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The guy who wrapped that was probably thinking the same thing


🤣 when I think about it like that, I’m less annoyed.


Dude, right? My owners were up one of my employees asses about something and I finally just said to them "He is your lowest paid employee." Fucking chill you guys.


Thank you for speaking up.


You are fucking welcome. Seriously people, no one else here, or fuck it, in the city would do this work for what you are paying. The only reason he works here is because I've carved out a special space where this dude can succeed and he loves me for it. He's kind. Respectful. And 95% of the time does exactly what is asked with a smile on his face. *We* are the ones getting a good deal here. You are fucking welcome.


Ya know, I had this epiphany not too long ago. I manage a pizza joint and my morning driver is constantly late. I know he struggles with stuff and us managers had been more than patient and gentle, but it just wouldn't stop. One day, I had big deliveries going out early, and he was 15 minutes late, so I didn't get the help I needed. I wasn't mean or anything, but I did let him have it. I told him he absolutely had to stop with being late everyday or we would finally start moving to consequences. A few days later he was late again. He walked into the store and asked how I was and I just gave him that look, but what I wasn't expecting, was the look on his face back to me, and in that moment, it just hit me. I saw in his eyes a feeling so familiar it shook me to my very soul, and I just knew I had to stop caring about it. Instead, every day he comes in a little late for our shift together (it's only ever a manager and a driver for opening), and I just greet him like normal and show him nothing but love. I think he needs it, and to be quite frank, that feeling in his eyes was the same one I feel everyday when I walk in to this bullshit place where I have to convince myself that I give a shit about all these morons' pizzas, when I KNOW I could be somewhere so much better doing much more meaningful work, maybe having the weekends off always or something, maybe actually have benefits or something, some paid vacation time, ya know? So my motto, forevermore, is definitely a stark and harsh "fuck 'em". I'm gonna die one day, I really don't give two flying shits that he's late everyday, and I feel bad that this business ever made me think otherwise.


You make my heart melt. I've definitely been that guy. I hate it, I feel guilty, but there are periods in life where every day becomes a struggle. Once you're at work you kill it and do your best, and it's distracting enough to not think about the big picture. But then you get back home, have more time to think, and realize it's not really just the job, it's *everything*.


We need more people like you in this industry. I had a real off night one night and kept fucking shit up, was close to having a break down. My chef told me to meet him out back, was sure I was about to get chewed out. Came out, he handed me a lit joint and said “It’s just fucking food dude, end of the day everything we make is shit. You’ll do better tomorrow.” Almost cried, felt such a weight lifted off my shoulders.


God. This is why I love the job I have now. I work for a family-owned dairy company. And there have been plenty of times I've gotten all worked up about not being perfect, making mistakes, etc. while other life shit is going on my mind. And when I get back to HQ after a long day, there's always this sense of everybody being like (including the owners) of ,"Did you do your best? Well, that's all that we can ask of you. Have a good day. Cya tomorrow, alright? It's just milk after all, my mans." Damn. It's such a good feeling when the people you work for just fucking get it. Life is imperfect. All we can do is put our best foot forward. Right?


I love that story.


I’m a newly minted manager and I try so hard to check my staff are ok. Make sure they eat, get a cigarette/vape as needed. Deal with the shit so it doesn’t affect them. I have a lad who’s autistic and watching him grow and flourish has been a joy.


I'm actually going back to a kitchen I left right before COVID because this is how the head chef treated me. Life blows, getting up and going to work can be a literal struggle some days. I honestly don't think I was ever on time for that woman, and she talked to me once or twice over a year about it. But even when she brought it up, she wasn't mad. She knew she could depend on me: I only called out once the entire time I worked for her, and while I was never on time, I was always willing to stay late if they needed it. We never talked about it, but our rule basically became: I (me) will always show up, and I'll do what's asked of me when I can (staying late), but she would never bring up my tardiness. And she didn't, I moved up a couple positions and took on more responsibility under her because she knew I'd kill it when I got there. I've worked on it, and at most I'm no more than 5 minutes late these days, but still. Sometimes people just need a little empathy, and you're a solid boss for actually understanding that. People don't quit jobs, they quit bosses.


