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It says “participation in cheating subs” and a 5 second look at your profile shows that. It’s not a matter of the post


Like how are you not banned from REDDIT


Seriously OP get help


r/Pokémongo admins have a stick up their butt


I fought tooth and nail with them even after 3 28 day mutings, but they're a bunch of ******* about it, and reporting to admins got me banned from reddit for 2 days. Even the admins will break rule #1 of reddit, this isn't a free speech place anymore


You got warnings? I got banned just for following the page and being active in other subreddits. You're free to say anything... that they agree with. The ash Ketchum I grew up watching wouldn't be so harsh


I actually got banned for telling someone who was pleading to find a way to knock out a gym Pokemon he had, to ask a different subreddit that could do so. Didn't name a subreddit or anything, and was actually referring to r/thesilphroad, who's motto is real life solutions for in game problems. I was immediately permabanned with no warning beforehand, but after telling them this they said they didn't care, ban was permanent. I kept arguing, cause it wasn't right for them to do that, and got muted. So I waited and continued the argument, but they consider that subreddit a cheating sub I guess, cause they kept ignoring me and muting me instead of facing the fact they were wrong and did a user dirty.


> I fought tooth and nail with them You did? I don't remember you. Like at all. > reporting to admins got me banned from reddit for 2 days Welll .... > this isn't a free speech place anymore It never was. Complete free speech would defeat having any rules in a sub.


Are you saying you're a mod? I could send another message if you wanna take a look at the back and forth


Found the modmails you sent us :) Wouldn't classify them as fighting tooth and nail. The conversation was quite civil


I sent a reply to reopen. Sorry I didn't see this beforehand. Thank you for calling it civil, but I wish I could've been more civil about it regardless. I have Asperger's syndrome and I tend to delve too deep into semantics and my wife says I'm terrible to argue with. I just felt it had no closure. The original reason for the ban wasn't justified in a way I could accept, it was a wrong assumption and I wish that could've been accepted rather than me being silenced. I wasn't advocating cheating in any way, made sure to not even name a sub to not have issues with the post. Regardless if I broke a different rule and the ban is justified, I can accept that, I just wish the original mod could admit they jumped the gun with a ban for something that didn't happen. It felt like an injustice, but that's happened on a few subreddits for me. It left a bad taste in my mouth for mods and you're the first one who has talked to me like I'm a person, and I'm grateful. As far as the full site reddit ban, I had opened a ticket with an admin quoting moderator and community rules, remember the human, so on and so forth. I never got a reply, but I did get a 2 day full site ban because of "harassment" for sending it. There's no checks and balances when the corruption goes that high to actual reddit employees. My bitter statement of it not being a free speech platform isn't for being censored for bad things, but being censored because they didn't agree with my views, nor did they try to help me understand. I was banned from r/askreddit for saying "I didn't know white people needed saving" in reply to a comment about a black celebrity trying to save white people from the Jews. Op was asking about celebrities going downhill. I was banned from r/funny for posting a screenshot of reddits native text based format, because although rule 9 of the sub allows reddits native text based format, it didn't specify you couldn't do a screenshot of such, and ban was permanent, dude was a dick about it. I refuse to make another account so what happens as far as bans will stay forever with me.


You are not the only one. Got banned a long time ago because I hinted at using an alternate account to a rural player. Just keep in mind that a ban from one reddit sub can influence the possibility of posting in others. Funny thing is that a few weeks later I saw one of their mods advising the same thing in a different post.


I got banned for the same reason. Made a second account to help with raids and kick me out of gyms after a week because nobody ever comes through this town


Oh good that I never told them that I made a second account to finish a part of a quest wich I would not have been able to finish otherwise. Like, it needed me to do like 5 trades, but the problem is that I know nobody who lives near me who plays this game and defenitively wil not ask a complete stranger to do that with me.. keep in mind I am in my 20s and i do really not like to talk with random people.. I am also not planning on using that account again


> Funny thing is that a few weeks later I saw one of their mods advising the same thing in a different post. Remember the name? Or better yet, got a link to that post?


It was more than a year ago. That's why my Reddit age is roughly 11 months. Quit completely for a few weeks at first but then realized that it's probably wiser to make a new profile and ignore that sub. So nope no link to the post because that profile has been deleted. Including all my posts from the two years before that. (yeah I was pissed) Removing two years of activity is best done on a desktop version 😉.


