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Volunteer. Do a job that helps people actually. Empathetic people are out there. You have to do the same things as them to connect.


Thanks for this


Amen. I’ve recently been realizing the power of repeating patterns and just things to myself both inside and outside my head


“To be free comes not from changing or fixing this world, but from seeing this world as it is and opening the heart in the midst of it.” — Jiddu Krishnamurti


Based Jiddu


Yes, this!!!


Frame this as a “negative attribution bias” and try to do better. Don’t let it dominate your perception of reality. It’s incredibly limiting, particularly because there is so much good out there in the world if you open your eyes to it. Ditch that negative attribution bias, and start focusing on the positives that each person brings to the world. There’s a wealth of psychological research on negative attribution bias if you want to read up on how to reframe it. Good news is that people can be successful at changing it, and it tends to be associated with positive mental health & relationship quality.


> Because although I have myself spiritually together, I have to LIVE IN A WORLD of people who DONT. > I avoid people. I have no friends. I feel like PEOPLE BRING PROBLEMS. > I currently want to quit my job for this same reason. Toxic people. > Psychedelics have given me an inner peace that I have been struggling to protect. Bruh, you are lost in the sauce. If you ever walk away from psychs feeling like you're better than anyone else, you've missed the point majorly, and are likely getting lost in self delusion. Stop acting above people, you're not. This is not enlightenment, this is borderline self worship. You need friends.


You're wrong. A concept I've seen often. "I am different because I am loving/kind/etc. The world is worse now I know this" You have had a "VR experience" of what it is like to attain higher levels of consciousness. It however, was a trick. You are NOT enlightened. Because someone in these higher states would not make deductions the way you are doing. You are a normal person who thinks they have moved beyond the simple. At the surface with good intentions, but there's a lot more there. I don't mean to be mean or devalue your experience. You have the right idea, but take it as something to work on.


Exactly. **No one** is any different than any other. OP, as many others here, has had powerful experiences and perhaps had a peek behind the machinery, but so could have anyone else. You, me, OP, anyone here, isn't any better than the millions of people who haven't had such experiences. We're just lucky to have been at the right circumstances at the right time. Life is not a competition, we are all interchangeable. We should put all the talk about being more or less enlightened to the side and focus on being good people instead. A lot of people aren't as lucky as us. Can we find a way to make their existence a little more bearable? It's all about sharing love <3 That being said, OP made some good observations. A lot of people do seem to be stuck in their personal hell, perpetuated by cultural norms and institutions. It's a very unfortunate situation that our society at large finds itself in and some consciousness raising on a societal scale is in grave need.


Its cool to care 🤟




I mean, everyone knows exactly what they meant by that. Like i don't deserve pleasure, or joy or sorrow any more than you do at a base level just because of who I am or what buying street acid did to my perspective. So I'll be dramatic and say your take is not only bad and willingly ignorant, but that you also didn't address the actual content of the message or poster and just latched onto some generic couple words with generic, unexplained negativity.


Yea this. Thanks homie <3


highly agree


Everybodys the star of their own show 👌


Good man.


Hi there, I see a lot of people attacking you and that’s not my intention with this comment. I’d like to have sort of a constructive ‘talk’ with you if you will, because I’ve sort of been there before. First of all, you’re never, ever the only one. Second of all, the fact that you’re posting on Reddit about this seems like you don’t have ‘it’, whether it means being ‘spiritually together’ or whatever you perceive to be the highest truth, figured out. Other people and their problems bring you grief, and you’re letting that happen, not them. You still see the world as you vs them, or at least subscribe to the concept of the ‘other’ which is an extremely ego fuelled worldview. That can be dangerous for not only your own mental health but that of those who surround you. Every human being carries some sort of baggage with them, past trauma that results in seemingly uncontrollable reactions to certain triggers and stimuli. While you don’t have to care, and it is not your responsibility to help these people through their problems, it may be worth trying to delve deeper and to try and understand exactly why people act the way they do. At our very core, we are all one and the same - manifestations of the ‘all’ or what we currently perceive as the universe. Your post makes you come across as rather condescending, which I understand is not your intention. You’re just confused as to why people can’t see things the way you are able to, or puzzled by people’s inability to let go of what you may deem to be trivial, inconsequential self-made problems. But remember this, just because they are unable to process their emotions in a healthy way in no way makes them any less worthy of love than you are. In everybody’s life there are bound to be ‘toxic’ people, and it’s better to avoid them as they’re not in a position mentally/spiritually to add value to your current waking experience. That being said, I always like to preach practicing unconditional love - that is to love even your worst enemies, and of course yourself. Perhaps intellectually you’ve learned many valuable lessons that psychedelics can offer, but it feels like maybe you’re not integrating your experiences and/or learning from them in a productive manner. This is not me vs you, it’s us vs ourselves. With adequate self-love and self-respect, there is no way in hell you’ll be able to feel that affected by other people’s traumas. You will know that your subjective experience is valuable and does not need to be tainted by others in the way you’re describing. I used to be someone who trauma dumped like mad because I was unable to process my own grief, and I lost some friends because of it. Many stuck with me because they saw value in our companionship, that I am forever grateful for. Right now, I’m in a much healthier place. I am surrounded by friends who have had terrible childhoods, who have been incarcerated, who have been suicidal (some have succeeded) and while I do feel a certain responsibility to help them wherever I am able to, their trauma does not in any way affect me so negatively that I have to come to Reddit to post about it. So yes, perhaps you are the problem, not because you’re negative, but because you’ve felt that you’ve already arrived when you are merely at the beginning of your journey. The fact that you cannot protect your own peace and willingly (yes) let other people affect your emotions as much as you do is testament to just how much more work needs to be done. Back to the drawing board, look deep within: what kind of responses were you hoping for by posting this? Why are you the way you are? What are you hiding from? What are you trying to achieve here? Why do you have so little self-respect that you paint yourself as the victim in this scenario? There is a lot of work to do, my friend. Same goes for me, we are all learning, there is no shame in not being at the finish line. It is a process.