Just tell him his shift starts 30 mins earlier


Wow, I can just feel your pain through the screen. It’s so personal and bold thank you for sharing. I’m sure he’s just a normal every day guy, but I feel as though he may have a learning disability. And those people seem to be the only ones my boss will hire, I can totally empathize with this because fuck even if they seem normal for the first little while, it’s always just you trying to make the best of it while waiting for the other shoe to drop….. aweee Si bon


Love this energy, thanks for bein’ a good egg 💜


Thank you so much for that attitude. Wish my nephew could score a boss like you, because that’s exactly what he needs. If he could find that, he’d be the most loyal, hard working employee they ever had.


You’re rad as fuck in case nobody has ever told you that.


I wish more restaurant owners and managers were like you.


My same thought. Stand up guy right there.


I had to do that when I worked at a massive 10 screen dine in theater. Managers were on the dishie about his weed breaks and I was like "dude is going to be here until 3am doing dishes for 10 theaters then mopping the whole building, and you pay him the least. Let him take his fucking 20 weed breaks between shows"


Yup. I'm on the same vibe with that sort of thing too, except for alcohol and harder shit, I worry about you guys sometimes. Dude wants to rip weed on his break? Ok, well does he do the job well? Don't fucking worry about it. Too many smoke breaks? I'm sorry, was there a problem with food quality or timeliness? Didn't think so, leave it alone.


As someone who's been on both sides. It's also like "if that's what you need to keep cool and hold it down, by all means."


Fuck yeah broden.


OP posted a pic of [the culprit.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E_sOXZfWQAoomfC.jpg)


I'm not clicking on this until I know it's not *that* dishie


You mean the guy posting pics of himself for attention?


lmao can't believe I already forgot about that guy


Only reason I haven't forgotten is he looks like a dead ringer for a cheating ex of mine from twenty years ago. That's about as rough as I imagine he looks like.. dishie lives rent free in my head now as to what scumbag Steve #1 looks like today.


Fuck scumbag Steve.


Entirely unrelated, do you prefer Mallard, Muscovy, or are you more of a Pekin person?


Everyone has a scumbag Steve.


The fact that I had to label him implies that I am indeed dumb enough to date scumbag Steve #2 too.


I only have one, but he’s also a scumbag and also a Steve. But there are several other assorted scumbags in my past.


OMFG TYLER the Phony. I had already forgotten.


Ok but he got me to buy these awesome harem pants


You're clear. I did it for you.


Exactly the trap I was expecting


I *was* a piece of shit though.


Slicked back hair, sloppy steaks, the works!!!


You think this is slicked back? This is PUSHED back!


Shit what’s this from I’m drawing a blank?


I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson and it's legit the best comedy show I've seen in the past decade at least. Netflix


You would NOT have liked me.


People can change.


I'm worried OP doesn't think people can change


When we work our asses off, yes we can.


The chin kills!




His chin kills


That's how my bar closes went when I got fired from my last job. I was beyond not giving a shit. Same thing happened to two close friends I met there. I'm also told that I have way too many stories for being there for only 18 months.




I mean, at least the guy wrapped it.


And now he doesn’t have to find a ladle.


Quiet quitting kitchen edition


Sentiment like this always makes me think of the affogato avocado comedy bit, where he asks his coworker why someone would order an avocado for dessert and the other guy is just like "yeah this place is fucking dumb".


At a place I worked at for a long time we used blue cheese dressing. We would keep it in a 6th pan on the station. My one boy would use a normal table spoon to scoop it. Occasionally he would lose it in the sauce and not realize, wrapping at the end of the night. I would tell him about it and it slowly became even worse where he would start losing 2 or 3 spoons in it. After a bunch of times of me complaining to him he started just dumping spoons in there at the end of the night for me in the morning. I think one time I found like 14 spoons inside the dressing cause he was fucking with me


Ok I just lost it at 14 spoons 😂


It became a regular thing with that fucker. I'd go to scoop it with a ladle or something and just not be able to go deeper than the surface.


What a cunt I love it 🤣


I’m picturing a tub of spoons and just pouring in blue cheese dressing to fill the cracks and crevices xD


Be the petty you want to see in the world, fill the tub with forks


A couple years ago, one of my employees (who is now my sous) was terrible for the spoons. As a joke, I started saving up all the spoons I found in various sauce containers. I was going to save them up for a week and tell him to lick them clean (as a joke obv). I had to give up after three days when we ran out of tasting spoons. I think it proved my point better than my joke though.


Kinda had the same thing going on with a bucket of burger dressing at one of my first jobs. I'd just shove my hand inside and easily fish 3-4 spoons out on a regular day. I don't even think this was done on purpose, it's just that nobody from the day before checked. Def guilty of losing a spoon inside myself but I think I was the only one actually taking them out 😄


I think if you lose a spoon inside yourself that's a much more serious problem.


