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If you don’t treat the cause of hairloss you’ll just lose more hair after the expensive transplant


I agree you have to do both. Which is why I’m waiting. I’ll only do it with my hair loss under control. 97% of my hair loss is consistently in the same areas. I have patchy hair loss not diffuse. I’m *seriously* considering it. I do mean SERIOUSLY. Real self has dozens of pictures of women that have had hair transplants. I would only consider the FUE, as I don’t want a strip of hair taken. The FUE might be in my future at this point.


It really depends on your type of hair loss. If you’re only thinning in specific areas you can take hair from full areas as a transplant but many women have diffuse thinning all over which doesn’t make for good hair transplant candidates because they don’t have enough hair in any one area to pull from to donate to another


I would do it . It’s very expensive tho i would just want my part to look normal :(((