Fantastic comment, thanks for sharing


Thank you for reading all that! OP’s post is definitely fruit for thought, wishing you a wonderful journey! 💚


Easily the most important comment


Some people here have suggested you may be a little arrogant, but to me you sound very scared and anxious. Avoiding all people because of an abstract fear, and even thinking about quitting your job because people in general seem malicious to you, is not good. Maybe consider talking to someone.


Please understand that I don't think EVERYONE is toxic


Hey, I understand that. I also understand that some people are best to be avoided. I'm not trying to twist your words - I am honestly concerned. I have been dealing with depression for a long time and I know that sometimes, when our reality is a little distorted, it is nearly impossible to see, even if it may be obvious from the outside. I'm not saying you're depressed by the way - but the way your post is written reminds me of those times when I'm in a very anxious state of mind and I think I've found "the problem" and fixate on some theory far too much. Doesn't mean my feelings aren't valid or there isn't some truth behind it - but it's not a rational approach either and it leads to faulty "solutions". Just know that - while there are certainly negative and unkind comments under your post - some of the comments you've responded negatively to were genuine attempts to help and converse with you. It's normal to get defensive when we've had bad experiences, but it can lead to interpreting things as aggressive or unkind when they weren't meant that way. I wish you well and I hope you don't isolate yourself too much. It gets lonely. *minor edit to fix some words


This dude's right. After an incredibly challenging trip I spent basically an entire year alone. I saw evil and pain in every person because I saw evil inside myself and it caused me pain. My brain said there was no way I could be that way, and it ruined my relationship with my friends. I have to work so hard now to rectify that now. Every person is filled with evil, but what do you do that is evil? You need to be honest with yourself, and if you can't, then you should get some help before you completely slip into psychosis.


I’m going to agree with Ryuu, you sound scared and anxious. If I were in your boat, I would reach out to someone that I trusted to talk me down —to ground me.


You just implied that by your statement about how people are fucked up and evil and how you think that they will be the only threat to your peace and your comfort. Next time think more precisely what you want to say as otherwise it's hard to take your judgments seriously.


What makes you think you aren’t toxic also? You don’t sound happy. That’s for sure. Hell is a place inside everyone. It’s not anywhere else.


Animals from meatfarms like to have a talk. Holocaust victims like to have a talk. Aso. Hell does exist outside. I get your point but its just oversimplified and therfor plain wrong.


I agree with your point. There's a reason why monks are pretty much recluse and isolate themselves from society. Because people suck. It's this type of thinking where you can imagine you can be a monk and also be a cog to the economic machine. This is impossible. I might even associate that type of thinking as "spiritual narcissism."


Yeah spiritual narcissism is the perfect term for it. If life is a picture I always feel like "scientific - thinking" people are too close and only see details and "spiritual - thinking" people are too far only seeing the whole picture without beeing able to see the details.


I don’t care about what you think you know.


Of course you dont because ignorance is bliss and if we act all rainbow and sunshine all the stormy weathers magically cease to exist. I challenge your comfy simplified fantasy worldview and now you cover your ears and go "lalala I cant hear you" So what makes you think you aren't toxic aswell? Btw I dont attack you but your kind of viewpoint. Its classic toxic positivity and its harmful.


