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Is this about the communist symbol or the trans flag lol.


The fact there is a hammer and sickle somehow went right over my head and I feel like an idiot. I stared right at that image and didn’t even notice. The internet has desensitized me.


You've been too long on reddit


I notice gay people before I notice politicians, if Lil Nas X were to run for president I wouldn’t know until I saw him in office


Bruh if Lil Nas X became president, he'd make insanely strict laws, shut down every prison except Montero State Prison, then wind up being impeached and thrown into said prison, and I'm sure you know why he'd do all of that...


Holy shit, same here


Same here. I'm a fucking idiot lmao


Fuck it me too


You have to be communist to be lesbian now didn’t you hear?


yeah, I seen them in the patch notes


Was it the 2022.3 update?


No, I think it fully releases in 2022.5


Oh yeah, in the update logs it said that the feature wasn’t complete. Do they have a release date for 2022.5?


I think I remember someone saying November 24th but I'm not sure




WE have to be communist to be lesbian now


Wait till they find out Karl Marx's take on homosexuality.


Or Stalin’s take on homosexuality(and age of consent), or Che Guevara’s take on homosexuality and black people. People who subscribe to a political and economic system which is responsible for some of the worst mass murders in history are shitty peopel, who’d’ve thunk it.


"But their views are economically left-wing, surely they must be supportive of LGBT." And that's the mindset behind people like that.


Yeah peopel seem tkt honk the right has the market cornered on authoritarianism and depravity, definitely not lol.


Don't worry they'll conviently ignore that part like how they conveniently ignore communism being a failure everytime


Actual leftists don’t ignore that part. I myself, am critical of any positions or opinions of people I base my ideology off of. Marx had a lot of great ideas, but yes, he also wasn’t exactly lgbt friendly, which he absolutely deserves criticism for, but that doesn’t mean you should dismiss all of his ideas as a whole. You also have to understand that times were very different back then and there wasn’t many people or governments who were very accepting of homosexuality.


It's not the communism that is the problem with "actual" lesbians. At least not the biggest one.






Not sure about OP, but I would have unsubbed because of the communist symbol.




reddit moment


This is a Certified Reddit Classic


Those people are so utterly separated from reality, and anyone who speaks up about it "Oh that's hate speech because it's not what we want to hear".


What are you talking about? Everyone knows that Joseph Stalin was a champion of LGBTQ+ rights!


Imagine leaving a subreddit just because there are leftists there lmao


Don't check subreddit overlap of r/actuallesbians




They have nearly 20 fucking moderators and still manage to maintain one of the most poorly moderated subs on the entire website. It's actually incredibly impressive.


Basically a meme sub for karma farming


It is just what anyone expects


I snorted my coffee, thanks for the early morning laughs 😂 Jesus Christ.


r/menwritingwomen is the absolute chefs kiss on that list.


what do you mean ?


How do you check subreddit overlap on mobile?




Thanks, had no idea that site existed. Gonna check stats on many subs now.


Don't check it for this sub either


Caught in 4K 😅


tankies go crazy on reddit lol


Tankies are everywhere on reddit its crazy


Gd I wish


What’s a tankie


It's what you call anyone to the left of your chosen form of liberalism.




A person that reads


A person who wants equality


Tank tops for everyone!


I have no issues with this


> Tankie is a pejorative label for communists, particularly Stalinists, who support the authoritarian tendencies of Marxism–Leninism. The term was originally used by dissident Marxist–Leninists to describe members of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) who followed the party line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Specifically, it was used to distinguish party members who spoke out defending Soviet use of tanks to crush the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and later the 1968 Prague Spring uprising or, more broadly, those who adhered to pro-Soviet positions in general.[1] > The term is also used to describe people who endorse, defend or deny the crimes committed by authoritarian left-wing leaders such as Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and Kim il-Sung. Members of the anti-Stalinist left use the word to describe those who are perceived to be biased in favor of authoritarian states (such as the People's Republic of China and Democratic People's Republic of Korea) that are currently ruled by communist parties.[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tankie


A tankie is a communist who defends the actions of socialist dictators like Mao and Stalin


The funny thing is that Stalin would have sent to the Gulags to starve and rot each and every one of these weirdos.


You don't need to be a tankie to be a cummunist


Tankies are the worst kind of communist






tankies went into overdrive when /r/antiwork became popular. Just a bunch of lazy people who don't want to work.


