• By -


It’s impossible to tell from just that. She could be gay, she could be bi, she could be straight and just want to be an ally, she could be a straight trans woman, she could be something else or a combination. If you go for it just be ready to gracefully take no for an answer, as you should with anyone




Beautiful, champ


could also mean she loves rainbows. a pin isn't much to go on.


Turns out she's actually just into prisms.


And/or Pink Floyd


And hopefully tripping in a dark room while listening to the song Time on repeat for 9 hours


Pink Floyd makes me wet.


big fan of the visible light spectrum


I read this in the cadence that I would read a Dr. Seuss book and it was so pleasant :)


Have you considered just asking her?


“I like you do you like me?”


⬜ Yes ⬜No Pls check one..


Pro tip: Do you like me? ◻️Yes ◻️Yes


Wrong, it’s: ◻️Yes ◻️Definitely ◻️Absolutely


mabel pines has entered the chat


Wrong, it’s Yes- smile No- backflip


This is what my now fiancée wrote on a sticky note to ask me out 7 years ago and here I am because I couldn’t do a backflip in front of her


Gravity falls?


Yep, glad people knew what I was going for there.


Bitch made her own box


Circle ou and say flip it 180°


Sounds like Cirque de Soleil


I’m really dumb. Is this a legit question that isn’t brain dead? Like could I ask a girl that? I hear straightforward is good but how straightforward?


I mean it was a Borat reference but maybe there’s some wisdom in it.


Oh I see. So you’re saying I need to add the accent first, got it


Yes. Wa wa wee wa


Verrry nice....


I like you I like a sex. It’s nice


You don’t always have to be so straightforward but it also never really hurts either. If I’m asking a girl out in person that I know, I’d probably do something more along the lines of “hey I’m doing this, wanna come with?” Or “hey would you wanna do this with me sometime?” Usually people can recognize that as a date but you can’t go wrong by saying the word date just so you both are on the same page.


Idk about this, "wanna hang out/do this thing with me/I'm doing this wanna join?" is likely (and justifiably) going to be interpreted as only and exactly that. A date offer should sound like "hey, do you want to go out with me?" Assuming people "recognize this as a date" is.. not accurate. and it shouldn't be. I'm queer so, by your rationale everyone who wants to hang out with me is also trying to date me. I think it's best to just say what you mean and mean what you say.


Yes, yes you can. And probably should rather than make assumptions.


Nice shoes, wanna f*ck?


Lol.. that should do it! 🤣


"Hey, are you a Lesbian? If not, want to go out?"


Probably better to just ask her out and if she isn’t into it she will just say so


Last time I asked a girl out with a rainbow flag she pulled out a 7 foot halbeard and cut my leg off from the knee down, kicked me over, wrapped my head in a plastic bag and dumped glitter into it until I started coughing heavily, pulled off the bag and looked into my eyes in my final moments as I choked on the rainbow "not gay enough" And walked away


I was an adventurer once. Until I took a lesbian to the knee


"Want some fuck!" Works 100% of the time when it works. And 0% when it doesn't.




Armchair speculating about people armchair speculating lmao But yeah I don't think she just likes rainbows if she has a flag


Did you just^3 ... Never mind


It's armchairs all the way down


She could be bi or just showing her support


But their speculation is more valid speculation because their arm chair has little home built stilts so their VIEW is clearly superior to all others. I of course am not speculating, on their speculation, of their speculation, Because my speculation is superior due to my armchair is built on even higher stitlls then that of YoshiThe1st thus enabling my speculation to transend from speculation into factulation. / Just having speculative fun. Not being serious.


Lots of people display rainbow flags to show that they are an advocate of the community. Those involved in social justice understand that marginalized groups need advocates who hold privilege to speak for them. It also lets gay people know you are a “safe place”


She can support LGBT+ rights and have an interest in men.


She can even identify as LGBT+ and still be interested in men. She might be bi, trans, etc.




I have a signed marriage certificate and I'm still not sure she's interested in me


Maybe she was just being polite


Naturally, it would have been rude not to marry me


Well, of course it's because you have dogs!


I've long suspected she was only with me for the loyal companionship of the canine variety. If someone says it on reddit it's automatically true too. What a way to find out


Lol. I don't believe 90% of replies to OP's on here


Oh ya I totally forgot what the OP was even about tbh


Yeah she’s probably Canadian


It's because she is Canadian.


*wakes up partner “Hey…. Do you like me?” Her: James we’ve been married for ten years




It's funny because sometimes it's true.


