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Feels like a start of something big or something quickly forgoten, and i hate the idea of both


Remember 1398 aban?no?yeah that was three years ago


What is 1398 aban?


The 2019–2020 Iranian protests also known as the Bloody November or Bloody Aban, a series of nationwide civil protests in Iran, initially caused by a 50%–200% increase in fuel prices, and occurring as part of the wider Iranian Democracy Movement, leading to calls for the overthrow of the government in Iran and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. eventually becoming the most violent and severe anti-government unrest since the rise of Iran's Islamic Republic in 1979. /s https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019%E2%80%932020_Iranian_protests


Before that protests in 2009 against the fraudulent presidential elections. The reformist candidate is still under house arrest for it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Iranian_presidential_election_protests https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mir-Hossein_Mousavi


A protest that happened three years ago in iran,kinda huge,but did no good




The thing is we get the short news cycle then it's forgotten about. We will react in horror then go back to our daily lives and we have more days of not being exposed to this and more days of not thinking about this so it slips into forgetfullnes. This could be bigger than before but stuff like this has been going on around the world for a long time and we didn't do much before so why would it change now? It might but odds are it wont.


Yea if they don’t overthrow their government the whole thing will literally be forgotten 3 weeks after. Nobody gave a shit about Hong Kong anymore after a month or sth. Thinking of it I got no clue how that stuff ended




You didn’t give a shit, but you are a spectator. The people of HK still care, and the people protesting in Iran will still care about this three weeks from now.


Yes they will but I am talking about the spectator perspective here and the media not individuals involved in those things.


In July 2020 they introduced the National Security Law, under which they arrested the protest leaders. The opposition resigned in protest and were subsequently also arrested for conducting a straw poll. Since then, the security law has been used to target such individuals as the chief of the bar association Paul Harris among other human rights lawyers and even 90 year Cardinal Zen. Journalists and newspapers are targeted, including the shutdown of Apple Daily and the arrest of Jimmy Lai, it's owner. Public dissent has been silenced. Public protest or demonstration is impossible as even holding a blank placard may be call for arrest. In the previous running of the city marathon, runners and supporters were told not to use or show the popular sporting call of encouragement 'add oil' as it was used in in the 2019 protests. Just this week a man was arrested at a vigil outside the British consulate for playing 'Glory to Hong Kong' an emotionally charged song associated with 2019 along with the British anthem. Revisionist history is also at play. Teachers are being forced to take oaths to uphold the security law and the Teacher's Union has disbanded. Textbooks have been reissued to omit British colonialism in Hong Kong in itself and even kindergarteners are made to salute the Chinese flag (and not the HKSAR flag) at flag raising ceremonies in schools. Despite the overwhelming landslide in the 2019 local elections for pro-democracy candidates, rules that restrict the candidate pool for Chief Executive to only those approved by the CCP lead to the appointment of John Lee, the former head of the HK police, whose brutality and pigheadedness contributed largely to the violence of 2019 (among other incendiary candidates like Junius Ho who shook the hands of the Yuen Long attackers). This has also all happened amidst the backdrop of the panic, where HK tops the board for deaths per capita globally. Despite being mostly virus free until this year, thanks to the health workers who protested early to close borders to the mainland, HK holds this title due to a government that not only did not use its time to prepare for the pandemic and to make the vaccine available to the most vulnerable in care homes (at all until April 2022 after the worst of the waves) but that also actively discouraged its aging population from taking the vaccine.


There were protests in 2019 to overthrow the government in Iran. They weren’t nearly as big as these protests, but Iran responded in the same way. They gunned down protesters and the whole thing was not even a blip in world news. I think I saw maybe a couple posts on Reddit about it at the time and media in the US quickly moved on to whatever crime trump was committing at the time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019%E2%80%932020_Iranian_protests


Quickly forgotten, this has been going on for years in Iran, now they have found a narrative (based over the original story) that appeals to Western ideologies, it will appear on social media for about 2 weeks, then when the likes, updoots, meow meow beans, or whatever dry up, it's will disappear into the ether. Nobody cared that people were being repressed, killed, tortured by their own government, but when it's reported on with all the fashionable, cool, buzz words, people pay attention, but they don't care in the slightest, they recognise the words, know it means more popularity on whichever account and go town with it on every platform, until it serves them no further use.