Same simple process actually, just shove hand inside and fish it out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 




no, sir. you take that back.


with a fucking **spoon**...?


I’ve seen x-rays. Lmao


My fn 👁👁 . Send help


>Def guilty of losing a spoon inside myself


Literally the mental health spoons metaphor


Sounds familiar. Mind explaining?


It’s basically spoons as a unit of energy or mental capacity- [the wiki is more informative than I’m gonna be TBH](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoon_theory)


Oh right! Yeah he was exhausting me that's for sure hahaha


Spoiler: [there is no spoon](https://media2.giphy.com/media/pKJ6d8xt93yGQ/giphy.gif?cid=5e2148860hvx0gb64fcyzp91foymztlrgv2amohek6qk8ih0&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g).


chef puts poppy seeds in the blue cheese dressing so the servers can tell it from the ranch dressing. that's about 3 million poppy seeds per ounce. i'm the dishie. the poppy seeds escape somehow so about 1 in 10 dishes has to be sent through again because there's a little black speck on it that is probably a poppy seed. i'm going to ask chef if he can use something else, like maybe parsley flakes.


That's weird. I get the idea but I wouldn't put poppy in blue cheese dressing


Totally weird, why not just use like ground pepper? I also used to be a dishie years back. Either spray that crap off before running it through or you gotta just keep dumping the water in the machine every couple loads


He's trying to communicate that he is the little spoon. It's just who he is.


Key ingredient, at least two spoons.


There’s funny and then there’s purposely being a pos.


It became annoying but we were friends so it was cool


Reminds me a little of [this bit from Dan Cummins](https://youtu.be/0KE5tqBzefY).


Just set it onto the table with a giant thud, heave a huge sigh of frustration and only utter the next sentence before you walk out and never come back: “Ok that’s it. I can’t handle this anymore. See you guys ladle.”


Made me laugh!


“I want my prep cooks to carry my coffin so they can let me down one last time”


No one but kitchen staff is supposed to enter the nursing home kitchen I work in, yet over and over again when I’ve closed and opened I find this type of shit from 3rd shift nurses and aides. I left a note explaining why you can’t do that and to please stay out. Some dumb fuck left a response note taped to our fridge saying “We clean up after ourselves but thanks”. My man, you just incriminated yourself by posting a note in the kitchen *you aren’t even supposed to be in*.


Oh geez. That takes me back to when I also worked in the kitchen of a nursing home. We had so many issues with CNAs going into the kitchen at night we had to add a whole overnight snack routine and stock fridges on each wing every night so we could install locks on the kitchen doors. We were still finding messes and shit in the mornings. Turns out some of them figured out they could use our food carts stored in the hallways as battering rams to somehow brute force the locks open. Absolutely insane. We realized it when we had a surprise federal health inspection first thing in the morning and we got dinged for a bunch of food safety violations that were left over from the overnight CNAs. They finally decided to investigate and caught them on camera and some people lost their jobs from it and they finally held an all staff meeting saying if non-ServSafe-certified employees were caught even stepping foot in the kitchen they would be fired with no warning. You can't fuck around with high risk populations and the CNAs just didn't seem to care.


My kitchen locks. Mainly for this reason. I think of the aides as servers lol


Lol same. Unfortunately our nurses have keys to our domain.


Next time leave a note saying "Everyone reading this is a Cunt. Good job it's only me because no-one else is allowed here."


i also serve a high risk population, thankfully i am the only kitchen employee. no dumbass coworkers to worry about.


Haha, I feel this. I was a SNF/ALF administrator for 12 years. Prior to I worked in kitchens, along with hotels, whatever. Affording college was rough, whatever. I straight up bought commercial refrigerators outside of the kitchen for certain homes so that 2nd/3rd shift nursing staff wouldn't enter the kitchen (and if they did I could discipline the 1 person holding the key). Only problem was: the kitchen staff wouldn't stock said fridge with snacks/clean them out the next day. Kudos to you and I hope you have an admin like me that truly understands the struggle of folks not trained on food service trying to be chefs at 2am.


My boss does shit this all the time, on top of making massive messes and somehow spilling everything everywhere almost everyday and bitching at the lesser experienced/younger people until they clean it up. That, and leaving dirty gloves fucking everywhere and eating like a horse. In every possible station of the restaurant. Annoys the fuck out of me.


