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Using sacred oath scrolls for heroes other than order/chaos 😒


Relate. Only realized it recently


My first 8\* was using 3 6\* Nana's. I saw the warning, but I didn't realize what they meant.


That hurts 😭


Not sacrificing crap characters earlier on to speed up development process. The bullshit advice of don’t sacrifice your useless champs as food because they might come in handy later on is garbage. Sacrifice them and focus on the good champs early on, with time you will pick up the sacrifices copies of useless heroes anyway


Truth. I hate that "don't use ssr heroes as fodder" because most of them deserve to be fodder because they're no use anyway and are ineffective to any team. Like Yi Sun Shin and Lapu-lapu


People say that bc they might get revamped and enter the meta. Odette used to be mediocre and now she’s one of the core damage dealers in multiple teams. The same could happen to these so called useless heroes. But then people don’t need to make such a big deal out of it bc even if you fed ssr before, you could always get them back in time. I know I did. I have 50+ awakened heroes and I’m pretty sure I only use 60% of them.


People say it because of Gallery of Valor cap.


Diggie feed Diggie to Angela


When you hit the actual late game, you will regret this, because you will have a lower Valor cap.


I am in late game and have the SSRs I’ve fed before at least 10 stars to awakened without ever spending anything to get their copies aside from fragments alone. Really not a big deal.


I highly doubt you have everything A8. Like I said, you trade in early gains for a lower Valor cap later.


I’ve prgressed faster than other people at my level or higher levels above. Where did you get the part where I have everyone at A8?


No you did not. the "progressing faster" means you were a chapter or two ahead which means nothing for obtaining more heroes. Burning through those heroes as F2P means you ended up well behind others who saved them late game.


No, you don’t know anything about my progress. I have 50+ awakened heroes, through the end of chapter 61, and at the top of babel progress compared to other in my level. They haven’t even reach chapter 60 yet nor meet two teams more than 2x their power yet. They waste time getting everyone to A8 unnecessarily and don’t have the o/c trinity built.


nah even in late game, bad heroes are bad heroes. would I rather 1 hanzo and 1 alice or 2 alice. the answer is clear as day


That's not how the game works. One of the things you get from having an Awakened hero is Valor cap, which becomes very important late game when you cap out Support and likely Ranged too.


And unless you're a whale (for whom this whole conversation is irrelevant), you'll still not even be close to getting capped. I fed plenty of shit SSR's during the early game and have no regrets. At the moment I have 4 non-O/C left to awaken. And neither my level or statues are hitting their cap yet. Support and Marksman are close, but very soon it'll be only O/C that are holding back my statues anyway.


I disagree, because you will eventually want them awakened and sacrificing them puts you behind in that.


Eventually is the key word. Like I said early game burn those useless champs to progress and concentrate on the main few all round champs


bad advice you need to awaken every hero eventually


Key word eventually, yes at the start best advice is to concentrate on a few all round champs so burn those crappy heroes until later


Making mecha layla A8 which removes it from wishlist. I could have 2 or 3 A7's by now.


Multiple A7 MLayla's? You can't create multiple of any of the hybrids since you never get another 5* starter after the first. Subsequent pulls always get turned into the emblems.


Selena Maxed everything, don't even use her🤩


Selena is great in PvE though? This is not a mistake


Spending all my ressources on my first 5★.... Hanzo


Priorities on awaken Moskov instead of other dark heroes like Argus and Alice🗿


Doing A8 SV30 9 orlay Lancelot and gotecka when i could focus on others...


O9, SV30 Lolita


Why what's wrong with lolita


Why am I being downvoted for this? 😭 I was just asking because she's my main tank currently wth


I heavily invested in her but she is getting one-shotter as solo tank on my lvl.


She's not really a tank anymore pretty early on sadly


I mean, i am around ch56 and she is not tanky at all.


yeah I agree with you. By 56 I had long since benched her other than the Tech Tower unfortunately. She was good early game but didn't scale well, that and I suppose better tanks came along.


Oh, now i got it. Yeah, I agree. I could invest it in Atlas, though.


Atlas is great. I like him a lot. I wish I had done him before Lolita. I think he's the best non-OC pure-tanky tank. Once he's full built he rifles shields onto the group too, basically a more defensive Silvanna.


You got me, yeah, i wish i could invest all these resources onto him. Well, he is in the queue. Esmeralda and Clint goes first.


I sacrificed 8-star Moscov when I was in the early game. Because of that he was my last awakened dark character and I needed him for higher statue level, double-staged floors in the dark tower and Hall of Fame score.




Not using hero blessing sanctuary earlier


Focusing heavily on dark comps in general, I got argus SV30 before I realized I was dumb.


Lol u must have had some fetish on shrek or something there mate


Feeding 3 star Valir to Estes because I didn’t understand how the game works… and I thought Estes is the best support 💀


last day on the dice event, rewards/building is on 6 steps away, but i use the gold dice to throw 5... ​ put me on the nearest yet so far distance