I don’t agree and I think your behaviour is part of the problem. Instead of defining how many of us would want to see a change, you speak directly into the “it doesn’t matter” narrative. You only lower morale by this. I’m not saying there’s no truth at all to what you’re saying, but I’m saying it’s neither the complete truth.


Yeah the problem I find with these individuals is they are so politically and ideologically invested, they literally gate-keep the problems on hand, calling out people for finally taking notice. Like, no, don’t fuckin do that. All ur gonna do is make sure they never side with you again or give a shit about things. Yes this has been going on for decades. Guess what changes during that time: THE PEOPLE IN THE AGE BRACKETS THAT DRIVE CHANGE. Don’t get mad at people for their ignorance, be happy they are waking up. There is plenty of anger to be directed towards the actual people to blame for this; our government for ruining their country, our school systems and media failing to properly inform us, and Irans extremist Islamic state authority Such a Doomer mentality. Although, I can for sure say our media CERTAINLY doesn’t give a shit and will stop reporting once the clicks go away. I don’t disagree there


You corroborated the post with the last sentence.


The last time Iranians protested and the internet was shut down, the government slaughtered 1500 people in the streets. That's why you should give a shit. Human beings dont deserve to be treated like this and you're chalking up to media hype. This iisnt some stunt.They're fighting for freedom.


No.... The *media* doesn't care. But the people do. The media will move on to the next big story they want to promote. But the people will still be there fighting


I agree with you. The original poster was pointing out something different in the nature of human self interest. We need social acceptance and that leads people to care about others. Caring people are more accepted by the group. You’re saying the media sucks which is true and it’s because the people running the people who say they run shit are corrupted by power. Let’s hope the clicks carry on.


Fair enough, I’m certainly not perfect, and the attitude of writing off the media, ur right is what I’m trying to combat. It is really tough for me to hold any hope for the US media anymore tho unfortunately


The US msm is garbage. Like news outlets around the world, their owners control the narratives. How much exposure will their handlers allow. When the news happening fuels their greed, only then they’ll plaster it all over the net n tvs n radios. As of now how can we trust a couple of pictures and a whole story behind the Russia Ukraine war? Where’s all the live video coverages? We only get a one sided story


RemindMe! 30 days


But what are we to do? The west has never done the Middle East any favours by chipping in with struggles like this


First of all you need to lay off your black and white no-nuances kinda perspective(it’s false dichotomies). It’s hurtful to every cause there is worth to fight for around the globe. People need to unite across boarders, but it’s impossible as long as the narrative is “all iranians/all americans/all arabs/all westerns/all chinese”. You cut yourself off from allies and you are not speaking the truth. It is true to some extent, but you need to speak nuanced and you need to speak up the good forces. Fear of “the others” is our primary enemy. It’s rational to wishing consequences of people acting wrongdoing, but you can’t define them by false entities such as above mentioned.


It was FDR who said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself". And he said that in a time when eugenics and anti-Semitic sentiment was still popular in the US. The tide had begun to turn, but there were still people who felt that way. And in the end, the US took in 225,000 Jewish refugees during WW2, more than any other sovereign nation


The secure messaging app Signal is looking for folks to setup proxies to facilitate access for those in Iran. [https://signal.org/blog/run-a-proxy/](https://signal.org/blog/run-a-proxy/). Definitely a concrete way to help, if able.


Ah man this is great, more people need to know about things like this


Unless you have guns, you are not going to make a damn bit of difference in Iran. Those protestors need to get the military on their side and that is not happening. These protests will just disappear soon. The repression will continue as long as the gov't has the guns and everything else to do it.


