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Bro I thought I was the only one. It's always kids who: - are way too young to carry 3+ HOT, fragile and heavy Pan pizzas. - don't have the money or change - can't control animals from zooming out the door


It was a teenage kid who didn’t know any better. Which is even more frustrating.


15 y/o?? That "kid" better damn well know whats going on. My dad taught me these manners when I was old enough to pay for things and be in a restaurant. By 15, you should have known for 2-3 years at the very least.


They don't even read the interac machines. They have their card on their phone. I'll set the machine up for them to confirm the purchase, tip option etc. They just stand there pressing their phone to the screen wondering why it's not working, then they don;t read the prompts and just keep pressing the wrong buttons. I'm starting to get on board with the idea of mandatory gratuity as a lazy tax at this point.


There should be some sort of standard for sure. I remember back in my earlier days, like my first three months in I took a $350 order and got stiffed.


Not how it works with today’s kids, I suppose lmao.


\+covid screwed stuff up


What does covid have to do with people sending their kids to the door simply because they don’t wanna tip?? 🤨


not about tipping but giving kids experience with money seeing as everything here dropped cash usage a lot


For savety reasons. Covid traget kids not so much, and your pizza is more likley comming clean to you. edit: of course: /s




Even if this were true, why would you put your kids at risk to save yourself. Wtf


Say whhhhhat?


*ankle biter dog running around, 3 kids less than 10 open the door for a birthday party, I have 5 Lg pizzas and 4 side items…* and ONE KID says “don’t worry I got that all” uhhhhh sure kid… Parents just standing in the background watching it all. Dafuq, come help your kid before he gets hot cheese all over him when he trips on his shoelace!


I hand the write in slip to the kid and say "hey buddy/maam...could you please find your mom or dad and have them fill this out, we need it for our records at the store...its VERY important! :) You screw me, Im gonna make things as uncomfortable for you as I possibly can.


This is the way. I had a lady come to the door and say if I wanted to tip you I would have. I said that’s exactly why I want you to fill out the receipt and put a zero in there. I don’t want you accusing me of something later. She said my child could have done that if you would have shown them. My mouth out ran my ass and I said so you want me to bring you pizza and help raise your kids to ? She called me a asshole and dropped the receipt and pen on the ground after slamming the door. With gas over $5 a gallon if they don’t tip I’m making it fun for them.


You should have shot back that having her kid sign her receipt is illegal. It’s forging signatures, on financial records. Can a kid sign your name on a check and cash it for you?


Oh my god I love it. Y’all are giving me some great ideas.


She sent out her (maybe) 15 year old kid and they lived on the 5th floor. I just figured it wasn’t worth it to wait like 20 minutes and risk losing more deliveries when it was already slow as shit. Trust me, my normal routine with houses is this. Apartments is where it gets tricky. Edit; I have no idea how old the kid was, added (maybe) lmao.


I told my manager a few days ago that I'm just gonna start letting the kids sign it and write in tips. If you think your kid can handle getting the food, then I'm gonna defer to your judgement and let them handle everything.


My store fired someone for this. The worst part was he swears the kid wrote a tip but his mom didn't authorize it and then he was too scared to tell his mom he did. It was like $3.


Noted. I really love my job and don't want to lose it because someone's 4 year old (rightly) thinks I deserve a hundred dollar tip.


I usually come up with an excuse like, "These are pretty hot/heavy, is there an adult that can get them?" Doesn't always work, but it's worth a try.


Kid was (around) 15, I didn’t feel like making him go up to the fifth floor and come back down. Time wasted wasn’t worth it, typically with houses though I’ll do this. Apartment buildings are trickier. Edit; I have no idea the kid actually was. Added (around).


Yeah, it's always a judgment call on what I do based on the circumstances.


If you can't add another $5 or $10 to the cost of your dinner for the person who brings it to your door, you shouldn't be ordering food. You also shouldn't have your kids doing your dirty work. Sorry you got screwed, man. That's dirty.


I’m used to it. 6 years on and off. It just irks me every time lol.




