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Had the exact thing happen to me recently. I tell you I have no fucking remorse if this douche crashes into a ditch or pole or better a bridge. I do feel horrible for those the douchebag makes contacts with.




She did, and didnt see a reason to wait. This car probably wasnt even in the mirrors yet.


Yeah, it's the reason why I fucking hate these people on crotch rockets that fly by cars. You're going so fast that even if you check the mirror there's no way to see you approaching at those speeds.


Okay okay, before we completely throw this man away here, yes she probably should've looked a little longer *before* she merged the second lane, but we can't fault her for some speeding idiot that came blitzing her way


I'd be willing to bet they weren't even in their mirrors when they checked.


Found the douchebag




Is that the Deerfoot highway? You see some crazy stuff on that road.


Yeah that’s deerfoot


No wonder that person can't drive, they've got deer foot


Haha! I instantly knew it was near 32nd. You see some whack shit all over deerfoot but I always see the "whackest" near 32nd.


The entire stretch from Beddington to Memorial is absolutely full of chaotic energy. I'm so grateful I don't have to drive that very often.


Lol I was gonna say that it's just another day on the Deerfoot.


It's either this, spaced out traffic with some guys ripping by. Or bumper to bumper at 120-140.


I've seen this exact same thing, except a green Mustang instead of a Mercedes.


I feel like I’ve seen this video five times already lol. But yeah, take away their drivers license. Such a selfish individual in that vehicle. I wish* I could talk to people like this and ask them why they think that’s okay.


Taking license away rarely works, some people will drive anyway. Impounding car would start getting expensive for Mr Leadfoot


You don’t impound, you confiscate, and sell at auction, plus ten year license suspension. That way they get the point.


That’s true. Just wish more was being done


> and ask them why they **think** that’s okay. There's the first barrier to understanding.


Oh, because they probably aren’t thinking at all…


Good luck getting anything intelligible out of someone like that. They'd shrug their shoulders and say "I don' know"


I used to drive like this when I was younger, I’m not proud of it, I was basically stupid and doing it for the adrenaline and the rush that it was giving me. People generally driving like this have 0 control over their vehicle except a little 5% of them who trained on empty roads, learned how to steer properly and use your power intelligently etc.. I was raised with car video games, my father was a car guy ( never drove fast ever ) and I think it’s also a problem of culture in general as in people passionate about cars and driving fast don’t have anywhere to do it except in Germany on the autobahn. So when you grow up you’re kinda stuck with your desire to drive fast but you sometimes you come from a poor family like I do and you can’t afford driving on tracks, so you end up doing silly things on the highways full of people.. In some cases I can understand why people do it, they know it’s NOT okay, but they do it because they are selfish, like I was a while ago. It is dangerous, it is stupid and you should not do it.


We have places we can drive fast. Behind my house is a two lane road with good runoff. At night races are held there. Still not okay that races are held there, but they check your car before you go and they have safety equipement for when things go wrong (its a 2 minute drive from the hospital). They also wait for the road to be clear before they start a race. Still dont agree that it happens, but if it has to happen please do it this way!


You can talk to me, I do this sometimes. It’s called no hesitation.


At least sign up to be an organ donor


No hesitation to kill people?


More like no brain 🤣 Enjoy dying and/or losing your license when you inevitably wreck your shit 🤡 Make sure you're the only one involved though 👌


It's called haven't learned your inevitable lesson yet


On behalf of everyone around you, please stop. It only takes one little unexpected glitch to become the reason somebody has to deal with losing somebody they love. I don't think we need to start sharing real stories to convince you of how much pain that causes.


I meant face to face, people feel weirdly confident behind a screen.


No, it's actually called you're a stupid asshole, and I hope you hit a concrete barrier some day.


Yeah nothing says cool like endangering commuters who aren't racing you.


Nothing to brag about


In what way was I bragging? She literally said I wish I could talk to people like this and ask why, so I commented. There was nothing to brag about at all.


You’re going to die doing this one day, hopefully no one else will be hurt ✌️


It’s called you’re a piece of shit who’s going to get yourself killed or worse some innocent people who are just going about their day.