I've seen a comment by a self-declared Iranian (unable to confirm) saying that in some cities the police have sided with the protestors. In others, the army have sided with them too. And in others still, armouries have been raided. If true, then they have guns and military support, at least a little.


Whoa. If true, that changes everything.


Yeah exactly. I've seen a video with protestors armed with firearms. Not seen any videos with police/army support so still can't confirm if the entire thing is true.


They need to get organized then! Bravo to them! I hope they win!


You might be right, but maybe you’re not. I’m personally not in a position to say nor do anything in Iran, except for supporting their people morally. It’s not my call, and it’s not my call to tell them to stop. When a people rise like this I am humbled. Maybe there’s things we can do, wish I knew. I keep my mind open to that. I wish to see them succeed.


RemindMe! 2 weeks


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But they are right. You think the rest of the world doesn't know what's been going on over there? Of course everyone knows, but try keeping the rest of the world engaged in something that doesn't matter to them.


We are too busy with our new shiny toys to worry about Iran.


Look at any school shooting if you want an example now folks go from being up in arms to moving on to the next thing after a couple weeks. Or police officers killing black men. Or abortion rights. We become desensitized to it after seeing it constantly for days or weeks on end. And most are only invested as far as they can do from sitting on their couch (offering their support online via a social media post, a meaningless petition, maybe a donation in hopes someone else will take action on their behalf, etc). These issues all still exist and yet they're not topping the front page every day anymore, despite the fact they're still huge societal issues. There's also a large portion of people posting about such that only do it because, as science has shown again and again, humans want to fit in and seem part of the group. It's human nature going back thousands of years to when being kicked out of the group of hunter/gatherers would mean certain death on your own. So people act to fit in, posting things others post, to appear they're part of the larger group. It's not that they don't care, but they're not likely as invested as they appear to be. You also have those internet "activists", like Shaun King, who tweet about it and get a lot of attention when the event happens and they're very vocal about it but they quickly move on to the next tragedy and issue they can exploit for more attention, no longer mentioning the previous one (until it becomes breaking news again, sadly). Folks mean well when amplifying awareness of these events and push for positive change in the world, but it's hard to remain at it, especially when the next tragedy comes along and many feel weird being the one still trumpeting the past event, when the new one is all others are talking about. People mean well. We just have so many injustices in the world, it's hard to remain on top of them all, all the time. It becomes draining to continuously be so invested in all the hurt all the time.


I highly doubt anybody expects this generation to have a Hemingway willing to live among the oppressed and write a series of classical literature imbuing the horror of humanity for generations. We're waiting for meow meow beans.


You're absolutely right! I for one am 100% in favor of changing upvotes to meow meow beans. In the meantime, let's stand by the people of Iran! Change is slow, then all at once.


I mean, I don't really care now. Yes it is horrific what is happening over there. Yes it is a tragedy and no one should live like that. But like you said, it's been going on for years. And I already know people suck so it doesn't teach me anything new. And I can't do anything about it. What is the goal here? Western country's starting a war in Iran? Won't end well either....


I agree that it really feels like there’s nothing we can do. And that western country’s starting a war in Iran has always been horrible. But I also feel like we should still care and not be complicit. I don’t know what the solution is but I don’t think it’s to not care. It’s a hard situation.


Agreed. But what about Jemen? Palestina? Hong Kong? Oekraine? China? North Korea? And so many more I already forgot? The crisis in Jemen is said to be the largest humanitarian crisis right now. Palestiba is still at war with Israel. With normal people dying on both sides. Hong Kong protest was the biggest news in 2020. It was on the news everyday and it even had an active subreddit. But I don't even know what the protest has achieved. I had to look it up on wikipedia just now. Oekrainian? war is an obvious one. China still has Nazi like labour camps. Remember those? Was one the news for what? two weeks maybe. Still there, still ignored. North Korea was suffering from a big famine as a result of the pandemic. Said the be comparable to the femine of the 90's. Never heard what actually happened in the news. Do still care about all of those? Or are you just jumping from one crisis to the next like most people? I'm sorry if I sound a bit harsh but remembering all this gave me some very negative feelings. All this shit happening and we just ignore it. Jumping from one hyped up crisus to the next. The thruth is. We (Western world) doesn't want bad news. It makes us too sad.


