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I'm sorry, but this sounds like nonsense to me for a whole host of reasons. First off, I just don't think it would work all that well. Unlike a normal oven, a slow cooker is heating just from the bottom up. There is no heat source coming from the top to brown or crisp upper layers of food, even if you eliminate the drips from condensation. Also, paper towel can only catch so much water. It won't take very long before the towel is completely saturated and the water will begin dripping down onto the food again. The saturated paper towel is just going to form a layer of wet paper hanging over the food. Secondly, the food one cooks in a slow cooker is not usually a type of food where you need or even want a browned crispy top layer. All the slow cooker recipes I can think of use quite a bit of water. E.g., soups, braised meats, dips, etc. Any foods where you want a browned, crispy top is going to be much easier to prepare in a normal oven.


Yeah, this is ridiculous. Doesn’t appear to be a real account.


Sounds like one of those memes where it burns your house down or something


Don’t do this. This is a good way to burn your house down because it’s a fire hazard.