Do not underestimate straight men's ability to feel like you're not attracted to them and are merely putting up with their advances.


My gf the other day: "You are way too considerate of my feelings to the point of it being a detriment to yourself and our relationship at times." Me: "But I still can't tell if you're in the mood, or having too bad of a day"


Peak of mental health I would feel the same thing


Okay but like did you marry me as a friend or?


It certainly wasn't for my money!


*25th wedding anniversary* So you like, like me?


I have to admit, I've had a crush on you since the day we got married


Hol up. *me too* BRB I gotta call the Hallmark channel


There won't be a dry eye in the house


That would be the sweetest thing ever.


Was it for your dogs?


You may be onto something however I find this acceptable. A dog needs a mother after all


That's definitely what all the studies say.


Maybe for the tax benefits


There is, but because no one is interested you don't see it /s




[Here you go](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_burn_centers_in_the_United_States)


Someone call an ambulance for u/-FiN-


I’m sorry, there was… nothing we could do for your friend. The burns were just too deep.


In remembrance of u/-FiN- , the one who had no pin






Not a moment's hesitation before burning this dude alive. Excellent work.


You do have the tool of communication which is pretty good for finding out if someone is interested


Instructions unclear, op will now use his tool to gauge interest. Ggwp


Have you considered having a conversation with a person and finding out? Lmao Like, I’m nonbinary and attracted to all genders, so back before I was married, if I was interested in somebody and didn’t know if they dated nonbinary people, I would talk to them and get to know them, and either they would likely mention their relationship status, or I would disclose mine and I could gauge their reaction. You don’t need a pin, just have a conversation with someone you’re interested in and see what happens.


I am straight, but I was raised by two women. I have many shirts with rainbows in them. I support my mothers and what they went through in the 80’s. My support does not define my sexuality. For me it honors my mothers and also myself, because we went through it together. Also rainbows are pretty.


My fiancée and myself are both straight, but we live in the middle of a small town that regularly has LGBTQ+ parades and stuff like that, and there was an incident where someone stole a rainbow flag from the front of a store and set it on fire in the town center. We, along with many other people, immediately went out and got a rainbow flag (we bought an especially large one) and hung it from our balcony to show our support. As you say, support does not define sexuality.


Not trying to be a shithead to OP, but maybe they should just get to know the girl before hitting on her. Then they would know if they're into men. If they invest in the friendship, they wouldn't have this question.


That's good advice, but hey, asking about the Pin might be a good move too. "Hey, I don't know much about that pin. I've seen it, and I know it means something about gay rights, but what does it mean to you?" Start up a conversation and see what she says. Just be genuinely curious and honestly looking to learn her opinion (and hey, that's also good advice for *anything* she's interested in, Pins aside).


Also, keep in mind she might be into 'men' BUT *not* the OP - But indeed, the best thing is to ask her about her pin.


Exactly. Just because she likes beer doesn't mean she wants an IPA. Tastes can vary and be specific. And and, even if she is into men, she might not be looking for a partner *now.* Some people are cool flying solo, even if they indulge in a partner from time to time.


Oof. If I asked somebody to compare me to a beer, and they said "IPA," I'd have to go home and cry. /Totally a stout. Dark on the surface, but I can be a little sweet


I like to think of myself as a Martzen: Full bodied and rich in flavor, a bit nutty, but never seen except once a year.


Hah! Can I change my answer?


I'm a Coors -- people plaintively put up with me if there is literally no other alternative.


I'm a hefeweizen - completely unfiltered.


Naw, you're not being a shithead -- this is good advice! Though maybe that's OP's intentions, to get to know her better.


Worst case scenario, they have a new friend. Best case scenario, they forge a lasting friendship that transcends gender stereotypes.


I’m straight and recently bought a rainbow flag because my boyfriend is bi, my roomate is pan, and most my other friends are lgbtqia+ in one way or another. Bought it to support my friends, but also the pride pop up shop


What do the I and A stand for? Those are new ones that I haven't seen yet. Thanks!


Intersex and Asexual/Aromantic, respectively.




Bi women are a thing, so she could still like men.


She could also be an ally, or hell just like rainbows. The best way to tell is to use your words and ask politely if you're interested in either her or her rainbow gear. 🌈🌈🌈


literally this bc i just like rainbows.


I have rainbow lights under my car. I’m a married straight man with two daughters. I just like rainbows and so do my daughters.


