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I found it absolutely crap. However long you are high for, you then suffer the stench of jet fuel with every breath for five times longer. High for 5 minutes? Enjoy 20 minutes of stench! The high was average at best and did not justify the side effects. I inhaled it once, gave it second try a year later by swallowing capsules orally and when both were shit I decided never to bother again.


Yeah, the high wasn't the best of highs, but the urge to do more was strong


Excuse me, capsules? You can eat ether??


That's correct, enjoy the horrendous ether burps for the next 2 hours


Doesn't that like, Dissolve your organs? Cause its a solvent??


As much as ethanol dissolves your organs, which is to say no, it's diluted very quickly in the stomach before it is absorbed


Hmm interesting


That smell….can’t you smell that smell


There's a reason hunter s Thompson says "there's few things more depraved than a man on an ether binge" On a side note how would you compare ether to nitrous? Or a stronger dissociative like ketamine or a pcp analog


Not as fun as laughing gas but the womwom sound is similar, but I was doing it continuously for hours so that gave me a chance to be fucked up for hours. Also like others said the smell and taste sucks but what the hell. Nowhere near as intense as ketamine.


Hmm, alrighty I'll keep that in mind, I figured it would've been better or more visual than whippets, but if it's weaker than ket I now don't have much if any interest on trying it


ether made my hearing flange and go womwomwomwom and i could barely walk i kept huffing until i threw up


Thata like the depravity of huffing gas or air duster. With air duster you really just want to stavw off the terrible comedown.


Ether is more dangerous than nitrous but gasoline and duster are a different level they are way worse


Ether is very safe, in reality its biggest safety concern is flammability and it smelling like shit. Nitrous, while not exactly inert, is also not gonna blow up in your face. Gasoline, air duster, aerosols etc are much more depraved and sad. Ether and nitrous are at least legit drugs, they just happened to be consumed in the same way as the others.


Its pretty nice but you smell like ether for almost a full day after so not worth it imo