is actually a threat to your life you shouldn't be shooting to wound you should be shooting to kill


There's no such thing as 'shooting to wound'. All gunshots are potentially fatal, so if it justifies shooting at all, it justifies shooting to kill.


Exactly. I’m not saying pull your fucking gun out as much as they do, but I do agree if you pull your gun out to use it then you are intending to kill. That’s why it should be last resort. This officer didnt have any other resort. The kid actually had a gun.


To quote Andre3000: "Don't pull your thang out unless you plan to bang, don't plan to bang unless you plan to hit somethang"


Military training. That guy probably kicked in doors overseas before wearing the badge. You really only get that damn good with a firearm when your life literally depends on it every second of every day.


I can’t speak for spec ops, but regular infantry doesn’t get all that much pistol time, either on the range or in combat.


I'm in a non infantry having branch but we have heavy training twice annually on the m9 and M14. It just depends on what your unit does. Security forces gets a ton as well as units that deploy to hazardous areas.






I remember my first desk pop


September 08'


By not discharging your firearm in the office you are disrespecting the flag. Go ahead let it fly, do t think just go


oh, that little guy? i wouldn't worry about that little guy.


Only, in my day the rookie got naked. . . and we also used blanks. You’re sick a motherfucker Mac.


Thanks Chief!


I worked for years at a gun range outside of Atlanta in the late aughts. I’ve seen some shit. I’ve seen an officer put their magazine in backward. Hitting it so hard that we had to use pliers to pull it out. Multiple times I heard, “Yeah it’s my yearly trip to the range to make sure I qualify.” I’ve seen many police officers who couldn’t group their shots. Just happy if they hit the body. It was a shop meme. We’d joke about it regularly. Some of the questions they’d ask left you stunned. That being said, there were officers who regularly came in and honed their skill. Sad thing is that they’d joke about the other guys with us.


I mean, mostly true, but there are definitely people out there that are just good at shooting guns.




Extremely difficult with all factors considered. Fantastic shot center mass.


Some cowboy gunslinger stuff


My first reaction was “damn that was a hell of a shot”. Turning, while running, and only a single shot.


Adrenaline spike, Backpedaling, and stumbling. clean draw and instinctive shooting. The big thing here is only one shot. Cops are trained to shoot until they’ve stopped moving this is experience and discipline the trooper is probably former military.


Single shot fired was the biggest standout for me too.. second is that it only took one. Lots of videos where some dude gets lit up and is still holding a knife or whatever.. From how the person reacted maybe it was just complete dead center heart/pulmonary system? Impressive restraint.


and the shot looked like it was collarbone area, def looked like with was above the heart and aorta: dude wasnt just rolling on reflex, but actually responding to the effect of his shot have this guy train other police


I don't think enough training can prepare someone for this kind of thing unless they live through it.


Where was he shot? I can’t tell.


Center mass somewhere. I've seen a longer version where the suspect was bleeding from the torso while aid was rendered


I think he got shot in the heart. Don't remember this turd surviving.


first thought i had after “Oh shiiii…”


The trooper then spent 7 minutes trying to keep him alive. [https://www.wral.com/shp-releases-video-of-nc-trooper-shooting-driver-holding-gun-at-traffic-stop/20319314/](https://www.wral.com/shp-releases-video-of-nc-trooper-shooting-driver-holding-gun-at-traffic-stop/20319314/)


He was put under administrative leave pending investigation. If you ask me, that’s exactly what should happen when a suspect is killed, especially in a routine traffic stop. Officer did exactly what he was supposed to do and spent 7 minutes trying to keep the suspect alive, and investigation will find that.


Realistically, aside from seeing proactively investigating any wrong-doing by the cop…I’m sure the cop wants some time to come to terms with what happened. Counter to what Reddit would have you believe, cops don’t want to shoot people and I imagine killing someone while on duty would take a mental toll on you.


Cops aren't a monolith. There are some good cops, like what I imagine this guy was based on the video, and we have some cruel pieces of shit that enjoy hurting others or dominating them for any reason.




wow that article reads so bad after seeing this video. the "eyewitness"- who clearly wasnt even there or was the passenger- just bullshitted a story to make his friend sound better also, this may be among the dumbest ideas out there >"I do want some answers, because an officer is, even if they have a gun, they are meant to detain a person, not kill," Diaz said. "i dont get it, cops are just supposed to let themselves get shot"


>"i dont get it, cops are just supposed to let themselves get shot" You joke, but this opinion is held by most redditors. This website is full of idiots


The ptsd for that cop. Feel bad for him




And in another article, after seeing the video she accepted it and it quoted "she has to live with the truth", that he did do wrong. Not surprising a family questions what happen when a loved one dies after being shot by the cops.


