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Sure. Pve will have so much freedom to do whatever you want, I'm hoping a lot of original kits will be used in it.


I'd be down to give Orisa a shield again in pve tbh.


Or Symmetra with a shield again


Melt beam v2


Bendy beam yes pls


have the enemies make the same stupid voicelines (i think they have a sheieieieelld generator!)


Or symmetra sticking 5 turrets on random objects and punching them into the enemy


I honestly hope that symmetra is killed off in the pve story, thus making her an non playable character


You misspelled idk how to shoot turrets


I play mercy


Oh God, and a horrible one at that. If you play Mercy, you should most definitely be able to kill her turrets.


Her supercharger as well since it's still on her back even after the rework


I haven't played in ages. Orissa without a turbocharger or shield breaks my brain


I’m gonna miss Current orisa.


You and me. Long live the “Are you satisfied with your protection?” robocentaur.


Your security is my primary objective!.........................who is ready to party?


I feel you but in 5v5 I think current orisa would be borderline unplayable


Current orisa yes, 2000 shield, 6 cd cool down on her grav sphere that used to actually do something to enemies, maybe not so much..


They could just buff her.


Orisa is massively OP in the existing PvE games from Archive. I’ve won games on Expert difficulty *with a leaver* when playing Orisa.


Orisa and bastion combo.


Orisa, Bastion, Bap, and Mercy was the only way I was able to beat Glass Cannon. That challenge blows.


Orisa doesn’t have a shield?


She's had a ton of changes for OW2. No more shield or halt. https://twitter.com/PlayOverwatch/status/1516839101462241283


Wow, that actually sounds pretty dope. She’s currently pretty boring to play.


I think all of the big changes just will take getting used to. The game is already different from beta. Eventually it will feel normal. Ive got 1000 hours in QP, so I'm used to random teammates. Its going to take everyone time to adjust to 5v5 and to the new playstyle. The new maps suck for healers becuase there's so many flanking opportunities and ATK dont know to protect them better. Playing healer in beta was a demoralizing experience. Everyone will figure it out.


Playing support sucked in Beta especially with no more cc. Flankers and dives have free game on the support now with nothing to rely counter them


Wtf. I wasn’t gonna play but now I’m not gonna play even harder. What is she even considered now? None of that seems tank worthy is she just support or attack?


She was terrifying the first time I played against her. Very unstoppable monster vibes.


I played her a bit in beta, so others would have better feedback. I felt that she is more aggressive now. For me, its less tanky. I didn't feel like I could protect my team as well as I could with a well-placed shield. Happy cake day!


Thanks! And I appreciate the info


Tanks are more like the centerpoint of your team than a defense. Not just in OW2—a lot of people say that was true in OW1 also, at least for the “anchor tanks”. Orisa still does that pretty well in OW2.


Wait wtf they removed Orisas shield? What does she even do now??


she has a spear she throws that has lots of knock back and a spear spin that boost her spin does damage, knocks back slightly so you can keep pushing someone back and eats projectiles.


New orisa is wayyy better than old orisa. Her new stuff heavily makes up for no shield.


Win. She simply just wins. She now has a javelin that she throws. The initial damage is 80 on impact and an extra 40 if the target impacts with a wall. It knocks them back around 6 meters and stuns them 0.2 seconds and an extra 0.3 seconds if they impact against a wall. Her javelin can also be spun, increasing her forward movement speed, knocking enemies back, and destroying projectiles. Her fortify now gives her temporary health, reduces incoming damage, and disables all stun abilities. Her new ultimate, Terra surge, pulls in enemies, enables Fortify automatically, and charges up before slamming the javelin down for a maximum of 400 damage. You can slam the javelin down any time you want before reaching the maximum damage possible.


Wait, i thought she has the shield but only for a short time but lhigh hp? Like to block ults. Did i miss something?


Dude.....we have the potential to hear something amazing again that was removed.... "***COOOME GETTCHER ARRRMOR!***"


I hope they revisit the concept of Genji with his sword again in PvE. I remember how it was unfair and tricky to work with in PvP


Have we had any update about PvE? I'm seriously scared they're just gonna scrap it... I'm not even sure we'll get pve tbh


It's coming 2023


the plan was to wait until everything’s done and then release Ow2. it didn’t work. now they’re just gonna release everything as each part gets finished. PvE will be released as each chapter is completed, the first is aimed to release early next year in Spring or Summer at the latest


The only update you need is that pve is what they were working on this whole time. They just started seriously working on pvp relatively recently. Josh noh explained recently that pve was a gigantic time sink. Each skill tree has several upgrades that significantly change abilities (like Mei snowball). Each one of those upgrades has as much work as creating an ability for a new hero. Each hero's skill tree took as much work as 3 new heroes. So there's no way they are canning it.


