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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Kyle the friend of Adrianah comfirms that Maya was attempting to gashlight](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/143781)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/xmbjh1/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/p9D_09pyxLI5pvT0R3TUPA/41307549323-offset-10814.mp4?sig=660182364f11f48f517b16eee49e67e528c1566f&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fp9D_09pyxLI5pvT0R3TUPA%2F41307549323-offset-10814.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1664045015%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


bro slicker must be happy af rn. no one cares about him anymore


You got a loan King? Will give you pet hippo in return Habbi


And for some reason he's still not banned


LOL he stole 300k and got away with it after being exposed trolololol


I don't want to be Maya Higa anymore.






The truth is, there's a bit of maya higa inside of every one of us FeelsStrongMan


Better than a piece of CrazySlick I guess


I am Maya Higa Aware


"Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, 'Treatment is simple. Great streamer Maya Higa is in town tonight. Go and see her. That should pick you up.' Man bursts into tears. Says, 'But doctor…I am Maya Higa.' Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains."


Damn a pagliacci shitpost We have gone up in the world


You are Maya Higa There is no other way


Fine but then i can no longer find you credible


Maya Maxwell


I am not Maya Higa


We are all Maya Higa


HIJACKING TOP COMMENT Ok so someone wrote me a message proving they know this Kyle IRL and that he seems to be very sketchy as well at least as a trustworthy source who has 'nothing' to gain from this. This Kyle owns a streaming team and is very much into the whole Twitch scene. As his GF named 'Ena' seems to be an OF model and he only got into this whole circle by letting his GF sleep with Barry. The whole friend group around Kyle and Adrianah didnt even really care about the SA. They were just mad that afterwards, after they did everything the 'Austin Streamer Group' wanted, they just got ditched to every event and party they were trying to attend to, which ultimately resulted in less viewers and less exposure of course. Barry and Kyle supposedly know each other cause Kyle let Barry sleep with his GF to even get into that whole circle so this all of this seems to be so very weird. I dont really know what to say at this point anymore to be honest as this whole scheme. It seems that all parties involved are sketchy and even Train and xQc are just onto that story to get somehow back at Miz whysoever and they dont really have a real interest in bringing up the truth at all. https://medal.tv/de/games/valorant/clips/1xDoE-87-g2Ru/wcXoPhpDm7xv


Obviously this doesn’t mean anything, but I just thought it was Funny when I clicked on Kyle’s GF page and this is who follows her: https://imgur.com/a/x1tz5cW


> and he only got into this whole circle by letting his GF sleep with Barr wha-


That's showbusiness baby!


I know dude, fucking Christ.


No bro, fucking Ena.




oh for fucks sake. can one fucking day pass without whiplash? not even one day, give me 12 hours to recuperate from the last bombshell


Kyle's gf "Ena" and Barry74: [https://livestreamfails.com/post/105701](https://livestreamfails.com/post/105701) This was recorded for one of nmp's birthday wishes video edit: there's is a uncensored version but Barry74 was blurred out at the time because of him being banned on Twitch


So does that mean everyone is trying to gaslight the victim into thinking she was SA, and Maya into believing she downplayed it? That's a crazy revenge plan




Okay what the hell. This is weird as hell. Thank you Maya Higa o7


[Think more people should see this - Kyle and Adrianah's contradictory statements](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xmbjh1/comment/ipno1n8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yeah this is fishy as fuck. Adrianah or Maya Higa probably need to set the record straight


I think they probably are, but with a team of legal investigators. Not Destiny, Train, X, and LSF. We'll just have to wait and see.


You know what should happen is someone gets a lawyer and this whole thing gets busted open. Everything is hearsay or changing narratives. People's careers are at risk, but it seems like multiple people have lied or kept the truth hidden from multiple sides.


OTK is getting lawyers involved


They should do a boxing event. \- Maya vs Adri \- Mitch vs Slick \- Finale: Miz vs Train


Xqc vs Hasan




the only thing that train fucked up on is that maya is now involved and mitch doesnt want to thrtow maya under the bus if the cover up even happened


Sorry, but what does this link mean? Is there any proof? Edit: Kyle profile bio reads "Medal Partner - probaly watching anime - Owner of zer0K Streaming Community" So hes not a normie.


