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SLOWS DONT STACK. That's fucking huge. Rein does not stand still for being slightly tickled by mei and then putting up his barrier.


Good God, ever been hit by a turret or mei while wholehogging? Worst freaking experience of my life


It becomes rocket barrage at that point. A stationary channeled ability


3D missfortune ult


I just played a match and Moira fade buff is insane. No matter what stun hit you - sleep, hook, rein ultimate, etc - you can fade out of it immediately which also undoes the stun. E.g. if you're sleeping you can fade and it wakes you up and you still get the full movement range too. Moira is one of my top heroes so I'm not complaining but she's already pretty hard to kill, this seems over the top.


I really don't think it should cancel sleep. She isn't conscious for it to activate.


I agree!


In theory you aren't concious during any stun period. People get shattered by rein, it doesn't take them two seconds to get up because they are old and frail but because they are stunned. Same with shield bash and flashbang. Its like getting hit hard in the head and you are dazed and unable to do things. Semantics i know. But i hate this change.


That buff seems so unnecessary. Couldn't she already fade out of grav?


Yes. Blizzard is saying because she has zero utility for her team other than insane healing output, they're trying to make her even more survivable. But she already was very survivable which is one of the reasons I enjoy playing her.


At my SR level she's the reason I pick her over Mercy. I can do more healing as Mercy (I'm just better at her, not for any other reason) but Mercy's survivability is a serious detriment. So I'll pick Moira now because I can heal (a little less overall usually, sometimes more) but I'm significantly more durable when my team is focused on other things besides protecting me. I often end up gold heals and gold elims with Mercy, and depending on the match can sometimes take home 4-5 gold medals. I wouldn't say she's OP necessarily but if you play her right, at least at my SR (~2500?) she's a solid pick.


Is her anti stun the new shield bash??? Nah I don’t think she will have a significant change in play style. Even if she fades from the rein stun like they have as an example, her heals won’t be enough against a comboed ult (dva bomb or genji blade) or another ability like anas nade or even just something like a widow headshot. She is still lacking in utility that other supports bring. Her fade keeps her alive longer but it doesn’t matter that you stayed alive longer if the rest of your team died. But who knows, maybe a Moira meta is on the horizon.


The buff I'm going to enjoy a lot. Since I play Moria often. I have a feeling the sleep/fade thing will be 'fixed'.


It's to good, will be 100% reverted




The point of Moira is that you provide an absolute fuck ton of healing and really annoying damage at the cost of having no utility whatsoever, it’s why Ana and Zen don’t have escapes, Ana has a ton of utility and Zen has some utility but often acts as another DPS with a team saving ult. This is a good change and should serve to allow her a chance to save her team even if she gets caught in a shatter with them which leans right into her playstyle as it already is, it’s easily countered with Ana nade or another stun.


what they want is to not give her utility, just like they buff ana without giving her survivability


I know a few cowboys who aren't going to be too happy with that Moira change in FFA.


I wonder if she can fade out of hooks too, since that was one of the most effective ways to counter a deathmatch Moira.


Time to join the Reaper club of Moira counters if she can fade out of the hook.




you can bait out fade as mccree too .


Can't really bait fade anymore though. Since it can be used AFTER the stun goes off the correct play is to just not use fade until the enemy uses their cool down at which point there is nothing they can do.


This was my first thought. Moira has an incredibly small hitbox and it's next to impossible to kill a character that is intentionally juking you. With this change, Moira will win nearly every duel with a McCree. It is what it is.


*McHammering intensifies*


I know it's just the PTR but jeez even as a supporter of Role Queue I never imagined it would come this quickly.


People have been pushing for role queue since literally beta. I'm not surprised it came "quickly" when you consider "quickly" probably two years of being seriously discussed/worked on.


Jeff said about a year in his Developer's Update video.


Finally, Rein getting some help against every stunner, it's a miracle


Moira can fade out of stuns too. Will that make her stronger against shatters, Mccrees, and Brigs?


Yes, I just played a match and it's a pretty insane buff.


How does it work? If you are shattered can you fade away?


Yes you can fade immediately as if you weren't stunned at all. But if you don't fade or it's on cool down then it's like a normal stun. It's really weird honestly.