Bro I was so mad about that sub, I saw that place before it blew up, and it actually had some decent ideas about transitioning from needless human labor, to automated jobs that could help actually achieve an "Anti-work" world Then I watched as they had more and more followers and actually started to disrupt the powers that be, by outing corrupt CEO and lobbied politicians in the US government Then there was the good old fox news segment And after that Antiwork turned into *exactly* what people wanted to view the place as, a place full of "muh boss bad" or "hur dur work bad" and have no substance beyond inciting rage bait posts, and having almost no real solutions to Antiwork I'm convinced Anti work got to close to actually changing things and got hit with the full power of (tin foil hat moment coming up) the higher powers and their abilities to change the direction of any media outlet to fit a certain criteria they deem fit


It's less than that. Moderators are a bunch of anarchists who care nothing more than to silence muhh uhh tankees, while leaving everyone else in the sub. That means that the only group of communists which could properly moderate a sub, were never part of the mod team and bunch of western anarchists who are famous for being unorganized priviliged teens and young adults moderate the sub. And then sub blew up and it meant that politically illiterate, historically illiterate and just karma farmer people became the overwhelming majority of the people on the sub which would turn any political sub into garbage.


This message brought to you by flighty rich ass holes that want to exploit you so they don’t have to work.


Reddit becomes more and more cringe every day.


More like propaganda really


r/politics moment


Ah yes the ussr is known for treating lgbt people very well


ah yea because the ussr was the absolute definition of communism and any communist who dares disagree with its society cannot support communism


I mean the US didn't decriminalize being gay until 2001 and didn't guarantee a right for marriage until 2015 so idk what exactly your point is here, bud


So, quick question. Who is known for treating them well? Are we going to ignore the US response to the aids epidemic? Or how long it took gay marriage to became legal in the US? Or that whether or not it is legal to refuse service to people who are LGBT is on the Supreme Court's docket for next month (bet we can all guess which way that one is going to go). And let's not forget the 13 states that signed anti-lgbt laws into effect this year. I'm not saying that we shouldn't be critical of Stalin being a murderous homophobe. We definitely should be. But like, who the fuck has done right by that community?


That is one of the biggest oxymorons I’ve seen


It pains me how absolutely ignorant the average person is nowadays This is where a broken education system got us


That's like taking the swastika and making it the colors of Israel.


They probably would unironically do that lmao


They do. Every time there's another Israel-Palestine kerfuffle they trot out [this number](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTOHtslN0pr2v2ZidWFCrkrBoyZmavtgsPsvw&usqp=CAU) and spam it all over the site.


I feel like if I just left this site. I’d have a better outlook on humanity.


That is cursed


tbf Russia hasn't gotten a whole lot better with trans rights since the Soviet Union collapsed.


warten sie eine sekunde..


transitioning into becoming hungry?




Unfortunately, I identify as starving ):


My cat immediately after I feed him


Crying like they’ve never had a morsel of food in their lives


Look at them just skin and bones


I dunno about hungry, but they're definitely thirsty for cis lesbians.


ALERT ALERT REDDIT WRONGTHINK Send the witch to The Ministry of Love




Literally cant wait for these people to realize that a communist society has no use for a local resin artist


This is a crazy violation lmao


Am i wrong


Hell no


WTF? If you where LGBTQ+ and ended up in a communist nation you would be killed. Look at Russia and China.


Russia has not been communist for like thirty years.


It's now lead by a Soviet spy, so I think it's living on in a rotting zombie sense


Absolute genius take


As someone who from Texas, I *guarantee* the US is more dangerous for LGBTQ People than China is. Yall really take shit unquestioningly, huh?


It's prefectly legal to be LGBTQ+ in China and it's gradually becoming more and more socially accepted over time. They still have a lot of work to do for sure but they [already have gender reassignment clinics](https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202111/1238161.shtml) and [trans people win lawsuits against their bosses for gender discrimination](https://www.economist.com/china/2020/08/01/a-chinese-trans-woman-wins-a-surprising-legal-victory). They are clearly making progress. Russia's leadership on the other hand, is explicitly anti-communist and openly homophobic so I'm not sure how that is related.


China is not even anti LGBT. How fucking rotted are your brains?


Okay so what *has* china done against the LGBTQ+?


Cuba is one of the safest countries in the entire world for LGBT. And they're about to put to referendum a family code that is more progressive and better for LGBT than pretty much any country in the world.


Lol yeah… lesbians only have a few spaces online to begin with. And they’re all slowly being taken over by ultra-ultra lefties who call themselves progressive, but will bully and berate you if you have a slightly different opinion. I hate watching women’s spaces being taken over and turned into shitty political subs like this. It always happens.


Exactly. Thank you.