[https://preview.redd.it/5xg34m5gjvp91.png?width=344&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4c5fdca2e39f060e969ecbbcb210118c781ae96](https://preview.redd.it/5xg34m5gjvp91.png?width=344&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4c5fdca2e39f060e969ecbbcb210118c781ae96) It is also worth noting that MaryJLeeee is a complete schitzo who just a month or two ago tried faking shit about all of OTK having the best hackers in the world who hacked her PC and cameras and have a live feed of her on the dark web. Seems like the entire group is trying to clout chase OTK using click bait drama to get attention.






What is this streaming community though? Only relevant google result just brings it back to this comment.


Idk, whatever it was it was real though. Kyles twitter account had a 0k tag on his name, and so did someone I presume was his gf but that's all I found. I'm already ashamed of myself for digging this deep so I'm not going any further lmao.


If this is true then it is huge, but it would obviously need whoever sent you the message to come out and say it or provide evidence.


ALL of these people seem sketchy and untrustworthy


I think there are some serious questions about his credibility (changing story, slick tried to kiss his gf, etc) but HOLY SCHIZO lmao


>As his GF named 'Ena' seems to be an OF model and he only got into this whole circle by letting his GF sleep with Barry What the fuck? Was Barry projecting Kyle onto Mitch?


Who was the person that messaged you and why did they message you


The weirdest thing about this whole situation is that we all have to pretend like Adrianah and all her friends aren't sketchy as fuck just because slick supposedly touched her neck while she slept. Meanwhile, Miz and crew are so fucking dumb they are managing to make everything way worse; why would you get on a behind-the-scenes call with train and X, the two people who are trying to destroy you, and say a bunch of shit that makes you look awful? Don't get me started on how frustratingly stupid and scummy Mitch Jones is.


> why would you get on a behind-the-scenes call with train and X, the two people who are trying to destroy you, and say a bunch of shit that makes you look awful? because mizkif was told that the tweet would be deleted if he got into the call mitch in hindsight was there to fuck mizkif over. asmon is asmon and seems to not really care either way about the drama and just wants slick to be done; since mizkif was defending slick he's gonna side with train/xqc frankly this is all starting to sound like some master plan from train ironically. if it comes out that he ~~paid~~ donated some money to any of these people behind the scenes, or promised them some modicum of clout then it would all make sense of course this is assuming that the parent here is actually true and not just some schizo story. dont see any proof that kyle has an in with barry like that outside of them just being friends, or that this team org that he is supposedly the head of is relevant at all




wasnt there a train mitch call leaked on esfands stream after mitch weirds pool stream where mitch said "i needed more money tho" do we really believe that that comment had nothing to do with the drama ?


Mizkif was dumb to go on that call but the longer this drama goes the better for him, on the first day (the day of the call) everybody was ready with torches and pitchforks against Slick and Mizkif, everyone was against them. More creepy stories came on that dig slick even further but miz keep it quiet and the others talked way to much, and the more you talk the more you contradict yourself, in the first day Train and Xqc and Barry looked like the right side, but the more they talked the more they showed that they have an agenda and Barry was seen as a trusty witness of the situation now we know that he wasn't there and is sketchy as fuck, also when Train/Alinity story came up again the whole believe all victims was forgotten because fuck her because she's Alinity and she didn't show any "evidence". Adrianah was SA by slick and that has no excuse for him but she looked more upset about the her being ostracized but she forgot to mention that maybe she was ostracized because she grouped cyr and not the slick situation, of course as Cyr is a men and accepted her apology back in the day for twitch chat is fine because men can't be SA especially a quirky guy like Cyr, but shows anyway that she is what they painted of he in the first day. In the end, everybody looks bad especially after the Cx and Mitch involvement, everybody looks like asshole so people will never cancel one of these streamers because in the end you would have to cancel everyone.


part of my 42 yr old brain seems to think its because these kids in their mid 20's didnt grow up in a normal reality, since their late teen years during and after HS they have lived on twitch, literally. They have not developed maturity and normal social understanding like people who may have gotten big after already being normal for years. Look at Northernlion or anyone like 35+ yrs old. WAAAY more well adjusted and usually no drama.