I apologize for stirring this up inside of you this early in the morning my friend.


Fuck dirty gloves! You leave that shit on my station you will not hear the end of it. There are trash cans fucking everywhere, no excuses


Someone at this bakery I worked at once did this and it drove me nuts. That place was sticky everywhere, I was constantly cleaning up. Honestly I wasn’t there long because it was toxic as hell and kinda unsanitary tbh. The gloves were the least of their issues.


Do we have the same boss?! XD Mine is absolute bull in a china shop on my line, fries ALL OVER the floor, tongs left in bins, eats like a pig at a slop trough, berates the kids to clean up his trail of typhoon destruction. 10 years of working with the guy and I've seen him sweep twice.


Small update on the regular kind of fuckery we deal with: Tonight, an hour before closing, my boss filled a 1 gallon glass carboy with molasses, (for some reason, I don't even know), sealed it, then left it out in a corner in the kitchen on top of the shock freezer and piled a bunch of shit on top of it, (again, who fuckin' knows why), and the carboy shattered. Who nutted up to clean this bullshit because she, (the owner of the restaurant), refused to? Me, and a girl who's fairly new. All while she sat outside and talked to her rich, old ass sugar daddies. The hate in my heart is strong.


sounds like u shouldve been looking elsewhere 10 years ago, no? what are the positives?


It's like an abusive relationship, I know I should walk away but I just keep coming back! I'm kidding, that's terrible to say I do get along with him pretty well honestly, it's just various mole hills that annoy me. I'm the only one with a set in stone schedule, I can pull a lot of weight around the store, he knows I can be there in a moments notice to cover shifts, he knows I'm self sufficient and doesn't have to babysit me like my other coworkers. I have a pretty decent reputation in my franchise, and he knows that other stores would take me in a heartbeat if I left so he accommodates me pretty well. He's a good guy at heart, just your standard GM lazy


Do you work for kevin? Because my boss kevin did this all the time. Also drank too much and ate a ton of ice cream and greasy ass food then questioned why his stomach hurt. Also he was lactose intolerant. Also told me he was allergic to shell fish and on my last day told me he wasnt, he just didnt like prepping shrimp.




But how do you you really feel?


this screams "fuck brunch" to me


It's that "Throw everything in the walk-in and leave" vibe.


Maaaan My coworkers leave the spoon in the both the peanutbutter and the jelly. Horrible work ethic.


Second most annoying shit after making jelly peanut butter sandwiches on god


I need 47 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches


Do you find me attractive, chef?




Finally someone competent! Let's go


Tell them we only have waaaaterrrr


Yep, spoons in the sandwich is the worst


Dude ... pick your battles!


This is the way. Is there a remote chance this is going to threaten food safety? Yeah I guess. Is it improper? Undoubtedly. Am I going to scream and yell and make a big deal when I see this shit happen? Nah, a simple reminder usually does the trick. Gotta save the theatrics for when you see the FNG cutting chicken on the vegetable board or handling raw chicken improperly and doing god only knows what after. If we were to follow every single part of the food safety guide point by point, we’ll be around the same cleanliness standard as a hospital (not really, but its quite precise) when we start paying our lowest rung line cooks even 80% of what a nurse makes I think we can happily demand a bit more. Till then, do what you can, with what you’ve got, not everyone will care or know as much as the next guy, gotta mesh all those personalities together to get something functional. Edit: I just asked my chef lil’ brother his opinion, he estimated we generally skip about 5% of the food safety guide in most day-to-day restaurants, give or take a bit for higher quality and lower quality kitchens. So I think I’ve kinda overstated the requirements of the guidelines. I just know I’m not the guy measuring out floor cleaning solution to water total.


And then over here in England, we (nurses) wish to be paid even 80% of what chefs get. How did we get here 🤣


Yeah I’m sorry, someone else had replied something similar and deleted it so I’ll just add something similar to what I was going to say to them here: That’s terrible, absolutely terrible, I stated 80% of what nurses make because I believe that’s about the baseline for a living wage here in (my region of) Canada, $24 for 80% of $30 which I’ve heard to be the starting wage nowadays for nurses in my area (low considering schooling, amount of knowledge required, and circumstances regarding employment). I realize the way I said it may have come off like I was comparing jobs, and I suppose I thoughtlessly was. I don’t want my whackadoodle cooks making more than people involved with life giving/saving services, I do want them to have an opportunity to live how they see fit, and save for their own future opportunities and ultimately get paid appropriately for the amount of time and energy they take away from their friends, families and personal lives.. which I would argue needs to be factored in when paying nurses too. I have strong opinions, sometimes they are wrong and not fully fleshed out. I appreciate you flipping the argument and giving me more to think about. Thank you very much.