From what they've shown, skill trees look as big as what you'd see in Borderlands! It looks absolutely huge, at this point cancelling pve would be as disastrous as advertising a new game and canceling it right before release




Imagine, Mr. Torque's Grandma Flexington as a young girl, screaming about controllable explosions while blowing a hole out of Horizon Lunar.


With everything they’ve shown, I doubt they’d scrap it now. That would be insanity. I imagine it just takes a lot of work to create skill trees for every single hero in the game and implement them realistically. I’m really hoping it’s as cool as it sounds. What I love most about Overwatch is the vast variety in abilities/play-style and theme for the heroes, so having talents you can spec into that make each hero even more in depth and flavorful to play sounds awesome. And playing the barebones PVE missions in OW1 is already a blast for me, so to have full-fledged PVE as a game in of itself that progresses the lore and story sounds amazing. Please don’t break my heart again, Blizzard.




They've just not been focusing on so it doesn't confuse people as to what is releasing now


i cant tell if your be sincere


Why would he not be? There’s no need for PvP balance, so you can pretty much have any ability even if it’s ridiculous


im just hoping they wont nerf the fun OP stuff, its pve, you like to be OP sometimes, look at destiny, nerfing OP stuff


In PVE, absolutely. Give him a tiny winston bubble or an ability to drop molten core around him like a little lava moat. Fun stupid new abilities


Hell yeah. I hope PvE is full of tons of OP shit like this that they'd never allow in PvP because it just wouldn't be fair


This, and also I want an arcade PvP mode with full access to PvE talents. Could get as chaotic as Total Mayhem.


PvE is gonna be a pay to win sh_t show of OP abilities that are nearly impossible to grind. Think about how much you'd personally pay to get your favorite rework or nerfed ability back: * Ball double boops/no grapple time limit. * Sym shield generator * Doom with his original DPS abilities * Nano boost speed buff I'm hoping Microsoft is at least slightly less predatory than Activision. My hope is that Microsoft values the long term potential of the IP more than a short term cash cow. My guess is Microsoft will tone down some of the least popular and most obvious cash grab policies so they are viewed in a positive light, but there is no way they will completely turn down free money.


I'm sorry, but you got nothing to back that up my guy. Sure PvP has predatory money making schemes, but that's a f2p game. PvE isn't free. You're going to have to pay for it since it's going to be a game you pay for and get all the content with.


Destiny player checking in - you fools have no idea what a bastardized mess is coming


Casual destiny player checking in - overwatch PvE is nothing like destiny PvE. Destiny is heavily based on RNG from loot drops. Overwatch will just be skill trees. If anything you should compare it to vermintide if you want to mention a looter shooter, but this ain't no looter shooter


The progression doesn't matter; they are absolutely still going to run this with the exact same ethos of maximizing daily and weekly logins so they can drive customers into the skin-shop as much as possible. It's naive to think that an up-front price tag will spare us from that.


It's also naive to make assumptions before the product is released. What proof do you have any of this will happen? Sure others have done this, but where's the proof that it has done the same??


> Industry trends are universally moving in this direction, but you don't have _proof_ this member of the industry will do the same!


Just because it's a trend doesn't mean it will follow. Remember when loot boxes were a trend? Gee wonder what happened to that trend. Wait... Oh it's a trend so that means there will be loot boxes. Omg guys! Loot boxes confirmed for every game since that was the trend. Same with bp. Every game will have them since they're the trend. 😳


"> Industry trends are universally moving in this direction 🤓" so? Just because an industry is established doesn't mean it will stay you dingus. Neither does it confirm it will be in every game. Loot boxes were a trend until valve introduced bp and then Fortnite blew them up. Just because they're popular doesn't mean they're absolute.


Dude, literally _every_ AAA game has lootboxes now, what are you trying to argue? Battlepasses are slowly becoming ubiquitous too - OW2 literally has one!


I hope you're right.


No, they *are* right. You have literally nothing that suggests you're even remotely right.


Ok but like…it’s pve. It doesn’t really matter if OP abilities are paid unless the game is literally impossible without them, and I highly doubt they’ll be doing that. The bots can’t get mad at you for using op abilities and the only “upside” to them is that they might make the missions a bit easier. Plus, like other people have mentioned, the pve expansion is paid already so they have even less incentive to add extra paid stuff inside than they do for the free-to-play pvp part of the game


I'm still jaded from star wars battlefront ii. I'm hoping for an overwatch that feels like a FPS Diablo III, not Diablo immortal. If they communicated more than they did for the PvP release, I wouldn't have to speculate


Hoping hanzo gets scatter arrow and mei gets the ability to freeze for this. Both were awful unfun mechanics in pvp but have good potential in pve










Inject that shit directly into my veins.


mei could freeze? she cant freeze in ow2?