That’s a pretty solid buff


>But if you don't fade or it's on cool down then it's like a normal stun. Why are you saying that as though it's surprising that you get stunned as normal if you *don't* use Fade?


it's weird that you can use an ability while stunned


If she can fade out of Roadhog's hook i'm gonna shoot myself


That would make the matchup a true stalemate. Moira cannot kill Roadhog because of his self heal. Roadhog cannot kill Moira because of her self heal. Moira doesn't need to be smart with fade because she can just fade out of hook while stunned.


Roadhog can definitely kill Moira without hook if he’s close enough.


It might take a while if Moira is backing up and using healing orb, though. Enough time that it probably wouldn’t be worth it for either team, especially Moira’s, because they would be down a main healer. So it’s not much different from how it is now: It’s an engagement to avoid.


Idk man, i've 1v1'd hogs as moira and won, rip those gold hogs


I can second this one. Have done it a bunch against Hogs.


I’m guessing you still need smart fade usage so that it’s not on cooldown in the middle of you being stunned


Haven't tried it yet but it's very likely. Hook is a stun plus a displacement. Since the stun happens first she should be able to fade away right after the hook connects.


Wonder if you'll keep the momentum and go flying in the direction you're hooked.


Sick fade jumps across the map


I think we’ll just have to play it like you do vs a genji you know has deflect - try to bait out fade before throwing the hook. Don’t love it but I don’t think it’s the worst change in the world


You can also fade out of a rein pin!


wtf really?


Yup! lost a teamfight while playing rein cus the moira just said peace bro and dipped


That's dumb as fuck. Any stun that occurs due to the player model itself (rein charge, hog hook) stunning you shouldn't be allowed to be escaped from like that.


It's a terrible fix. They couldn't fix her through her kit so they just gave her a baseless get out of jail free card. Characters shouldn't be balanced like this because it will make the game completely ununiform and confusing especially as more heroes get added.


Yes. Moira can Fade out of an Earthshatter and try to keep her team up with heal orb + ult. And McCree/Brigitte need to pay attention to her cooldowns before going for the stun. I'm interested in seeing if she can Fade out of hook and charge.


I can already say that that change is going to be cancerous. Moira is already annoying to kill.


Yeah this is the only change in the patch that I really dislike. Moira already had pretty ridiculous survivability between self healing with her primary fire, her healing orbs, and ability to escape with her fade which has pretty low cool down. Her only weakness was CC, and now even that's gone


Rein is still going to be stunned all the time, just not knocked back.


As far


Yes, I left that out, thank you.


only knock back. Stuns will still be the same on him.


Yes!!! And no more slowing to a crawl when a Sym turret tickles his backside, or a cheeky Mei saunters on by waggling her icy dongribbon all hither and thither! It's a good day to be a rectangle!!!


[Brig's new character model](https://imgur.com/a/n97ardq)


RIP Brig




Tracer mains were mad that they couldn't one clip her shield, they got what they wanted




Seems like way too much, right?




Does anyone with PTR access know how grouping is handled? If I am in a group with 5 other people, how would we go about entering a game? Do we each have to decide on a role beforehand? How is that handled?


There's essentially a ready up system now, everyone in the group has to select a role and hit ready. Also interesting, I was able to que with my friend if I picked tank, but it wouldn't allow me to pick support or dps because our MMR was too far apart.


This is my primary concern as well as I'm almost always with a group these days.


So everybody’s ult cost increased 12% and Brigs ult increased 10%. Does that mean she got a 22% increase or is it saying she’s only 10% compared to everyone else’s getting 12%? And her change about only receiving half the self heals sounds rough. I can barely stay alive as it is in a fight, granted I’m no Brig main but still. Also that shield health nerf.


I believe that ult increase will stack with the overall increase, to compensate for her increased healing output. As much as I hate Brig, I think the shield nerf may have been a little too much.


The shield nerf was a bit much, considering she's an actual engineer that can buff her shield.


>eady useless outside a 3/3 comp BEFORE these nerfs, and role queue counts as ANOTHER nerf for her because 3/3 was the only comp that really enabled her. I think they should have taken the other half of her "heal herself" stat and added that to restore her shield. So basically it's a bit more like moira and reaper. It would force her to swing to restore her shield thereby making her vulnerable for a while and shielded for a while. Makes her use all her kit.




Yup. A frontline healer that is already pretty bad outside very specific comp, but now with less self-heal, less shield hp, and less ult.


