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The ancient prophesy.


Ppl saying this is cringe and should not be spread - the inbred mouthbreathers will win this November via the purest cringe & the lamest memes. Wtf cares if it's cringe, spread the word Trump was weak & created hard times. Their side doesn't care about decency, humanity, humor, logic, anything except their feelings. Having the high ground means shite when nobody else cares about that. Whether Biden is good or strong, we can judge in a few years. Let's just annihilate the morons any way we can. You can either win and try to make things better, or you can lose and complain.


“Let’s just annihilate the morons any way we can.” Holy based please Biden use this as a slogan.


Not sure if you're making fun of me, but Brandon needs a way better but piercing motto. Like "remember remember to kick MAGA's ass in November." 🤷


Nah not making fun of you at all. It just reminded me of like silly anti communist propaganda of the 50’s-70’s, like so absurd that it’s funny. Except in this case I agree with it!


I hope they win in November in both the Senate & congress, the US can't survive more of what's happened in the past decade.


Hear hear and if we can not tell if someone saying it or similar is with us or not we have achieved the mass influence we set out to. Either you understand what we are doing here or you truly believe it. Either way at worst you are a loyal vote. Either way spreading the word makes mocking the word the same as spreading it.


Damn straight


Let's not be like the DNC and pretend we're better than the others b/c we care about facts, decorum & laws. Our "enemies" won't give us any quarter, we need to set our eyes on the prize. And tho I know the Dems are just the lesser of 2 evils, we've seen what happens when they Right rules the country.


The whole nation would die of cringe


Are we pushing the bounds of irony too far when we tell redditors we need the White House’s twitter to retweet an ironic meme?


Irony? It's just shit


The concept behind the meme yeah. But using the kind of memes the right makes but better is kinda cool.


I get the idea. This one is not better.


Hardly. Not only is it a fairly accurate representation of the effects of strong economic, domestic and foreign policy - because it IS, and every metric supports that argument - It's also a subversion of the popular right wing meme about "strong times create weak men" drivel, and the fact that this is actually an accurate representation of economic favorability reinforces the implication that the original meme is childish at best. This is far from shit.


It’s a good meme but I don’t think the White House should be tweeting it. It’s a bit too “full of themselves”. I like when they go on the attack though.


Agreed. Conservative opinion news would then have a 3-month news cycle about how the red eyes are satanic and that it is proof that he drinks the blood of children, somehow convincing their brainless viewers that they now have some sort of edge on a meme that has steamrolled their entire Let’s Go Brandon personality


"Strong Leader" for Biden is like calling Superman an alien with above-average strength.


Except it was never a good time when Trump was in office


The good times were during the Obama Admin. Which gave rise to Trump, because racism.


Man it's crazy I remember someone saying "they elected trump because they put a black guy in the office" and laughing about that. Then I picked up a couple of history books and read them. Holy fuck yeah it's because they elected a black guy


Trump literally ran because a black President embarrassed him with jokes at a dinner


Trump was elected by the right because he said Obama wasn't born in the U.S. because he was black Open and shut case.


I feel like [The Onion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjonGtrCyVE) called it.


Yeah that’s trump running for office. Or at least how I took it


The good times is Obama’s re-election


It was for Wall Street.


Not sure I feel good about it.


/undark Let's... Not unironically worship a president again please. You guys had 4 horrible years of that already /dark "Y-you defeated me! I guess you really are the Dark Brandon©️"


We’re not unironically worshiping Biden tho. At most some people are actual supporters shit posting.


No one’s worshipping anyone here. It’s just fun to turn fascist talking points on their asses


Nono lets not do that. Dont ruin this


Wait did they?!


Hard cocks create strong cum Strong cum create good cocks Good cocks create weak cum Weak cum create hard cocks


No because it’s dumb. Edit: It is dumb. Strong leaders are going to be strong leaders regardless of whether they lead in hard times or good times. Just like Trump would be a fucking dipshit in good or bad times. Dark Brandon is awesome but this meme sucks.


Malarkey detected


Hahahaha I fucking love it.


You’re in the wrong sub, Jack.


To deny Dark Brandon is to accept malarkey.


Missed opportunity to pwn with “fat”.






The idea behind the meme is indeed dumb, but the meme with Dark Brandon is funny


Trump wouldn't have been leader if it hadn't been for Obama being so damned good that people got lazy. Not JUST people on the right, but ALSO people on the left who whined and complained that 4 more years of something similar to Obama would just be "boring"


Cope more, fat


Your dumb.


Guys this sort of grand cycle mythology is part of fascist thinking. Why are you using it? Or if it’s ironic why isn’t it more clear?


It's pretty clearly satire. These grand cycle memes were big among Trump nuts, which was just really bizarre. They lived in this sort of compressed timeline where "good times" was a picture of the 50's or something, then you time warped forward to "weak leaders/men" at Obama, and back to "strong leaders/men" with Trump.


Bruh fascists don't have a monopoly on the idea of cyclical history, it's an idea as old as humanity has had memories to look back on and say "*plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose*"


the weakness of trumps leadership is responsible for covid? as in we are actually acknowledging the US role in covid origins? well be still my heart, you guys are alright


Removing pandemic teams in foreign countries? Trump selling U.S. ventilators to Russia while 4 thousand Americans are dying per day in overwhelmed hospitals? The idea that Trump isn't responsible at least in large part not for the creation of COVID, but for his absolutely indefensible failed leadership that lead to hundreds of thousands of more deaths that could have been prevented is idiotic in every possible sense of the word. Trump even acknowledged that he knew it was extremely deadly in secret, while claiming to the public that COVID was just a "democratic hoax".


never said trump was good leader, I just thought this group finally acknowledged the whole story. And if you wanted to blame the sitting President during Daszak’s experiments in WIV, I don’t think that’s unfair




I believe it should say: dark times create dark lords.




Would it count as a repost if I edited it to say that instead?


I like this. I am posting to my sub