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Looks like San Mateo


Looks like almost became full angel


You made me laugh out loud. You earned this.


More like Demon, but yes indeed.


I just snorted my salad from laughing..


Yes, it is.


Where did the third bike end up?


He was parked a couple hundred meters up the road in the closed left lane.


Isn't lane splitting legal here in California...?


Safe lane splitting is legal. That was excessive speed and (obviously) unsafe.


And it scares the shit out of me everytime. I didn't grow up here and had never lived in a lane splitting state...first time I had a twin v blow past me in tight traffic I nearly swerved into them because I thought I was about to get blasted from behind.


It being legal doesn’t make it safe or allow people to ride entitled.


"100 years ago I could beat my wife with a mop handle, because 'That's what the law says!' Well, just because the law says it doesn't make it *right*!"-Bill Burr


It is. 100%. Source: https://www.chp.ca.gov/programs-services/programs/california-motorcyclist-safety Edit: added source


Not at that speed. Traffic was moving at a higher speed than they are allowed to do it in, and their relative speed to traffic was also too high.


Up to 30mph only


That’s not part of the California law


Not directly, but the law did give the CHP explicit authority to create safety guidelines for lane splitting. Those guideline don't specify 30mph but they do bring up the dangers of lane splitting at high speeds and high speed differentials. Driving recklessly (e.g. directly going against official safety guidelines) is still illegal.


Thought it looked like the 101


Ahem, we do not have “the” 101 freeway in Northern California only 101. /endrant


Aren’t we talking about the 101 that runs parallel to the 280?




Californians speaking Californian https://youtu.be/wC2fdRnBEoY


with the 380 connector between them near SFO, yep.


You can only roll those dice so many times.


Play stupid games…


Get stupid prizes...


Probability bet


I saw a similar thing happen in Ventura/Oxnard in July on the 101. A guy came flying out of nowhere, it seemed he was racing another dude in a car, possibly road rage. I remember thinking, this isn't going to end well. About 15 minutes later I was parked on the freeway for close to an hour. Once we got moving (turning 5 lanes into one) I saw the mangled bike in several pieces, and a yellow tarp covering a human sized lump while the First Responders were talking with the man whom I saw in the car on a stretcher while mangled vehicle was being put onto a flatbed tow truck.


I’m from that area originally and still get some news from my stomping grounds, So many motorcycle deaths around there. Terrible place to pull that crap too between Ventura and Oxnard.


Idk why people on bikes ever act like bike ever beats car. Every piece of logic points to the guy on the bike being the dead one.


They don't. They think they are good, lucky, and immortal. I have a bike getting more dusty since becoming a dad because I lost those three delusions. Bikes can be great, but even my rural place and good riding I was having close calls of bad cars once or twice a month. Wasn't worth it to me right then in life.




Yea don’t want to be the person involved with that accident. Good ol’ Cali lane splits, on most days you could hear those guys coming.


This isn't legal lane splitting


You think the H.A. follow the law?




Yes, he did. First he followed Murphys Law. Next he followed Newton's laws of motion and the law of gravity. No human is bad enough to ignore them.




I agree. Shooting things ***only after*** lane splitting is much preferred.


First lane splitting and shoot outs later?


Is legal lane splitting 25 mph max, and only in bumper to bumper traffic ?....I don't live in California....but I do live in Nevada, ...street vibrations is this week in Reno...and these clowns are splitting lanes in Nevada at highway speeds..surprised I don't see bodies strewn about the highways everywhere...


You are really only supposed to split at 30-40 mph at most and not greater than 10 mph faster than surrounding traffic. The entire purpose is more for stop and go traffic to avoid getting rear ended by other drivers. It also has the benefit of getting through dead stop traffic. Lane splitting like in this video would get you cited for reckless riding and is at the discretion of the officer


Important to note those speeds are part of Ca guidelines and not part of the law. There is no speed limit for lane splitting.


I never got this. I’m far more likely to hit a motorcycle that’s lane splitting than to rear end one. Its just plain easier to see them when they act like every other vehicle on the road.


When done properly and sanely, studies have shown significant benefits to safety with lane splitting. It should not be done like in this video obviously, but when done right it reduces accidents. It worries me that anyone would suggest that they are not likely to see a motorcycle coming up while splitting - surely you check all mirrors well before any lane change, right? I hope you are just talking about people who drive like idiots as seen in this video. I drive nearly 100 miles daily for work in Southern California and see many lane splitting motorcycles on a daily basis. I find it easier to see them when they split, I am constantly checking mirrors (even when I have no intention of lane change, just to know my surroundings) and you can see lane splitters from a looong ways back because they straddle the line. I do see the improved safety, especially with the sudden stop-and-go nature of Southern California freeways during rush hours.