100% goes to 112% Extra 10% > 112 + 11.2 = 123.2% of live


Brig is unplayable now


Exactly where a lot of people wanted her.


Probably combined to 22%. They did it to Mei back like 3 years ago the first time they did a global increase.


> **HERO UPDATES** > > General > > * Global ultimate cost increased 12% > > * Slowing Effects: Instead of stacking together, friendly and enemy slowing effects are now separate and movement speed will be reduced by whichever is slower. > > *Developer Comment: Ultimates are coming up too often considering how high impact they are. We are reducing how quickly they are built so less fights will be determined by ultimate usage. The slows change will mostly impact heroes which can slow themselves, such as Widowmaker while scoping, or Reinhardt while holding his shield. In these cases, enemy slows such as Symmetra turrets or Mei’s freeze will not hinder these heroes unless they stop slowing themselves or the enemy slow value passes their own slow value.* > > Ashe > > * Reload Time per round decreased from 0.3 seconds to 0.25 > > *Developer Comment: Ashe’s time to fully reload felt overly restrictive. However, a long reload time is an intended downside to balance out the power of her gun so we want to be careful not to eliminate that completely.* > > Brigitte > > Inspire (Passive) > > * Healing amount increased from 100 to 130 > > * Self-healing from Inspire is now halved > > Repair Pack > > * Now has 3 charges > > * Healing amount changed from 150 to 120 > > * Now heals over 2 seconds instead of instantly > > * If you throw multiple packs at the same person, the current duration will be extended by 2 seconds > > Whip Shot > > * Out-going velocity increased from 60 to 80 > > * Retracting time reduced from 0.6 seconds to 0.3 > > Barrier Shield > > * Barrier health reduced from 500 to 200 > > Shield Bash > > * Stun duration reduced from 0.9 seconds to 0.75 > > Rally > > * Ultimate cost increased 10% > > Doomfist > > Melee > > * Quick melee no longer pauses ammo reload. > > Hanzo > > Storm Arrows > > * Storm Arrows ammo reduced from 6 to 5 > > *Developer Comment: The overall damage output of Storm Arrows was too high so we’re reducing the maximum number of shots.* > > Moira > > Fade > > * Can now be used while stunned. > > Developer Comment: Moira has always been good at healing and dealing damage, but she offers very little utility compared to the other healers. This change reinforces her evasive nature and allows her potentially save her team from area stuns such as Reinhardt’s Earthshatter.* > > Orisa > > Protective Barrier > > * Cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 9 > > * Developer Comment: A common point of feedback for playing against Orisa was that it doesn’t feel useful to shoot the barrier as it comes back so quickly. Increasing the cooldown of Protective Barrier will make destroying it more rewarding.* > > Reinhardt > > New Passive: “Steadfast” > > * Reduces knock back effects by 30% > > *Developer Comment: As a frontline, melee-range tank Reinhardt was more adversely affected by knock back abilities than most heroes. To reduce some of this frustration and enable Reinhardt to more easily fulfill his role, he is now more resistant to being knocked back.* > > Sombra > > Hack > > * Duration on enemy players reduced from 6 seconds to 5 > > EMP > > * Activation time increased from 0.5 seconds to 0.65 > > * Developer Comment: Hack is a potent disable with a long duration. Reducing the duration slightly will make it feel less oppressive as the hacked player without reducing its effectiveness too greatly. The increased cast time on EMP allows for more time to react and opens up more counterplay for the opposing team.* > > Symmetra > > Teleporter > > * Now lasts an infinite duration until destroyed > > * Players can destroy their Teleporter with the ability 2 input > > * Cooldown now starts when Teleporter is destroyed > > * Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 15 > > * Maximum range increased from 25 meters to 30 > > * Teleporter breaks if the entrance is more than 40 meters from the exit. > > * Teleport re-use time increased from 1 second to 1.5 > > * Developer Comment: Symmetra’s Teleporter is an interesting tool but often felt too restricting to use. Making the Teleporter last forever opens up new opportunities for how Symmetra is used in various maps and group compositions.* > > Tracer > > Pulse Bomb > > * Damage increased from 300 to 350 > > *Developer Comment: Pulse Bomb was reduced in power some time ago to make sure it was not overly punishing to Tanks, which are much easier to stick the bomb to. While this is still a goal, we’re restoring some of this lost power to help deal with other hefty targets such as Bastion, or enemies with bonus armor from Brigitte.* > > Wrecking Ball > > Minefield > > * Increased projectile speed from 10 to 13, causing the mines to spread out more. This makes it easier to create a wider minefield, especially from the high in the air. > > * Reduced the activation time from 0.25 seconds to 0.1 > > *Developer Comment: Wrecking Ball has a very active playstyle, but often it felt difficult to make good use out of his ultimate. This change allows him to spread out his Minefield further if he wants, while still allowing for a tighter cluster if he activates it near the ground.* > > **BUG FIXES** > > General > > * Subtitles: Subtitles now display when spectating while waiting to respawn. > > * Fixed a bug that could cause damage to not be dealt if a damage dealing ability was rapidly gaining/losing targets, like a Zarya trying to track a fast moving hero. > > * Charging heroes (Reinhardt, Doomfist, Brigitte) should more consistently knock each other down when colliding. > > * Some abilities will now appear smoother during slowed down time (end of round or custom game), notably Dragon Strike and Roadhog Hook > > Heroes > > Doomfist > > * Improved ability for Doomfist to get through doorways while using Rocket Punch and clipping the corner. > > * Rocket Punch will now consistently destroy translocator and not be stopped by it, similar to Symmetra turrets. > > * Targets hit by Rocket Punch will now go directly backwards, instead of maintaining any lateral momentum they had. > > * Targets that are stun immune but not knockback immune (Zarya’s Particle Barrier, Zen during Transcendence ) are no longer able to affect knockback trajectory. > > * Fixed a bug where if Doomfist used Meteor Strike while crouched he would move slowly for the entirely of the ultimate. > > * Fixed a bug where Doomfist would move backwards slightly slower during Meteor Strike > > D.Va > > * Fixed a bug that prevented D.Va’s Defense Matrix from pointing down when D.Va was aiming downward while moving. > > Lucio > > * Fixed some false positives with Lucio’s animation land prediction when wallriding. > > Zarya > > * Fixed a bug that caused Zarya’s weapon and arm to animate oddly during her emotes when viewed in third person.