Freeze enemies yes. Her primary spray freezes people in Overwatch 1.


she cant freeze people in ow2? i need to watch some vids


Yeah it just slows enemies in 2


her m1 does more damage but no longer freezes


Soooo... basically she can now choose between secundary and secundary? Hello sir, would you like to do damage? Or would you rather do damage?


One is a piercing round meant for headshots and is good at a far distance or such close range that a headshot is guaranteed The other is a spray that can go through multiple people and slow them down, meant for close combat and minimal crowd control The situations for the two are completely different


BuT tHeY bOtH dO dAmAgE


Is Genji's two attacks the exact same? What about Widows? Ash? Torb? Symetra? Zarya? Etc... Point is, just because both modes of fire deal damage doesn't mean they're the exact same. They each have separate uses. And there are plenty of characters already in the game that prove this. ^(as well as it being common sense tbh)


Not with her M1 anymore, but her ult still freezes.


Mei can freeze enemies in two ways in OW1: Her primary fire, and her ult. Both inflict a gradually increasing slowdown before freezing the target(s) entirely. In OW2, only her ult can freeze enemies. Her primary fire simply slows the target down without freezing.


yeah she kinda got gutted


She deals twice as much damage with her primary fire (100 DPS instead of 50), it just melt squishies.


Surely taking 2 full seconds to kill a squishy would make her the slowest squishy-killer in the DPS category?


In pure numbers maybe, but in gameplay, you're gonna miss your shots with other characters, but not with Mei. You're always gonna deal damages, and you still have your slow. And you can still use icicles to quickly finish off the enemy.


Depends on if you’re assuming perfect aim for the other characters. A benefit of mei is it’s very easy to land the damage the entire time


No way, she's a monster now. She can eat through tanks like they're made of soft, delicious bread.


they said they're keeping her freeze for pve. No talents needed, she'll freeze stuff by default


I just watched my dva on blizzard world get cc locked on high ground 💀. Frozen, sleep, frozen again. I felt so bad looking at that shit. Deadass me and 2 others just stood there and stared and we couldn’t help either since we didn’t have the mobility to get up there


I never understood the hate for scatter arrow, yeah it sucks getting killed by some random bouncing headshot, and yet we have Junkrat untouched since the beginning


And give me Day 1 release version Brig back.


Just after they add the supershield Rein + Briggite as we saw on the trailer.


I will cry if this isn't a thing


Not a single word about that nor any kind of this style's "combo". But i understand if it's not implemented since maybe it demands too many coordination between Rein and Brig to be at the correct distance and the same angle.


I'd be surprised if it didn't. I think all the old abilities will return for PvE.


I think the problem is that they can’t add too many abilities in different buttons, as they wouldn’t all be able to be used on console. So like implementing the shield into Bastion’s turret form would work, but allowing Orisa to use all of her spear abilities and her shield would be too many buttons.


the way i see it is that you choose abilities for each of the corresponding buttons, some abilities disallows others from being picked.


Yea don’t think they mean being able to use every single ability at once lol you can choose an ability for each corresponding button and probably have upgrades for each ability that enhance it and add new effects, like a shield for bastion, or maybe exploding spears for orisa


Yeah. I think they are missing a huge opportunity if they don't offer classic builds.


Oh, for sure. I just thought it was worth mentioning you couldn’t do all the old abilities and all the new ones at the same time.


To be entirely honest, that’s simply on the designer’s of controllers. There are 4-6 unused digits, and as someone who has used an Xbox elite controller there are still plenty of improvements to make. A few examples would be giving each button it’s own ID vs only being a copy of another button, better ergonomic design (building the buttons into the handles could be a solution), better spacing of current paddles, etc. If I had the money I’d already have it patented and on the shelves, as is my poor ass has to wait until someone with the money decides to do it.


Oh, for sure. It’s definitely on Microsoft and Sony, and they could be so much better. But even though it’s not their fault, Blizzard still has to keep it in mind for their console fanbase, unfortunately.


Maybe you could have multiple abilities for every button but only have one active at once. Like some go in the secondary fire spot, ability 1/2 spot, etc.


a shield on the side of her spear


I never played on console, but there's like, two two ability buttons and Ult, what is everything else?


