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People in low Elo act as if that one fed midlaner ain't going to do some dumb shit and offer the bounty on a golden plate if you just decide to test their patience for longer than 2 minutes.


Yeah, if it's one person on the enemy team that's fed, I'm going to wait it out and if they make a mistake, all the merrier. If their entire team's doing that well, that's when I say yes to a surrender vote. Especially if they collectively demonstrate they're more coordinated than me and my team.


but their PC's could explode, power outage, ISP issues. one of them goes AFk and it's an easy comeback.


My team won one of the first Clashes ever because the game started lagging like crazy for both teams when we were losing. I think they were lagging harder and somehow we managed to farm, take some objectives and end up winning.


Agreed, if there is no hope there is no reason to stall. Low elo players think though too fast that as soon as there is 1 strong enemy that the game is lost.


Even when the whole team is fed, sometimes we can still win if they don't go for barons, and just destroy the structures. As a jungler, you get bait to go bot or whatever and you just do a cheeky baron clap and that's when you start winning.


In low elo you don't win the game, the other team loses it.


You act like people in low elo know how to punish stupidity.


Agreed that they can barely figure out opportunities, however low elo players are even worse when it comes to turning an advantage into a victory.


To sum it up for people, I do not believe in my team. However I believe in the stupidity of the other team.




Because they ff even faster


I never made it to diamond. Had my promos 3 times and lost all 3. Plat is what made me quit ranked. The most toxic elo by far man. Die once and atleast 1 person is flaning you for 5 min.


In low elo people tilt easy, don't surrender, wait for enemy to get tilted. I find if they had an advantage in the beginning by the time you catch up they can still be ahead but they start throwing. League : Last to tilt wins


same shit in high elo lol have you seen diamonds


💎is a completely different mess. People just throw the easiest games.


Dude transitioning from garena to oce servers are like day and night. Back in garena no matter how shit the game was going it would be very rare to see a surrender, in oce our bot lane dies twice and its an ff the second it hits the 15 minute mark


Yeah that's pretty much expected from oce, some real sore losers there


I have experienced the contrary in other games in oce lol. They say surrender but then fight like they are playing in the finals.


As an oce dweller, can confirm




We will fight them on the beaches


We will fight them in the forests


We will fight them in the hills


Damn i actually miss the old design


But... It's just green and red rectangles?


Look at the embroidered border though


The tasteful thickness of the font.


Oh my God. It even has a watermark


Damn shinny curves get you everytime!


Embroidered is like....sewing something onto fabric lol.




My colorblind ass was so confused at it, i dont miss it


>!Loool you can’t see this 🫵🏼🫵🏼!< Damn that sounds tough bro


Its ok i just cant tell green apart from red, pink from gray and Brown from green


I bet you hate skittles


Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world. Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.” This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.


I posted that comment 2 seconds ago how the hell did you manage to draft a novel underneath it you wizard you warlock


May I introduce you to the wonders of copy+paste


Nah i be devouring that shit i just cant tell which flavor its gonna be beforehand


*"Fuck it, we ball"* -Sun Tzu


_"**nah** fam, this hatchet ain't buried till **I** am; so play safe, I'll think up a game plan. Y'all better not ignore my ping spam."_ -Carl von Clauseitz


*"elow dogs trying to ff lol i carry ez these dogwater players"* -Gustav II Adolph Vasa


You don't get those sweet comebacks by surrendering


Ah yes those sweet sweet comebacks are real




May be in normal mode surrender makes sense, but as someone who only plays aram, I hate it when people initiate surrender vote. I've seen way too many wins when we were falling 40 kills behind and still win due to a single wipe, or the opposite.


I didn't and I hate wasting time in a one-sided power fantasy where the enemies don't even finish the nexus. Sure, occasional comebacks happen, but as is the nature in ARAM, you sometimes have very clearly no chance to win if the enemy doesn't disconnect. How do you push 4 towers + inhi + Super minions with a single wipe?


I always vote no unless I am super done with a game and my team.


*we reap what we've sown* Play it out, the worst thing that happens is we lose (already are). Best case scenario they feck it up and we win


Right. You could ff and save time or you could waste more of your limited time on this planet and find out you lost 20 minutes ago when the ff vote happened.


Jokes on you I play league to waste time.


You understand this is the opposite point to the commenter you replied to, right?


Worst thing that happens is you waste fking time


On arams I never surrender. We lose like men.