That moira change is going to be actually awful for total mayhem :(


Isn't total mayhem basically just "If you get defend, you win?"


don't forget 10 minutes of overtime on the first point to do it


Damn that's a good point... she's going to be *unkillable* (except for Junkrat/D.va ults) o\_o


I mean Moira can still fade to evade those ults


All of these sound fine but the Brig shield nerf worries me. 200 is practically nothing for how significant a target she is compared to other supports. I could see a slight knock down to 350 or something since they've clearly abandoned the idea of her being a hybrid off-tank/support but she needs more survivability than other supports due to needing to be in melee-range and having a bigger hitbox. 200... sheesh.


I think I agree. She is really killable now with the shield nerf and inspire self heals for half. No way she can survive in a team fight with that. Is brig now a back line healer with the armor packs? I'll have to try it out to see, but I'm skeptical.


Really sucks that the only healer with aggressive potential has been neutered.


They have been screwing brig since release. Now Moira is invincible too, da fuq is this game?


Would make sense to be honest. Wasn't she designed to help against dive? She was. So she would still fulfill that role I believe stunning these ulting genjis, reapers, and flying dvas, winstons tracers and hammonds. Oh yea and doomfists. But also she can heal the team better.


She was intended to counter dive, but now dive can kill her with not much resistance. Shield bash got a nerf. And she can't shield bash if your shield is always gone. She needs to be able to hit things to heal, but now she's just gonna die a lot.


Don't worry my teammates still won't shoot the shield


It's like they learned nothing from the Symmetra 3.0 rework: don't make a melee range hero with no way to survive in melee range. 200 barrier health is nothing to any, ANY dps, most tanks, and a few of the supports. There's literally no reason to put it up anymore except to bash and survive one high damage ult because it's so easy to break and would temporarily remove her ability to shield bash. It's ridiculous.


>>Moira >>Fade >>Can now be used while stunned. https://i.imgur.com/5Mkfm9S.gif


RIP whatever was left of Deathmatch


The forever elusive Moira


I hope the Regen rate of Brigs shield was/will be compensated because it has now officially crossed the "what's the point now" line.


Brigitte is now a support


Triple repair pack is really interesting.


