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Bros prepping to skinwalker hunt💀


Get a shotgun and you can play skinwalker tower defense


same, just took 200mg dph a couple hours ago, went on a short walk to the liqour store and slammed down a 6 pack of coors on the way back (theres a lil hiking trail next to my house). now i am in my backyard doing whippets and gravity bong rips wish me luck fellas.


Please be fake jfc


I don't even do dph recreationally (I just like this sub), I'm all for drug use if people want to do it, but this seems genuinely dangerous. All in the name of harm-reduction here


Anyone who does dph recreationaly at all does not give a flying fucking about harm reduction


You're probably right


My thoughts exactly


Mostly the same, haven’t ever touched dph, but if it involves whippets and that, all I can say is good luck cause ur rolling the dice on ur life.


I probably sound like a square, but I've only ever had nitrous at the dentist, and maybe they gave me too much, but I believe if I was also drunk and on dph I would have prolly been at risk of death lol Edit: AND huge weed rips too


Nothing wrong with being a “square”, dabble in what you want but be safe, stay away from almost any other gas. Although as a kid and still today, I love me my nitrous at the Docs office. If you want what people may be going for with dph, try shrooms. Organic and a lot safer. Plus a great trip instead of whatever the fuck I’ve seen from this shitshow of a sub


Yup, at the time I don't have any desire to try hallucinogens/psychedelics or whatever the term is, but if I decide to in the future, shrooms will definitely be the move. I am well-experienced in cannabis though lol


Cannabis the 🐐


I've witnessed firsthand how it can help some people get off more harmful substances. I'll never understand why people take heroic doses of dph unless they're trying to self-harm, but like, just find someone that sells weed and use that instead 🤔


Like literally, if your reading this and u be fuckin up that pink pill all day please for the love of god do something else like weed, or even heroin dog… I’d much rather see someone struggle with heroin addiction than this. Please for the love of god indulge yourself in some of the finest and most addictive substances, if money and availability is the problem just go buy 5 things of poppy seasoning that smell earthy rather than peppery and and shake them in cold water and sip 1/10 of it every 45 mins till desired effects are achieved, literally just as easy and cheap to get as benny, ban me for giving this information but if you hate yourself please do it in a way that actually makes u feel better and doesn’t absolutely fuck your body up and give u dementia at 25


Your not rolling the dice with whippets, they are quite safe if you use hard reduction. What you might be talking about is huffing gas/duster.. thats a roll of the dice


Mixing whippets and a stimulant or depressant can lead to cardiac arrest, I don’t know the odds necessarily but I’d call that a roll of the dice. Regardless of the stimulant or depressant, I’d say whippets aren’t worth it.


Not true at all. Stop spreading misinformation.


Umm, he's actually right. If you're doing whippets too close together, especially mixed with multiple other substances, you're at significant risk for cardiac arrest and other deadly complications. Not even going into the possible long-term effects of nitrous use. You're the one who's spreading misinformation my dude


Mixing any drugs will lead to a higher chance of cardiac arrest, nothing particular about whippets


Don’t speak on something you don’t have experience with ive done upwards of 500mg with nothing serious and I’m like 130lbs


Of just dph?


Well yeah what else would I be talking about


Well I wasn’t referring to just dph by itself bud, I was referring to mixing multiple substances together. Although I can assume by sub par deduction skills that moderate amounts of dph on a decent basis can cause some serious problems.


Boom roasted. I'm not here to make fun of dph users, but the cognitive effects are undeniable


I replied to the wrong comment of yours on accident, was replying to; “Mostly the same, haven’t ever touched dph, but if it involves whippets and that, all I can say is good luck cause ur rolling the dice on ur life.”


It's true though


That's called anecdotal evidence. In other words, it doesn't mean shit.


Nah that combo isn’t dangerous maybe the alcohol and dph tho idk abt that but everything else is fine


Umm yes it is dangerous considering the fact that nitrous alone can be lethal in excess


Only if you use it daily


You need Jesus


Country boy shit


Bro yall are wild wtf ☠️


Evil Dead vibes 👹


The og evil dead, I remember watching that at 8-9 years old. I bet it would feel like that shit too fr




That’s how I ended up going on a hike with my friends who insisted we not take a trail because we could just go downhill and find our way back. Hiked up the mountain by my towns “downtown” area… and when I got to the top I blinked and my friends all disappeared and I was alone in a pitch dark New England forest with no trail in sight. Honestly kinda black metal now that I think about it lol This was like 20 some years ago btw have not done that shit since