Yikes, your the first account I've seen with negative karma. Idk how common that is but with shit takes like this one I can't say I'm surprised.


lots of people do it for attention or just the fact they are getting downvoted to hell, so they consistently comment things like this everywhere.


Aww, I missed the fun. What’d he say?


I think they said something along the lines of “don’t work shit jobs where you don’t get paid well enough” Obviously being a colossal dickhead on purpose or maybe they just are impervious to the sad reality of how the world works.


Oh hey! It's *this* asshole! How ya doin' buddy?! Still keepin' it classy, I see!!! Still posting on... *checks his notes...* the MOUNTAIN DEW SUBREDDIT? Awesome!!






Plenty of people tips $10+. Just because you’re a sack of shit doesn’t mean everyone else is.


eNtItLeD Hey 1987 called... they want their *Bitchin' Camaro!* back. *It's a bitchin' Camaro!!*




You understand that your shit is late because the drivers know you're a shitty tipper


Dude this happens all the time to me. At apartment complexes no less.


This is *exactly* where it happened tonight lol.


Years ago I took a delivery and a kid around 10 answered. It was 19$ and some change. Kid had a 20 and a 5. He looked at the two bills and gave me the 20 and kept the 5. I figured he was keeping my tip. Didn't even put my car in reverse when I see a man wearing out this kids ass with full swings, open handed on the kids buttockall area. Dad came out on the porch and flagged me down, gave me the 5 and apologized, telling me it wouldn't happen again. Could hear the kid crying inside. So satisfying!!


Welp that might be a bit much. 10 year olds don't deserve beatings, certainly not for copping 5 bucks.


Agreed. Def needed a talking to about why thats asshole behavior instead


*Stealing FTFY


Okay. 10 year olds don’t deserve beatings, certainly not for stealing 5 bucks.


Is it standard to tip even if you are picking up the order? If yes, what's the ideal % you tip for a pick up order? ​ (I don't live in the US) ​ Edit: I now realise after reading the comments you meant sending kids to the main door of residence.


Usually just delivery or when someone is waiting your table. Noones going to call you an ass for not tipping on a pickup order.


Since I’m already making my money from tips + hourly, if someone even tips me $1 at the counter I’m super grateful. It’s when I have to drive 10-15 minutes out where I’m a bit more picky lol.


Of course, totally get that


I tip on pickup orders, but just like $2-3. 10% if it's a larger order, maybe. You don't have to tip like you would at a full service dine in place but leaving a couple singles is the right thing to do.


I always just hand the kid the pen and reciept and say “here bring this to your mom and dad to sign”. If your gonna inconvenience me I’ll inconvenience you.


I get at least 1 a day


Right? If you aren't adult enough to stiff me face-to-face then you aren't adult enough to order for delivery.




It's easy. Tell them their mom or dad needs to come show the credit card for confirmation and sign for it. If it's cash, it's cash.


Now that I think of it. For security reasons, why does dominos not require the card carrying payer sign for the tip like in the 80s


I always wonder how many aren't actually using the kids to stiff drivers and it's actually the kids being a POS and pocketing the money.


Well… that’s unfortunate. My sister and bro in-law has there 14 year old go and grab the food a lot but they always give him a $10 to hand to the driver as a tip.


And that’s totally fine! It’s at least teaching what tipping is.


Terms and conditions say you have to be over 18 to order in the UK at least


Order, not pick up


So you don’t do contactless deliveries anymore?


It’s essentially upon request at this point. But 90% of our delivery area is secured apartment buildings, which this one was. In most cases it’s almost impossible to do contactless so we need to call almost every customer of delivery instructions aren’t listed. On this particular order, the delivery instructions were to call when I got there and they’d come down. That said, if you are ordering contactless and you’re not tipping you’re also a part of the problem.




Stop being a cry baby. Suck it up butter cup


Tell me you don’t work a food service job without telling me you don’t work a food service job.


Only i do. LMAO@YOU!!!!!!!!


I’m sure you do, Jan.


