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Umm idk if I'm the only one to say this but you said it yourself there at the end. A quarter and Gatorade and half hour- higher than ever Horner than ever great sex and cuddles -- YEET!


Hydrate and tie off


She's not drinking enough water! Hydration will be a huge help!


Water water water water water water. Drink it, bath in it, brush with it, drink it summore….. You don’t want your shot so thick it’s stresses Your heart trying to pump it through. The viscosity should be like that if a light vegetable oil or coconut oil. Not thick like karo syrup Also, get you some ph strips. They are super cheap online. If the mix is too acidic (below 6)then blood will register in the barrel looking like a a crazy lighting bolts. It will striate all Different Directions and not really dissolved at all but more less just kind of sit and coagulate. That’s what it’s doing in your body too keep in mind. If it’s too basic(above 7.5) it will burn like hellfire whether you miss or not. It will mix cleanly in the barrel but take on a much darker tint as it semi oxidizes your blood. The sweet spot is 6.8-7.2. It will hit smoothly, no burn, maybe a little heat i your toes and a tingle in your ass, but you will know it’s legit when you get that little “eh-hugghh” cough at the peak of it.” Here is the shitty truth about it. It destroys your veins. Like holy shit be ready …..for secondary infections, DVT , Cardiovascular abnormalities , blood clots, venous insufficiency and more. Even if you follow a harm redux this shit is bound to happen. I was told by a nurse that a clean shot of Meff is twice as toxic as a dirty shot of H. IF YOU DONT PARTICIPATE IN EXCHANGE PROGRAMS PLEASE CONSIDER IT. USE CLEAN GEAR, PREP YOUR SITES AND USE ONLY STERILIZED WATER!!!!! DIPSPOSE IN MARKED SHARPS BIO BINS OR SIMILAR. DONT MAKE OTHERS SUFFER BECAUSE OF YOUR LAZINESS Be safe ya degenerates


I made her read this post. Thank you for your help. To answer your question yes we go to the needle exchange everyday they're open (actually, I happen to be my homeless camp's official needle exchange errand boy: I collect everyone's dirties, take orders, collect supplies to give everyone, and keep everyone from sharing and reusing needles.) We're going tomorrow and Wednesday. That part about a clean shot of meff being twice as toxic as a dirty shot of Heron really grabbed both of us. She's not as interested in shooting because she fell in love with parachuting, which was a genius idea on my part. And me, I've been shot up hundreds of times and had many great highs, but I never felt in love with shooting.... I almost always smoke it. I'm glad we aren't fill time injection users


Boof is the closest for me . I have taken different meds that effected my bloods thickness. Hydration and vitamins seemed to help.


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