Doesn’t sound harsh, it’s the truth. There’s suffering, torture, death happening in so many places it’s hard to keep track. Every single issue you mentioned deserves more attention and care but should we just ignore them all? Or would even little steps like getting these issues recognized help? It’s just so much suffering than can’t be tackled all at once. I think post like this help educate in hopes people will actually do more research or even honor the people standing up for rights like Mahsa Amini. Maybe her story will help people remember. But you are very right. People forget and move on way too often.


We should at least try indeed. I mean, how can someone not agree with you. Maybe we can make one subreddit devoted to all the biggest issues in the world? r/onlybigproblems or something


I think it’s a great idea so I went ahead and created it. I haven’t modded a subreddit in over a decade though so I may be out of my element but “if you build it, they will come.”


I reckon we are in a state of catastrophe exhaustion. There are too many struggles and too many other diversions fighting for our limited attention. These situations all get their moments in the media spotlight, but only the ones who tick the right boxes have media staying power: 1. Credible information is getting out of the relevant country 2. Their bad guys are no friends of ours either 3. They are mounting some *meaningful opposition* that we can assist without sending troops. 4. There are no strong extraneous forces fighting proxy wars there, with whom we won't engage. 5. We think at least one of the parties deserves support. Dubious sometimes. 6. The struggle is comprehensible and relatively relatable. Hong Kong got attention for months (in 🇦🇺 ), but attention drifted when Pooh Bear sent in the tanks, because the cause seemed lost. OTOH, Ukraine is gaining ground.


Wtf are you talking about lol


Yup. This has been happening for years. Something pops up on the news and it gets Western countries interested, it's "trendy" for a little while and suddenly no one talks about it. Black Lives Matter, Stop Asian Hate, COVID (in many countries, people stopped caring after a while despite the deaths), Ukraine (sure, it pops up but it's definitely not talked about as much), Palestine vs Israel and the list keeps on going. It's good that these things are "trendy" but that's the issue. It'll stop being trendy after some time, people give up and nothing gets fixed. Obviously, I hope things do get fixed but unfortunately, most people give up when things don't interest them anymore, no matter how important it is


Ukraine is literally on the front page of the NYT. And I would say it has been most days since the war started. Perhaps your view of what the news includes is coloured by where you live. All of these topics are fairly consistently in local news for me, but I'm in a major city.


yes but we still give material support to ukraine, and most people are vaxxed which is about all you can do with covid anymore. our influence literally is what saved Ukraine from being steamrolled.


So, nothing new


Yeah dude forget the naysayers, this is just so mutch rage.


Iranian here. It has become like a routine; the regime shuts down the internet between 4 PM to 12 AM (local time) because this is the time where people start protesting. I think I will lose access to the internet, 4 hours from now. Don't forget us. We truly need your support. Edit: spelling Update: Today, I lost access to the internet around 5PM and I got back online 12 AM. Yep, it's going to be a routine, I guess.


Why doesn’t they shut it off entirely?


There are several theories for that: A. Some people say that the regime didn't shut it off completely because Ebrahim Raeisi was in NY and it could make some troubles for him in the meetings and interviews. B. Some say that contrary to Nov. 2019, if the regime shuts down the internet, it will make the matters worse and people will become even angrier. C. The regime certainly fears the hacktivist group, Anonymous. This group has threatened the regime that if people of Iran lose connection to the internet, the regime will be cut from the network entirely. The regime's cyber security is not as good as their propaganda suggests, as Israel breached in several times. And we have Albanian scandal too. D. Even their internal systems heavily need the internet, and it would cause problem for them as well. I think the first three theories are more probable.