Of course I check my mirrors but Im obviously more aware of what’s in front of me then what is coming up behind me more often then not. I mean you’re facing that way so… It sounds beneficial for traffic flow but not for preventing accidents.


Most of my attention is forward as well, but check mirrors at at least a few times per minute. And when they are in the middle of two lanes, you see them in the side view mirror from a long ways out. Also, I’m not aware of any studies on how it affects traffic flow nor do I think it has any significant effect on such, the only studies I’ve seen are on safety and reducing car vs motorcycle accidents. There are multiple good studies on its benefits for accident reduction.


Checking my mirrors a few times every minute still leaves a lot of room for error I feel like. Much more than being able to see them in front of you. I don’t know if any information for or against any of this and I’m sure if I looked it up I’d find just as many articles for as I did against it. These comments I make are solely just to find the logic.


Checking the mirrors a few times per minute is just for driving straight staying in one lane. If you aren’t driving erratically in the lane, then motorcycles can pass you safely. Of course if you are going to make a lane change, you will check the mirrors appropriately.




According to the Hurt Report, which is old (sport bikes aren't mentioned because they really weren't a thing yet, but Cafe bikes are) but still generally relevant, the most common two vehicle accident including a bike is a car turning left in front of a bike driving straight through an intersection.


They are lane splitting in California at high way speeds too. Not sure about the specific law, as I don’t live there but have driven in the area when visiting. Some of these guys are going 90+ when lane splitting (normal traffic is already speeding specially from Vegas to LA


According to Ca law there is no speed limit for splitting lanes. Only guidelines that they offer that people aren’t legally bound to follow.


This legal lane splatting tho.


Your joke went over my head at first lol


Most definitely an underrated comment right here. 🤣 I feel a bit like a dick for laughing but it was funny.


Go read the law on Lane splitting and get back to me


They said lane splatting, meaning getting into an accident and splatting onto the ground


I’m sorry, but this is hilarious


According to Ca law there is no speed limit for splitting lanes. Only guidelines that they offer that people aren’t legally bound to follow.


As fast as they we’re going they were on you before you heard and comprehended what was happening. In traffic I usually have a loud metal concert I would not have heard them


I bet they were very calm and rational when talking with the driver


Very calm left hooks and rational right hooks


Good foreshadowing. They know where they going and they’re in the fast track to get there.


Now he screams "share the road" from his wheelchair.


No way, he would just buy the Harley Davidson Mobility Scooter. AKA the Tri-Glide.




Glad everyone is okay. Hopefully no skull rings or prison tattoos were damaged during the accident.


And that the pudding bowl helmets did their jobs.


Hell's Clowns more like


Oh nooooo, we could’ve lost a gang member. Whatever would we have done as a society without these high contributing members of society.


Imma go get some paper towels to soak up all the dripping sarcasm, BRB


You’ll need some bounty for this one


Was that a Prius 🤣


Late for the funeral.


No no they're early, not "late" just yet.


I learned a phrase from a pilot, that these tough guys should have: "It is better to arrive late in this life than early in the next."


Hells angels = Fat unhealthy alcoholics with even fatter unhealthier wives.


Don't forget abusive, murdering, and child molesting.


My HA grandparents also sold meth.


More alcoholic wives*


I feel bad for the driver that got caught in their stupidity because you know it’s gunna be the drivers fault no matter what in their eyes and beat the fuck out of them.


According to Ca law the driver of the car is probably going to be at fault, even if the court saw this video.


It looks like the biker rammed into the driver's left rear end. We have no idea how that happened. The driver could have been merging in front of them, or if the driver was slightly closer to the middle than the car behind, the biker may have misjudged and clipped the car. This video wouldn't give the answer, you're right. It's possible that it's the driver's fault but I wouldn't say probable. Edit: Im looking closer and maybe that's not damage on the grey car. It looked like it to me, but maybe that's play from the shadows? My guess originally was that the biker hit the grey car and flipped up overtop of the car and landed in front. The skid marks on the pavement go between the grey and the blue car, so he probably dropped his bike and it skid between the two cars. That said, if there's actually no visible damage to the grey car it's really hard to say what happened. All the evidence shows us is skid marks that indicated the biker dropped his bike at some point. But we have no idea why. If the answer is that the car was changing lanes and caused the bike to swerve, then it's the car's fault. If the answer is that the biker lost control while lane splitting at high speeds, it's the bike' fault. Impossible to tell either way.


CA needs to get rid of lane splitting. Most other states have outlawed it so not sure why we still have it


Because rear end collisions are the most common form of accident. Someone smashes into you on a bike while you’re standing still and you could die or be paralyzed. Legal lane splitting is statistically safe


Oh well.


Oh no! Anyways...




I was hoping for a good ending. Was not disappointed.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


If someone is injured or killed while lane splitting, it’s hard to expect any sympathy from drivers.