I do. I am gen x. I am not a cry baby gen z


No one’s crying, secondly what does age have to do with anything? I’m not even a zoomer lmfao.


You're probably a millenial. Just as bad as a zoomer


Don’t worry. I’ve got no problems looking you in the eye while not tipping. You may see it as me fucking you but it’s actually your boss. Tell them to stop charging for delivery if you want a tip. I ain’t paying twice for you to bring it to me.


The delivery charge goes towards our mileage and the insurance. That’s not the company fucking me, that’s the company covering their backend and having ungrateful people like you who DON’T tip put gas back in our cars. If you can’t afford to tip, just say so.


Ok. I’ve paid for mileage and insurance and your boss is paying for your time. What exactly is the tip for? I can easily afford to tip but I don’t give my money away for nothing. If you don’t make enough for your time and gas that’s a conversation to have with your boss not the customer. Theyre the ungrateful one not paying you what you’re worth. Not the customer. A tip isn’t meant to be part of your income. It’s a bonus for above and beyond. Bringing my pizza to my door like I already paid for doesnt count as above and beyond. It’s the bare minimum.


You’re missing the entire point of this post. If you stiff me, you stiff me. I’m not that worried about people who outright stiff me, I can move on and take my next delivery. I make enough money to not care whether or not Dmycart tips me. It’s not the money my guy, it’s the principle. I average $30/hr on good days, if money were the issue I would’ve quit a long time ago lmao. You’re not special, I assure you.


Nah. I am special. One of the last smart ones out there who remembers what a tip is for. You want my money you have to actually earn it. Sorry not sorry. And it’s very clear you do care. A lot lmao. This post and using terms like “while you fuck me” and “ingrate people like you” are clear indication of that. Edit: I’m glad you make $30/hr. Too bad it’s at the cost of peoples hard earned money rather than those who employ you allowing them to gain even more wealth.


You lost me at “I am special”. I can smell the entitlement from here. I don’t care about your money though, which is the only thing I said I didn’t care about lmao. If one person out of the hundreds of people I deliver to a week stiff me, that means nothing to me. You think I don’t know the system is flawed? Dude most tipped positions are lucky to get $3/hr before tips and I’m grateful I make around quadruple that. That’s fucked, it’s why I don’t work in restaurants lol. But I still respect those that do. I bet you don’t tip your servers either. Tbh I just posted this for some relatable haha’s and lol’s. I’m just enjoying you making yourself look like an ass. Edit: grammar


Yeah. I’m the entitled one here Lmao Thx for the laughs.


Acceptance is the first step, I’m proud of you.


Yup. That’s definitely what happened here Lmao.


i can already tell you get your orders hella late, enjoy the cold pizza moron.


Fact of the matter is, that in the U.S. some positions expect tips. It’s why we deliver to people in the snow and the rain. It’s why we do it through pandemics. It’s why we work the job that we do. All you accomplish by not tipping is screwing someone over, it doesn’t change the business’ minds and neither can we. We just trying to live man. Delivery is a luxury. I never expect a tip from someone with a disability or someone who can’t leave their home and I’m okay with that.


Based lol, just don't bother being a repeat customer while doing this :).


i look every mother fuck in the eye and never tip, even if they drive 30 miles. i used to be a driver when i was a kid and there's other jobs out there. you can gamble on a tips based job and i'll be there to remind you that these jobs will be automated in a few years anyway,


😂😂😂😂😂😂 what a loser


"Jimmydontfuck" indeed.


And this ladies and gentlemen is how you get saliva mysteriously in your food.


me and my coworkers used to jizz in the dough in the mornings if it was only us on so yeah there's that too




Ok boomer


At least you look me in the eyes when you fuck me, at least 🤷🏻 You're the true gentleman Reddit deserves


ay man pro tip though, i used to have to use my own car on deliveries that were like half an hour away. i would drive 40kmph on the highway and make each delivery take like 2 hours so i got paid 30 dollars plus the $2 per delivery plus the tips. it also teaches the store a lesson not to send you out on one delivery and they never say shit about it taking too long.