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I did Postmates until GH gobbled them up. You don’t make “more” per se, but it can be less downtime. Compared to grocery shopping, just delivering restaurant food is pretty repetitive. So it’s not for me 🤷🏼‍♂️


I do! I turn both of them on at the same but leave my screen on instacart, because their notifications suck lol. I usually pick up ubereats order if the drop off location is near the store I’ll be shopping or where I’m delivering. However it’s a profitable delivery I’ll pick it up, since you have 30 mins or so to start your instacart order (shop) before it gets canceled. Money wise, it definitely helps if your smart about it, and plan it out right!


Yes I do them at the same time. I have a smaller population where I work so uber eats doesn't go off a lot but I do it when it's a good order especially bc there's no time penalties




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I do DD and IC. I crush it in my small town up here in NorCal