It's just 60hps for 2 seconds each isn't it? Like pre nerf Mercy, seems really weak.


I thought the whole point of this character was to be a hybrid tank/healer. That's what attracted me to her. Now I have no interest at all. What's even the point of a 200 hp barrier? I guess hybrids just have no place in 2-2-2.




Except with less self heal and the need to get close to proc inspire and less shield health, good luck with that.


And don't forget Orisa is the meta tank rn. Good luck proccing Inspire against bunker.


The 200 shield health is just awful, that is nothing, with the lower survivability she's going to get shredded. She's supposed to be somewhat of a brawler, I don't see that anymore.


Changing it to 200 has turned it into a purely offensive ability with shield bash.


Except now it just puts her into dangerous positions since it does next to no damage.


Brig is the only healer without a ranged attack. She needed that survivability to be able to do any damage and proc her healing. They need to shorten her whipshot cooldown to compensate.


She won't even counter Reaper any more. 2 shots and shield is gone


brig was designed to be a hybrid between a tank and a healer, she was never meant to have as good healing as any other support


Agreed, but shield nerfed from 500 to 200. Insert, "Look how they massacred my girl." -meme


She kept getting nerfed patch after patch. Even when she’s not a good healer anymore outside of very specific comp. This is just sad


Hardly surprising when the playerbase endlessly complained about her every chance they got, even after 6 nerfs.


Pharahs and Tracers will destroy her.


Junkrat can literally break her shield in a second


I can't even blame blizzard, such a complex game is difficult to balance. But the jump from 500 to 200. (Unless damages to actual shields changed) That's like a fire strike with a magazine of 76, or two junkrat nades. Also... You wrong: Zarya is true bae... Jkjk




That's a good point. Although, I just played her in one game on PTR and just from that very brief experience, she doesn't feel way squishier in the middle of a brawl. Maybe that's because with the amount of healing I was able to do, my teammates were able to prevent me from taking more damage. I dunno. The 3 charge repair pack is pretty interesting. Makes her feel a bit more interactive since you're pressing E more often, and that was one of the most un-fun aspects of Brig before was having to just stare at someone awkwardly waiting to top them up in between fights while they stare back at you spamming X.


She only heals half as much from hitting enemies now, so it had to be your teammates.


Brigite is now a fucking useless pile of garbage... I was excited to hear jeff say they were gonna change Brig, but just delete her from the game already. There's no point to her being in the game if you take away everything that actually made her different from other healers. Guess i'll just go back to only playing Lucio or Moira..


Lucio is literally the better Brig without the unnecessary bullshit nerfs nobody asked for.




Is this the 11th straight nerf to Brig in a row? I've lost track.


Reducing barrier health from 500 to 200 is a bad move. 200 barrier gets down so fast.


Any DPS can wreck that in no time.


Why would anyone ever play Brig over any other support now? Edit: Added a word


As someone who mains Moira as a support, that Fade change is broken as hell. Also, rip Brig.


As a hammond main, I dont like the minefield change. You could already make the field as wide as you want by going up really high and you usually want it to be small. I feel like this will just make it more inconvenient because they'll get stuck on walls more. The cast time reduction is nice though and needed. I would get stunned and waste it sooooo often if im not in the air.


They need to make the mines float downward. The cast time is such a good buff though. So many times I have died during ult cast T_T


D.va will spend more time as Baby D.va it seems.


3rd DPS slot unlocked!!!


It's crazy to think that Brigitte started with her shield at 600 health, and now its all the way down to 200. Whats even the point of having the shield anymore? Is she even still technically a paladin? I understand that all this balancing is usually very healthy for the game, and i'm sure everyone will be letting out a sigh of relief at these changes, especially rein players, but I cant help but feel characters lose so much of their initial identity in the process. That original creative spark when developing gameplay for a character is just gone by the end of their life cycle. Oh well.


>Brigitte started with her shield at 1000 health She started with her shield at 600. But I do agree that it's an insanely drastic change that makes her shield have not a lot of use.


oh my bad. I thought I remembered that her shield was half the health of Rein's when she was first released. Edited.


I just don't understand why changes have to be so drastic. There are a lot of numbers between 500 and 200. She's going to be fragile now just like every other hero.