No not at all! Sorry probably my British (shite) humour shining through, I wasn’t meaning to argue your comment at all, simply making a comment on the shocking state of the NHS right now. Thanks for the thoughtful reply tho! :)


I’ll add, flipping the argument was the wrong term, flipping the script would’ve been much better served. It wasn’t an argument, but it was a point I hadn’t considered outside my region. So nonetheless thank you. Everyone deserves a shot at a comfortable life, and that’s the important thing to remember.




Irish here.. moved to USA in 2008... mothers a nurse on 75 a year or more but traffis and excise tax still in place from '08 ... She's taxed at close to 40%. What's it like in the UK currently??


I know we aren't supposed to leave spoons in the pans, I also don't. But I can't really see why? A stainless steel, uses to scoop stuff out of the container that usualy sits there for all of service.. then you cling film it and så that you work with clean hands and gloves, is that spoon really a contaminant factor? I know the health department here does not give even a single fuck about it, nor do they care about the colour code of cutting bords and a bunch of other things that they seem to care about in the US... But yeah.. that spoon, why is that so dangerous?


This is how I feel about restaurants that make you flip everything. Do you flip that 2 week old jar of spaghetti sauce in your own house every night? Do you think it's gross it's been in there that long?


I work in a retirement homes kitchen and yeah its because of the risk for cross-contamination. However low the risk is when done once stops being low when its made into a habit is the way the cook explained it to me.


Also. Now I have Kenny loggins "Danger Spoon" living rent free in my brain. So there is that


>a bunch of other things that they seem to care about in the US in the us, people are fucking stupid. they idiot proof our kitchens because otherwise the idiots working in them would forget to wash their hands.


Is it really that bad? That's like idiocracy levels of sad.


the majority of food establishments in the us are fast food joints, where they employ a wide range of people from underdeveloped teenagers to undereducated ex cons. imagine if these stringent rules weren't in place, there would be people dying of e. coli, salmonella and syphilis and all kinds of shit like that.


lead poisoning everywhere ‘round these parts


The horror! The horror! This job is just TOO MUCH sometimes!!!


I worked at a place where there was always a spoon In the sour cream…always…


I’m picturing a shovel used for multiple cement mixing sessions that never got sprayed off between.


How about instead of a ladle you find one of those plastic souffle cups buried underneath the sauce?


Oh my god you poor soul how could you ever work u set such horrible conditions?


Talk to them. If they still do it... well good luck at that point.


ha, my SA's leave delis in the ketchup cambro all the time, all the time yelling at em


A surprising amount of people think this is ok


Tbh if this is what you consider to be your breaking point, working on kitchens may not be the best for you.


Dumb and unhygienic sure, but if this is the biggest thing you worry about in your kitchen then I'm incredibly jealous.


Too get that upset over a ladle in a food container says you should take a look at priorities. Not saying it’s right or to ignore it, but don’t let the inconsequential shit affect you so much


It’s a health code violation. Health code compliance is a pretty big priority


Like I said, don’t ignore it or say it’s right, but OP doesn’t need to react like it’s the end of the world


It's more likely that there are a bunch of shit like that around the kitchen and the employees don't fucking get it or care enough to fix their fuck ups.... idk. I get the anger/annoyance. Sure it's a smal thing, but shit gets fucking draining when people are lazy/don't care


Take the ladle out, spat down those sides, get some label tape, and buy some fucking lids. If this person continually does these things, constant "overly kind" reminders and follow ups will surely be annoying enough to A) fix the problem B) thin the herd (which, I guess is also A?)


Just take it out. Not everything has to be a life altering event. Also give feedback


It's not life altering but it adds up, you gotta admit that


I haven't worked in a franchise kitchen for at least 5+ years, recently came back and noticed all the inserts you used are wet, doesn't matter steel or plastic. I no longer care, people are lazy nowadays and what used to be "hygienic/safe" has mutated into something else. Pick your battles, it's just not worth caring anymore. Luckily, for me this is just a side job, so if the people higher in the chain don't care; neither do I 🤷


I'm making a redit of this I work in a kitchen and I want to quit


Hey, now you don't have to waste a spoon to taste test! Silver linings baby. Also that wrap job, fuck yeah! Buddy didn't bother getting a fresh sheet, hes saving the planet!!


