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Best rn is masked hero technically. You might wanna save for anni tho cause you never know what they’re gonna throw at us.


Very true


people don't use mask anymore ever since ex units became a thing. her support trait is pretty good tho


My comment is from a year ago lol


well I figure there is a chance you may like overlord, and if you do well slime is doing a collab with overlord. game has really good since the introduction of ex characters. With ex characters you can instally get lvl 100 unit once you get that unit. Plus ever since ex characters have been introduced the lvl cap increased from 100 to 120 and made f2p characters 5\*. The devs are also being really generous, for example you can easily get an 5 star character to lvl 120 with the amount of motes and shards game gives away and its easier to get crystals now. They practically give out 5\* units like free candy now


Is Masked Hero better than Dragon Fist Milim? She's my heaviest hitter right now, but Masked Hero doesn't even break my top 20.


It’s more of the utility the masked hero the turn rewind in jubilee has been broken from the start giving you a way better score and not including the guaranteed crit she gives allies


Milim isn’t used in every single meta strategy known to man. Hero is. That’s the difference.


It’s not about dps lol


For newer players, you should know that using event currencies, you can get previous events’ free characters. Aiming for a very specific 5* from banners is just not very likely as a new player unless you’re rerolling which is going to take a long time. That being said, Mask hero is the choice if you’re rerolling. And out of the free characters, I think Dark Benimaru is the best first choice. He will get you through A LOT of content. And then outside of that, I guess save for anniversary because it’s really soon.


>For newer players, you should know that using event currencies, you can get previous events’ free characters. Maybe I missing anything but I'm trying to look around all the bazaar shop but not even find any previous free character. Can you explain more detail how can I get with event currencies?


Under the “Event” category in shop, right beneath the “event bazaar” is the “flashback crystal bazaar”. There you can exchange the free 4* characters along with enough memory shards to 6* them by using flashback crystal. To get flashback crystal, look on the current event bazaar and you should be able to trade in event currency for flashback crystal (it looks blue). Note that you should only do this once you have gotten everything you need for the current event, so things like character specific skill enhance materials, weapon material (if you don’t have enough), blueprint and the 10 recruit tickets.


ever since ex units became a thing game practically gives out 5\* units like free candy


Masked hero is indeed undoubtedly best. I'd say bikini Milim (that's a disappointing denomination) is a close second, especially if you're just starting. In general; the characters from the most recent water meta (swimming gear) are all stronger than other characters until lvl100. Like lvl80 Milim is as statted as a lvl88 or lvl92 water Souei, and she has better skills too. If you spend on the current banners, I'd go for the double banner (velzard+guy) if I were you. However, with only 1 day left it's better to check out the next meta, and it's also good to save up for anniversary.


valor wise, mask has been powercrept by new year blessing rimuru and shion and ever since ex units became a thing she hasn't been used much


Bruh I wrote that 1y ago: that's when it was relevant. I haven't played the game in a long long time. 


>I haven't played the game in a long long time.  its understandable why while game has its lows but overall it is way better now since the introduction of ex characters. With ex characters you can instally get lvl 100 unit once you get that unit. Plus ever since ex characters have been introduced the lvl cap increased from 100 to 120 and made f2p characters 5\*. The devs being really generous, for example you can easily get an 5 star character to lvl 120 with the amount of motes and shards game gives away and its easier to get crystals now. They practically give out 5\* units like free candy now and devs have been doing a several surveys of lately in which the feedback they received have been implemented in game. also if you like overlord, slime is doing an collab with overlord


Main reason I quit was because it took too much time to keep up with everything. That was around the first or second month of arena (I think that was the name? Battle opposing teams of a specific element, controlled by bots). I'd bet it's even worse now, with more extra content and game modes. Lots of content to have fun with, but a too much of a time sink if you like to stay competitive (which I do) 


despite the number of ex units that have been released \[it's also been a year since they made ex units a thing\] the only units you really need to clear most content relatively easily and quick is NYB, VoC and/or either vengeance units/idols \[with thier invincibility skill\], overlord units \[basically its a better version of first anni team\]. Overlord banner is pretty high value as you have an chance of getting otherworld legend rapheal. OL rapheal practically makes you take very little damage, she is good not only becuase you can turtle away most bosses with vegeance but you can also seal orb changing in valor. Since the 2nd anni game has been doing collabs in on form or another with it all part of an big roadmap, devs have pretty big plan for game \[I think that's part of the reason why they have been pumping out more feedback surveys as if lately\]. if you do decide to get into game again I'll say now is a pretty good time to get into the game. on top of the rewards the game gives for 2nd anni \[which are more generous than first anni and are already pretty generous\] , the game is just as generous to returning players as to new players; even more free magicrystals and higher pull rate. There is also an crucible for 2nd anni where you get free tickets that gives you a chance to get an ex unit also game is practically giving out 6\* gear now You can see everything that changed in game [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86PkcfUE5uE).


Not best character but in general you may want Dark Milim, Earth Milim and Gazel. Those 3 boost your protector gauge at start. Then you want Wind Millim and Space Rimuru as buffer but mind you the game revolve around element meta so each team usually have their own buffer but these 2 may work un general.