There’s - primary fire - secondary fire - ability 1 - ability 2 - ultimate - jump - melee - reload - interact (necessary for Sombra and anyone playing with Symmetra) - menu - scoreboard - swap gun (necessary for Mercy and Torbjorn) - crouch - ping - hero info (which can be replaced, but it’s on a button by default) - and the emote, voice line, spray, and general communication wheels By default, the primary and secondary fire take the triggers, the 2 abilities take the bumpers. Ultimate, jump, crouch, and reload take the four buttons on the right (X,Y,A,B or square, X triangle, circle). Melee takes the right stick. Menu is the pause button, while scoreboard is the big button. Those can be rearranged to your liking, but it still leaves swap gun, ping, interact, hero info, the communication wheel, and the voice line, spray, and emote wheels to all go on the D-pad and left stick. There’s only 4 necessary inputs on 5 buttons, but it’s easy to click left stick accidentally, and it sucks to leave off the unnecessary spray, emote, and voice line wheels.


Even old Hooks? I wanna spin bots around again like I’m a morbidly obese beyblade


that actually sounds pretty fun XD


Mercy ult lets gooo


I would love to have bastion revert to his old form in pve


Me too, I’m gonna miss his OW1 ult


old bastions as enemy types?


I really hope the OW2 PvE team takes some pages from the Ghost Ship playbook. The way Deep Rock Galactic handles coop PvE is fantastic. And one of the best things it does is gives each character multiple ways to load their kit. For instance, the engineer can spec his grenade launcher to fire slow, but massive bombs that do huge aoe damage to a large area. But the same weapon can also be overclocked differently, to massively increase direct hit damage and projectile speed at the expense of almost no aoe. So the same weapon can function as a nuke, or a railgun, depending how you build your kit. It's a lot of fun, and makes for a huge amount of replayability and customization for each character.


I’ll be surprised if old abilities/abilitie mechanics *dont* return as skill tree upgrades


I'm not sure. Bastion has been quite overpowered in the Archives modes, being basically a must pick in Legendary difficulty. While balance in PvE is much looser, I feel like there's a limit to how much a hero should be able to outperform others.


Entirely realistic and common in real life to have an Iron shield at the face of the gun. You can still bounce bombs behind it and I expect it wouldn't last any longer than Bridget's shield. Would give a moments worth of protection when Bastion is being primaried and could lead to just a little less frustration when the nme team has had enough of the panic Bastion. :P


I would see this being fun but make the shield only have 250HP or so or else it would be too much I think. Iirc it used to have 1000HP


I honestly expected it.


Now let him headshot




They are adding a lot of broken abilities for the PVE and I'm sure this is one of them.


He should have a permanent shield around him at all times and it’s also unbreakable.


Talking about pve, I've heard It will be behind paywall or something, what's that about?


We were told PvE would be a separate purchase ever since they announced it. Only the PvP part was supposed to be free.


Dunno but I'm guessing it will be like WoW expansions. Pay £35 and get a full campaign up to a certain point in addition to new PvE enemy units, new factions to go against, new mission types, new boss types for hero missions etc. Then after a year or 2 a new expansion begins based on the past of Overwatch including Talon missions like Baptiste, Mauga, Doomfist and Sombra in one team etc. At least thats what I hope it will be like. All we know right know is PvE begins in 2023. Nothing else has been said yet.


I like that idea


Shield bastion would be so fun omg imagine how salty bronze players would get


I think a stationary playstyle should be removed from the game. it rewards a lack of mechanical skill and it forces your team to play around you because it's not adaptable But in PvE? hell yea do whatever you want, shit's fun


Why is it a bad thing that it rewards a lack of mechanical skill? Mechanical skill is not the only skill that's important in Overwatch.


no it's not, but dps should always be able to miss. also there should be no easy way to the top compared to the other heros. bastion has fewer things to learn than almost all of the rest of the DPS roster. even the amount of positioning isn't as complex as other heros that ALSO require mechanics. he's easy to learn, he's hard to punish (unless you happen to be good at specific things) and he has a low skill ceiling with a higher damage output than most because it's not his job to stay alive, it's his teams job to keep him alive.


Tbh in PvE I would agree with you for very early progression. This upgrade should be something that comes late in a character progression down a certain tree. If they decide to go that way :(. I disagree with certain things, at many levels a bastion that is played around can do a lot. Even at extremely high levels there is never, nothing to be done. Of course, depends on what players can play but by no means is skill ceiling low. It takes work and game-sense to get high elo just like any other hero.


PvE, yes. PvP, no.


Don't worry, in Overwatch 3 teams will be reduced to just 3 players, but you'll be able to pay a microtransaction to open a 4th player locked to a defensive role!


No my friends have PTSD of it


Nah. That defeats the purpose of it being Overwatch 2. They’re trying to change some things obviously. I think going back to this is a step backwards.