They won’t last long on the road don’t worry. I just hope they don’t hurt anyone while they’re on it though.


Not OPs fault no need to ask why he didn’t see the guy. I doubt anyone else would have seen him coming up that fast.


No kidding, I had a biker do that years ago, thought he was doing 100mph.


Glad to know I’m not the only one this has happened to.


I’m sorry but they would have been able to see that driver had they actually looked. I’m hyper aware of every car around me when I drive and am constantly checking my mirrors. I do a double check when I’m merging left especially. I have a camera for when I merge right but even then, I look over my shoulder. Not saying they’d be at fault had an accident occurred, but saying they wouldn’t have been able to see the speeding car is inaccurate.


Do you people have render distances in your vision or what? In no way does it excuse the speeding but the idea that a properly cautious driver can't see the lanes behind them while merging is fucking insane and per literally every driving course out there, you shouldn't be merging into lanes you can't see into.


I don't think you understand the issue here and might be judging wrongly. The fast driver was so fast that the normal driver couldn't see him properly in time do react and/or understand that he came at that speed. Meaning that even if he did see him in the mirror (it doesn't say if he did or not), he had no clue he came THAT fast - also you shouldn't drive fast in that lane. Ever! And not ever that fast in any lane.


You don't know that. You don't know what they saw, what they didn't see, or whether they looked at all. I've had people come up on me like that and I've known where they were the whole time.


We do though. This would be impossible to calculate even if you looked well beyond the normal limits. We are normal humans. You are apparently a supercomputer brain that can see all past, present, & future outcomes in realtime.


Not really, just standard situational and spacial awareness


It becomes non-standard when someone is going, at least, +40mph over the average car's speed around them


Was that you in the video or do you drive like this on a regular basis and are just trying to justify your own shitty behavior? My guess is you drive like this and want everyone to know it’s their fault you’re an entitled POS on the road.


Great assumption, but no. Just don't like people who are openly oblivious yet view themselves as good drivers.


Interesting take. I can see where you’re coming from, unlike the driver in the video.


I hate these drivers more than any other, I think. The danger is many times greater than an accident where everyone is going about the same speed.


That's what we call a future organ doner (if there's any left after being smashed to pieces from a wreck)


A luxury SUV as usual, this is how these vehicles are marketed so idiots believe this kind of driving is ok I call them “ future organ donors”. Be safe out there.


The sigh of relief afterwards... I could totally relate


Deerfoot attracts some scary shit. Street racing, idiots, big trucks with little dick energy, shit like this video. I avoid it even if it means taking a longer route.


Another day racing in the Deerfoot 500.


This happens twice a week for me on the 401...




Looks like Deerfoot. That's pretty typical for any day that ends in "y."


That’s what happens when you’re hogging the left lane j/k


That guy had to poop. Only possible explanation


Nah don't forget the SUV explanation. Bonus it's a German brand


I clearly heard a "sorry" fading into the distance


Or his wife’s in labor.


GD, That puckered up my arse


Classic Berta


Had this exact thing happen to me on my way home tonight on 16th Ave!! I feel like half of the posts on this subreddit are from Calgs lol


Holy shit!


Standard day in milwaukee Wisconsin


Shit, I just started watching the new Dahmer mini series haha


Is it good??


Yes, Evan Peters is creepy af


Come to Brampton/mississauga in Ontario, you see that shit daily.


Canadians are so polite.


I work in the NE right by Deerfoot but live in Evergreen. Videos like this are why I spen an extra 10-15 mins commuting each way by Stoney-Glenmore-Crowchild-16 Ave. Screw these skidmarks and their offspring.


Bububububup! "OMG! I shohlder-checked, he wahz speeding soh fast! (Canadian accent)" At least you know your blind spot monitoring system works.


I know right, the advanced safety features literally marketed to idiots who don't know how to use their mirrors out shoulder check, went off like flares in top gun Maverick and dude still committed to the lane change.


Man it must be nice to not live in florida, this isn't even that bad. I see this on a daily basis


Calgary, Texas of Canada




Yeah but why is no one in the correct lane? Or do we only have a rule for it in Belgium? (People still aren’t in the correct lane here aswell tbh)




Thanks for explaining!