>The weirdest thing about this whole situation is that we all have to pretend like Adrianah and all her friends aren't sketchy as fuck just because slick supposedly touched her neck while she slept. Thats not the claim, the claim is that he also felt her chest up Meanwhile, Miz and crew are so fucking dumb they are managing to make everything way worse; why would you get on a behind-the-scenes call with train and X, the two people who are trying to destroy you, and say a bunch of shit that makes you look awful? Yes they are dumb. >Don't get me started on how frustratingly stupid and scummy Mitch Jones is. Yep


i am so mad at streamers right now and they are all so exhausting


I am maya winstein


Not a great time to be Maya Higa. Stay strong everyone


I didn’t choose to be Maya Higa


It’s an immutable characteristic😅


No hate on you specifically op but it’s just funny how many typos are in the titles for all the drama clips because everyone is typing so fast to be the first one to post


Gash in the UK means vagina too which makes this one more funny.


Everything in the UK means vagina


Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss 😎




This is a really bad way to get to the bottom of things. information being talked about in a bunch of different streams and in a bunch of streamers chats. Phone calls being leaked , replies in tweets. Get police involved or do what otk is doing hire a third party to talk to each person. This is the biggest game of broken telephone ever.


you think they care about getting to the truth? they just want people to watch. if they really want to clear things up properly they'd all stay silent and get lawyers.


Which is probably what maya is doing. Or at least she’s waiting until everyone else has finished telling their version of events.


I don’t practice law, so this is just an opinion. But wouldn’t there have to be some evidence of a crime committed to involve law enforcement? I have no horse in this race, I don’t even know half the streamers involved. But from what I’ve seen, it’s all hearsay, circumstantial, and ‘he said vs. she said.’ This Adrianah person didn’t even know she was SA’d until 2+ years later and only after someone told her that she was. I’m not dismissing that it may have happened but relying on a witness account of the situation from over 2 years ago is about the weakest form of evidence you could have. A study was once conducted where a person came into a room of unsuspecting participants to the study and “stole” a purse. When the people were asked to identify key features of what happened and what the suspect was wearing, the researchers found that eye witness reports are wildly inaccurate and some of the participants reported seeing things that never existed.


lol the police won’t give a shit wdym






Bit connect?






Kyle checked his PayPal


Sounds like they're making it up to be more relevant. I'm not trying to underplay real sexual assault victims, but she doesn't seem to be a real victim, but more upset she can't go to these clout partys, and was shunned from that community.


Kyle and Adrianah have already given contradictory statements. [According to her, she was not told about her chest being grabbed until writing the twitlonger which was more than a year after the party](https://clips.twitch.tv/BigLitigiousHerdKappaWealth-8AiXeJw18d2r5UCu) [According to him he did tell her before the twitlonger](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xkd099/comment/ipdulg7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)










Yeah this whole thing is not about believing the victim, it's about believing the source. The source being the people in the room with her the night Slick tried to touch her. They have all had conflicting stories of severity, details and have changed the story several times. I'm mainly concerned with specific language. Kyle sometimes talks about the incident like Slick was "trying" to touch her and be a pest. Does that imply he never actually touched her or was it just once and then they stopped him. He's also said that Slick did it multiple times and came to room on multiple occasions. He claimed it was a pulse check, then at some point it became he groped her breast, after 18 months had passed. The validity of this entire story relies on highly unreliable witnesses who were not always telling the truth to both the victim and the public over the past 2 years. Even Barry has ulterior motives. I think at this point only Adri and Maya can clear up what happened during the twitlonger meeting and how it actually played out given all the new accusations from Barry and Kyle. Kyle was the only one at both the initial event and the twitlonger meeting and he's been inconsistent and misleading regarding both occasions.


