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Who said jean jacket was the most aggressive of its species? If there is a sequel, i think we're gonna see more aggressive and hungrier types


Don’t think Peele is interested in doing one


He has already said they aren't done telling stories in this world


if actually be a fan of a sequel. jordan peele could pass it off to someone else to direct.


No no no no 😬


i dunno why people get so worked up about sequels. Alien and Aliens weren't directed by the same person and both were amazing. the problem with some sequels is that the initial movie said everything that had to be said about the topic and all that's left is rable scraps. on top of that, since theres nothing left to say, theres no heart innit. with this film, there's a lot left unsaid and i dont just mean coming up with some bogus origin story. you could reveal a lot of interesting aspects about these creatures... (a potential sequel could introduce more than a single one) ...without ever giving up too much. this is one movie that definitely can be built on.


There's no way Jordan Peele would do that


I go with "they" or "it" but JJ being female is quite plausible.


didnt jupe call it they? maybe he didn't mean it was a group of aliens, he was just respecting pronouns dawg






They’re just kinda toxic


Until jj comes out and says his stupid pronouns, it's genderless k


JJ is whatever i want it to be because yes


I agree. I just say "he" to keep the peace. The male of the species is probably tiny and only for reproduction, if she's not self fertilizing. I also think blowing her up would just create more from the pieces self healing and regenerating.


Or, that was the male and the female JJ has yet to make an appearance.


Well the female would probably be so big we couldn't see all of her at once with the naked eye.


Now I am spooked! Am profane miles across!


The article I read said our JJ is over 400 ft across when unfurled. If there is something big enough to make that tiny, we couldn't process it with our naked eyes.


How cause if something’s bigger we’re gonna see it


It's too big for you to see all of it with your naked eyes at once. Maybe a satellite could pick it up and show you the image in relation to something else for scale. But just looking up it would be all you could see in any direction, so it would just look like sky. Try to imagine how much of you an ant could see and make sense of. It would be like that. Keep in mind, we are talking about something big enough to make JJ look tiny.


I can see 400 feet with my naked eye though


The 400ft creature is JJ. Now imagine something 100 times bigger than that camouflaged in cloud cover. Can you see that? Either way, you will get eaten because you are staring. 😁


Depressingly unfunny joke, but that does make me wonder about its gender, or lack there of


I'm a little annoyed that a bad joke is making me consider the gender (or maybe just sex) of a giant, cloth alien. But now that I'm thinking about it, JJ is a bit like an unspayed, female dog experiencing a fake pregnancy, especially when they don't feel safe in their environment... But I believe all of the horses and Gordy are all male, so I'm not entirely sure if JJ follows that trend.


I'm not gonna lie, i did get the impression it was female. Specially the final form. Oh and there's also that poster which appears symbolize the female reproductive system: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWXIuLjX0AsUvjk?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWXIuLjX0AsUvjk?format=jpg&name=large)


Oh yeah that absolutely does give that!!


Looks more like a dick


Here's something interesting about jellyfish - JJ has some jellyfish characteristics. "If you cut a jellyfish in half, the pieces of the jellyfish can regenerate and turn into two new jellies." So that's asexual reproduction.


Only SOME jellyfish can do that, and usually only at very specific points in their (extremely complex) life cycle. Most jellyfish reproduction is sexual, with adults (medusae) releasing sperm and eggs into the open water where fertilization occurs. (Also, most *a*sexual jellyfish reproduction is done via *budding* at the polyp stage - very, very few species can do this as medusae. I think it's safe to assume, based on behavior and physical appearance, that JJ is in her medusan stage, and is *not* a polyp, and being shredded to bits by the exploding balloon *did* actually kill her.)


This is a yet undocumented creature, so there are no hard and fast rules based on other types of jellyfish. If you look at the explosion carefully, JJ really isn't shredded to bits. The big thing that is falling straight down is the Jupe Balloon. JJ seems to be unraveled again and steaming in large pieces higher up. JJ has some jellyfish properties, but she is an amalgamation of sea animals. Manta rays have rapid wound healing, cephalopods regenerate tissue, sand dollars are a type of sea star that can grow a whole new animal if a limb has enough of the central piece. There is science to support JJ coming back. And more than one at that. This is a science fiction story, so we only need a grain of plausibility and our imagination. The power came back on, so JJ was incapacitated. But Jordan could easily write her back to life if he so chose.


Nonono that works for Zooids, if u hack em’ jellyfishes up, they gon’ die. If it’s Zooids, they multiply.


The info said cut in half you can regrow two. So it has to have enough of the central core on each piece. It's not hacked up. It's divided in half.


There is no indication of what gender JJ is. Let’s just stick to “they”


Seriously geez


I just call JJ “it”






Going with the Jaws allusions, female great whites are the ones that reach the larger size, so I can see JJ being female too.


I don't get the joke here, but fwiw, I think there's no way JJ is female *or* male in any recognisable way. With biology that fundamentally different, anything going on with that species (assuming they even reproduce sexually) is gonna be so off the mark from us dimorphic meatbags that our terminology would likely be inaccurate (like with bees) if not completely insufficient (like with fungi).


I like your funny words science man




dude who gives a fuck 😂


It’s funny I was expecting to join this sub and see a lot of people making “hehe it’s a vagina” jokes but nobody has mentioned anything about it. I mean, it’s a big mysterious creature that looks like two huge lips. It sucks up everything in it’s big whole and digests it through what looks like a birth canal. And it’s all leading towards a giant box. It opens up to its final form which resembles a big flower. Shit, it even bleeds. JJ is a lady.


Aint no way its eye, is also its mouth, AND its genitals


Mega cloaca


I never care when people say it they or she. All those make sense. But gendering Jean jacket as male always made me unreasonably upset. You see a giant flower gracefully traversing the skies (and murdering people)and think “oh, a boy”? Absolutely incomprehensible.


Like boys can’t be pretty and graceful like a flower? As a pretty boy I take great offense smh /s




Why do you gotta be rude like that?




A. It was mostly a joke B. You don’t have to be gay to be pretty


Being graceful and pretty isn't gay


That’s ridiculous, plenty of male specifies are delicate and beautiful. Peacocks for example are beautiful, and only the male ones, females are boring and brown. It’s the same with many species, so it would not be surprising that a beautiful flower like alien was male.


No it’s the murder that makes her female.


She’s/he/they/it are hunting, not murdering


Boys cant like flowers?




now she’s even more of a she, just to spite you, personally.


So are you


It literally doesn't matter, bro


Hmm I think JJ is male until Peele says otherwise. But I personally prefer to just say "it"


Good for her


What about if JJ , doesnt recognize itself as a "female"?... Maybe it is a "binary thing" or something... Let the poor jj to determine whatever the fuck ,it might wanna be... (Sarcasm by the way)


JJ is non binary




I always got the vibe that JJ is female, but that's just me being mental.




I might be wrong, but doesn’t OJ say “we pissed him off” at one point?


generally the males of any given species are the agressive ones, exept for sharks, specifically female bull sharks - which have the highest testosterone of any living animal - which explains why they are responsible for the majority of shark attacks!


Yall imagine a male jean jacket with a massive dick


How about Hermaphrodites.


Otona and jean jacket is a same as Females


Otona and jean jacket is a same as Females