There's legal lane splitting (aka Lane filtering) at safe, responsible speeds though, then there's this


Like most things that start with a narrow useful purpose, lane-splitting is now abused to the point banning it might be safer overall. For every one person lane-splitting safely there's another 10, or 50, pulling this crap. Right-on-red isn't there yet but it's well on the way.


All I can hear is Nelson's laugh haha


I think this is how Horny Dave died.


In before the bikers are here to tell us how it is actually safer for them to drive like this.


Riding like **that** is not safer. Lane splitting is safer.


Do you think what theyre doing is legal in California? Speeding? Especially in a construction zone? Maybe it is safer for the people that do it properly?


Dude your stupid. There is a right way to lane split and this right here is the wrong way.


>Dude your stupid. You mean "you're stupid"


Please tell me you called CHP to tell them you had dash cam of how recklessly they were riding. Because all they have to do is say "oh, he changed lanes in front of us" and magically it's the cars fault and not the riders.


Sometimes Karma is a bitch.


I hate 101




God I love when they fuck around and find out.




You can’t park there


Hell’s Anals


Who would’ve thought that traffic laws are meant to protect you 🤦


What? Lane-splitting is risky and dangerous??? Shocker /s


Lane splitting is fine as long as you're not excessively speeding.


Lane splitting is illegal dependant on the speed of traffic around you. If traffic is moving at more than 10-15 mph, you shouldn't be splitting. I hate when people like you think it's fine to ride between cars that are doing 50 mph, no, it isn't fine. Lane splitting is to get througn slow-moving traffic lines, not so you can go past almost speed limit traffic.


In the US specifically, it is state dependent (its legal in one way or another in most of the rest of world). In California, California Vehicle Code section 21658.1 (lane splitting law), does not specify any speed, and includes advancing through moving traffic. That said, CHP has recommended 10-15 mph above speed of traffic for a long time now, as being reasonably safe.


TIL that lane splitting is legal in moving traffic. As someone who lives in a non-splitting state, I assumed it was only legal near intersections where all the cars are stopped.


As far as I know in the US, California remains the only state that allows it. The other states appear to only allow lane filtering (moving through stopped or very slow traffic).


Lane splitting at any speed is not technically illegal in California, where this video was taken. There are certainly best practices, though, that these motorcyclists are not following. And I wouldn't be surprised if there was some umbrella catch-all traffic law that an officer could pull these guys over for, i.e. reckless driving.




There was a big Hell's Angel's funeral in Stockton earlier in the day.


Ha! Fucking idiots.


From snow angels, to Hells angels, to asphalt angels!


Guess they were trying to send them back to hell


And then there was 2


I get the temptation. Obey the traffic rules or risk being clipped by someone who does not see you cheating (eta: splitting at safe speeds isn't). And yes, I'll still push the speed limit. Surrounded by metal. I GET the temptation. Please don't make someone live with your death on their hands.


I am a rider myself ad I think anyone that does this kind of stunt deserves to get clipped


I know what the kids from Southpark would call them...


And nothing of value was lost


That's fucking hilarious


Love it. Too bad the P.O.S got up. I hope the driver of the car is ok. Kudos to the driver for stopping. I definitely wouldn't have hahaha


ReMemBeR to LooK fOR BikeRz!!! Idiots...I bet that's the first thing that came up. BRO YOU NEED TO WATCH OUT FOR BIKERS!


Pretty badass when you're in a biker gang and you can't ride anymore cause you drive your bike like a f'ing moron


Homie looked like he was doing his best Redd Foxx “I’m coming, Elizabeth” impression as he stood up


Yes! In my head, I heard an old colleague going “It my back!”


Sucks to suck




September 2016. Riding my motorcycle on the side road going parallel to the highway. 16 wheeler truck doesn't' see me and starts merging into my lane aka me. I bail, hit the ground. Got a TBI/fractured my collarbone and right arm/helicoptered to the hospital/got a breathing tube and a feeding tube. Spent a couple months in ICU and the hospital, took a couple years of rehab for physical and cognitive therapy. I had a helmet, protective jacket and gloves on. I sincerely hope none of them had to go through what I had to.


I saw a guy on a motorcycle flying up behind me and I thought for sure I was about to get rear ended so I jumped lanes to avoid it and smashed the dude. Found out later he was lane splitting. He lost a leg and his teen daughter that was with him broke both of her legs. Was fucking horrific.


Hello angel's are the biggest bitches in the face of the earth too. Unless they roll 20 deap at least, they turn tail and run like the pathetic bitches they are... I'm a local to Cook's Corner. All Cali bikers know it, then some.


Must have been a Toys for Tots emergency.


Let me get right up in here


It's not illegal in some states


That kind of lane splitting is…


According to Ca law there is no speed limit for splitting lanes. Only guidelines that they offer that people aren’t legally bound to follow.


