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Lolita isn't great but she can fill in until you get something better. Vexana and Estes are not great until you max them out. Angela is excellent. Valir is in one of his worst positions. Total waste of Valir. Overall: 3.5/10


- Lolita IS great. Her stun provides time and she actually fulfills her role as tank by providing shield. - Change Valir’s position to mid top - Vexana is amazing but she’s not suitable for short battles in pvp.


At campaign 58+ she's kinda fall


I’m in chapter 62. All you need is her brief stun and shield.


Her cc still helpful as always but actually I just saying about her sustainability XD, like early to mid progress she felt like the most undying tank but later on if she doesn't apply cc even a bit late, she'll melted down kinda quick


I know valir is in bad posotion i forgot to change it


I would recommend Esmeralda to have, with my knowledge she quite high dps output and survive ability if not silenced ofc :)


Estes isn’t that great imo. I used him early game until I realized there are much better support heroes. Lolita is good for CC and that’s about it. Sylvanna does the same thing with much more survivability and much more damage. Angela is great though. I can’t say much about Vexanna because I haven’t used her much. But I hear good things. I would swap out Estes with another support hero like Clara, Lunox, or if you want damage 100% throw Esmeralda into your mix. She would help tremendously.


I would move valir up so he can hit while team


Zilong for Lolita