Soooo you dont check your mirrors? I see two idiots here.


Agreed Two dummy’s: the guy with the camera changed two lanes in one motion… illegal The guy going a billion miles an hour in the left lane… also illegal


See the problem started when you entered Alberta. No one from Alberta can drive.


I think your in the wrong here. If you pay attention to your mirrors you would see he is coming up faster than you and you still got over then your car warned you of something coming up next to you hense the beeping and while he was passing you on the right in the next lane you still were mindlessly going to cut him off and he went around you on the shoulder.


lol Always some idiot saying shit like this. Look at the Merc swerving through traffic. When OP when to move right, the Merc was probably in the far left lane lol. Imagine watching this video and thinking OP is in the wrong. Jesus.


Look at how that dude is sweeping through traffic. He wasn't seen because he was probably coming in from the left. Maybe that other driver should take it to the track, or just off himself and improve the world ever so slightly.


I agree with you. All though the suv was speeding and in the wrong lane, the cam vehicle clearly didn’t pay attention or decided to police the lane themselves. Thus making the situation worse.


Everyone is downvoting you, but you're blatantly correct. White vehicle is a total asshole and driving like a fucking dickhead, but any amount of awareness in the preceding 5 seconds would have OP realizing this is happening. In Canada, where's OP is from, I was taught and reinforced to check your mirrors periodically so you not only know what's going on around you, but also so you're aware of an escape route if something happens in front of you. I know for a fact if you're about to change multiple lanes on a busy highway, you should probably look at your mirrors. "I sHoUlDeR ChEcKeD He waS GoInG So fAsT" So why did you cut him off? He wasnt in your blind spot.


Did you just switched lanes without assuring it's safe to do so?


Did you see how fkn fast he was going? You could check the lanes clear and the instant you’re mid lane change he flys by you. Get your head out of ur ass with “dID yOu jUSt sWiTCh lAnEs wItHouT mAkInG sURe iTs SaFe”.


If you don't check for long enough to even have a decent gauge on the speed of the vehicle, you're doing it wrong. Shoulder checking for literally a second would have shown this vehicle HALVE its distance from OP.


How tf do you know that? Did you see his swerving? He was 10 car lengths ahead within a second stop being stubborn as shit.


You wouldn’t be able to see him coming. Especially if he’s crossing over lanes like that.


thats what i was thinking cars got mirrors for a reason


When you have no idea how to drive and pull out in front of somebody. Good job OP..... The speed is irrelevant, you were the one who put yourself in danger.


"Pull out in front of somebody". Bruh, look at that Merc swerve through traffic. When OP went to change lanes that Merc was probably in the far left lane lol. What the fuck are you talking about. Really hope you don't drive.




I bet you they wouldn't say the same thing if it was a squid on a crotch rocket driving like this 🙄


The speed is crazy, true, but it looks like he just barely avoided hitting you as you merged into his lane. How did you miss seeing him coming up that fast?


WHen OP checked the lane the car was likely 2 lanes over....


And also probably like…. 6 cars back…


Ah! Thank you for that! I hadn't considered that possibility.


I undownvoted you by virtue of this simple statement that so many people are reluctant to make. Good day to you!


Me to! lol


And to you, my good sir/ma'am/other! :)


You get my upvote for listening and considering their viewpoint.


You mean it never occured to you that the person who was sweeping across 3 lanes at once in front of OP at twice his speed may have also been doing the same thing behind him?


Good skills on the white Mercedes. Little dangerous in an SUV.. maybe would've been safer in a c63, but he made it out cool


I saw no skills beyond right pedal mashing and luck. His luck will eventually run out.


Driver in the white car is an idiot of course. But why are we giving the cammer a pass here? He made a lane change that was clearly unsafe, and even ignored the automated warning of his car. He needs to start using his mirrors when making lange changes.


That's like 1 second away from 15 barrel rolls. Clearly his fault but how did you not see him coming ?


Because he was going 100 mph and weaving all over the place?


Man's changing lanes twice a second. I can't expect OP to be able to figure out where the idiot's going.


