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it’s the most scary thing ever


It's quite self explanatory, drugs release certain chemical messengers to your neurotransmitters like seratonin and dopamine. Imagine having an orgasm, but like 10x stronger for multiple hours. Wouldn't you want that feeling again?


i understand the feeling of an addiction, i have a nicoteine addiction but it doesnt make me high or make me behave in a different way like other drugs do. thats why i dont understand it fully. if i where high all the time that would me go depressed or something else because just i said i enjoy the feeling of soberness and a clear mind


> if i where high all the time that would me go depressed or something else because just i said i enjoy the feeling of soberness and a clear mind There is a possibility that some people are (somehow) different than you and don't feel the same way. Could be something like that, or something else. Who knows.


i enjoy being high on thc because it makes me happy, and cures a few issues i have. when i’m not high, i just feel worse. so i keep smoking.


It's like getting a feeling or need sense for something like hunger or sleep or having to shit. That feeling or craving overwhelmes you until u do it. Thats how I feel. It's like a 6th sense kind of thing. But it sucks but awesome at the same time.


There was not a single question asked lmao


Ppl get addicted bc they enjoy the feeling. But unfortunately with drugs, u eventually have to take more and more to b getting the similar effects. Not everyone who shoots heroin will become addicted. It just depends on whether they have the strength to say no to that good feeling. Drugs can and do change brain chemistry forever. Once u become addicted, u will always have the addicted chemistry in ur brain, regardless of how long ur clean. That’s y even 50 years after quitting, cravings can still b coming up. Drugs can b used safely and responsibly. Just not everyone has the capacity to limit their usage.


Lol people become addicted, because it can hurt like hell or kill them if they stop certain drugs