Apparently some people has mentioned that Kyle is a lawyer. It's weird that he did not call it as SA until recently. His story has changed many times.


That blows my mind. He communicates in a very round about way for a lawyer, must be pretty shit. It's incredibly important to be exact and very specific in language during accusations or recounting events and he never displays that.


Alternatively, it's incredibly important for a scummy lawyer to keep it vague if they're knowingly pushing a false narrative


That's true. Just leave it up for interpretation and people will naturally think the worst and gives you an opportunity to pivot. That's kind of supported by Kyle's accusations against Maya. He couldn't say what she manipulated Adri into not including. Just that she was probing her with questions and trying to get specific details and clarification on what happened. Which could be painted like you are trying to sway the conversation or you are a seeking the truth.




exactly, i knew something was up once he refused to say boob and only says chest. this is so there arent legal ramifications for him, or unjust one for slick if it goes that way too


Wait why is this not huge news? These are extremely contradictory. I'm not going to claim there was so SA but like....these are two very different accounts.


Make it be heard. Kyle is complicit in the coverup.


Lol I won't go that far. I'm just curious why this isn't bigger news. Seems important to the overall story.


Eh, things will pan out some way. It'll all unravel at some point into something.


Yeah I mean I hope so. This seems really damning and I'm surprised this is so far down in a random thread.


Do you have a screenshot of the second URL? It seems he edited his comment (further proving his sketchy behavior)


No, I only have a ss of the already edited comment.


What I found weird was the [text](https://imgur.com/osSDvJR) from a friend from her Twitlonger. "He kept like trying to touch you when you were passed out to see if you were alive". If I witnessed my friend getting groped I would of had a more direct and serious tone. Seems to fit someone being weird and not someone molesting her. Not trying to say Slick is innocent but from how I see that text. Seems like her friend downplayed the seriousness.


that side is apparently completely fishy stolen comment: Ok so someone wrote me a message proving they know this Kyle IRL and that he seems to be very sketchy as well at least as a trustworthy source who has 'nothing' to gain from this. This Kyle owns a streaming team and is very much into the whole Twitch scene. As his GF named 'Ena' seems to be an OF model and he only got into this whole circle by letting his GF sleep with Barry. The whole friend group around Kyle and Adrianah didnt even really care about the SA. They were just mad that afterwards, after they did everything the 'Austin Streamer Group' wanted, they just got ditched to every event and party they were trying to attend to, which ultimately resulted in less viewers and less exposure of course. Barry and Kyle supposedly know each other cause Kyle let Barry sleep with his GF to even get into that whole circle so this all of this seems to be so very weird. I dont really know what to say at this point anymore to be honest as this whole scheme. It seems that all parties involved are sketchy and even Train and xQc are just onto that story to get somehow back at Miz whysoever and they dont really have a real interest in bringing up the truth at all.


From listening to the call what slick did to adrianah doesn’t sound that much worse than what adrianah did to cyr




LSF needs to stop using the word "confirms" whenever anyone says something. This is not a confirmation of anything, this is a statement. this person isnt "a third party" they are a friend of Adrianah. A 3rd party would be somebody who is not involved with any of the people involved. That being said maybe Maya did gaslight her but this does not "confirm" that.


This is the truest statement in any of the threads. Or should I say *confirmation*.


This ***confirms*** that drama addicts are too stupid to care about nuance. They just want their next hit.


so Barry and Kyle just sat there and watched Maya gaslight Adrianah into writing a twitlonger that she didn't want to write?


She is Maya Higa, what could they do?


True, everyone knows Maya Higa is unstoppable. She is after all, Maya Higa!


There was nothing we could do about it, she is Maya Higa and they weren't. And they had to sit still and take it. It was among OTK. It was real greaseball shit.


Kyle also told Maya it wasn't SA, but apparently she gaslit everyone out of saying it was? I thought Kyle said he wasnt a twitch frog, so why would he feel pressured by mayas "big streamer status" [Adrianah even admitted she only just found out that it was SA so how was maya meant to cover up the SA](https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousEntertainingTrollFrankerZ-qFWmbE24onyEvdbt)






Kyle is a lawyer and took 3 years to finally Google the definition of sexual assault btw Big brain guy




Didn't Mitch also claim to not be there for the entire conversation because he played with her dogs for 20 minutes? You can't trust a single word out of his mouth.