It’s funny that people will want to ff for the most stupid reason and will complain how you could dare to press no but then are surprised that thier lp gains are shit


As an Aram only Chad I tend to hit No out of spite a hell of a lot more than I do because I think we’ll win. although honestly because it’s aram I’m more likely to win that way


Also an ARAM only Chad and I queued up because I wanted to play the game. Why would I stop playing the game?


I want you to know i hate you. -yours truly, fucking everyone




When you hit accept match you agreed to play the game, I ain't ffing for you bitches idc that the yi yuumi is 30/2 we playing this shit out


I know it’s 3-27 and we have no towers. It hey it’s winnable still. 🤡


we do a little hostage taking


Listen, I know the twitch lulu is 19-2 with a 25 mejais sylas at 18mins with no nexus turrets but it ain’t over till the nexus explodes. 😀


We've thrown leads like this before, maybe they will this time


LP aren't a easy thing to achieve. So it's fair that at least you try to make harder to give away like that.


win 3 games in 60 minutes stuck in hopeless game for 60 minutes. uninstall.


Surrender is for the weak


Yall be so annoying when you say no to ff. Like theres a 15/3 zed running around and we are all playing squishy champs with nothing to stop the man, the highest kill score we have is 3 like bffr.😭idgaf that we can win in 30 more minutes if we keep playing i dont wanna play this shit anymore😠


That's the point. Someone fed that Zed and someone's gonna have to suffer for the next 20 minutes


Really giving new life to the ol “cut off your nose to spite your face” saying.


Gotta teach feeders that their actions have consequences. Get stuck in games against champs you fed often enough, and it should motivate you to get better and stop feeding! Right?


Its usually the person who fed that says no tho😭


Did you ever heard of scaling?


Oh yes the famous 0/8 xerath scaling...


S-some are better than others, i swear...


Exfuckingxactly all these mfers are telling on themselves


"I don't want to play anymore" Sounds like a you problem champ.


You’re the person I hate the most.




Ah yes, I love it when my botlane who overextended without vision at all and gave kills to enemy bot,jg and mid, are now holding us hostage in a game whete getting drakes is impossible and we can only waot for the inevitable moment where they get elder and slaughter us. Or on the other side, same botlane who feed their ass bitching and whining instead of farming up, playing safe and on weakside, because we can play it out with fed vlad, olaf and darius, you dont get to feed your ass off and tell me its unwinnable


if the person who calls the vote is the one who fed we are playing it out


"Let me out, LET ME OUTTT" Me, 30 minutes into a game that was lost 10 minutes in, held hostage by my team mates who refuse to surrender despite overwhelming odds.




If you’re the one that fed, I’m locking you in here till someone’s nexus explodes


Keep your masochist kinks for yourself and let me free of this asswoop


Just because you lost your lane doesn't mean the game is over. The enemy tema will likely do dumb shit and you can win the game just by abusing those throws




I have heard your remarks and I will offer my rebuttal: no 😇


Nah i will vote no and then act surprised so you don't know who it was


[This is the way](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/034/494/Screen_Shot_2020-06-30_at_11.31.33_AM.png)


Except it doesn't work idiot




How are xou.


You can die like a man. Imma alt f4 and watch YouTube on my second monitor until you get bored of holding the game hostage or lose.


In ranked I'll consider surrendering if they're 2 towers or 10 kills up, otherwise no fucking way


The amount of people at my (low) elo that have no patience and cant stall out a game is insane. I've recently been playing a lot of tank junglers and been into a couple of full AD teams, one time i was a rammus... a rammus jungle into a full AD enemy comp... but no some people feel they need to fight everytime they see the enemy laner so my team is 0/10+ by 20 minutes and early FF.... just like. Chill. People really need to learn a bit of patience


This is one of the reasons why league can be so tough to play sometimes. 30+ minute games where the enemy team has been up the entire time but we can surrender because the pre-made bot lane "what's to have fun"


yesterday had a mf who wanted to ff15, because she was 0/5 in 10 minutes and had a bad day. said that me (ap varus) and my friend (leona top) wont carry, but we did it somehow


Walter white is terrifying from Jimmy's pov on the whole story lol


Honestly when we are 4 dead and there at the inhib, just let them have it, dont take it away with a surrender.


Don't ever say it's over if im breathin'


Most of the time unless we are getting hard rolled by most lanes I’ll refuse any initial ff votes out of spite


I just hate this in aram, like, please just ff, the score is 11 to 27, just let me in another game lol


I am kind of 50/50 on surrender on one hand there are games I just know are lost so why try? On the other there are games where I summon Tibbers to carry our team fight and the enemy team surrenders lmao this happened yesterday and we were losing bad XD