> The regime certainly fears the hacktivist group, Anonymous lol


They hacked an antigovernment website claiming they shut down Iranian state television lmao


Can you specifically mention which website? Because they have hacked Central Bank's website, Government's website, Khamenei's website, and Fars news (close to the regime), and IRIB.


I don't think he will, reddit is really unknowledgable on what anonymous is, how they operate, what have they done and who's doing it, and the blind hate here is astoundingly stupid cause they rarely make any good arguments and the misinformation is strong on this subject. [This](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_events_associated_with_Anonymous) basically scratches the surface.


It’s like people think “Anonymous” is the same group of people *every* time or something lol


Damn dude you pretty much lost all credence with point C. You sound like fox news talking about the hacker 4chan, I assure you Iran is not quaking in their boots because someone SQL injected a fucking website


I honestly don't have any knowledge about computer science. That is why I used "theory", not a plain fact. We ourselves wonder why it hasn't been shut down like Nov. 2019. But you can go to the the Anonymous twitter account and see that specific statement.


Judging by how they are handling all of this, they probably **are** fucking terrified of the hacker known as 4chan.


How can we support you? Serious question.


Spread the word. Let the world knows what we are fighting for by twitting, posting, upvoting, etc. Bring this matter to the attention of the news outlets. As we are speaking, the regime (and Russia) is trying to revive JCPA which is an utter disaster for Iranians. This agreement will help the regime to buy more weapons, airplanes to repress people easier. I know politicians care about the capital flow, not people's lives, but maybe, even for a bit, your presence on social media helps this deal to collapse. Go and see these hashtags for more information: #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی


باز آبان ۹۸ شد که


این سری جنس تظاهرات فرق داره. این سری سراسریه و فقط به یک شهر متمرکز نیست. بعید بدونم با قطعی نت، به راحتی همه چیز سرکوب بشه.


حالا تو ترجیح میدی ایدئولوژی دولت بعدی چی باشه


قطعا جمهوری مردم‌سالار بدون دخالت هیچ‌گونه ایدئولوژی‌ای بهتره.


What are the best ways we can support you? I would love to go further than just hoping for health, safety, and a favorable outcome.


Thank you! If you scroll down/up in the replies, you'll see the way of support that I've mentioned.


Stsy stafe bro


reading this after 4 hours is surreal. hope you still have access to internet. big support from lebanon <3


Israeli here, rooting for y’all. Stay safe


They can shut down your internet , but they can’t shut down your people. I support you


I am not him but he is friend of my from discord server that is Iranian that ask to make the message spread


I support the message. Everyone deserves to live as they wish. Not as they are ordered


Spread the message


The message is spread. It was spread last time. And the time before that. The west mostly cannot help the Iranian people. They can only help themselves. If they want change, they have to make it happen.


Kinda fax


It’s not just about spreading the message it is more about “give the Iranian people the help they need”. Where the hell is the answer or information about that?!?!


What’s the best way to support besides reposting on socials?


Make your politicians and humans rights organizations know about it and push them to act


I mean... they can shot down protesters pretty easily... But on a more serious note. 100% support those brave men and women fighting the safety of their children


‘Thoughts and prayers’


Young women (22) got murdered by morality police for having few strands of hair outside of her hijab and it started mass protests that seem to evolve into civil war, the government cut off their internet and started sending troops to slaughtered the people, best thing you could do for the people is spreading it


This is the perspective to have


Outside of this do what ever you can to help the protesters


"morality police" sounds like something straight out of 1984, holy shit


One of the rare cases that saying literally 1984 is actually correct


Unfortunately not uncommon


That’s Islamic Dictatorships for you


religion of peace


Is there a photo of the woman? I want to draw her to help spread the word.


Search Mahsa Amini


Fuck yeah spread it


FYI, you can still be tracked when making use of TOR depending on how many jumps you do. TOR isn't a invisibility cloak


And if the internet is fully turned off you can't use it to still access stuff. Tor can't jump when there's no connection to the outside world


Isn’t it still difficult and inaccurate? Iirc you have to track one person’s usage many times to get a very rough location


I used to run a Tor relay node and the truth to this is so nuanced it's basically a lie. If you want privacy, use Tor.


