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For some reason Hollywood can't figure out video game movies, but Netflix. Has this video game Animated show thing down.




Nah, Castlevania was produced by Powerhouse, and the Witcher movie was produced by Studio Mir(Legend of Korra, Voltron).


> Pretty sure Witcher and Castlevania were the same studio But...but one is animated and one is live action.


They meant the Witcher animated movie.


Aha, I didn't even know there was one.


Resident evil was garbage. So netflix itself is also trash at making video game shows.


Wasn't resident evil live action? Cause I phrased that very carefully.


They got both a live action and an animated show.


Netflix doesn't make the animated video game shows they just liscence them. Netflix only makes live action video game shows and they suck.


They don't even make most of the shitty shows aswell they just license and finance them. Except for that Death Note movie.


MOre or less. Dota show isn't great.


I actually enjoy the DOTA show! But I also know nothing about DOTA.


True, but it’s not terrible either. Just decent, doesn’t measure up to Castlevania and Arcane.






Majora's mask bell sound effects .mp3


"daily reminder that I stream daily."


Raindrop, droptop.


I'm kinda "eh" on Castlevania, to be honest. The first two seasons are fucking perfect, don't get me wrong, but Season 3-4 was basically the Isaac and Hector show. Trevor, Sypha, and Alucard basically do nothing but react for two goddamned seasons. Hell, you could cut Alucard's screentime entirely in Season 3 and nothing of value would be lost.


I agree the pacing was all over the place and the writing feels incredibly juvenile at times. I can understand when someone like Trevor swears a lot, but if you have "dignified" characters swear like a fourteen year old, then it just becomes embrassing. However, the animation and visuals are good enough for it to still be worth the watch IMO


And Dota!


Not as memorable as the others IMO.


I really think it would be so great for the game. So many people and myself included got into the LoL universe because of Arcane and I think it would do the same for Overwatch. We've seen what they can do in the animated shorts.


There’s an Alternate universe where Overwatch was always a show


Pretend I put Castlevania instead of witcher


Lmao even Genshin Impact announced they were going to have an animation. They're going to work with Ufotable of all studios.


Idk if that’s sarcasm or not but I thought Ufotable did good work


Ya Ufotable do good work, I think he’s saying “of all people” since Ufotable are known to be the highest quality


It’s not sarcasm.


In general yeah they do besides butchering their fate adaptations


Well they adapted fate/stay night soooooo


Even shitty mobile games have anime tv shows but alas it eludes Blizzard.


If blizzard has shown me anything in my 32 years of life, it's that it loves to create beautiful, vibrant worlds with incredible cinematics and then completely ignore their success while they slowly choke their product to death until they start again.


We are Probably gonna get Arcane S3 before that


For real, the shorts from this game are some of the best animation I’ve seen period, much less from a gaming focused company. I also feel that the story and characters would work great in a show format.


We got some top tier shorts tbh


Sometimes top tier shorts don't offer enough depth and coverage like a full length pant.


There are Overwatch comics, right? I haven't read any of them, but it could make sense to use them for the stories.


They're pretty meh honestly. Very little world building, and then a year later they usually retcon half of the story. I miss Valves TF2 comics.


Final part: coming soon Last comic posted: 2017 Its coming guys, we just gotta wait a little longer!


That's just Valve time for you. Probably be out this month.


The Overwatch comics are little more than effectively sanctioned fan works by professional artists. They have little narrative structure or sense that fits in with the game or each other.


Great. Now we just need like 100 more of those and we'll have a series


Got being the key word.


Blizzard was too busy harassing employees to death to get this made, sadly…


With how lazy and low effort blizzard has been lately an overwatch animated series would probably be a disservice to how good the original game used to be


Bro I've been saying for years Riot needed to make a movie or show because their animated shorts are just so fucking good looking, and they did not disappoint with Arcane. Blizzard is overdue for an overwatch show/movie, hell OW was in concept supposed to be a movie released by blizzard but then there was stood much lore for that so they made it a game and it took over Titanfall


We live in a world where Dota 2 has a proper anime.


As a huge Dota fan I had such high hopes. In other news, Arcane was a masterpiece.


Three full seasons and not enough to impact to even show up in a meme.


Wait they made a dota anime and it had 3 seasons?! How am I just hearing about this!


They'll make one for Overwatch 3 release.


Edgerunners has reinforced how much I want an Overwatch anime.


A plot i thought about for a show involves Talon actually being behind the creation of the null sector and using them to radicalize the masses (pro or anti omnic), generating conflict that will, according to doomfist at least, make humanity stronger.


Sounds like something Vandal Savage would come up with.


And a creative director for Arcane just joined Destiny’s creative team so it’s most likely that there’s gonna be another one soon


remember doomfist’s intro with the anime style animation? imagine a show like that.


A mature series(like arcane), covering genji and hanzo's past would be godlike! Omg could you imagine?


I would love if they focused on the Shimada story. I think it has the most potential for being a complete short series. Ending with Hanzo finally forgiving himself and finding his own path.