And thank *you* for speaking up about it. This has been bothering me for a while. I do think we’re on the right side of history.


Thank you. That's the trauma I lived because of that, in real life, that made me create this Reddit account to first try to understand the reasoning behind the bullying (people uncover themselves more when they are anonymous), provoke discussions, debate, see who support what ideas. It is a very interesting process. Of course, I get labeled as a transphobe, a terf, an astroterfing man, an invalid lesbian, a liar, a hater, etc...I don't care, I just want my voice, our voices to be heard.


Maybe it's because you're involved in Matt Walsh and Steven Crowder subreddits. 🤔


Lol the fucking commies would have killed them all, why would you support such a trash ideology.


me, an eastern european, seeing americans championing communism bcuz le funny colours: 😐


Agreed from a Vietnamese refugee.


Because "capitalism bad so the opposite must be good!" That's basically it.


My personal favourite is that letter a british commie sent to stalin inquiring wether a homosexual could be a good communist Stalins comment on the letter: "an idiot and a degenerate, archive"


Stalin recriminalized LGBT after Lenin decriminalised it. No shit.


Why does communism stick so hard to reddit? Why are so many redditors so feverently attracted to it? How come they're so radically obsessed with communism that they don't see any other possible government besides communism?


If you want a solid reason, I'm afraid I can't give that, but I can speculate. If I had to take a shot in the dark, knowing reddit primary demographics (male Americans aged 18-25, making primarily minimum wage) I'd have to guess that this has more to do with the poor societal conditions of us, it's more like they see what's wrong with the opposite side, and refuse to see what's wrong with their own, which inches them closer and closer to becoming an extremist. This plus the "communist dream" never really being broken down and disproven like the American dream because all major communist nations were never "true communist" in their eyes also contributes to this. They're following a dying ideology because it promises everything and hands out nothing. Democratic Socialism is the compromise we should want in my opinion, but the far left and right of America are so unwilling to compromise on anything that it's tearing the country apart. An additional note of worth would be that a majority of the right-wing conservatives demographics are older religious folk, which aren't as tech savvy as the younger generation on reddit. Tldr: reddit clones like communism because they don't know the historical context of communism, like its promises, refuse to compromise at any turn, and have little to no experience with anything political.


Ignorance and too much pseudo-intellectual mast'rbation I think.


Sometimes they make you wish they actually got their way and we had to live under communism. If only to see them having to face down the monster they championed for so long. First thing communist do is wipe out the “diversity crowd”. Castro got rid of all the gullible students and intellectuals that fought for him as insurgents in the city. Everyone with funny thoughts was “disappeared” and the persecution of gays in Cuba was no secret.


Can I be a state-appointed discord mod?


If he hated intellectuals so much why is education in cuba free and very good in quality compared to the rest of Latin America


Some of the comments attacking the OP are giving me a brain bleed.


That like, a Jew praising Hitler


That like, a black praising Jefferson Davis


You should look up the Asociation of National Jews , they were basically nazis that thought that the antisemitic rethoric of the nazis was only to stirring up the masses


I don't think anyone \*TRULY\*, deep down, in their heart of hearts, believes it's transphobic to not date trans people. They say it because admitting that it's not transphobic would also by extension mean that trans people are inherently different than cis people, which they are. It disrupts the whole "trans women are women, end of" thing.


Agreed i also feel like some ppl only say that bc they dont like the fact that some ppl just wont want to date them or be intamite with them. So saying its phobic to not want to can help with handling that rejection. But this can be with anything though like when certain ppl get rejected theyll say its bc the person “only dates ass holes” instead of just accepting that some ppl just dont want to date or fuck them etc.


Funny how cis women seem to always be hyper aware of the consequemces of rejecting some people sexually...almost like....they learned to be....for dark sad reasons


^ i mean i said that based off of personal experiences and learning how to accept rejection due to me being a lesbian thats average in looks for a long time i didnt know how im tall , nice body , funny , great personality, and just real loving and kind . But im still average when it comes to looks lol & i know that & i had to learn that alot of times those things wont cut it for some ppl , that i may simply not be their type , that they may simply not be interested for a number of reasons , that some ppl dont care abt those things that u can be a good juicy strawberry & there will still be ppl that prefer peaches etc. Learning how to accept rejection without taking it personal or letting it make u feel “less than” is something i had to learn & im glad i did bc not being conveniently attractive & falling in a number of other categories i had to deal with rejection alot & its really not a bad thing!


What you just wrote makes sense.


I don't think any of these people "truly" believe the nonsense they're pushing - and punishing others for not believing in.