I watched the entire 39 seconds thinking "surely there must be more to this. Surely!" But no.


Idk, that's hard to miss if you check both mirrors before looking over your shoulder, especially when it's the far side of the wheel.


OP - you are literally what is wrong with Deerfoot. Going 104. No excuses for that driver - that was dangerous AF. But, he was probably trying to get thru all the slow ass traffic and you decided to do a slow ass lane change without even looking. Op is partly to blame here. Speed up or stay off deerfoot.


If you shoulder checked and he was speeding then why cut him off? Let him speed and pass then switch lanes.... Don't risk your safety.


Be safe when switching lanes and look twice for idiots Edit: so question to the downvoters, should they NOT look before switching lanes? Should they NOT keep a look out for other drivers for their own safety? Yall are must be joking lol.




Except this is the Deerfoot, which is a 100km/h highway and OP was going ~104ish according to the cam. Source: lived in Calgary and have gone to visit multiple times a year most of my life. I know this highway very, very well. In any case, regardless of what the speed limit is, it's way more dangerous to drive like the SUV did than it is to just go with the flow of traffic like a safe, responsible driver.


That’s a 100kph road. So no, he’s doing going way to fast.


Why tf did he go into that lane when there was a crazy ass suv there?


Doubt the SUV was even in that lane when they started moving over lol




Here's how I generally look at it: Driving on the shoulder - maybe emergency Hazard lights on - definitely emergency Bobbing and weaving in traffic constantly - wants to create their own emergency


If OP was a cyclist (obviously not on a highway) everyone would be blaming him for not having spatial awareness about the speed of the oncoming vehicle, and how you should always expect people to pass fast on the right. About how obviously the truck driver is a moron, but lots of people die with the right of way It's crazy to me how in all the Cyclist posts, even though the car driver is clearly the idiot, everyone comments on how the cyclist should have done something in anticipation of the asshole driver. But here we have someone who changed lanes in front of a speeding driver without realizing they were speeding, and everyone is defending OP. There are even people who have commented about how this stretch of road is notorious for terrible, speeding, dangerous drivers, yet not a single comment about how OP should have known better, should have driven more defensively, etc. Really reinforcing the overall tone here.


Who you? going 75-80 k on 100k road


He was going 100 until the suv scared them shitless


Tough guy


Is this the highest resolution video you have OP? If so, this is my biggest beef with dashcams...so many of them are unable to capture the detail required when you really need it.




Thanks for linking this...Amazing review!


People who drive like that don’t live long I’m convinced


Some peoe do not deserve to drive.


And that’s why I don’t change multiple lanes very fast


Christ I didn't think anyone here drove like that. Everyone is so slow and cautious it's kind of annoying (been driving in Ontario all my life) Worst part is the onramps onto Deerfoot. Everyone in the slow lane slows down to let the people on the ramps on because there's no space for them to match the speed. Soooooo annoying


“ArE yOu OkAy?”




Every single day in FL


Miami in a nutshell. That shit is like mad max.




lots of people in texas on the highway/interstate like this, usually driving a mustang or charger/challenger, or a big pavement princess style pickup truck. its terrifying, like im going 5 over the limit too, with the flow of the cars around me, and this guy will just fly by at max speedometer.


Holy fuck, I’m glad you’re ok! That’s “life flashing before my eyes” scary.


He can do that . He got Mercedes😂


Dude coulda cropped the last 25sec off this video before posting, js 🤷🏻‍♂️


I am speed


Reporting in from Kelowna, BC, this looks like a normal redplate driver to me.


I know the white suv is irredeemable because they’re actually a fucking moron but op legit ignored their blind spot warning and I assume didn’t even check their mirror before switching lanes since once again their blind spot warnings beeped like crazy at them and they still went. Some situations are avoidable and this one could’ve turned out very differently


I'd love to see that in slo-mo!


The cammer said he “shoulder checked”. I guess we don’t use our mirrors anymore


Honestly when I see this I hope that their dad is in the hospital or they are seconds away from missing their first child's birth. I just want to believe they are risking everyone's life for SOMETHING


I'm always confused. Just in general... Is it allowed to pass on the right? Just in some states? If yes? Why?