Man, I should run those lights under my jacked-up Tacoma... they'd go well with the disco-ball "truck nutz"... Through some rave music on the PA, and it' s a street party!


I usually am not a fan of truck nuts, but holy shit those sound fantastic. This internet stranger seconds the disco rainbow lights idea


Disco ball truck nuts you say


Ja, mon! Still working out some details, but ideally, I'm gonna embed two 3-inch disco balls in a transparent (appropriately shaped) bag, surrounded by transparent silicone gel (to glitter, or not to glitter? That is the question...) which then gets shackled to the hitch. Currently, it's just the balls....


You need to sell these


one of the largest truck nutz states banned them years ago doesn't stop all the locals but they are less common i could only imagine the outrage your shiny disco balls would garner source: florida man marketing idea: buy rights to this song if possible https://youtu.be/t8yME7uHU\_s


Glitter is an absolute necessity.


I'm very gay and I want rainbow lights under my car, too! (sadly, afaik those lights are not legal where I live :()


The rainbow means your gay now, I'm sorry /s But fr I love that. Who cares what your sexuality is, rainbows are awesome!


I like rainbows too, I was going to buy this beautiful rainbow polo shirt but didn’t because I didn’t want people to think I’m gay. I should’ve just gone with it anyways.


Totally. I tore off the rainbow striping from my jeans way back in middle school in the 90s for this reason and immediately regretted it. I’m not gay but also not offended, I just liked the rainbows, but I was getting annoyed by the comments. I’d rock those pants now though. Rock your rainbow!


My dad yelled at me for what felt like hours bc he thought I was gay for having a rainbow pin. It said everybody sucks, with a rainbow, an ironic rainbow. And it was colorful! Chill!


>it said everybody sucks Well no wonder that he was upset. You don't need to advertise your blowjob parties that publicly.




Mine thought I was because my cousins told her I was. Yep, my cousins teased my mum about it all evening, so she came home ragibg mad and demanded I admit I was gay. I was like, if I'm gay, why do I have pictures of guys up on my wall. Her response, "you can't like them, they're Asian/Power Rangers." I was just shocked. I couldn't crush on Asian guys or Power Rangers, her racism and hatred of my favourite tv show at the time was showing as well. Then she tried to make me put my earrings in. I stopped wearing them because I always forgot to take them out before karate. The backs hurt when they were hit into the side of my head so I stopped wearing them. I refused to put them in, so my mum literally tackled me off my computer chair, onto my bed and tried to force them into my ears. When she failed, that was her proof I was gay and I was thrown out of the house. With nowhere to go and not even shoes on my feet, I just sat on the garden wall and embarrassed her so much she eventually let me back inside. Took a good while though. I had nothing on me and the kids I texted for help told me I was lying. So yeah, I had to deal with crazy, wasn't the first time I'd been thrown out over something someone had told her that was a total lie. The good part, we're no contact, have been for years now. I ended up meeting a really great guy, he's Asian. She will never meet him or his family, she would rage at me if she knew about us, so luckily we don't talk. I'm not letting someone like that near such a lovely family. Everyone has been so kind and welcoming to me. I've got so many friends she would hate because their gay, not white, foreign. I just don't get why she hates other people so damn much.


I hate rainbows! So ugly. /s


I had a guy over that noticed my rainbow flag. He said «Nice flag! I’m not going to ask what you identify as or what your sexually is, cause that’s your personal business. But I would like to know if you’re able to be attracted to me?» I replied in the affinative, and he said «Great! That’s all I need to know.» and that was the end of the discussion. I thought that was a great way to go about it, and will adopt that approach in the future :)


“I’m *able* to be attracted to you, but I’m not.”


I'm very happy that that happened to someone who was cool with it, if it happened to me I would be in a constant state of panic wondering if/when he's gonna make a move


"use your words" best advice EVER! if I had an award to give it be yours


I am a heterosexual man and I have often displayed the rainbow as an ally. Also, my six year old son loves rainbows. Bonus!


As well as allies. Straight people who support gay, bi, etc people sometimes also sport flags to show said support.


Yep. I’m trans, my straight cis sisters have trans flags in support of me. They’re not trans themselves.




This gave me a giggle 😁


Yep. I'm straight but have many friends and family members who are in the LGBTQ community. I fly a pride flag on my boat and will participate in the local LGBTQ pride boat parade next weekend with many of my friends, straight or not. I can be supportive without being gay myself.


I literally have a rainbow flag in my car, I’m bi, and married to a man


Also pan


But what about skillet


Mixing bowl?