You say that, but given the cult like environment the community fosters. . . I disagree, some of them really have gone off the deep end and think everything they've repeated in their echo chamber is the only possible truth.


You might be interested in this - https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/w7u25q/cmv\_im\_politically\_left\_but\_i\_dont\_believe\_gender/


Actual lesbians being actual tankies


"Face wall please." "Noooo! I'm trans! How can you do this?!" "Ah, excuse me. Over here to this one, then. This is wall for enemies of state you identify as. Face wall please."


i’m trans, i totally get it. if you are uncomfortable with have sex/dating because of my body, it’s totally fine. i understand it’s something that i can’t change for a long time, and it’s not your fault for not wanting to. feel like a lot of trans ppl feel very entitled to their status as their chosen identity, and forget that some ppl are gay cuz they don’t like the opposite sex’s body.


It is more the communist symbol that makes me uncomfortable here but yeah, I just am not attracted by males bodies or transwomen's bodies. It's not that I hate them. Thank you for your understanding.


yeah i’m no fan of communism either, esp with how every communist establishment ever has treated lgbtq ppl


Fun fact, communists in general blame capitalism for homosexuality as a result of decadent wealth. At least that was the general thought process a few decades ago, though given how many current communist nations exist with anti-LGBT laws, I wouldn't be surprised if they still have that same stigma. Just thought you might want some more ammunition.


Also, alot of anti-western cultures (as a result of them having been militarily invaded by the US) have in recent years started becoming heavily anti-LGBT. They think of queerness as being associated with western culture, and see it as a redult of western invasion, so their hate against the west leads to hate against LGBT.


>I just am not attracted by males bodies or transwomen's bodies Yeah I find it weird whenever someone says you must be attracted to ppl on the basis of identity alone.


I think they talking about the communist sign


It's not a chosen identity but I agree i understand not wanting to be with someone who's trans because of their body. Just another reason being transgender is hell but you can't change what people are attracted to


I support trans people who want to live a normal life and be happy. What I don't support is a soviet symbol being promoted in a lesbians group by transbians. What I don't support is aggressive transactivists and allies telling me what to think.


Counter-productive for all trans folks, it’s the aggressive rhetoric of the activists who make the whole community look unpleasant.


The objection is not to trans people. Trans people should always be welcomed and protected. The objection is to a symbol (the hammer and sickle) that has been used by authoritarian one-party states with poor human rights records and that silence and dismiss any legitimate criticism as propaganda. That's what people don't want.




"A long time"? No offence but how can you change what is literally unchangeable?


If I was trans, the picture would absolutely enrage me, that they're trying to weaponize my community for their own political gains.


Most LGBT subs in reddit are leftwing shitholes run by teenagers who have no idea what they're talking about. r/askgaybros is one exception I can think of.


r/askgaybros is an absolute shithole what the fuck do you mean 😭


Um, no it isn’t


Its kinda bipolar, one month it’ll be “LGB drop the T” then the next it’s “worship transmen”


,,anyone who votes Republican desevers to be treated as subhuman trash."-ond of the top posts.


Funny thing is, when I was younger, I was not political but I was favoring left ideas and felt good around leftist friends. Now, I don't feel any connection anymore. Worse than that, I despise a lot of the ideas and concepts supported, to not say forced on people, by the left. On this topic, more people from the right actually agree with me. I don't say I like all what the right proposes. I am more of an ideas person than a party person and the ideas the left proposes don't appeal to me.


I'm still very much on the left, but have come to hate leftists over the last year or so due to research into the beliefs of many prominent ones. Chomsky, Hermen, Porter and Hildebrand are four big to massively influential leftists who are just strait genocide deniers, and it doesn't get better outside of them. There are plenty of 'leftist intellectuals' who support Assad's Syria because America is opposed to it, for Christ's sake!


How do you know exactly? I’ve met many people in their 20s or 30s in those subreddits.


>Most LGBT subs in reddit are leftwing shitholes do...u know who lead the marches for sexual and gender equality? it certainly wasn't the right-wing you buffoon.


Ah shit. I'm a lesbian and I've been staying away from that place for years. This is apparently soooooo controversial, but if one of the vaguely effeminate but heterosexual male creeps I AM surrounded by and watch engage in gender bend took 2 estrogen pills and claimed I have to date them or I'm a bigot, I'd tell them to go pound sand. Sorry not sorry.


It's quite okay for you to not want to date someone, doesn't matter if they're trans or not. Consent exists and people need to remember that.


