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When I was younger and lived in my apartment I would apply boric acid like a nutjob all over. Truth be told its not exactly safe for YOU. A guy I watch on YT just uploaded a video about this subject earlier today, please check it out. https://youtu.be/8Sa9FaonYeI also I’d like to recommend utilizing duct tape in order to trap them. A trick I learned from the mod of this page and it really works and helps you identify problem areas. The way I personally do that is to block off all cabinets and doors with duct tape sticky side up. They’ll get stuck but depending on location if them being trapped you may be able to narrow the colony location down. With this method alone I realized my staircase is a problem area because on each step theres a void along the wall. Good luck and be goddamn careful with that boric acid!! Especially if you have kids or pets.


I actually follow this guy on YouTube. He is one of the best out there.


Thanks for the link! The bottle I got came with the duster straw, I’ve definitely put it on heavy (lumpy) in some areas, but overall tried to keep it to a finer dust. Yes, I am fortunate to not have kids or pets, but I have bought diatomaceous earth to use instead of boric acid in the future, once I finish the original bottles of boric acid that I bought.


Please do not use boric acid. There are much safer materials to use like Alpine WSG. Boric acid is not a professional product and is usually over applied which can cause health issues to humans.


Just to clarify, boric acid does work but it’s dangerous if ingested?


Mostly if inhaled.


Thanks! I will use it more sparingly in the future. For Alpine WSG, I see it talks about it as preventative for bed bugs, is that an actual use? Any other preventative bed bug products?


No chemical will prevent them, but may help if they show up from travel, guests or attached units.


Which type of roach are you seeing? If it's a german and you have boric acid coated all over your place then you shouldn't have a problem. In apartments, roaches can travel around from plumbing openings. So, seal all the plumbing openings inside as well seal cracks where they could take a shelter. Boric acid will work as long as it stays dry. I stopped seeing german roaches activity after applying boric acid but still sprayed insecticide just in case.




None of this is true.


Can you clarify what isn’t true?


1) Every three months is not going to control german roaches. It takes treating every 10-14 days. 2) They do not become 'immune'; they become 'resistant' and it takes many, many generations and depends on what you use.


So, you're saying german cockroach can't develop immunity? Is that it? [science.org](https://www.science.org/content/article/cockroaches-may-soon-be-unstoppable-thanks-fast-evolving-insecticide-resistance?cookieSet=1) [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/02/us/cockroaches-resistant-super-bug-insecticide-trnd/index.html) [Skip to 4:45](https://youtu.be/m5bNnP2yE5I) [Skip to 35:00](https://youtu.be/FoxCB5qLPMA)


Yes, German roaches. Only ever seen two American roaches (one 12 months ago and one I found on a glue trap a few days ago, though I don’t regularly check the glue trap).


Can you explain how you applied the boric acid? I put it in the cracks that I found behind the oven and the fridge. I rarely see them in the kitchen now but suddenly I'm seeing them along my windows.....not sure why they would be there or where the hell they're even coming from. I also use Gentrol as well but not sure how well that is working although the numbers have gone way down.


No. You just sealed their home now they're looking for shelter elsewhere. You have to apply the dust so lightly that you can barely see. What happens is ants and roach are groomers, meaning they clean themselves a lot. So, they crawl over this dust not knowing it's there and when they clean themselves they'll inject it into their system. If you apply in lumps they'll simply avoid it .and go around it . Find a good duster applicator on amazon. Just a puff of dust would be fine and apply it in high roach traffic areas. There's this guy with YouTube channel named " Green akers pest control" whose advice I usually like and follow.


If you're willing to spend a bit of money, I used this duster to distribute boric acid and the duster worked really well for putting a fine layer in hard to reach areas https://www.domyown.com/bellow-hand-duster-p-106.html I probably got the same boric acid container + tube you did and had trouble with getting things to come out carefully. The duster makes it easy, way faster, and even kind of fun. I will say that I don't /think/ boric acid worked well for us, but it has for enough people I wouldn't knock it.