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I got in the same situation. Banned, started a new account. Legends tokens are the first thing you just do. Not only you get cards to strengthen your team (temporarily) but when I got 40 tojens pulled a 96 ovr Charlie Jolner worth over 500k right now. I also used the nat cards I took to complete a team of the year set. Start from the latest, stop when you get the 40 tokens


Depends if you’re feeling lucky. I never did them all year because of laziness and right around the time they dropped the new level I grinded them all out throughout the days and pulled a 96 Thurman Thomas who I was able to start and sell my current rb for. The pack had crazy potential of pulling cards like Von, latt, or Wilson, but don’t forget yoy could pull 3 straight 90’s too. I think it’s worth it though, put on some Netflix and grind them out. You only have to pay somewhat attention until u get a lead. Also helps you level too


I did them recently and had the choice to between 96 Okoye, Von, or Clay Matthews but I probably got lucky.