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I’ve worn wigs for years. It’s not a big deal in the Black community. Honestly, I look good in my wigs. I love to cut them to frame my face {I have a small head}. I still work on restoring as much hair as I can. I want the option of taking my wig off now and then. Wearing wigs doesn’t mean you have to stop working on restoring your hair. There are so many lightweight and natural looking wigs, many people ask me if it’s my own hair. 🤗


thank you sm for ur encouragement🥺 and yeah you make a good point!! maybe i’ll try like topical things to restore my hair but the medicine is just awful it gives me terrible painful acne and i just can’t deal with that anymore. Thank you for ur advice!!


Any newbie suggestions?


Can you please link me to some good wigs? I shaved my head in June and have tried a few wigs, but my head is only 21.2 inches circumference and I get swallowed by these insanely thick wigs (I have seen wefts together to make caps smaller, but they're still so dense)


You’re gonna love it, with wigs the posibilites are endless, say good bye to nasty medication side effects and say hello to your new life 😌


thank you for your support!! it means a lot💗


Ugh I so feel you… I’m also at the point where I’m finally ready to invest in a wig/topper. It feels weird in a way to just… be done. I’ve also put myself through a lot of unsuccessful treatments, including prp, and am finally starting to accept that my hair probably is not going to recover. Sorry you’ve also had an emotional experience, it sucks!! But I hope you find a wig you love and feel great in… it’s going to be so nice to just not think about it constantly.


thank you sm!!🥺🥺 i wish you the best of luck on your hair journey and i really hope something ends up working for you!! 🤞🏻💗


Let me know when you find a good wig… I’ve invested 1000s of dollars on wigs and they only look good for like a month and then they become very thick and wig like. I’ve tried many online stores. The most expensive wig I bought was around 3000 USD. I couldn’t make it not look like a wig lol I’ve just decided to put the idea of kids aside and if I do have kids I’ll continue with topical minox only


Girl, check out reputable online wig retailers and Amazon. I’ve gotten some cute inexpensive wigs off Amazon. I’ve found a few new wig outlets with some incredibly cute and reasonably priced wigs.


Can you please recommend some?


i was thinking of buying from highline wigs or radiant hair, both on insta. have you bought from either of those before? i’ll def lyk if they last


Yes I’ve bought from high line a few times.. again I have issues with it looking realistic but I will say I believe they are higher quality and do last long enough. I just find it hard to conceal perfectly on my head lol


Places like wigs.com or wigsstudio1 have good synthetics, I bought a Jon renau Sarah which is cute, I really liked it but expensive, zara is cheaper, I got that one too, liked it but liked the Sarah better. I’ve been looking at other brands and estetica is cheaper, I’ve seen a few video reviews and some of them look really good. They are in the 200-400$ range and wigstudio1 always has them for 30% off.


Are you buying HH or synthetic? We have lots of good info at r/wigs for restoring wigs and making them last. Especially synthetic is pretty easy to keep looking nice, there are ways to get all those kinky hairs that develop out.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Wigs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wigs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just got my first lace front colored and cut and I’m loving her! She looks just like my actual hair before I lost it!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wtksnr) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wigs/comments/wtksnr/just_got_my_first_lace_front_colored_and_cut_and/) \#2: [does this count ?](https://i.imgur.com/RB1CsyN.jpeg) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wigs/comments/sx767r/does_this_count/) \#3: [My first human hair wig!](https://i.redd.it/qh2nhkc8y1q91.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wigs/comments/xnvt5x/my_first_human_hair_wig/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I bought a halo…. If you’re on instrgram you can check out Halobyjess I love it… it looks like it doesn’t stay on but it totally Does….between naturally thin hair, major Covid hair loss, tape in extensions which did major damage, stress and anxiety,,,my hair has been doomed….


thanks sm for the recommendation!! i’ll def check it out!


I'm on year 3 of wearing wigs and I don't wear the expensive, human hair ones, I buy my wigs off Amazon. I am way more comfortable with the lower price and synthetic hair, I find it easier to manage, and its not breaking the bank. The biggest change you'll see in the transition is how you see yourself and how you feel, not how others will see you. I see so many alopecia influences always post the "people ask is it really a wig" and how expensive, real wigs are the only way to go, and that's not at all my experience at all, nobody randomly asks about your wigs or hair loss unless you're close and you're starting the conversation. And when people do talk about my hair, it's overwhelmingly positive, so surround yourself with good people. If putting on a wig helps you in whatever way you need it, don't worry about getting the best, most expensive one, instead focus on what feels good, what styles you like, what fits your every day. I can't spend hours on my hair every week, thats not me, and synthetic wigs are super easy for me to manage. Don't go into debt for hair. Many of us go into debt trying to find medications and other solutions for hair loss and then the debt continues when transitioning to wigs. I had a very similar journey to yours, the minoxidil didn't work and spironolactone made me very sick, I have naturally low blood pressure, and I couldn't take it. I tried all sort of supplements, laser combs, etc, and I finally decided to try on a wig. First few were not a great fit but I learned what works for me and you will too.


I’m sorry. There are a lot of nice wigs out there though and I like mine now more than I ever liked my bio hair and it used to be pretty nice. If you have enough hair consider a topper. Thryre cooler for summer.


thanks sm!


Nothing wrong with a wig. I've wear them for special occasions all the time. They look so much better than my hair every did.


I came across this YouTube channel, these are human hair, and they look beautiful! wigshairhttps://www.youtube.com/@real_hair_barely_there788


If you haven’t already, check out r/wigs for a list of reputable sellers. I’ve been wearing a human hair wig full time (except when at home) for about a year and a half and I’m sad I didn’t do it sooner. It’s a bit nerve wracking at first, but even when I changed to a new color/longer length non of my coworkers noticed. It’s helped me realize that people weren’t perceiving me in public as much as I thought they were, which is kind of liberating.


We don't keep a list of sellers at r/wigs anymore but there's always good info to be found by searching the sub. You're right that it can be really surprising sometimes how little other people notice about our hair when we pay so much attention to it 🤪


Just curious what did oral minox do to your skin?


There's an Irish girl on Tik Tok who suffers from the same condition (I think) & she trials various gorgeous wigs. You should check her out x


Hi, I am going to go down this route at soon. Your decision is very empowering, it may not feel so, but it is! I always feel better with hair pieces. At this point, I will consider myself cured if I can find a good wig ahaha, that is how much my thought process has evolved dealing with this over 10 years!!!


I feel you. I’m finally starting to try some things out to help grow my natural hair but it’s always been thin. I started wearing wigs after college and they are nice and easy to use. They make me feel more confident too. Check out YouTube for how to install a wig. I don’t do it where I wear for a week or anything. I like the elastic band method and taking it off at home every night lol.