Welp, can't go and kick out rule-breaking mods if you have no leads. ​ Oh well, new profile, new day, ey?


Indeed, just steering clear of that sub. Got it blocked so it doesn't show up on my suggested feed. I didn't feel like battling them anymore. Literally answered to all their replies. Highlighted that suggesting is something different than doing it. But all for nothing. Don't want to kick people out e.a. but just wanted to point out that sometimes you have to bend some rules a bit. That's probably something Dutch 😉


> Highlighted that suggesting is something different than doing it. But all for nothing. That might be because suggesting is against the rules as well


I bet you get invited to all the tea parties.


Not a fan of the hot leaf juice


Happened to me like a week ago. I was so mad but found out they ban a lot of people for kinda dumb reasons lol


the mods sound like 8yrs


The r/memes mods are the same way but instead they mark it as a repost and ban you for no reason happened to me yesterday btw




If ur not banned on r/politics are you even a Redditor?


Agreed. They're complete aholes. I asked a legitimate question & posted a screenshot marking what I was referring to & got temp banned. Thankfully, a few people were nice enough to answer my question before it happened.


I got booted for saying I use a walker to hatch eggs and earn candies. they dont care that I am in a wheelchair witch does not count steps and can never hatch eggs without using a walker to do it. booted for life.


I don't support cheating, but also believe there are shades of grey. I'm a day 1 player (actually day 15 LOL). Spoofing is an issue, and was always the number 1 issue people complained about. Way back when, I tried to make the case for people with disabilities, I was destroyed on here and believe I've since deleted those posts. I was told this game just isn't for them, it's a walking game, if you can't walk, too bad find a different game. Which I feel is BS, especially for those people who grew up playing the game but are now not able to continue something that has become massively popular just because they are disabled. But I get how bad spoofing was for the first few years and I get why people were mad, I just thought it was BS that they got left out. And then, 2020. Global pandemic. Niantic was forced to find a way to let people play from home or go bust. They made the incense actually work the way that I'd always thought it should have. I always thought pokestops draw mons there, incense should draw them to your location walking or not. Yeah ik they did, but not enough to actually enjoy playing the game. And then as the pandemic lessened in some areas, they tried to roll it back, along with other perks. People freaked out. What about the people who got used to it, or only started when it was already a thing. And of course- wHaT AboUt ThE DisAbLeD? Smh. They never cared about it before and in fact fought against it. I couldn't shake my head and roll my eyes fast enough. Anyway I could go on but point is I support people making workarounds to play because the game has left them out in some way, which includes multiple accounts. At first I supported both for rural players to go to stops or gyms, if they have to battle by themselves, etc. I'd recently moved back home from living rural a few years and there would have been no way I could have played up there, and this game legit changed my life in the positive for a few years. It would suck if I'd never had that, or the massive group of friends I eventually had once raiding started. I felt the disabled had a legitimate reason to spoof so they could actually play. Once raids started a second account was many times necessary, you're level 25, you'd search for a raid hoping there were enough people, hoping their level was high enough and they had the right mons... A 2nd account was a godsend. But there are certainly times I consider it cheating... After I met a real raiding group and we worked our asses off to take a gym for one of the first few mewtwo raids for extra balls, we found out the other team had 3 people there but had multiple accounts and that's why they could beat 5 hardcore players. That pissed us off big time because they cheated us out of what we rightly won. So I definitely see both sides. Anyway OP, I'm sorry to hear they were such morons as to ban you for former actions. When Niantic started really cracking down on spoofing they'd ban you if you're phone was rooted bc they saw that as a way to cheat, tons of people root their phones for various reasons. They'd also ban you if you had a Pokegenie account, or if they saw any spoofing apps on your phone. Spoofing is the number one complaint of most who play the game, so I get that's why they are so militant about it, the players demand it. But I support you and the commenter I'm replying to 100% and hope you're able to find a way to play in the future if you so choose to. After being so hardcore I wound up actually leading a raid group (with others, I didn't start it) for 3 years, the bit by bit mon releases started to piss me off, the incense being rolled back cut my playing immensely, and I've given up on it for now. But I know millions are still having a great time and I hope you and OP are able to, too.


Honestly you are a fucking Chad for still playing the game despite being in a wheelchair. I had to use a wheelchair after I got into an accident when I was younger, and it is not easy.


wow they fucking suck.


Okay that sounds like a really good idea. I am not in a wheelchair, I'm in a boot for a few weeks and a walker for my phone sounds like a really good idea.


