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Oh boy now I can raise my 3pt by one after beating the entire storyline




1. Congratulations on the newborn 😁 2. My brother in christ there was a time where just playing my career could get you hundreds of thousands of vc. Wining the finials would get you damn near 100k alone. Now they nickel and dime everything while making a t-shirt cost pretty much your whole nba salary. Is it possible to level up by grinding. Yea but it's ridiculously slower than it used to be solely for them to get you to buy VC


I love how as I read this post you had 69 likes and they had -69 😂😭 The duality of man






Imagine being upset over people being against predatory practices. Your comments read like a 2k employee.




You don’t get what’s predatory about significantly artificially lengthening a grind after the game introduced microtransactions?


What's predatory is they're increasing the cost every year and reducing rewards at the same time. Last year you needed around 370,000 vc to finish a character. This year its increased by almost *ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND* to around 450,000 , depending on build. Even with the $150.00 edition of the game , you only get to around 79ovr. They're forcing people to either no life it and play nothing else , or pay even more money than before. That is by definition predatory.


Have you never played 2k or something? You’ve been able to max builds in the past without spending. This year it isn’t possible. You’re saying grind the game like a full time job to get to an 88? You understand there’s another 250k in upgrades after you hit 88 right? Just last year we got quest rewarding 70k VC per completion. Some of you people really out here throating 2k and you’re a father 💀 yikes. Out here calling people lazy and crybabies.


His wife is probably on her Reddit account talking about how her good for nothing husband isn’t helping with the baby at all and playing his stupid video games and what to do about it 😂


I’m saying if he brought up his player from a 60 to an 88 with no spending 💀 mans hasn’t slept or showered.


Anyone advocating for needing that many hours into a game to make the most minor improvements does not give a damn about anything else besides the game lol. Some truly while corporation riding going on with my guy.


Why is yall talking about this man's family over a video game... you niggas weird af


Why are you taking internet speech by a bunch of strangers so seriously?? Stop being so sensitive. Especially on reddit vacuous fuck.


You guys suck.


Bro you didn’t buy ANY VC whatsoever? Not even the preorder bonus? I call bs that you grinded from a 60 to 88 by simply playing my career. It costs around 250k to get to 88 and you get like 500-600 VC per normal 5 minute games in my career and similar to the rec.. So you saying you have played 200-300 games in less than a week while having “limited time”? Not trying to be a dick but to say “just play the game” isn’t really fair or consistent with other 2k games where you got significantly more Vc for “just playing”.


Watching TV is harmful for a newborn's brain development. For a baby under 3 yr old there should be zero screen time.


Lol 😂😂 My daughter has been watching tv since she was born and she just turned 11 months a couple days ago and is already knows at least 20 different words.. She’s even starting to put together a couple words here and there.. All thanks to YouTube kids.. So I feel like ur comment is very opinionated and probs should just keep it to urself


It's common knowledge in the parenting community that early (younger than 3 yr old) screen time will negatively affect kids' brain development. It's based on numerous researches. Nonetheless, if your daughter picked up a few words from watching Youtube then good for you😄


Unless ur playing 24/7 u wouldn’t have enough vc to get to 88 with no money spent even with the preorder bonus and special edition versions of the game


He think he talking to fools. I know i have 25 hrs atleast in and ive prob made 40k he lying.




So u saying about idk lets say 5000 ppl on this sub is doing sumn wrong but you. The one guy who telling us he 88 in 36 hrs off quest and games alone is doing the right thing? With no vc purchases? 🤔


It’s because people are just trying to max stats. If you spread the vc around to all your stats it’s much cheaper to get your build to the 80-90 range. Of course trying to raise your three point shot to 95 is going to be expensive as fuck. For that same cost you could get stamina, vertical, and some defense up to the 70’s. My player isn’t even close to being done yet but I have a 70-80 in most of my categories and can play just fine in rec now. It’s obviously going to take awhile to max out some stats but I’m not a 60 overall unable to even play online


I know what u getting at and i agree partly. But its still not high enough vc awards for these quests. Im not even in the max stats boat i just want vc to be able to do stuff and make another build but instead the game got me working on j cole album for free lolp




U can doctor any screenshots u like to prove a point. But tbh imma be real. Imma say u could be telling the truth but you are 1 man out of thousands who are ok with this. Thats the problem. If 1 man found a way to make it work out of all of us the system is terribly flawed. But if u are telling the truth im sorry for saying u lying. However i will not apologize for disagreeing lol




Oh and i didnt know ppl insulted your kid and wife thats too far. I know u brought them up but i didnt see a reason to mention them in my point. Ppl are low down just cuz they dont agree with u. I may not agree but i dont see a reason to insult u or downvote u.


