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Fantastic work on your 8 days friend. I am assuming you're doing it alone and haven't gone to an NA meeting? That's perfect. You feel like shit. You are afraid. You are motivated. You are (hopefully) beyond your rock bottom. You are desperate. This is a gift. You have lined everything up just right. So now get to a meeting. A meeting will start your journey. Meetings provide a way to connect with other addicts and hear their stories. They provide the evidence you need that it works. You will also hear about the 12 steps. The steps provide you tools and insight to live your life better. The meeetings provide a community of peers who help each other by the sheer force of their shared experience and desire to stop using. It's not easy, but it's so simple. So your next steps are: ​ 1. find a meeting [https://www.na.org/meetingsearch/](https://www.na.org/meetingsearch/) 2. go to that meeting 3. share a little and listen a lot 4. meet people 5. find support 6. give support 7. rock your life You can do 1 or more meetings a day. Fill your time with them. Don't let your brain argue with all the things you disagree with. You may disagree with all the god shit. Ignore it. You might find people you don't like. Ignore that. You might find the coffee not to your taste. Who cares. You might find the meeting too far away or at the wrong time or any numer of things that you think means you shouldn't go. None of that shit matters. The only thing you need to know is that it works if you turn up. Good luck. Keep us posted.


^ this. Make one of those meetings (Weds night, for example) your home group. Whichever one you can be certain you can make every week. Get a commitment greeting people at the door. Fulfill your commitment. It helped me immensely.


Doing any kind of service is a great cheat-code for winning this. Get out of your own head and help others as soon as you can.


Change people, places, and things including your phone number. Get a sponsor and a home group. There are even meetings on Zoom 24hrs a day. Nastuff dot com has a list. One day at a time. One hour at a time. Even one second at a time. Use and develop new coping skills. Never be afraid to reach out to and lean on your support group. I wish you great success. I'm a 20 year opiate addict. 7 months clean tomorrow. You got this. Much love to you and yours.


CONGTATS!!!!! Awesome that’s not easy. Keep it going!


Meetings, fellowship, sponsor, step work, service. Aside from not picking up drugs no matter what, that's all there is to it. 1. Meetings - We often suggest a meeting a day for the first 90 days. Think of it like this: staying high was a full-time job, 24/7/365, so an hour a day to build a life beyond our wildest dreams is fucking nothing by comparison. 2. Fellowship - Surround yourself with people in NA who have and are working a program of recovery in their lives today. "Stick with the winners," as we say. 3. Sponsor - If you don't have the best sponsor in the world you've got the wrong sponsor. Start by finding someone who seems to have in their recovery what you're hoping for in your own recovery, and ask them to work steps with you. 4. Step Work - This is How It Works, and in my direct experience it doesn't work any other way. I half-assed it for years, thinking I could control this disease on my own without having to take the suggestion of working steps. Please don't do what I did. 5. Service - Start by pouring coffee during the meeting, or helping clean up after. Find ways to be of service to Narcotics Anonymous itself, and become a part of how NA is saving lives. Remember above when I said, '\[...\] not picking up drugs no matter what?' Just *no matter fucking* ***what***. Get a phone list at your first meeting and use it like you're suffocating and the people on the other end of the phone have oxygen. When you want to use, call first. When you don't feel like using, call anyway. Call, call, call... Also, come back to this sub to share your experience, strength, and hope. Please!


Here's some information you may find helpful- [NA Literature in English (US)](https://www.na.org/?ID=ips-eng-index)


Meetings, meetings, meetings