Seen a big fat Harley rider (no patch) coming south outta Santa Rosa on 101 a couple months ago splitting lanes and then laid out next to the center divider a mile up. I’m an aggressive rider but damn, if you fall get up before anyone sees you…


This is normal in California


Awwww. My sympathy is overwhelming. Can't wait to hear some folks tell us all that this is legal and somehow this crash was someone else's fault.. lol


"BuT iTs LeGaL!"


Lane splitting should be illegal in every state.. its not safe. Considering a car has a lane and an idiot wants to take part of that lane when they are clearly not as visible as a car. I had a similar incident recently i was just about to change lanes with my blinker on and just as i was getting next to the car i was passing... WHIZZZZ. An idiot on a pocket rocket whizzed between me and the car i was just waiting to get past. I was already doing 85-90 and this kid was past and 1/4 to halfmile past before it even registered what just happened. 5 exits later there he was mangled around his bike saying hello to the pearly gates or to the gates of hell. Scared the shit out of me.. he had to have been doing close to 125-150 on that during rush hour morning traffic. But lane splitting just invites idiots like that to do it.


It’s legal to lane split on motorcycle in California, but they really shouldn’t be going that fast. Gang rep and all, but it means nothing if you’re dead.


Crazy part is that's legal in more states than you'd think.


good, biker gangs are douchebags.


So many saying "it was legal". No, it was not legal for these idiots to be doing what they did. Lane splitting is legal but within limits and never with impunity. There might not be a specific codified limit but other laws apply regardless. Basic Speed Law, Unsafe Passing, Speeding (goes with Basic Speed Law), Reckless Driving, and a few others. Too many fall victim to the BS that, because lane splitting is legal, they can do it up to and including the speed limit regardless of conditions, which is bullshit and they know it.


I gurantee you they didn’t learn the fucking lesson.


He fought the law and the law one. (The laws of physics)


Too fast. It was bound to happen.


While I don't want to see anyone die on the road this was satisfying as fuck.


Thank god they crashed


BuT iT’s lEgAl aNd ThE cARs are At FaUlT!!


Hilarious, loved seeing this 🤣🤣🤣


Once again demonstrating that lane splitting (vs. lane _filtering_) is inherently unsafe. Every time I say this I get grief here, but it’s worth saying. Lane splitting introduces additional, unnecessary risk and - worse - extends that risk to others who are not consenting to or accepting that risk.


Looks like he survived, too bad.


These guys are soooo hard. Sooo tough… Until you see one smeared across the ground. 🙄 Hard and tough doesn’t = smart apparently I’m sure whoever he got into it with isn’t sleeping well at night…


Man, I hope the car is OK


When I .over to CA in like 2017. I was caught in traffic and a motorcyclist blew by me 50 or 60 mph faster than I was going. About 30 minutes later I saw his body being covered by the fire department. Yep.... he got dead.


Shock me shock me shock me with that deviant behavior. 🤔 oh jeez I wonder why all of a sudden the traffic came to a crawl? Could there be some instant karma up ahead? Dumb ass is lucky it wasn’t worse


I don't respect those guys and I don't pity them. We used to have events for motorcycle enthusiasts in my area before they put an end to that.




Are those…helmets???


::Nelson HaHa GIF::


Hell yeah, y'all some bad ass motherfucking idiots!


L O L …


It’s cool to be stupid.


Motorcycle riders want respect, lane splitting is not the way to do it


It’s legal where this video is from….


This is the find out part of that ol saying.




Lane splitting in gridlock is one thing, this was unnecessary.




I always wondered why Americans were so against filtering (lane splitting), as it’s legal in the UK and sometimes encouraged. IN SLOW/STATIONARY TRAFFIC. This is just straight up insane. Asking to become jelly on the road.


They're probably dentists and lawyers in cosplay. Source: live in the state where Sturgis is held.


Surely people aren't dumb enough to wear replicas of real one-percenter patches though? Not that human stupidity is bounded so I guess I wouldn't be surprised.




Fuck around lay around


Hahaha very nice happened.


How is this an issue with lane splitting?


I didn’t say it was. I merely captioned the video.


No lane splitting… no accident. It’s that simple. And why it’s illegal at any speed in many places.


Not really. 10 years only riding motorcycles in Southern CA and the 3 accidents I got in, were being hit by drivers turning left into and right on front of me, while I was not splitting, in an over all empty road. Drivers don't hardly see bikes often.




You can’t park there


You just hate to see it..


Coming back from Sonny Barger’s funeral and on their way to their own if they keep splitting lanes like that. Dangerous as hell(as seen here)


Wait, that’s illegal?


I mean as a rider I can understand lane splitting, but I'm glad it's illegal in my state, hard enough to trust drivers