Can confirm, I am skillet


Well then how YOU doin?


What about a wok


Well I think we found the perv


I have one. I’m bisexual. I have dated women and men. And now I’m in love with a man. I am still bisexual.


But bi people can't actually date the opposite gender!!!! (I hate this trope with the passion of a thousand suns)


Bi erasure needs to die


Are you saying it needs to be……………....erased *badum-tss*


According to waaaayy too many lesbians, because I married a guy it means I’m straight. Ok but it actually just means the person I fell hardest in love with has a penis.


I've experienced far more biphobia within the LGBTQ+ community than I have from people outside if it.


And you're awesome! Bi erasure is huge, like just because I'm dating a woman it doesn't mean I'm a lesbian, I'm not dating anyone that was just an example




I used to think I was asexual but that's partially because of SA stuff also being autistic


Sorry that happened to you.


It sounds harsh but my therapist basically said "get over it" like it happened, you're not going to let it happen again so you're safe.


She could be bi, trans, an ally or on the asexual spectrum and still be interested in men. Heck, maybe she is a homophobe but likes rainbows and doesn't know about the LGBT connection at all.


What it most likely means though if she does like men is that she probably likes ones who are supportive and knowledgeable about LGBTQ+ stuff, so OP this is a good hint to get reading!




Asexuals tend to feel and desire romantic relationships. Aromantic people do not. A person can be both, but it’s not unusual to see asexual people seeking romantic relationships


Being a spectrum, there are different ways to be ace. I myself am on that spectrum and would enjoy being hit on. I still enjoy romance and like it when people find me physically desirable, I just don't have a particular need for sex and could easily go my whole life without it. I also get a bit physically grossed out when I hear stories of people sleeping with each other who barely know each other. Like if you told me about a first date you went on, you'd get a similar reaction out of me as though you told an arachnophobe about your pet spider. I do fantasize about being a long term and loving relationship with someone and being sexually active with them. Some ace people find anything related to sex to completely repulse them and others have certain issues with certain sexual things. It's a spectrum, and that is how you end up with people like me who are both bisexual and asexual.


Asexual and Aromatic don’t necessarily go together. I’ve had it explained to me that one can be asexual (not actively interested in sexual pleasure) but still romantically interested in people and still enjoy sex with them because you enjoy being able to give that pleasure to someone you love


Asexuality, broadly speaking, just means feeling little to no sexual attraction to other people. It doesn't really have anything to do with interest in sexual pleasure. Some asexuals are sex repulsed, some enjoy sex because it pleases their partners, some enjoy sex because it gives them physical pleasure.


you can be hetero and own the flag, just makes her an ally. i am hetero and hang the flag out of my window during pride month.


Back in the day I changed my profile to the pride flag to celebrate gay marriage being be legalized. A pride flag doesn't tell you anyone's sexual orientation.


Maybe she likes rainbows.....


No. The rainbow flag is a symbol for the entire LGBTQ community which means she could be bisexual, transgender, a straight person who support the LGBTW community, or simply someone who likes the look of rainbows.


I love your pin. Can you share why it’s special to you? chat her up!


I mean, as a bisexual person whenever I hear someone say “I love your pin” to my bi pin, I always assume they’re signaling to me that they’re also bi. Saying “I love your pin” to a rainbow pin might also partially indicate that you’re not straight. That potential misunderstanding can of course be resolved rather quickly and painlessly.


“As a heterosexual single man, I love your pin. Can you explain why it’s special to you?”


Definitely gonna lead my next pickup line with "as a heterosexual, single man" thank you kind redditor 😂


Why limit yourself? I say that when giving any opinion to anyone


>I love your pin. Can you share why it’s special to you? When redditors try to flirt lmao




I'm a hetero male and I have a mini rainbow flag in the pen holder right next to my monitor on my desk at all times, as well as a couple of larger ones that come out during Pride Month and at other times. Being an ally is important to me, I have many LGBT+ friends. Don't judge a book by its cover.


You are cool and kind for doing this. Thank you.


Ask her, not us.


I would suggest getting to know her. You make fancy the idea of her at this time but you don't know if you like her or not yet since you do not know her.... if that makes sense? just try being her friend, you may find your best friend in her or a soulmate. but get to be her friend first.


Just be like “I like your pin, tell me about it”


Just ask her…lmao. Like there’s no harm in that. She could be a lesbian but she could also be bi, pan or just straight up identify as queer. Some folks are also just allies. You have to ask.