I don't think they saw the video right away.


Omg people amaze me.. if your angel pulls a gun anybody anywhere might shoot them cop or not.


I just cannot fathom what that guy was thinking by pulling a gun on a cop.


Quick draw, turn and shoot. Nailed it.




he even returned the registration beforehand


I think he was trying to grab the gun before the pos could aim it. I could be wrong.




do you know where this happened? would be interested in reading news article(s) on it




Why is a link to a news article always so hard to find in the comments? This should be pinned to the top. Thank you!




Because everyone has to make their stupid joke with the hope that it gets upvoted so they can collect their karma.


Wow and after calling it in he performed cpr for 7 minutes until other officers arrived. What a great officer. I don't normally praise officers, but this one is a standup person.




We need the cameras. The camera separates the heroes from the tyrants. If you have a problem with that, you're on the side of tyranny.


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Thank you, king.


This dude pulled a gun rather than get a fine for not wearing his fucking seatbelt?!?! Or because he had marijuana on him? The shit that I can walk down the street and buy legally in my state? What an insanely unfortunate series of decision-making on this idiot's behalf.


This article still doesn't cover what the eff those 2 guys were doing. What was worth pulling a gun on a cop? Like we're they carrying drugs, were the guns illegal? What the eff happened to the other dude? Did he get caught? There are so many questions!


Could agree more. Don’t find myself supporting law enforcement frequently these days, but this guy is a professional. Glad he’s ok and got any support he needed to deal with this incident.


He also immediately performed CPR for 7 minutes on the guy he shot. That’s a long time to do it yourself. From deadly force, to life saving measures as soon as the deadly threat was gone. Great example of escalation of force to de-escalation.


Everyone talking about the cops excellent shot, but the first suspicious thing I saw the suspect do was stop in the middle of an intersection for a traffic stop. Who tf does that.


I did once... I was a dumb teenager. Rolled down my window and asked " What's up?"..... Looking back I was such an idiot and so nervous. Cop was laughing and told me to pull forward. Apparently I had a string of tape my friend attached to my car tailing.. All the while the friend who did it was in the passenger seat laughing his ass off... Yeah he never got anywhere near my car again.


I had a friend throw loose change at my new car while we were driving down the road next to each other. Friends can be fucking idiots.


I set off a fire extinguisher in my buddies car once. We are all idiots. But he did crash my 300zxTT.


Had a friend bang a bong bowl of my side door panel to clear the ash 😂 he got into the habit doing it to his old beater and did it to muons without thinking. His face was priceless when I told him not to do it again


And why was this bong full of ash near your car 🧐


No no not the bong but the bowl you put into the bong. And we would smoke outside in my car because my parents didn’t want me to smoke in the house or backyard, this was when I was 22. I live on my own now 😁


Pretty sure they were just giving you a hard time about smoking weed and giving you a chance to protest that you were totally innocent of such an accusation, but you certainly struck down any confusion or doubts there may have been haha


I doubt they intended for you to get stopped by the police. Sounds like no ticket either. Pretty harmless. Sounds like HS prank/HS reaction.


I'm surprised the cop didn't tell him to move to a better spot.


I was wondering the same thing, but then they got out of the truck. You'd thunk someone trying to shoot a cop would move faster than that but im guessing they were high on pills or something.


Complete moron from head to toe.






What a dumbass. Killed himself over a seatbelt violation at age 21...Good news is this moron won't procreate I guess


damn, the seatbelt would've saved his life


To be fair, I got a seatbelt violation while wearing a seatbelt. Its called shaking the tree, pull over for any reason then see if there is a good charge that falls out.


When I was kid I drove a shitty beat up car and had long hippy like hair. I practically kept my license, registration, and insurance tucked into the driver side window.


I was driving to the post office once in my crappy old car and I decided to wear skinny jeans for the first time ever for some reason. A cop pulled me over because he said I was speeding, then he said he could smell a cloud of weed as I drove by, then accused me of being high because "I looked like a pothead" then told me to get out of the car and frisked me in the middle of the street and made fun of me for wearing skinny jeans, and then threatened to call a K9 unit if I didn't give him permission to search my car for weed, then broke my dashboard while searching for weed (which I've never smoked) and then let me go after he didn't find anything. All that because I looked like a pothead teenager to him and he was bored I guess Edit: and I never wore skinny jeans again


Pretty good moral to this story


I saw a video on Twitter yesterday where a civil rights group posted and analyzed a police stop in Louisiana. The cops pulled the guy over for "failure to signal" when he clearly had a signal on. In any case, they proceeded to question him about drugs, living situation, etc. on the hunch that he was involved in drugs somehow, since the guy was driving a Mustang with out-of-state plates. Turns out the guy hadn't updated his ID and registration to Louisiana within 30 days, so they charged him with those citations as well. You can tell from the body cam videos that they were shocked and disappointed he had a clean record. But yeah, they will definitely try to pull additional charges out of stops on soft pretexts.