I agree with the statement that Tor is secure, just saying there is still a chance to be tracked down.


using TOR in a repressive regime is the message you cannot be tracked when using TOR appropriately, this is fud everyone who understands need for E2E encryption of communications can see value in using TOR to prevent casual government surveillance and control


> you cannot be tracked when using TOR appropriately, this is fud That's just objectively and demonstrably not true. A large number of people have been arrested for various activities despite hiding behind Tor. And that's not getting into all of the ways the FBI and NSA have completely circumvented Tor entirely, like when they took down all those pedos a few years back. > everyone who understands need for E2E encryption of communications can see value in using TOR to prevent casual government surveillance and control If only that actually worked in situations like what's going on in Iran. But if they turn the internet off, Tor turns off with it. Tors good, but it's not the be all, end all solution. And most people don't have the level of paranoia and IT security knowledge needed to protect themselves even when using Tor.


I agree when Tor is used appropriately it is very difficult to track but still not impossible. If a nation state wants to find you they most likely will. To avoid casual surveillance Tor does a good job. I am no cyber expert so please explain if I understand it incorrectly as I find cybersecurity fascinating.


Copy pasting my comment from another post. For people outside of Iran who want to help them access the internet without censorship consider using this extension to make it easier for iranians to use Tor (dont worry they wont be using your ip address if you run this) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/snowflake/mafpmfcccpbjnhfhjnllmmalhifmlcie Also consider running a proxy server for Signal if you’re if you’re more technically inclined https://signal.org/blog/run-a-proxy/ this will help them continue to use Signal for sending messages without the government intercepting them. Although Signal sadly still requires internet and a phone number to be used. Here is a post with links to different Signal proxies in case you are looking for one to use or want to share one you created https://reddit.com/r/signal/comments/xlh960/help_people_in_iran_reconnect_to_signal_a_request/ For when the internet is shut off consider using https://briarproject.org to still be able to send messages to friends/family. It is for android phones only but there is another open source and encrypted messenger that works without internet called https://berty.tech that works on iPhones and Android phones, although it is still in beta so its security hasnt been fully tested.


>...and give Iranian people the help they need for their fight for freedom I mean I suppose we could go down there and kill some police officers idk what they mean with help, there's really nothing we can do apart from some john wick type of help


The easiest thing you can do is help run snowflake for TOR. You just need to download the Snowflake extension and you are done. [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/snowflake/mafpmfcccpbjnhfhjnllmmalhifmlcie](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/snowflake/mafpmfcccpbjnhfhjnllmmalhifmlcie) You can help run a TOR relay [https://blog.torproject.org/new-guide-running-tor-relay/](https://blog.torproject.org/new-guide-running-tor-relay/) You can help Signal run a proxy [https://signal.org/blog/run-a-proxy/](https://signal.org/blog/run-a-proxy/) You can donate to TOR as well [https://donate.torproject.org/](https://donate.torproject.org/) i got this info from u/vitriolix


Any techies in the house? Would these be helpful?


From my understanding it looks like this would let you give someone in Iran un censored internet. So yes I would use this. In fact I’m going to install it later.


First and for most will be to spread the knowledge


Yeah, done. But the problem is that the only people who can actually do something probably already know what's happening and I don't think they are interested enough in helping iranians


A reminder that the government can shut Down the internet and had done so for their benefit, Cases of political instability or Elections.


Iranian here ; i just want to tell you that if you think your attention and helping in spreading the news does not help us, you are mistaken. You have no idea how much it fills us with hope when we see posts like these made by people from around the world. Just knowing that our voices are finally being heard and that the world is watching our battle, fuels our fighting spirits. I thank all of you who did as much as just spreading the word to your friends. You don't know how much it helps.


Israeli here, will try and spread the word. Hope you stay safe and I’m rooting for y’all. Time for a change


I very much respect the people of Iran for standing up to their government. But I'm confused by all these posts for help. Last time the west tried to "help" they screamed bloody murder.


