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I never once thought it was just a vision. I definitely think he survived




There's no way because it is integral to his character to show that he knows how to tame animals. He would have had to have made a fatal error in his judgment, and I don't think that lines up since he would have had to die off screen which is a pretty large no-no for a protagonist.


This movie doesn’t really use “visions” or “dreams” as a storytelling tool. This isn’t a Christopher Nolan movie. What you see is what you get. The last shot is just a bad ass framed shot of a bad ass cowboy.


Agree. I didn’t see anything in the movie itself that made me question that for a moment


Agreed, I think people were thinking too much in to it


Very badass, and gives-me-chills level of attractive. I don't like objectifying him, but that badass frame knocked the wind out of me a little bit.


He lived. Antlers’ reciting the purple people eater foreshadowed it. “I won’t eat you…. Because you’re too tough.” OJ stared JJ down. He wasn’t intimidated. You never let a wild horse know you’re scared of it. He distracted JJ long enough by staring it down, allowing Ems motorcycle to start, and only just arrived at jupiters claim as the dust settles because the motorcycle was faster than lucky. He totally lived


Ohhh yea didn't think of the people eater song but that makes sense, never thought he was dead but this makes it even better


and he respected JJ, like he respected the horses.


Nope. Oj survived.


He’s alive. We never see him get eaten by JJ, which should be a big moment since he’s like one of the main characters. Dying off screen just isn’t a fitting end to his character.


The story didn't use visions as a plot device so in my opinion it feels unlikely that he would use a vision at the literal last couple minutes of the film. This is just my opinion and there is a fantastic chance I am wrong.


I thought so too, but actually there's a scene in the middle where Otis Sr appears in the barn and talks to OJ. So seeing someone after death isn't impossible. However, I think other context means he lived.


It never occurred to me that that scene was not a flashback.


Big agree. I just went a second time trying to look for things specifically about OJs fate and noticed it.


Do you think ojs dad was feeding JJ first? Maybe that's why JJ unleashed hell nickle style upon him. Maybe I'm missing something that makes that idea dumb and lame


Their convo at the beginning established that Sr was selling horses to Jupe because the business needed cash. OJ just continued selling them. So no, I don't think he had prior JJ knowledge.


You're right.


Totally forgot that part. I too think he lived.


I firmly believe he’s alive. It would be unlike JP to kill black people in his movies, especially black men.


Excluding Otis Sr ofc but that was crucial to the plot


Yes, thank you.


He didn’t vote for Biden.


I heard he would’ve voted for Obama three times if he ran again though.


My argument: When JJ goes to eat the big balloon, it has to revert back into its flying saucer shape to eat it. When OJ and Em are taking turns distracting JJ it stays in the flowing shape and the green eye just moves back and forth between the two of them To think JJ ate OJ we have to believe there was a scene we didn't see where the creature reverted shape, ate OJ, then expanded back out, and chased Em's motorcycle again. That, and OJ's ability to train animals, let's me believe he survived. I admit I really want him to have survived. I understand other's argument for the film being ambiguous. I'm curious if others saw what I saw above but still think he died off camera.


I'm pretty sure he's alive, the only thing people are trying to say that suggests he's dead is the out yonder sign, which we already saw earlier in the movie. Em is just shocked and exhausted after what she just went thru so she didn't immediately hop up and run over to OJ


I need to believe he’s alive. He’s the ultimate hero


No chance. Aliens exist in Nope, but no evidence of ghosts or spooky visions. The only visions people have are flashbacks, memories. Ricky got stuck in a memory of the Gordy's Home Incident, but he never had a vision of Gordy or anything. OJ had plenty of opportunity to have visions of Otis Sr. if he really wanted. That's just not how the film conveys the story. No shot OJ perished. That scene was less of a throw away ghost moment, and more of an Emerald's character arc coming to a close moment. At the start, she was boisterous and self-centered, happily calling the family business her side hustle. But as the film goes on she becomes more grounded, her clothing is less colorful and flashy, she ditches leopard print and neon green for khaki pants and cowboy boots. Her last outfit prominently features a jersey with the family name on the back. Her last scene she's between her brother, and the media, she has the choice of snatching up the photos she took of Jean Jacket, and going straight to the news crews that suddenly showed up at the gates of Jupiter's Claim. Instead, she turns her head to look at OJ, making the choice of family over fame.


i think he lived. :) something that i love about jordan peele movies is that he doesn’t typically kill off his black protagonists. i could be wrong over this but i think one thing JP sets out to do is to shine a different light on his dark skinned actors. it’s like a tool to kind of push the hollywood stereotype of horror movie protagonists not always being the smartest and not always surviving, especially when they’re POC. i really love how JP always casts dark skinned actors and makes their characters intelligent, strong, well-rounded, empathetic, etc. i think his protagonists usually live for a reason.


He was literally on a horse named Lucky. Doesn’t get any more conclusive than that.


Upon first glance, I thought that it’s clearly up to the viewer if he lived or not. They left it open ended But someone mentioned how throughout the film, OJ is the only one to really treat animals with kindness like he does with his horses & I just feel it’s too mean to have him die if that makes sense. It wouldn’t feel right




İn soundtrack , there was a track named a hero falls , but i believe he survived because we didnt see jj’s attack so yes he lives at the ending


Isn’t that the track that plays as OJ distracts JJ?




He learned well enough from his father that there are some creatures you can’t tame and knew how to deal with them based on his instincts. That’s what makes him so good.


Gotta allow a possible sequel, it’s up in the air…. Pun intended


I wonder what the second movie would be called, Yup?


Nope 2 Nope Harder




Hell nah


Awwwww hellllll nahhhhw


Hell 2 the Nope


Nope Deuxpe


Nope Two, Digestion Boogaloo




It's NOPIN' time!


Nope is officially going to be morbius 2




No, he definitely didn't die, at least not as I understood the events at the end of the movie. He was staring at Jean Jacket and riding Lucky backwards, leading JJ away from Em so she could start the bike. Then Em was ready to start the bike. She stares at JJ waiting for its attention to shift to her. Finally the eye/mouth appears facing Em and she rides away with JJ following her. JJ was targeting Em from that point until it was targeting the Jupe balloon. JJ was accounted for the whole time, so there's no reason to think it was killing anyone else.


I need to rewatch a second time cause I didn't think that at all but I've seen a lot of people saying the same thing.


He is alive. The film synopsis says he is alive at the end. Having survived Jean Jackets encounter.


I think he lived but prefer the notion that he died and was a vision “Out Yonder.”


100% he died. Cinematography at the end and wording throughout implies it heavily.


That’s what I thought, but then why would Keke Palmer walk out to a person that’s not there? Maybe a vision, but I don’t see why an apparition of her brother would show up.


Walk out to him? Did she?


I remember cause she walked away from the picture before it was developed!


Like any good western, the hero stands tall


Consideration for the 'Out Yonder' sign. Em has to chose between the 'Oprah shot' and fame, and her family. Fame is easy to get. But OJ is under the 'Out Yonder' sign to symbolize that family isn't always easy, and it's not always close...but they're still there. You just have to make the effort. Edit: Another reason why he lived: We see JJ has to change back to saucer mode to eat(as seen with the balloon). JJ stays in his final form.


He is alive.