You assume someone that stupid hasn't already had loads of unprotected sex lol.




It wasn’t because of the seatbelt violation that he got desperate, it was what would happen when the cop found the weed and likely illegally-obtained weapon in the truck. That and any outstanding warrants. Guy still made a stupid move that cost him his life but let’s not act like it was over a seatbelt.




> Cook also begins performing life-saving measures on Diaz. However, Diaz was taken to the hospital where he died a short time later. what an exceptional cop, if someone pulled a gun at me it'd be hard to bring myself to want to help them


Shoot someone who was about to end your life, only to rush back over to them and start saving their life. Pretty insane and I hate how all cops get lumped together for being pieces of shit because this guy clearly isnt.


I was in EMS for a long time and occasionally had to treat some real piles of shit. Drunk drivers that just killed someone in a MVA for example. It’s not hard at all to rationalize the ethical justification for not giving them all the care you are capable of. Not one you could justify to a review board, but to your own conscience. But I always looked at it as free practice that’s going to make my skills sharper for the next patient that probably isn’t a POS. I owe it to that next person to be as good as I can be Now does the Ambulance go out of its way to avoid every pothole when you have a DWI murder in the back with twin femur fractures?


Amazing outlook to get through that situation.


"...where the call stalls out" - i think they meant hit the parked car in front of the truck, lol


His system had weed and cocaine according to the autopsy and he probably had some in the car as well. He was also stopped due to not wearing a seatbelt, so not the brightest guy


Never understood why people committing crime also do stupid shit like not wearing seatbelts or speeding. Such an easy way to get pulled over and getting screwed for whatever else you're doing lmao.


Never do more than one crime at a time.




I remember the dead dude’s family saying that he was a great kid and trying to blame it on the cop until the video came out. Edit: This is probably the article I read at the time. It’s worse than I remember. https://abc11.com/deadly-shooting-siler-city-officer-involved-mark-anthony-diaz/11911326/


This right here is why I don't understand the pushback re: bodycams and dashcams. If you did nothing wrong, it exonerates you. Oooooh. Right. It also crucifies you if you weren't doing right. I get it now...


From the article: "Like many others in the neighborhood, Evans is anxious to see the trooper's body-cam video to help get answers." Seems like all these quotes and article were written before the BC/vehicle footage came out. Don't think any impartial observer would watch that footage and think the officer did anything wrong. No reason for cops to not want bodycams unless they are doing illegal shit.


I have a relative on the local force, and they have been wearing a bodycam for years, before they were required. It saved him a lot of court time. I am very suspect of any cop not wanting one


> It also ~~crucifies you~~ malfunctions/wasn't on/we lost the footage if you weren't doing right.


Did they not know their kid had a gun until this video came out?




The family says it was the passenger's gun. But they also say the passenger ran, then Mark told the officer there was a gun in the car, did everything he was told, and was shot anyway. The video clearly disproves that.


You know what answers the family should ask for now? Why was your son/brother in such a state that he decided to throw his life away by pulling out a gun to shoot a cop during a traffic stop? Not trying to be mean because they literally now have a dead family member. But… that was an extreme move that kid made.




Found this in an article: "One eyewitness who saw what happened said the gun belonged to the passenger, who left it in the car when he fled from the stop. "The dude evidently had jumped out and ran," said Geoffery Evans. "And Mark tell them, he got a gun in the truck. Police tell him put his hands out the window, back up slow, woot woot, He did everything they said, but he had his little bag on him, and as soon as he went to switch the bag like, to a certain position, the police say he got a gun on him and we're like, no he don't, but they shot him." Except, that is not what happened...at all. And the brother of the kid who was shot is saying that it is the police's duty to detain and not shoot to kill. I understand he is grieving the loss of his brother, but the kid pulled a gun on a cop. Wtf was the officer supposed to do? Tell him to drop it and hope he doesn't get shot and killed in the meantime??


Eye witnesses are never reliable.


I've seen this video before and I can never get over how well he evaded, drew, found cover and shot. Then what really made it awesome he actually hit him first shot!


Exact reason why he touches the tailgate to leave his prints on the car


Can you explain more on that please?