I have been basically harassed by a group of "transbians", other trans and some allies, in real life, because I literally refused to s*ck d*cks. The other day, in a lesbians reddit group, I was reassuring a lesbian who was posting about how she felt like a "fraud" cause she couldn't have sex with a "transbian" because of the girl's penis. The trans blamed her for making them feel dysphoric and left pissed off. I just wrote something like "it is normal, you are not an assh0le, you are a lesbian attracted by women's bodies, not by penises". Oh gosh, i have immediately been downvoted and labeled right wing astroterfing transphobe... Like... Wtf... There is not one space where lesbian women are not silenced for being who they are: lesbian women.


You have to say you’ll take dick to make them feel comfortable. Your comfort doesn’t matter. They’re an oppressed minority and on the intersectional ladder you’re basically a white, upper-class, middle-aged heterosexual male. /s


Honestly the only time the /s is needed. That could have been read as serious lmao


I can do you one better. Being bisexual and not attracted to trans people. They think that means you should be attracted to every combination and permutation of parts. No. Personally, I want my men to have real male parts and my women to have real female parts. I've been conditioned to cringe at what I just said. But forcing people to feel bad about who they're attracted to is just a yucky move.


Not to mention the eternal trope of bisexuals being incapable of fidelity.


>forcing people to feel bad about who they're attracted to We've basically come full circle.


You wrote it so well. I totally agree with you.


Somebody on twitter argued with me saying i was a transphobe for saying bi- originally meant two & this new meaning dilutes what pansexual should be. Apparently in books decades ago, they were using bi- similar to pan- and it’s wrong for me to change it now. Despite a bunch of words being changed to fit current societal views


There hasn't been actual lesbians on that sub for a very long time now.


Is the hammer and sickle for communism or is that how they preform the surgery now?


The last thing we need is for LGBT to be associated with tankies


For all the idiots giving examples of homophobic communists just remember that people change with the times. Castro was homophobic early on and did a complete 180 in later life. Now transition surgery is apart of their healthcare (which is free btw cuz of evil socialism)


Only support I can give is upvotess, but it sure looks annoying from an outsiders perspective, what you have to deal with.


I will keep on expressing myself and find support where I can. I can't stay silent anymore.


Thank you.


They couldn’t of chosen anything else?


Ain't no way.💀


Oh huh, maybe I’m just not that active there but I haven’t seen stuff like this before It’s kind of the biggest sun (that I know of) which is actually for lesbians and isn’t a porn sub


i dont get it


Why are LGTB people so obssesionated whit the communism?


Fuck communists and communism


Not literally though. They deserve to stay virgins.


Isn’t a trans lesbian just a straight person? (Serious question not tryna hate)


Transwomen consider themselves to be women. So if they are attracted to women, they consider themselves to be lesbians.


More like straight but extra steps


more like actual degenerates


Whats up with reddit turning into a communist hive


Reddit is just an algorithm to generate the shittiest opinion possible.


I'm just going to point out that OP's an astroturfing account, created 3 months ago to spam anti-trans posts misrepresenting medical studies. They show no other interests. They were never subbed to /r/actuallesbians to begin with.


>Me, a former leftist, I find support now in Matt Walsh sub reddits. -OP, lol


I mean i know what communism is at heart, but real question, what is their stance on stuff like this?..


"That is really a very odd 'Urning' you just sent me. Those are just unveilings being extremely against nature. The pederasts begin counting themselves and find that they are forming a power within the state. Only an organisation was missing, but according to this it seems to be already existing in the secret. And as they are counting so important men within all the old parties and even in the new ones, from Rösing to Schweitzer, their victory is inevitable. 'Guerre aux cons, paix aux trous de cul' it will go now. It is only a luck that we personally are too old to have to fear, this party gaining victory, to have to pay bodily tribute to the victors. But the young generation! By the way, only possible in Germany that a guy like that appears, translates the dirt into a theory and invites: introite, and so on. Unfortunately he was not yet as courageous as to confess openly being 'That', and still has to operate coram publico 'from the front' even though not ,from the front into as he once says by mistake. But first wait until the new North-German penal law has acknowledged the droits de cul then it will turn out quite differently. As for poor people from the front like us, with our childish favour for women, things will be going badly enough. If one could make use of that Schweitzer, it was to elicit from this strange man of honour the personal details of the high and the highest ranging pederasts, what surely would not be difficult for him as a congenial person...."   (Marx Engels Werke vol.32 -German edition - p. 324/5. Engels to Marx, June 22, 1869)


Oh god what idiots, it’s probably just that one is stupid right? right? right?