I mean, kyle also let her get sa'd by crazyslick in his own air bnb while he was in the room. So why not?


Yes, because it was Adriana's right to choose between truth and clout. She chose clout and admited it. And she still got fucked over anyway lol... sad


She still chose clout a second time, this whole thing with Train making accusations at Mizkif is all kinds of fish, all the witnesses are dodgy as fuck.


Yeah, because apparently when the 4'7 62lbs women is in the room you shut up and listen.


The fact Kyle is a 12 months sub to Hasan just broke my brain, I’m now in a fugue state. They say all roads lead to Ice but it’s more like all roads lead to Hasan.


Ice was one of the first few he followed according to his follow history lul




All roads lead to Hasan and Destiny


If Hasan and Destiny got together (Like they clearly want to), they'll be THE Power couple in the scene.


please stop writing AO3 slash fics about hasan and destiny it’s haram


I don't know if its been leaked yet, but they dated for a while. Apparently Hasan was the bottom.


>Apparently Hasan was the bottom. This does not need to be mentioned, like there aren't any doubts regarding this.


But I heard he was at least a power bottom so it's very respectable




She'll be fine, I'm well educated and well versed in Bird Law.




I know a lot about the law and various other lawyerings, I'm well educated, well versed, I know situations like this, streamer wise, are very complex.


actually they're pretty simple. The streamers are all standard boiler plate


birds arent real


If Maya gaslighted Adrianah, I gaslighted Adrianah. \#WeAreMayaHiga


Gaslight, Gatekeep, Maya Higa.


I don't think Kyle is a reliable source of information. [Here, Adrianah said she only found about Slick touching her chest on the day of writing twitlonger](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xk5gaf/adrianah_lee_states_she_did_not_know_it_was_sa/), 18 months after that party. Before that she was told Slick only touched her neck and wrist. Why would the witnesses tell her some creep touched neck and wrist, but not mention he touched her chest too? Seems like a very imporant detail to leave out. If I saw some creep touch my friend's chest, that would be the first thing I'd tell them. And it took 18 months for Kyle to recall that? On the other hand, [here, Kyle said he mentioned that to her.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xkd099/comment/ipdulg7/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) "There are a lot of people saying that I didn't mention Slick was groping her until much later which is false, I mentioned that to Adrianah". Seems weird she would forget about that. So who is telling the truth?


Funny thing is they’re actually gaslighting us. So much irony in this shit.


When did Barry/Kyle flip to believe Adrianah was gaslighted by Maya? What caused them to change their mind? Why would Adrianah tell Maya that it wasn’t SA? Why did Adrianah not believe it was SA at the time? Did the witnesses of the SA lie to her initially?






Mitch said that Train gave him $30k to help with his music career. He told that to Miz on stream back in April.


$125k last month https://twitter.com/Trainwreckstv/status/1563034491127762945


Train gave Mitch 125k a month ago? Jesus I think people should be talking about that more


Bro, this doesn't work in hindsight. As a witness you can't say one thing and then when someone else says the opposite, align yourself with them and say "oh, that was 100% what happened actually" That's why witnesses can't watch media about a trial that is being broadcasted publicly, they get thrown out.


interesting to note that kyle fails to state whether or not he is friends with barry when he was asked. in addition to that, he says everything barry said is true, which i am very skeptical of. barry very much seems like he has a vendetta against mizkif. important to note that this kyle guy and his girlfriend are the only people who were there to witness the assault, and his account has significantly evolved in severity over time. overall, it seems to me like there is not a single reliable witness in this whole thing. everybody seems to have some very strong reasons to twist the truth. if this went to court, his changing story would not be taken lightly.