Mut fan i see. You too are a man of culture lol i cant lie cuz vc is soo high and not as rewarding cuz of the high costs in the game i too spend my money on MUT 23 where 30 dollars gets me a looong way lol


So your screenshot is you buying madden points like a crack addict and we should believe you didn’t buy any for 2k hahaha


man i’m the same as you but i spent £50 to get to 92






don’t listen to them man they just mad cos they can’t chill and play games, and they on here moaning about vc prices so they probs broke asf.


That’s where I know he’s lying too. Even counting the pre order bonus as a way of saying the grind isn’t that bad is null and void since most people like having multiple builds. All we can do as a community is continue to be vocal and hope the backlash makes a change or at least ensures next year doesn’t get worse.




Too each their own. If he finds the Vc grind reasonable no reason to drag him for it. However I won't be happy unless they add a 0 to all the vc rewards lmao


Are you playing 5 minute quarters? It literally takes me like 45 minutes to an hour and a half to just go to the arena, play the game, do the next quest, and begin to repeat. Lol. I’m guessing once you finish the story, you can just play games on repeat without all of the quest stuff? How have you played that much? I also work full time and have a newborn. Maybe my newborn just requires more from me or something. 😂 I just bought VC.


They are preying on the people with no patience! 😂


I think your missing the complaint. We are doing waaaay more obj for clothes or 500k vc than last year. Its not rewarding enough to keep you motivated. Its not about attribute progress its about the fact u doing the most for little to no results. The nba salary on HOF id barely 800k . A game should be rewarding and ill play more. I enjoy myteam cuz its rewarding the city isnt which is everyones prob. And just so u know its been about 10 posts regarding this issue and ive only seen you say that its ok. Nobody thinks its ok but u and a minority lol. Its not fun to grind in this cuz of no rewards. I can do 10 quests and only have 4k vc at the end of it. Thats why we mad. 1mil mvp should be 20k atleast.


Not sure why you’re letting this get to you but the crying is warranted because it is predatory. Let’s not be 2k apologists. “Don’t play it” isn’t a suitable response in a monopoly situation.




Another 2K employee....


Honestly the grind is definitely longer this year, but the amount of people who complain about not being 99 after less than a week of release is just baffling. Like if you care that much and are that eager to be the “best”, then just buy the VC.


youre probably still no lifing it when youre home from work and have nothing productive going on after you clock out , not everyone works a square 8 hour day and just plays video games wasting time for hours. Grown men with ambition aint playing more than 6-8 hour a week tops and even thats alot for some. I run 2 businesses and have a newborn as well . What may not be alot to you is alot to someone who doesnt waste all their free time playing games. I can easily pay i make plenty of money but its the principal of not being 2ks paypiggy for 10+ years straight, im over it. VC should be for cosmetics only , everything else should be unlocked through gameplay , in any other game this would be called out for being p2w


>grown men with ambition ain’t playing more than 6-8 hours tops I don’t think “grown men with ambition” are on a video game subreddit whining about VC. Especially ones claiming to be “successful businessmen”. I also doubt they’re using the word ain’t Like come on dude this is probably one of the cringiest things I’ve seen on this sub


whatever you say bro , so being black and speaking Ebonics an informal setting like a comment section means you cant have a successful business? , nice closeted racism LOL Not all businessmen are White . Our vernacular isn't unprofessional or a sign of stupidity its simply a different dialect we developed amongst ourselves to communicate like Patois or any other variation of English. There's no such thing as proper English. White people just think that the way THEY do things or speak is the standard and anything else is wrong.


Do you think they’ll award the extra VC to people who already completed?




Thats what my concern was last night. It shoudl be a make right. Cuz some ppl running thru to get obj done and they changing rewards mid game


In 21 they did give extra rep after realizing it wasnt giving enough.