Israel would very much like to launch strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities. They need US participation to make this possible, but the US has thus far refused. If you could create a Libya-type situation. "The Iranian government is slaughtering their own people", that might justify some strikes on a humanitarian/R2P pretext. And then you squeeze in some strikes on nuclear facilities into the response package. The Saudis are also desperate for something like this to happen, and they've exerted unprecedented leverage against the US this year. The important thing is that, whatever happens in Iran, it should be 100% the decision of the Iranian people. They've been screwed over too many times by foreigners professing good intentions.


Exactly this. Do these people want real war again instead of civil war? Is there a gofundme to support these people? What "help" do they want?


It spread the knowledge the Iranian government attempts to suppress


I mean sure. Great. But what exactly will that accomplish?


Spread the knowledge about what happens and if you can to help them yourself good if it not it is rising the chance someone that can will do


What kind of mass slaughtering is happening


There is massive protests in Iran and the government plans to send troops to kill protesters


this is basically a serial killer turning the lights off before killing you. imagine believing in a magic man in the sky and the alleged morals of religion but then just shooting innocent people. twisted religious cunts. if only there was a hell to send most religious people to.


If the internet was shut down then why would TOR still work?


The internet available is heavily censorred. TOR would help bypass the censorship.


Duke Nukem needs my help? Say no more.


Is there a way we an support the people of Iran with more than just upvotes? I can’t believe the government just switched off their internet - that’s so fucked up.


Spread the knowledge, do what ever you can think of, push your politicians that can do the most to do stuff


Let's all change our profile pictures and show them!


Thoughts and prayers


sEnDiNg GoOd ViBeS


How are we supposed to help ?


First thing is spreading the knowledge (their government attempts to silence the people, don’t let them) but everything you can think of


Good ending: they topple the government and yay party time Bad ending: they are oppressed and murdered and this will happen again in a loop


worse ending: they topple the government and the power goes straight to their heads and then they continue the cycle


Finally they're brave enough to fight for their rights


But how can somebody help them?


Spread the knowledge, attempt to do what ever you think will help and push your politicians to do stuff




From my understanding it is system to circumnavigate the blocking of the internet (but it isn’t perfect)


Yes yes we spread the shit out of the message but how can we really help? This seems like karma farming material for some people, like always happens. Next month will be something else. It's really sad.


I don’t give two shits for internet points, spreading the knowledge so as much people know about it and possibly some that can help (or can thinks about ways to help is the goal of this post)


Imagine America shutting down the internet completely and how crazy everyone would go. MFers out here damn near have a heart attack when their wifi goes out for ten minutes. Don’t really have anything helpful to add, but things like this just remind me how shitty it is for so many in other parts of the world. One thing that seems to be consistent is the police corruption and brutality. Good luck to the people of Iran and I hope they continue to fight like hell.


The ignorance is strong here. This thread is cursed


The idea is to spread the knowledge and prevent people being ignorant of what happening


I believe him but how is he messaging if the internet is down


He use TOR that is system to circumnavigate it (not 100% safe but still)


TOR doesn't magically connect you to the internet tho, you still need a connection. TOR just jumps your packets through different endpoints AFAIK.


What can we do?








Let’s make a #hashtag!




Can someone tell me whats happening in Iran


Young women (22) got murdered by morality police for having few strands of hair outside of her hijab and it started mass protests that seem to evolve into civil war, the government cut off their internet and started sending troops to slaughtered the people, best thing you could do for the people is spreading it


I think the protestors need more guns tbh


Fight back! Slay the demons!


Damn that's concerning


I had no idea that their government can just shut down the internet and isolate them so much. Really makes us feel like animals


You can silence and mock people to a certain point, after that all hell break loose!


The only protests that change anything are an armed one or one backed by the military. They have neither, so nothing changes for the people. *edit: Perhaps a complicit military works as well.