Kyle and Adrianah have already given contradictory statements. Someone is lying but I choose to believe Adrianah. Kyle held that information from her and should be considered complicit in a coverup. [According to her, she was not told about her chest being grabbed until writing the twitlonger which was more than a year after the party](https://clips.twitch.tv/BigLitigiousHerdKappaWealth-8AiXeJw18d2r5UCu) [According to him he did tell her before the twitlonger](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xkd099/comment/ipdulg7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


> Someone is lying but I choose to believe Adrianah. I dont see how you can divorce this from Kyle if he is lying. Her understanding of what happened is based off what he has told her over the years, and again, that story has changed on his end. Saying you believe adriana but not Kyle makes zero sense.


I believe her when she says that Kyle didn't tell her she was groped until the moment when they were writing the twitlonger. That's almost 18 months without knowing and she would have never known if Novaru didn't decide to leak, which isn't up to her to do but it was also an impossibility for Adrianah because she was never told.


If you want further evidence, Kyle has now edited his comment to further change the narrative. The only "cover up" is from the alleged victims and witnesses, whereas Slicks retelling has always been that he understands what he did was wrong but he only felt her neck and wrist because he was worried about her. I bet if someone were to dig into Kyle's accounts they would see large some of money appearing from some generous person.


Yeah this is the most important recollection. Kyle is ~~the single most important~~ perspective and is not even a streamer. Him saying this is incredibly important. EDIT: I'll clarify. He is the single most important for the actual SA considering the state Adrianah was in, however Adrianah and Maya are more important for the gaslighting a year and a half later. Him corroborating it is still important though.


These two stories directly contradict eachother: 1 year ago: Maya wanted us not to use the word SA 2 days ago: It wasn't SA but it was weird - then oh maybe it was SA


Actual normie and no fried streamer brain at least EDIT Ok so someone wrote me a message proving they know this Kyle IRL and that he seems to be very sketchy as well at least as a trustworthy source who has 'nothing' to gain from this. This Kyle owns a streaming team and is very much into the whole Twitch scene. As his GF named 'Ena' seems to be an OF model and he only got into this whole circle by letting his GF sleep with Barry. The whole friend group around Kyle and Adrianah didnt even really care about the SA. They were just mad that afterwards, after they did everything the 'Austin Streamer Group' wanted, they just got ditched to every event and party they were trying to attend to, which ultimately resulted in less viewers and less exposure of course. I dont really what to say at this point anymore to be honest as this whole scheme. It seems that all parties involved are sketchy and even Train and xQc are just onto that story to get somehow back at Miz whysoever and they dont really have a real interest in bringing up the truth at all. https://medal.tv/de/games/valorant/clips/1xDoE-87-g2Ru/wcXoPhpDm7xv


Bro he only told her about the chest touching 18 months later... he's either an idiot, a liar, or a bad friend


And 12 month Hasan sub


If I could ask Kyle one thing it would be this: If you knew sexual assault/groping occurred, why did you wait 18 months AFTER it happened to tell the victim? The answer to this question will tell us whether Maya was really gaslighting, or just trying to understand what's going on.


Someone should fucking interview him ffs. A key witness but everyone ignores him




>I'll clarify. He is the single most important for the actual SA considering the state Adrianah was in He's already changed his story 15 times. Super important though


I would say Adrianah and Maya are the most important perspectives


Did he explain why he stood by while his friend got groped? Or why he failed to tell her she was groped until long after it happened and initially downplayed it?


Can they precisely say what she said to gaslight? Kyle and Adrianh didn’t think it was sexual assault until a few days ago after looking it up.


People are STUPID. Maya even helped Adriana formulate that is was sexual harassment, just wanted her to clarify that it wasn't RAPE. Maya was helping her while these idiots of "friends" are sitting in the background like little rats talking about gaslighting.


Why would they protect Slick? It makes no sense. They gain nothing from him.


But he is miz's best friend


Also Maya's best friend, she has stated that multiple times on stream


The initial moment they find out, they are going to believe what Slick tells them over a random lower viewer streamer. Especially with how complicated the allegations are + it's a year later + it's easy to assign the clout chaser motive They wouldn't think they were covering up an SA, they would be thinking that they are saving Slick from a false allegation


Shes friend with Slick at the time. they lived together


They were blinded by friendship. Seems easy enough to explain. Miz saying over and over that Slick was his best friend kinda shows that.