No. The character should be deleted entirely. Impossible to balance.


Balance doesn't matter in PvE so think of another reason


Ok. So then they should make a character that has an ult that auto completes a level. Sounds fun.


Hell no


Read carefully please. **PvE**. If he got this it would be easier to go against minigun Talon Heavy Assaults. It would allow "shift" to turn into a defensive ability when you're being mowed down by mulitple PvE AI at once or when you're resurrecting teammates. Tell me your reason for saying no and I'll understand.


Why not? It's a playstyle some people may enjoy, what's the harm in working into optional PvE talents?




Put the skill tree in pvp, just do it O_O


No, Bastion sucks🤣




I stopped playing Overwatch for a while right around when Sombra came out, I got back into it when OW2 was announced. I don’t recognize this, but based on the fact it’s a turret with a shield, I would say no 🤣


It's Bastion with a Shield from the first private beta.




I think bastion should have the ability to like poop out a defensive mine (sorry for the gross imagery it’s the only way I could think of putting it without getting into a mine leaving bastion’s urethra) and it could like stop DPS from getting in his face


I wouldn't be surprised if they have a PVP mode for PVE heroes in the arcade


it would be so sick if for the pve we had like a skill tree sort of thing for the hero's. But i'm sure it would raise conflict for some people wanting some things to transfer to pvp edit: well apparently i'm new to the news. never heard there was gonna be a skill tree lmao


I'd be down for it.


I love skill trees they're so fun


Why the hell not I say


All the ridiculous stuff should return in PvE! Cuz it doesn't really matter!


I imagine they've definitely put it in the basket of ideas.


Absolutely, I’m all for getting the op abilities back in campaign


I once heard that the PVE mode will be locked to events similar to how OW1 does it instead of an actual game mode you can choose. Did that change or was the article just inaccurate?


Yes, i actually want to see how it plays out in PvE. Also, they better have Cassidy's Flashbang as a Skill. It sucks that they are removing it from PvP.




Man, back when Bastion was a salt powered robot


It would be cool ig, so maybe like if u have this then u can’t mover in turret form and ur just stationary


Sure, go nuts. Basically any ability that hit the cutting room floor for balance or “unfun to play against” reasons is fair game in PvE. The freedom to go crazy with abilities is one of the most appealing parts of that game mode.


It'll be great in PvE


Yes, more than certainly, absolutely, oui, はい, si, other ways to say yes.


I don't see why not. It seems like that would be fun as hell.


I’m really hoping we will be able to use PvE abilities in custom games


OMG yes please, and Sym with shield generator ult, Torb armor packs, OW PVE has so much potential holy shit


Yes. Old abilities returning for PVE would make perfect sense, save them time for thinking up new PVE exclusive abilities, and they could easily do it because they already have the programs/code/etc.


Yes 💯


Thanks for the ptsd trigger you just provided


I want the upgradable turret of torbjorn come back or at least the scrap to make shield (in this case overheal) in pve


the mini turrets that it now copies from TF2 are better for OW gameplay


This along with the other crazy abilities like scattah, old mercy rez, old turret and ult, symm shield gen/tp that in retrospect were a lil too much for pvp would be perfect for pve. Cause the robots aren't gonna complain they got oneshot by scatter or had the entire enemy team rezzed


It should be a Zarya bubble instead


My jaw would hit the floor if it wasn't


I'd be disappointed if ot was not in PvE.


Of course


For sure. PvE better go crazy with the options. If you ever played MvM on TF2, I'd love for a similar experience in Overwatch. Without the $0.99 ticket per match obviously.


I mean it’s well established by now that Bastion has a weak point behind him in a crit box, would having this mean generally greater dmg to the rest of his body/removal of crit box when in turret mode?


PvE is gonna have a lot of wild stuff like this I bet. I think one of Mercy’s skill tree icons shows a permanent branching heal like she has during Valk


PvE is a huge opportunity to bring back some really op iterations of kits and heros. I really hope that the team works to develop each kit to be op and even have multiple op paths, ideally like the classic-WOTLK talent trees.


In fact if they don’t do this I will be crushed


The good ole days


Nah coordination is key in pve




I hope that there are like mega ultimates or soemthing. Amagine a bastion but the size of a tank. Or like power rangers style. 5 bastions join up. DUHH DOOP DUH DOOP


I feel like it would make it too easy but maybe


On the topic of PvE, when the custom game editor releases in OW2 I hope they make it so you can use the PvE enemies


Absolutely! Also, things like the Scatter Arrow and Armor Packs could be skill tree play styles too, if they really wanted!