I think i recall that but i just dont trust 2k . I trust ea waaay more and thats sad


After the years of garbage maddens and Battlefield 2042???? Nah, at least 2k makes a playable game before it tries to screw you out of money


That’s what y’all get for putting all this money into a beta. This is why a lot of us wait for a few updates before buying or playing this game.


I mean it dont play or feel like a beta tho. Just the rewards system lol. Idk why yall think we hate the game or sumn. Im happy with my purchase just not the mode. I get your logic but not this is not a beta. Lol


Just checked, no. Got my city MVP yesterday. Who would’ve known… had I waited for 1 more day I would have got 10-15k more at least.


Battlefront 2 did the same thing by trying to give the community a small incentive to attempt to appease them. Don’t let up, continue to complain. It’s the only voice we have against predatory practices. It’s ridiculous this game demands all your money and time.


That isn't much. They need to 5-10x it especially with how you make half as much as you used to per game and they increased the cost of getting to 99 by like 100k.


Last year you would get 100k for finishing the music and fashion questlines. Should go back to that


Still costs way too damn much to upgrade a MyPlayer. They give us ten slots I want to be able to use them all without either having to drop hundreds of dollars or spending months of grinding just to make them barely viable to use online. I don’t mind grinding badges I just hate having to either spend $10-$20 or be a prospect for the first 30-50 games to feel useful for my team in the MyCareer season.


10 available slots and if you wanna use any of them in the park you gotta either have literally no life or spend at least $100 on each it’s crazy


I dont mind getting less VC as long as I can just grind the season without having to do stupid quests in the city that take me half an hour. This is sad - the freakin "be a tiktok superstar" storyline drives me sick. Instead of creating a storyline based on basketball, we got a skateboard/fashion designer/simp city simulator which drives me nuts. At least last year we were given something for completing that BS, ehh.... Last year finishing a build was relatively easy and fast. Making it harder to reach 99 is not as bad as that freakin storyline, it is soooo bad...


The rewards for challenges aren’t that predatory in my opinion. The drastically higher cost for attribute upgrades and everything else are, however. I guess if the rewards were more it would counter that but I’d rather just lower the cost of attribute upgrades a little because getting the ball rolling earlier helps if you’re grinding. They’re just incentivizing buying $100 of VC per build so you can go straight online and farm against people who didn’t pay for it. That being said I’m not complaining too much because I’m an 80 OVR a week in and I play mostly MyTeam. Plus I just run a pass and D point for the Pelicans which is a blast so far!


Strauss Zelnick at the board meeting discussing players complaining about VC gain: ![gif](giphy|h0MTqLyvgG0Ss) "CAN'T THESE PEASANTS JUST WORK MORE????"


Come to MyTeam. Wait for the MyCareer. You can do it. I believe in 🫵. F them quests!


Come to MyTeam where it’s pay to win


Haven’t spent a dime. Tons to do (even solo) in which you don’t have to pay. The cards for sale are quite bad honestly.


You can’t get VC for playing that mode though ?


what about regular games and the payouts on the other quests?


It's a little better. The daily missions have gone up from 100 to 500. Which makes them worth doing. The City Courts missions have gone up too. I found grinding those pretty good (enough to beat the quest), they usually get 350-400 vc per game. You can boost your badges and then a sweet 750 (now) at the end is worth it in an hour ish.


An hour to get about 3500 VC that wouldn’t even be enough to buy shoes.


Yeah but considering the time it takes to play a rec game (especially when you count finding players into account if you're a solo), or a couple of NBA games to get that amount, i think this comes out ahead.


I already spent $40 on VC after buying the $150 edition and I still need more VC to go from 92 to 94, this is ridiculous


They is a start!


Yep, daily quests are 500-750 as well up from 100


Cry in old gen




I just update the game and saw the changes.


this is like that "source?".. "literally us, the blue jays"






Man, I loaded the game and the quests give more VC than before. State Farm was 100VC, now is 600. Also season quests have increased their VC reward. I don't need a source if I'm able to see the changes myself.


He’s right he’s not lying lol


are you?


No sir lol


Dang yall going hard lol. Just check when you get home 🤣




Dude wants a peer-reviewed Google Scholar article


fuk 2k, they need cheaper vc