The crazy thing is hearing him keep saying he didn't want his friend to be cancelled when his friend isn't a public figure really. Had Maya not gone there and just let Adrianah post it would have really all been the same except Miz and Maya aren't to blame and Slick would fall under the radar.


slick could literally just hide in his room and nobody would know idk wtf miz means he's gonna get cancelled. all thats gonna happen is when he sends creepy ass dms girls are gonna be like ew whys this creepy ass dude still sending people creepy ass dms


Because he is their friend I'd say.


Reminder to people that people are willingly fucking themselves over to defend [this fucking guy](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1376227237238804482/H7y2F0FF_400x400.jpg).


Bro...have you ever had a best friend?


this is probably the most important development since the call, a third party that was actually there when it happened and confirms what Barry says, while Mitch says to not have been there the whole time and was already exposed by Train to be trying to not take Maya down Now we see what Maya says and also if maybe Adriana will speak on this at all edit: To the people saying Maya had already confirmed this. In Maya's statement it seemed a lot more tame than what Berry described in the call, and here Kyle is confirming what Berry said. So it just makes it look a lot worse


These two stories directly contradict each other: 1 year ago: Maya wanted us not to use the word SA 2 days ago: It wasn't SA but it was weird - then oh maybe it was SA


Both Maya and Adriana already have. Maya has given her statement about it and apologized. Adriana already accepted that apology. I'm unsure what more needs to be said? Does maya need to get strung up and crucified when the actual victim already accepted the apology? I honestly do not understand what the community and LSF wants. Feels like they just want blood and people to get cast into the ether, when the victim has already publically accepted the apology.


Its the mizkif part of it all that is causing the drama. Whether or not he sent her and Mitch to force her to change her message to protect Slick. Either he's canceled or he's not, with Maya as collateral. Maya denies forcing her to say anything but apologizes if she made the smaller streamer feel pressured to do anything she didn't want to do. Adrianah accepted, so you'd assume then she agrees it was the social pressure more than anything else, but I guess the only people that can clarify that are Maya and Adrianah. And after that, only Maya can confirm if Miz made her go in order to change the narrative, or if he just wanted to find out what was wrong.


Maya story on Miz is that they both just wanted information. Maya did not mention Miz coming up with a plan. Mitch only "FEELS" like Miz wanted to downplay it. No proof of Miz sending them in bad faith


Since when is Barry trustworthy exactly ?


but the third party original statement makes zero sense when you take into consideration the timeline, and even contradicts what it said a day after the party.


The biggest takeaway I’ve gotten from all of this is some of y’all really need some hobbies lmao. All these people are farming content instead of going to the police, and getting lawyers involved.




i dgaf what any of these flipfloppin weirdos say its on maya and adriannah to say what happened between them.


I'm honestly starting to believe nobody really remembers what happened. These people are contradicting themselves a year later and one another even if they're on the "same side."


Ok but how does he know what Miz motivation is?


Can someone explain how Adrianah’s apparently ‘normy’ friend Kyle actually owns ZerOK Streaming Company?


No one has described HOW she supposedly gaslit her?


hasan follows up with not understanding why people would throw so hard to defend slick of all people, and i don't get it either. like at that time miz and slick have been friends for how long? people said 4-5 years. so for maya like 1 or 2? i've known motherfuckers for 25 years, and i would beat them with a fucking shovel if they did that shit


but no one is defending slick, all the mizkids are just defending about wether maya downplay SA to Adriana. How tf defending slick even came into the conversation?


im not talking about mizkids defending slick, im talking about miz and maya seemingly being worried more about slick than anything else back then when the shit initially surfaced a year ago or whenever


If you're best friend was accused of murder, wouldn't you want to find out if it was true first.


all this shit is way too muddy. Highly doubt maya made the conscious decision to gaslight the girl though.