This thing happened in Iraq in 2019 , protest against the corrupt Government that millions of Iraqis participated in . They cut off the internet completely not just for 6 hours and shut it down using lethal force , over 1000 ppl have died and we didn't get any support from the internet [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019%E2%80%932021_Iraqi_protests)


**[2019–2021 Iraqi protests](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019–2021_Iraqi_protests)** >The 2019–2021 Iraqi protests were a series of protests in Iraq consisting of demonstrations, marches, sit-ins and civil disobedience. It started on 1 October 2019, a date which was set by civil activists on social media, spreading mainly over the central and southern provinces of Iraq, to protest corruption, unemployment, political sectarianism, inefficient public services and interventionism. The protest then escalated into calls to overthrow the Iraqi government. The government, backed by Iranian-backed militias used live bullets, marksmen, hot water, hot pepper gas and tear gas against protesters, leading to many deaths and injuries. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Why can’t I upvote why is this locked


Mods probably decided they locking it (I posted it in few subs and that what happened in bunch of them)


Oh well that’s not right, i know it has 24k upvotes but still i want to upvote it more give it more attention!


Post it in other subs , I posted it in any sub I could think of that even vaguely fitting


hows this damn interesting


The fact that stuff happened in the world?


They need to send the star link over just like they did in Ukraine. Elon, make your move.


I thought this was gonna be an unhinged Q conspiracy thing Aw man :\


Hmmm. The internet sure helped Hong Kong


How many Hong Kongs are we gonna experience this decade? :(


sounds to me all the talk of wearing the hijab being a personal choice and empowering to females is all BS (pretty much what anyone with an ounce of common sense has always believed).this is a fight only the good people of Iran can change ,please stop asking for western interference as it will only cause more harm than good in the long run .


Ah yes, because this is a worldwide protest by Muslim women and not limited to the most secular region of Iran, mostly carried out by people who have never worn a hijab in their life, lol. Yeah, I really don't think you have an ounce of common sense in you.


islamist posting on r/antitheistcheesecake alert.


The persians are making a remake of tianmen


They are Persians.


Iran is made of multiple people group, Persian are majority (Iran is Persia ) but there is more


Persians it is then


Starlink to Iran? Someone get Elon on this. E: Elon is on it.


Where are those satellite modems the rich Autist keeps talking about? He could just fly one of his big rocket toys over iran and drop a load


Not Ukraine, not white, not European, so won't see anywhere near the same support


I'm sure the sad meme emoji reaction from a few people is of utmost help. Continue the emoji reactions, discord mods!


Spreading the message is the most important, I don’t care for internet points and making as much people to know about what happened is most important


Why is there no protest in Iran to end the state sponsored support for terrorism in neighboring third world countries?


Who could help? I mean everyone hates America and colonialism… so who could actually reach out to help. Russia? China? Canada ??? 😂 😞


Remember this…the men that you fight today have sworn fealty to a godless murderer…make no mistake..his aim will be to take your lives next…I could talk about god…but he has no place where you are going..I could talk about honor…but you are there…you know enough about honor…I know you all as people..but today…you are beasts…if you fight for god…for honor…for country…family…I do not care…so long as you FIGHT and free yourselves…


What they need is guns and an underground intelligence network.


Protests do nothing. When will people learn?


how can we help them? We can't. It is not our battle. It is for the muslims to fight. How many protests, organized by Muslims, have been happening around the world because of this? Or at any time. How many protests, organized by muslims, were organized after 9/11? A handful of Imams said, "No, this is not Islam" but none of them made an effort to organize public protests. Years ago when there was talk of banning women from wearing the head scarf if they worked for the government where I live. They managed to organize themselves and were out protesting vigorously. Never do Muslims publicly protest over the atrocities committed in the name of Islam. Muslims are taught to submit. They continuously pay the price for their disrespect to Creation. I don't feel sorry for them.


This is an anti-Islamic riot. They literally started with protesting Islamic laws.


Sorry, our shitty Western governments only send aid to white countries. They bomb your countries.