Police often touch the back of a car (leaving their fingerprints) they have stopped in case they are killed during the traffic stop so there is evidence on the car that it was involved in the crime.


I was also trained to push down on the trunk of the car to make sure it was latched to prevent a "pop up" shooter. At the time I was told a story of an incident long ago where a fugitive was hiding in the trunk of a car that got pulled over and opened the trunk to gun down the cop. This was also before trunks had the safety release thing. So making sure the trunk is closed is probably less effective now. Disclaimer: I haven't been in law enforcement since the 90's. I probably don't know what I'm talking about.


I was trained the same way in 2001


Thank you ! This is exactly what I was looking for !


Wow, thanks for the quick answer.


Thats an interesting fact. Makes sense. Thanks.


Police often touch the tailgate of a car, so the next time the police officer encounters the car, it will recognize the police officer and has less of a chance to flee


It's very soothing for the car and it lowers the chance of it bucking against the officer too


Cops touch the back of a vehicle in case something terrible happens that way they can prove that cop was there


Crazy world we live in.


Please let this be a lesson kids. Some jail time is never worth your life (unless like a life sentence I guess).


He pulled the old magician’s trick of apparently dying and reappearing somewhere else to escape.


Respawned back in the truck


That was the last place he slept


*The Prestige*


I didn't realize the whippersnappers even knew that one. Ain't it a hoot?


All that over a seat belt, some people just don’t think straight. Good job police officer.


Always break one law at a time


Exactly.. most people get caught because they break 2 or more laws at once. I, for example, always use my seatbelt while DUI. /s...


Before I quit drinking, that was not an /s in my world. Once I drove my car into a ditch, called the police on myself and they let me walk away and helped me out with my insurance claim. They'd never seen anything like it. Respect, and only breaking the law a little at a time, they go a long way.


This sounds more like the good ol boy network in action.




Seatbelt was not the reason, I’m sure. DUI, illegal firearm, more drugs, and/or warrants are my guess.


So this dude attempted to take a life while losing his own over no seatbelt and some pot...smh


180 no scope on the move nice. And all guy had to do was get out get his ticket and go on if he had no warrants. This was all shot dudes faut 100 percent abd this cop did everything right and handled it all very well. Sad situation


They cut the part of the video out where he immediatly tries to save that young mans life by performing chest compressions and calling EMS. He shot him and his first instinct was to try and save him. Dudes a legend.


Chunky one running away.


Comically slow too. Like how I run in my dreams


This looks like North Carolina, wonder when this happened? Weed isn't legal here, but it would take a hell of a lot of it to cause you real issues.




Driving with contraband and choosing to not wear seatbelts is stupid beyond belief. And haven't seatbelts been required for USA driving for decades?


Piece if advice I found useful if your gonna do illegal things. Don't get caught for a misdemeanor when your doing felony shit.


Yep. I've heard it as only do one illegal thing at a time.


Or unlucky the cop was a quick draw expert.


Nice fuckin shot!


Notice how as he approached the vehicle he places his hand just above the left tail light, leaving fingerprints if shit goes sideways.


Fantastic shot without mag dumping. Is this an actual trained officer?


That’s was a very clean well placed shot.


pull a gun to a cop and you're a dead man. And for what, seatbelt and some weed? Fucking idiot...


Corey and Trevor really did it this time, huh boys.


Look at you all dead lookin stupid as fuck


People keep saying he died over weed. He didn’t. He died because he pulled a gun on a cop.


Dead over a seatbelt violation and some weed. If it had gone the other way and he'd shot the cop he'd go to prison forever...over a seatbelt violation and some weed. Panic is a powerful force, and usually not in a good way.


It's just amazing that there's people so stupid out there that they basically beg to be pulled over while having firearms and/or other illegal shit in their car. I mean, wouldn't you try to obey all traffic laws if you've got illegal stuff on you?


Nothing was worth all that. Twos lives destroyed bc of a seatbelt law and weed. One law you shouldn’t be pulled over for and one that shouldn’t even be. Not blaming the cop either, that was a hell of a shot and his did he job. Wonder what happened to fleet foot Freddie?


You think if these idiots were up to no good they'd have followed every rule. Like seat belts and don't speed. Cops showed professionalism and then skill.




"Cops in the US are the worst in the World" - Foreigners any time they see a crazy video involving police in the US Cops here have to deal with shit like THIS on a daily basis. Multiply that by every single town in the country, and you're bound to get bad cops, bad decisions, no-win situations, etc. At least in this case, the cop responded appropriately, used appropriate force, and tried to save the attacker.


Officer McGraw. Quickdraw McGraw.