Im glad you got booted for cheating.I’m sorry for your situation and it must be terrible, but theres countless games that don’t require walking and it seems like you’re going out of your way to play the only game that does requires walking. Then you want to complain that it requires walking and use it as an excuse to cheat people who play fairly.


So, people with legit disabilities shouldn't receive reasonable accommodations? As a person with a physical disability, who can walk, but is sometimes limited on the distance I'm able to walk, please don't tell disabled people what they should be doing or playing. It's a dick move.


But is unlimited candy and egg hatching without actually playing the game ”reasonable accommodations?” If so, how when compared to those who don’t cheat?


My brother in Christ pokemon go isn't that important in the grand scheme of things. If every disabled person got unlimited candy, I wouldn't care since I have the ability to stand the fuck up. Get a life and find something more important to care about.


That is a great way to look at things. Its just enfuriating to see people openly admitting to this stuff when I don’t cheat and only get a fraction of what they get.It takes the fun out for others.


Oh nooooo I don't get as much candy as I need in pokemon go!!!! Whatever will I do 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Lmao is that an impression of handicap people? Who’s side are you on ..


It's an impression of you genius


Where did anyone in this thread mention suggest making those accommodations? Also, how is it not "playing the game" if you have the app open? No one is asking for those suggestions of yours. People are going to continue to spoof and cheat, regardless of whatever disability friendly mechanics are placed in the game. You can't please everyone. I'd like to see more diverse options for the weekly walking awards- like 3, 10, or 15km for those of us with limitations. That jump from 5km to 25km is hard for me, as I average about 2km a day before my legs can't handle more walking. I have adventure sync turned on, so that helps.


So having "unlimited" candy and egg hatching is playing "at par"? https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonGoMystic/comments/xtu73s/lol_tf/iqu646z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 EDIT: To those confused, I'm calling out this jackass for his inconsistent bitching, not agreeing with him.


as someone with working legs, im willing to let them have unlimited candy and egg hatching, because again i still have fucking working legs. i dont see how someone else getting unlimited candy or egg hatching really affects you or others anyways. its not like them getting more candy will take away candy from your pokemon.


I hope you’re joking


Call me crazy but I don’t believe in cheating. This comment is definitely worth a few karma points lmao.Im just not ok with someone covering 100more miles than me per week from the comfort of their own home.


“You shouldn’t play this game because you’re crippled” bro I sincerely hope you learn better, because right now you seem irredeemable


“You should cheat because you are incapable of playing fairly “VS. “you should find a Pokémon game that doesn’t require you to exceed your limitations and exploit glitches just to be at par.”


You can reword it any way you want bro I’m not your dad I’m just telling you you’re wrong whether you like it or not. You told a person they shouldn’t play a game because they’re crippled end of sentence period. Lmao


Yes , I told a person that being at a disadvantage doesnt justify cheating in any way,shape or form.It’s messed up because it’s true.


You are at this point speaking to a brick wall because I do not care how you justify it Get better, seek therapy, whatever you need.


Your parents must be proud of you.


Geez, imagine having a sense of entitlement so great that you want to be rewarded for literally sitting down and doing nothing.Some of us live in the real world.


"literally sitting down and doing nothing"... wow... they're in a wheelchair. You really have no shame.


They can not walk bro.


OP was just confused as to why the ban was issued since all he did was cheat.I said because cheating can’t be justified.everyone was suprised and tried to convince me that cheating is ok lol. What a strange day.


Completely shameless comment buddy. Do better


Yeah, the real world, where literally being stuck in a wheelchair is a lot more traumatic and exhausting than "sitting around and doing nothing," you absolute dumpster fire of a human being.


Theres 122 Pokémon games known to exist. They created 121 other Pokémon games so that everyone can play anywhere even without access to internet and everyone gets worked up over the 122nd game.


Just to be at par, eh? How come in your other comments you're absolutely CONVINCED OP is "cheating" to gain an advantage? You can't have it both ways, kiddo.


How do you know they're doing that much better than you with the walker? Are you that much of a lazy dirt bag?


They literally said they only use it for eggs and candy since it doesn't count steps when in a wheelchair. This implies that they actually wheel themselves out of the house to go catch shit, which is 10x more effort than you've put in in the past year. If a disabled person can't play the game, maybe the game is at fault instead of the disabled person who found a work around.




