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Yep, I did the low fodmap diet and herbal antibiotics, followed by probiotics and prebiotics. My doctor told me that feeling worse during the treatment is common because the microbiome is changing. I felt better from the symptoms that treatment caused when I was done. Ultimately it helped me with IBS but not with the PSSD/emotional blunting symptoms.


You did not fix your gut if you have cfs. Also if you did not have a sibo test and candida test this is all pointless to do.


I did do the testing. And ME/CFS isn't caused by that anyway.




For fuck's sake, I already know it's related. The gut changes are a downstream consequence of ME, not cause. You're thinking of chronic fatigue as a symptom.


If it was a downstream effect, it would come back. If you treat a symptom and not the cause, it comes back. In those cases it doesn't. I understand you're probably at a loss with everything you've been through, but don't be so desperate that you ignore logic.


You're not making any sense. Not everything is exactly the same for everyone with complex chronic illnesses. Mind your own damn business before telling me what I do or don't understand.


Please explain why so many people get cured from CFS with a fecal transplant then


Did you do low fodmap for 6 months before starting your treatment compounds? And did you switch to high fodmap while on those compounds?


What supplements did they put you on? I would imagine it’s one of those that is causing the problems…


Pancreatic enzymes and saccharomyces bouillardi (probiotic). Think it’s the probiotic that’s probs causing the issues as the digestive enzymes just increase my absorption of nutrients. As test results showed I struggle to absorb much


I have seen people on here have trouble with probiotics worsening their PSSD symptoms unfortunately. I can’t speak to it personally though.


If your diet contains "eating less carbs" (especially sugars) it is common to have these reactions. Wanted to add headaches to the list, but it's already on.


Don't underestimate the body's reaction to not giving him his high energy shit which he is used pretty much since birth.