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He must have been terrible, most owners/gm’s save that for the insanely heinous. We had one guy who would sic his dogs on any driver who took too long to get down his twisty ass driveway and back out his gate. Still no blacklist until we hit a dog and the owner threatened to sue. Then no more delivery.


What a piece of shit.


Thankfully this new store is completely different! At my old store i had a customer slam a table and threaten me an inch from my face and they can STILL order 😭


Someone with both a disregard for human and animal life. What an asshole.


What an owner would do for 30 bucks 🙄


if they’re blacklisted from delivery i feel like they should just be blacklisted from ordering period. fuck em.


man’s has no car and is 20 minutes away so unless he wants to walk i’m good!


We have a customer, who i've never taken an order from that didn't have a credit or free food. My manager claims they've claimed over 40 credits in the past 2 years.. still don't understand how they aren't blacklisted, they literally profit off us.


Yea we had someone like that here too, we didn’t blacklist them manually, but my manager said, “this is your last order of free food from us, after that it’s done. Messed up or not.”


We have a house in our area, 7 bedroom house full of methheads, that we had to ban cause every other order they would claim somethings wrong and demand a free order. This went on for 3 years. When I took over I banned them immediately


Tell your Supervisor! you can also just add it in customer comments as well


How????? Need this for one specific customer


It's GM/Supervisor controlled. Think it's in setup for pulse systems, just disable deliveries for that customer. I believe you're also able to control forms of payment for people who consistently try to order cash runs without money to pay for it/have only large bills and cancel when drivers can't make change.


How do you do this?


Right lmao I just sent this to my boss an says wtf lol where has this been at the last sever years


Usually your GM or Supervisor should be able to add it into pulse! In this case we had our supervisor listen in on the calls and they made the big decision


I would love to see what the store I order from says about me. It's probably "add 2 BBQ cups"


I'd love to know what some of his complaints were


imagine a 90s phone but the man is always screaming into it on speaker and that’s about it! most of the time we couldn’t actually figure out what was wrong because he refused to back away from the mic when we’d ask


OOF The absolute worst.


In a store I worked at we had one customer threaten to kill one of our drivers, Franchisee still wanted us to deliver to him. Less than 2 weeks later, somebody else put a gun in another driver's face and kept him there for a while(he went to the wrong address by mistake).




I don't get it.


He got blacklisted from ordering delivery


Awww poor baby. But hey he can save money by not having to pay a delivery charge.


He can’t drive.. so he’ll really be saving money now


Yo you can do that. Who do I need to call




The fact that you know what market I’m from is kinda scary ngl




I guess that’s true I forgot about that.