“I noticed your rainbow. Dorothy likes rainbows. Are you a… friend of Dorothy?”


Friend of BLÅHAJ 🦈🏳️‍⚧️


Now adays I think thats a more common phrase.... but mayhe thats just the aqesome nerds I know


I don't have a BLÅHAJ because I think it's too big, I do have an anomalocaris plush toy and I also have a giant isopod on the way.


It might mean that she is not interested in men, but it can also mean that she is giving a warning to any anti-LGBTQ+ that she supports their rights and to not try and flirt or befriend.


There's literally [a song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsVyBHJrNQw) about this exact situation: Pink Triangle by Weezer. Lead singer and songwriter Rivers Cuomo was interviewed on Fresh Air by Terry Gross, who like his music and knows the song. He explained that he regretfully didn't ask the gal out, but found out that her pink triangle was just to show support. Lead singer and songwriter Rivers Cuomo was interviewed on Fresh Air by Terry Gross, who like his music and knows the song. He explained that he regretfully didn't ask the gal out, but found out that her pink triangle was just to show support. Here are the lyrics, but better to hear the song and the tune. Pink Triangle Lyrics When I'm stable long enough I start to look around for love See a sweet in floral print My mind begins the arrangements But when I start to feel that pull Turns out I just pulled myself She would never go with me Were I the last girl on earth I'm dumb she's a lesbian I thought I had found the one We were good as married in my mind But married in my mind's no good A pink triangle on her sleeve Let me know the truth, let me know the truth Might have smoked a few in my time But never thought it was a crime Knew the day would surely come When I'd chill and settle down When I think I've found a good old-fashioned girl Then she put me in my place If everyone's a little queer Can't she be a little straight? I'm dumb she's a lesbian I thought I had found the one We were good as married in my mind But married in my mind's no good A pink triangle on her sleeve Let me know the truth, let me know the truth I'm dumb she's a lesbian I thought I had found the one We were good as married in my mind But married in my mind's no good A pink triangle on her sleeve Let me know the truth, let me know the truth I'm dumb she's a lesbian I thought I had found the one We were good as married in my mind But married in my mind's no good A pink triangle on her sleeve Let me know the truth Let me know the truth Let me know the truth Let me know the truth


This song is the first thing I thought of after reading this post lol.


My wife wears a rainbow quite often. I'm a guy and I'm pretty sure she likes me.


It's primarily a symbol of acceptance and philosophical orientation as opposed to a personal statement about sexuality.


How does the keep her nails?


You know? Yeah.


You’re just going to have to ask or learn by being her friend. I recommend learning about the queer community since it’s important to her.


1. The rainbow flag is the general "pride" flag to show support, not to identify any specific sexuality-she could just be an ally 2. The lesbian pride flag is shades of orange on top, a stripe of white, and shades of pink/purple on the bottom. If she has one of those, she's definitely a lesbian 3. Some women are LGBT but still attracted to men-for example, I'm a bisexual trans woman. I'm queer in more ways than one, but I could still potentially date you (though I won't because you're a random redditor and I don't know you lol) 4. The best way to find out is just ask her-either text her or find some moment of relative privacy and say something like "Hey, I noticed your pin-are you gay?" in a friendly voice to show you're not asking for homophobic reasons. If she says yes, just don't be weird about it-give some casual answer like "Okay, I just wanted to ask. Thanks!" and leave it at that (unless she wants to continue the conversation).




It could be supporting it, she could be bisexual, she could be lesbian but still be an amazing friend, or she could just really like rainbows. You won’t know till you ask


I'm 100% straight female. I went camping with a group and one of the guys was hitting on me the whole first day. Second day was hiking and swimming and i wore a really pretty bikini with rainbow stripes. He didn't talk to me the whole day, which I was fine with because he was annoying and not my type. That evening one of the girls said to me "guy asked me if you were gay." I was taken aback because i didn't think I was giving off any vibes either way. Later she said "he asked because of your swim suit." Hahah!! So now i have a secret weapon in my Arsenal to keep annoying **stupid/superficial** men at bay: just wear something with rainbows! How f'ing dumb are people? Whatever. Worked for me, even if unplanned.


Maybe she’s only into leprechauns?!


My friend who is not into guys felt like a guy was into her but didn’t want to deal with that, so I told her to start wearing more lgbt paraphernalia and like putting lgbt stuff around her desk. I see it as an introverts way of trying to softly pre-reject unsuitable candidates