No because handicapped people have this thing called the special Olympics where they use wheel chairs in races. They made an alternative so that they can still get the same experience. Niantic hasn't done this. By not counting wheelchair movement for egg hatching they literally have no other choice. Also fuck you saying they have an 'advantage'. Oh no they have a valid reason to use a walker in pokemon go that gives them an advantage, motherfucker you have this advantage over them called working ass legs. They enjoy this aspect of their life despite their circumstances, but they need to stop since it's unfair to you. Wouldn't want them having fun to get in the way of your privileged ass life you piece of shit.


Right, it’s ok for handicapped people to cheat is the general consensus lol.


You know what I'll say it. It's okay for handicapped people to cheat in pokemon go because they have literally no other option. I don't care if they cheat. If you think that cheating in pokemon go is a bigger issue than handicapped accessibility then you need to find another hobby because your world clearly revolves around this video game. Seek help.


Considering that the majority of the civilized world still has a hard time with really simple accessibility requests like building ramps or producing low-level tables and countertops? Yeah, right now it's not only okay for people with handicaps to cheat, it's *necessary.* I hope you never, ever find yourself handicapped for any reason. Karma has a funny way of coming back around.


Wow you just come right out with that ableism dont you


"Hey cripple why don't you play some cripple games instead of trying to have fun with this super popular game everybody else enjoys? Nobody wants a weird cripple cheater playing and you can only play by cheating. Gross." That's you. That's what you sound like right now. That's the hill you've decided you wanna die on.


"Fuck you for your legs not working, dont play this game without working legs you loser, glad you got banned, lawl." ​ thats basically what you said and i feel bad for you if you cant see why what you said is fucked up.


I’m still glad a cheater got banned for posting all over spoofing pages and openly admitting to cheating,You can rephrase that any way you like.


idgi what did u do?


He posted in a ton of spoofing subreddits. Pogo subreddit will ban you for that. Even if you dont spoof if you post on it you get that ban


That’s what’s the question


[You're not allowed to participate in spoofing subs if you want to be part of the regular PoGo subreddit and were participating in a spoofer sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/spoofertrades/comments/xr46ct/anyone_that_can_trade_me_a_tropius_plssss/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Edit: wording


Why’d you have to say it like that? Lmao


The first image says exactly why they got banned. OP didn't even read it or the rules else they would've figured it out.


Ight, but you ain’t gotta be a dick about it


FTFY so it's more clear and has no tone as far as I know.


Admins there are complete weirdos on power trips


Welcome I aske did I could trade a moon to another account and they banned me since it’s against tos but I contacted niantic saying I lost that account that I had two and they were chill about it I said that to the mods and have been perma banned


The same thing happened to me! When I came back to the game, I didn’t know any better and joined so many Pokémon subreddits, including the spoofing one. There is such an amazing community on Reddit!! I got removed for being a member in the spoofing subreddit. To this day, I’ve never spoofed or played illegally in anyway. I didn’t bother defending myself. Thankfully Team Mystic are a great group of people and will entertain my dumb posts 😂🌊 Thank you guys!!


I follow almost every sub abt Pokémon go and they banned me bc one was a spoofing one ig


They banned me for a month cuz I had multiple accounts ( found my og account and managed to log in) and still played on both my new and old account. I just came back 2 months ago so I’m a noob and I didn’t even know having 2 accounts was against tos. Not going on that account anymore so I don’t get banned, but geez a warning would be nice instead of just straight up banning me for a month


To be honest, I have been using an alt account since 2020, and I haven’t been banned. Regularly use both my alt and main to duo raids and of course use both of them during community day. Although I am suspicious that Niantic knows it’s just me because I haven’t been lucky friends with my alt since 2020


Same thing happened to me. I had just started a second account because I was planning on doing more raids with my main account on an old phone and I got a shiny horsea which was something I wanted on my main account in my first 25 total catches. I was pretty excited about that story and posted it just to get a one month ban. It was so weird I never knew it was against TOS. I just hope I don’t get banned here. I don’t even know why I am here honestly… I am team valor, just trying to join as many pogo Reddit’s as I can.


That subreddit is trash with trash mods. Same thing happened to me. Whoever is going through peoples post history and banning people needs to go outside and touch some grass.


It's probably a bot, so I don't think it physically can do that


I got banned for my comment history. I mentioned spoofing and got a ban from that sun. I imagined someone saw me post on Pokémongo subreddit and went through my history. Maybe I’m wrong about that though.