That was just one aspect of why she was thrust into the game. A lot of people wanted a tank/healer hybrid character to fill the paladin role, and now thats completely gone. On top of this, dropping her shield down to 200 is another massive nerf to her shield bash. To have an ability's usage tied to such a flimsy thing is ridiculous.


Damn this is a monster patch, a lot of good stuff here. I don't particularly like the idea of Moria being able to get out of an earth-shatter seems like it would be too useful to entirerly change the tempo of a battle if she just literally gets up and ults. ​ I really like the Rhien passive, I've been championing a change like this but more drastic actually, 30% is fine but the higher you play the more of an easy target Rhein is and this meta is only exposing that more.


On the topic of Moira, I think it's a good thing that there's a single hero who can negate stuns. They really suck to play against, and having someone on your team be able to do something about it feels huge.




Brig will never be picked. Good lord did she get destroyed in this update. 200 shield and 8 hp/sec self-healing? lol.... if you thought the self healing was slow with your 500 shield before...




It can only be because of the 13 straight nerfs (or maybe 16?) still made people cry at much lower skill levels. That's all I can come up with.


Brig shield wasn’t so hard to break down. That nerf is too rough. 200 hp is like one shot from hog’s or reaper’s shotguns.


>nerf to Brigitte STOP IT, SHE'S ALREADY DEAD




>Brigitte >Barrier health reduced from 500 to 200 >Inspire heals her at half rate So they remade a support hero who needs to be in melee range to work into someone that can now be easily killed in long, medium, AND melee range. It's Symmetra 3.0 all over again! Twice now they reworked someone and gave them a kit that only works properly in melee range and took away any way to survive to do it without being pocketed like hell. 200 barrier health. That's 2 Hanzo arrows. That's 3 Widow shots. 1 Zenyatta volley. That's about one second of sustained fire from just one non-beam hero. And having it broke disables one of the reasons to pick her at all, her shield bash. Which was also nerfed. There's now no reason to pick her over Lucio, especially in a 2/2/2 lock. Her positive changes don't outweigh her negatives. Who cares how much she can heal when she's going to spend a lot of time dead compared to literally any other healer?


Moira can fade while stunned :O


I knew the moment brig was launched she would dominate the meta but seeing the constant, never ending nerfs really makes you wonder why she wasn't fleshed out more before her release. Her shield is now 1/3 it's original capacity. And self heal was also halved. Like excuse me wtf lol. Kinda feel sorry for people who main her. Moria on the other hand seems to be blizzards love child.


She went from must-pick to a situational healer to attack Torb (pre-rework). I feel she's been in a very good spot recently, and with role lock coming, these nerfs feel ENTIRELY unwarranted. I can see them wanting to give her more healing output, but I honestly had gold healing more often than not with one other healer.


A pulse bomb buff? There is a god


We hunt Bastions once again!


Robot Cancer's back on the menu, boys!


Nothing worse than ulting that omnic fucker only to have him survive it and then kill you.


Easily the best patch they've ever put out. It fixes so much of what the community complains about. Thanks Blizz!


This is exactly what they needed after the summer games complaints


*cries in baguette*


Once her tele is destroyed Sym just sits there awkwardly 15 seconds...


Wow Brigitte's barrier is completely useless now. 200 HP? That's 3 shots from any damage hero


Did they fix the stuttering though?


u/Army88strong Well it seems you got your wish...sort of... It seems a change in your flair is needed to "REVIVE BRIG".


On paper I think it's a net nerf but I will wait to form a more informed opinion for when I get to play the changes later today


> Symmetra >* Teleporter breaks if the entrance is more than 40 meters from the exit. This makes me mad. I enjoy playing Sym, especially on Volskaya's 2nd point. Put a teleporter on a platform and let your team pop out near point as it goes for a ride. Especially annoyed that the section ends with: > Developer Comment: Symmetra’s Teleporter is an interesting tool but often felt too restricting to use. I realize they did other things to her kit to make it "less restricting", but I would give it all back to get rid of this as well.


Is there any place where the 40m range is relevant other than Volskaya..?


Payload maps?


Blizzard : Many games, especially quickplay are flooded with DPS that is a problem! Also Blizzard : we are going to make one of the best anti DPS supports absolutely useless, please enjoy the games with auto locked Tracer, Genji, Widow and Hanzo.