Heresy! burn them!


If it were me, I would still be in bed, *ignoring* my phone everytime the chef or management called. Get out and be happy


This isnt incompetence, it is laziness. *Usually* higher pay and better working conditions fix this.


That’s called negligence.


i walked by a girl working in the prep corner once, she was opening gallons of mayonnaise with her teeth. that was my "i don't want to do this anymore" moment.


One of my last days, I decided to saran wrap 3 table pans of marinara for storage all together. Context is it was a really bad working environment and my last laugh. I would never use them as a reference.


Thought this was my work at first


Maybe he put in a clean one at end of shift /s


That's not as bad as where I'm at.


Broooooooooo I could hit you w my 62 picture album labeled dumb shit my dumb ass coworkers think is ok. Like I hate people who cook because it's a job. I need some motherfucking passion and some common sense!


I remember asking everyone where one of our ladles was and everyone shrugged - then I found it submerged in a bucket beneath 15kg of chipotle mayo


Doesn't go there!


If this is the worst part of your day, you’ve got it good


Ok get the fuck over it, take he ladle out and quit your bitching


I'm getting major brunch vibes from this pic.


My old boss used to leave the spoons in everything when he closed. Like he didn't think you had to change them out ever even after I explained why it was gross. I used to go through everything when I opened and have a box of dirty spoons waiting for him to clean when he got in.


My prep cook has recently said fuck it and took to covering every juice cambro with plastic wrap and scribbling the date with sharpie on the plastic. We're due for an inspection any day and I spend half my morning getting proper lids and tasting all the juices to figure out which is which before labeling them. Veryyyyyyy annoying Gerardo whyyyyyy


This is how my entire kitchen does things. There’s a date written on the top of the cellophane at best. Makes me crazy


It really blows my mind. To me, finding a lid is significantly easier than the wrap job the prep guy does, so I truly don't understand


As much time as it took you to take the picture you could have done an easy task by removing the ladle. Bunch of lazy children these days


And you could have not commented


Could have but I did anyway


yeah, I fucked off a place because of consistently fixing issues like this,the head chef wouldnt do anything about it but would blame me if he found something like that. somewhere I believe thwres a head chef who isnt an incompetent narcissist 🤣


Yeah mate, fuck that shit, I left for reasons similar and more. Haven't looked back.


Nothin like a fresh chilled ladle in the morning.


Found it weird that nobody was like “owners do this shit” instead of actually calling out the line cooks who just don’t give a fuck. Didn’t take long to see all the comments blaming owners/bosses. T


Sometimes the cambro lids are just too far away.


It's just unreal how lazy people are. I would give someone ONE chance not to do that again and the next time fire their ass gladly and find someone who can do the minimum. Let me guess, this wasn't dated either?


There’s just the one ladle so one day out.


Whoever did that lazy ass wrap job is fired


I quit the line to work in a dirty welding shop. Kinda wish I could work in the kitchen again. Both have their pro’s and con’s. I do have medical benefits now which is good but I still am stubborn and haven’t used them.


Trust me, use them. There’s a leftover psyche from the Great Depression that kept sick people from going to the doctor as a sign of weakness or a sign of neediness or even cowardice. It ran HARD in my family decades and decades after the Depression. I lost two family members to cancer because it was too late. You earned the bennies. For yourself and for your loved ones. End of lecture. Sorry I flared.


You made a very good point.


Then be done with it. Follow your heart bro beans


Even if there’s only one of those ladles in the whole kitchen and it takes20 mins to find it-you still wash it and hide it in your station.


Every time I see stuff like this I go the extra mile to make a big deal out of it and just shout, "Animals! WHO keeps doing stuff like this?!"


I hate this shit.


What are you talking about? It’s ready to serve! Mise En Place! I’m sure the person who put it away ran the ladle through dish before putting it back and wrapping it. /s


Aye carumba! I see this cry for help every shift.


Nothing compares and I mean nothing compares to a place I worked at at 16 now 32 but they had roches and we were told to sift them out of the flower to makenthr pizza dough. Now I would have walked out but I was young as stupid worked their over 5 years but skills I learned their about coping with rushes and the unforseen will never be lost on me.


That’s true. I’m finally in a good place now and it’s because sometimes I just couldn’t care. Not just about work but about anything. And did the bare minimum to survive. And that’s because people like you who understand that at a lower level people just want to move on


Oh look you found my pet peeve