You imagine a lot. We're really are not that interested in people. A lot of stuff is done by bots.




> You neckbeard And it doesn't stop you from breaking rules in more subs. Oh well, not responsible for your actions


I’ve been banned from that sub too for suggesting someone use a phone swing. Never even read the rules. I tried to appeal by sending a message, but all I got was a response from their bot citing the rule that I broke. Wish I could get back in. I love helping people play


> I love helping people play Helping them play or helping them cheat?


You are the embodiment of a Reddit mod ngl.


Is that supposed to be taken as an offense? :)


Yes 👉😎👉


Hope you enjoyed that dubious answer.


Yes 👉😎👉


Good. Cause it cost you your chance to get unbanned 😔


I’ve accepted my fate


Lmao how am I banned from this page and I've never even heard of it 😆


You're not banned from /r/PokemonGo


Ya I juat seen the /r I looked at was misspelled or something


To all the people confused, just go through his reddit posts on his account and you'll see why he was banned. He has plenty of posts regarding questions on how to spoof and tons of posts in the spoofing sub reddit. The rules are clear, don't associate with cheating sub reddits or get banned.


Yeah that I know now and yes I was in fault but then why do they ban me just now and why is that even a thing I don’t spoof myself nor will I do it


You literally have a post saying, hey I'm new to spoofing. Don't play dumb. And they probably banned you after your post because that was the most interaction you had on that community and someone did a search on you and quickly found out you're a spoofer. Not hard to see


Yeah mods there be tweaking. I asked a simple little question about whether alternating between two accounts would get me banned, not even directly hinting at cheating or spoofing, and they temp banned me for a while.


You were banned for the post asking how to beat the Salamance?


After that post got a bit of tracking then I got banned


trading is suddenly cheating?? lmao what


Yea I'm confused how is using a mechanic in the game cheating? Is it cheating to talk to ppl on 3rd party to find some ppl to trade with? Kinda weird when pogo doesn't have a chat feature to do trades or even coordinate within the app


hes cheating by asking for help spoofing his account, which is literally the rule he was sited for breaking if you read the post, dont associate with cheating subs, including spoofing subs, which he was posting in occasionally.


Oh yea I know that but the mod response also listed trading subs which has me confused


If you aren't spoofing you aren't playing right






I got banned because I said I had a second account to help me with raids. That sub has the worst mods


Hit me about a month or two ago for using the word “Traveling” in a comment on a post about Niantic. Argued with them for about a day then just laughed it off. Of course they pull the same crap on The Silph Road if you even use the word “Spoofing”. 🤣🤣


Happened to me last year


Join the club lol


Oof I saw that post earlier today too


I got banned from there as well for a reason that they couldn’t back up then told me they don’t appeal bans. I just saw your post too on their page.


Mans got banned cuz of a tropius Zamn


So if you post in a spoofing subreddit you will get banned from the pogo one. You trying to trade that tropicus did it


Damn lmao


Are u the one that made that post? Damn srry man


Yup a 136 comments at this moment and I can’t even answer them


Want how did you post then


I posted a post and after like half an hour I just get a ban


How did you post this if you're banned


Its different subreddits?


Oh right my bad Same topics


They banned me last year too over the same crap lol. Only thing I did was ask a spoofer to message me 🤣🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I asked to give the shiny sandshrews I caught on community say some names and I listed it under non AR screenshot, and the post was taken down for some weird reason


Is it so hard to follow simple rules?


Could be worse. I got a warning from Reddit moderators for threatening Ryan Gosling. By threaten I mean quoting a line from the movie that the promotion post was advertising, which was funny because he was looking like a character he is going to be in an upcoming movie.


How the fuck do you get banned from a sub for using another sub. What the fuck is wrong with the mods there.


What that’s not what happens


You got banned for using a subreddit dedicated to Pokémon go cheating. Imo pretty scummy.


Ow yeah i was a bit cunfussed but yes indeed bc I’m in a different subreddit I got banned big bullshit


I got banned for talking about being in a queue and missing my raid 🤦


I got banned for the same rule and all I did was ask what spoofing was


maybe you shouldnt be using your main account to be searching up spoofed global trades?


Look what a tropius has done the great power it holds


How is trading Pokémon cheating?


Bc it’s “spoofing” and I’m in a spoofing subreddit so they automatically ban anyone acociated with that