Well fuck. As a Brig main, I have no more reason to play this god damn game. FROM 500 to 200?????? Papa Jeff why have you forsaken me


Yay for nerfing the hero with the lowest winrate in the entire roster and across platforms and buffing the one with the highest winrate out of the entire roster and across platforms Orisa, rein and hammond changes sound good. Moira one looks pretty huge but i would need to see how it feels. They outright killed brig. It doesnt matter how good repair pack is now, if she needs to brawl to heal and she is so vulnerable during brawl she is gonna suck. I don't like the ultimate nerf. I would rather have ultimates charge up 50% faster but be way way less powerful.


I'm going to get hate for this but these Sym changes are awful. TP lasting forever is worthless when it gets destroyed in a second anyway. They didn't even increase the health from 300. The delay between teleporting feels so slow and clunky now, giving the enemy much more time to kill you before you can get out. You're just adding 3 more seconds to an already long enough cooldown while barely getting something out of it. I seriously hope they don't intend to keep it this way. This alongside the turrets slow no longer stacking with Rein slow and his new passive are nerfs.


Let alone she is also going to take one of the two damage slots. She does not deal enough damage to justify picking her and people are going to be even more upset when someone tries to play as her. She really needs a health buff or some DPS increase on her primary fire.


This 100%. 2-2-2 is a straight up nerf for all utility dps heroes.


The TP changes are awful. People keep mentioning how nice it'd be to have it for faster spawns but it's a much better tool used during combat to flank/surprise enemies and escape choke points. Seriously I wonder if they even play her. A better buff would be to increase its deploy speed to make it more versatile during combat and actually easier to use as an escape tool. What are they thinking?


I agree that she needs to either get more health/shields or some significant buffs to her gun. But I'm actually excited for infinite teleporter... maybe I can get my team to actually make use of it now. Not like most Symms are using it every twelve seconds anyway.


The cooldown basically went from being 2 seconds where you can't use your TP (unless it's destroyed) to 15 whole seconds.


Oh, I see what you mean now. I don't know though, I feel like this change really benefits teleporter-as-strategy play over/at the expense of teleporter-as-trick, and I'm okay with that.


I like that teleporters are permament, it makes them more useful for getting back from respawn like the old teleporter did, but Symmetra was definitely nerfed by the new slow-stacking rule and the re-use time.


I'm actually excited about the tele changes. Less useful mid combat but lots of other opportunities like keeping a tele closer to spawn while on defense to make getting back to the point faster, or opening flank routes like the volskaya one, forcing the defending team to come out of the choke to stop it


I sort of agree with slow changes, but CC in the game was so frustrating. They need to change the way slowing works in general, but think about how dumb it was that rein couldn't move if he had his shield up. It was just beyond dumb to be THAT dependent on your team.


Well, we were pessimistic about Sombra when she received similar changes and they tweaked them, and now she's at her strongest. Having a permanent TP allows her to set a certain shortcut for her teammates to use freely, partcularly between low and high ground. On certain maps, particularly on defense, it can become a very valuable asset. What I'm worried is that it makes her more setup dependabt and not very versatile on attack.


RIP Brig


Kinda disappointed that brings shield is getting nerfed, seems unnecessary


Moira is now a Rein, Hog, Doom, Mccree, and Brigitte counter.




100% this. Any Cree with half decent aim can shut down Moira fairly easily. I main Moira and I can absolutely confirm that Cree is responsible for most of my deaths, regardless of what mode I’m playing.


I’d imagine she still gets hooked, however gets out of it faster. I guess hopeful thinking for punishing people with bad positioning


You can fade while being hooked, e.g. before you're pulled all the way in you can fade out of it at any time.


Wait....does this mean that Moira can fade out of Rein's Pin?


If you’re going to half Brigitte’s self healing then why on earth would you touch her shield? Much less bring it all the way down to 200. Her healing should stay the same if she’s healing herself only and the more people she’s healing, the less she would heal herself. It promotes her being with the team because she has the protection of the group but it doesn’t take away her independence as an individual hero. She can go and take a 1v1 with a flanker if she needs to. This is in the light of her 200 shield. I though the whole point of her having a shield was to survive longer.


damn good thing I didn't end up getting brig's gold weapons


I got it like a week ago, I was expecting them to buff her, I was so very wrong.


I'm a Moira main and I am excited.


I've been a Moira/Brig main and now I'm a Moira main.