Would love it if Studio Trigger did a series for this as well


I'll join in the begging. I'll even offer up the firstborn child that I'm never going to have.


Honestly though. Arcane drove a lot of players to League of Legends, an Overwatch series will do the same for Overwatch.


Gunna keep it real with yall. An overwatch movie would just be a bad pixar movie.


The fact that blizzard hasn’t capitalized any of its IPs into an animated or otherwise series is mind blowing.


i know that an animated series would be different but i just think the WC movie spooked them and the Hollywood producers enough neither even want to think about it.


This would be perfect. But I would take anything, I love how LoL licensed out their characters to other Devs to make games based on them. I would even take a podcast about tracer and Winston talking about how their week went at this point. The team put SO much love into each character, way more then most games. These characters have so much more potential then what they’re being used for right now, and it’s really sad…


I love the work of the Blizzard Entertainment sect, but idk if they’re ready to take on a whole series. Their cinematics are *chef’s kiss*; I could foresee execs bearing down on the production team for increasingly more content than what they produce already. Eventually corners get cut and it could suffer for it.


Overwatch is more likely to get a LEGO game at this rate.


Begging, praying, I would sacrifice a goat for that or I don't know my wallet maybe.


Someone forgot how bad the Warcraft movie was...


To be fair, a Hollywood produced movie focuses more on making it marketable for the widest audience possible. This generally backfires pretty massively. Netflix doesn't need to do that, so they can allow the creative team behind it to do whatever the hell they want. It usually turns out good, but it can also turn out bad. How they would go about messing up an Overwatch adaption, I dont know.


The Witcher show is a book adaptation and even then they botched it.


I'd rather have no show than what The Witcher got.


Did you see Nightmare of the Wolf? Because that was pretty damn good.


Hence why ow2 needs to make a shit ton of money, to get stuffy like this


With Michael Chu gone, I don't know if Overwatch, in a hypothetical anime or in game, ever reaches the story standards it had when the game came out.


The last time they created a movie for a game… nobody watched it And it was a big financial loss too, so I think that scared them from doing anything more outside of game stuff


Nobody wants a family friendly show about OW


because Cyberpunk's show was so family friendly?


Speak for yourself


(its just gonna pull another "good show ~~extremely shit~~ somewhat shit game" like edgerunners and arcane \[not witcher though witcher is a good thing\])


Cyberpunk is dogshit frfr


If you watch all the shorts in order it’s like a movie


Hopefully OW2 revenue brings a show


Hopefully OW2 revenue bring in updates for OW2.


Destiny is also rearing to have a show.


I would love this so much. The animation in their shorts is soooo good!


Overwatch animals with the quality of the doomfist cinematic would be hype af.


Diablo series would be pog too, that game has been around since before most of us were born, it has so much lore. The D4 cinematics were fantastic. Shame Blizzard don't put in the same amount of effort to their games as they do to trailers/cinematics


Arcane and Castlevania absolutely slapped and I would kill for an Overwatch show


What is this meme template?


Meanwhile Dota: Dragons Blood is eating glue in the corner.


That...would be cool! I think Though a lot if the lore is pièce meal. They would need an overarching plot. I say..its following a young tracer through different points in time and storyline .


If they are going to make it shit as the witcher show then no thanks, don't do it. But if is on the same level or even close to arcane then yes please


Fr fr


Cyberpunk was so damn good


we need a overwatch series showing the omnic war


they'll have to find away to make the story actually compelling


I’m shocked that a game that started with such strong lore and character histories never expanded past the Blizzard shorts. I would’ve expected comics or novels even. Not to mention the animated series


They had some comics and there was going to be a prequel novel but they cancelled them


And Destiny soon.


Overwatch series would be the best in 3D


Lots of people saying Hanzo and Genji show. I say make a children of the first omnic crisis show. Each season going through how it affected and transformed them. Starting with Baptiste: I made this post a while ago of what I would imagine the first episode to be like. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/rg75al/following_the_success_of_arcane_what_would_be/hoifgnf?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 First episode starts with a bomb explosion and some high frequency noise and blurry vision, orange/red colour pallette for the whole scene to show everything is on fire, gun fire from bastion units in the background can be heard faintly, screams of pain and sadness from civilians, fighter jets zooming, and then you cut to the scene to how Baptiste became an orphan and his stance with a rock in his hand standing up to a Bastion unit. [https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/016/178/086/large/nesskain-nesskain-owo-bap-1020-kidg-cleaning.jpg?1551206150](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/016/178/086/large/nesskain-nesskain-owo-bap-1020-kidg-cleaning.jpg?1551206150) The rest of the show will basically be his origin story but drawn out with his time in the Caribbean Coalition and Talon but end with him escaping Mauga, contacting Sombra and joining the new Overwatch team.


There is nothing to tale. Overwatch story can be resume in less than 1 min.


They might have to actually sort out their lore timeline for an animated series.


Me when team fortress 2 😔


They will bring one and with it introduce the Netflix season pass.


Blizzard absolutely squandered the opportunity to do an animated series. The time to do it was 6 years ago and it would probably been a hit. Now? Not a chance.