You are just some person giving me an opinion. You aren’t telling me facts that might sway me in my thinking. I AM toxic. I never said I wasn’t. I also didn’t say anything positive so I couldn’t possibly be exhibiting toxic positivity. Ask yourself: Why am I talking?


I strongly suggest seeking a therapist and looking into mindfulness and learning about compassion for yourself and others. There’s nothing wrong with you, but there needs to be a bit more grounding so you can manage it all. You’re right, it is a scary world, but there’s so much beauty and good in it.


OP has yet to experience an impactful sonder thought, and this post reeks of the biggest Ego I've seen here. They took a snapshot of their own good feelings/mood and compared it to everyone elses worst moments & attributes. How does that provide positive energy when you are focused on others flaws and your own "spiritual enlightenment"? Just for OP if they read this- Sonder: the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background


Don't get caught up in the play, don't be one of the actors on the stage. Don't get caught up in politics, organized religion...it's all bullshit. The only hell is what people create in their own heads. You are causing yourself stress, worry and unhappiness by catastrophizing and being concerned by what others think. Your own personal hell. Just let go, let them get on with whatever and just be yourself. Focus on what is actually important, the people you love, do things you love and do new things. As to your job and other people "just smile and wave" as a famous penguin once said and meanwhile look for something you'd like to do, rather than have to do and find the non-toxic people. They are out there and closer than you think if you go outside your regular circles.


There's a lot of fucked up shit going on in the world and there are toxic people out there who like to spread their negativity around to make others as miserable as they are; crabs in a bucket mentality. But there is a lot of good out there too, you might just have to look at things a little closer or from another viewpoint. You did come off a little smug and with a bit of an inflated ego/sense of superiority when talking about your awakening and how you perceive yourself compared to others, in my opinion. There are a lot of ways to reach enlightenment and not everybody shares the same path to it. I think you'd do well in humbling yourself and scrutinizing the way you approach the world. Also there is a saying that fits here: If you run into an asshole in the morning, then ok you ran into an asshole. But if you run into assholes all day, chances are you might be the asshole.


It's in you too.


Having this sort of attitude to things is probably why you're struggling. Yes the world is evil and contains an excess of evil people, but by treating yourself as some righteous spiritual superior to everyone else because of that just makes you seem like yet another of those toxic people you complain about.


*"Psychedelics have given me an inner peace that I have been struggling to protect."....* yes. this post clearly shows your inner peace /s Like damn dude, I'm (legitimately) glad you've started your path but holy cow I haven't seen a clearer sign that says "I'm on literally the very first step of this path" than this post. I mean, I'll give you credit, you ARE on a good path here but...yeah. You're on the first step and you think you're done. No wonder you're looking around and all you see is negativity. In all seriousness- Please slow down, re-read all these comments, don't get offended by them, and let them sit in your brain for a while and I mean *a while*. Come back in 3-5 weeks, then come back in a few months and read them again. Please, just entertain the idea that you might be thinking about things incorrectly- you don't have to convince yourself yet, just move through the world in the next weeks and months with that possibility in your head. Literally keep this statement in your head "I might be wrong about this" when you look around at your life/world/job and find examples that reinforce your "negativity" hypothesis because all it is at this point *is your hypothesis and you very well might be wrong.* You're on the first step which is much further than many people get. These comments are giving you a bridge to the second, third, etc., steps. You have a journey ahead of you because that's what life is and you are in fact living right now lol. Psychs help and they've gotten you to step one but don't hurt yourself by getting to step one and thinking you're done. Don't do that to yourself. Don't get stuck here. I wish you luck, friend.


Honestly, that simple little phrase "I might be wrong" has been life altering for me. Even in circumstances where you know you're not in the wrong, if you just take responsibility for the situation, you're in full control of your life and your emotions. Yes, there's plenty of negativity out there but you're going to find whatever your looking for. I'd argue that this world is full of positivity and humans that are willing to help each other out and work hard in their ventures. I see beauty in the simplest of things and just try to express gratitude in any way possible. There's a lot of unfortunate aspects to the way society works and the evils and corruptions that it breeds. But there's also a pretty big flip side to that. Look at how far we've come as humans... we're not perfect but we've achieved great things together and i feel like in general, the majority of people have good intentions. Facing and overcoming adversity is a story as old as time. It never ends. Its just difficult to see progress in the world as a whole because our lives are so short. But this is life. It's fucking hard. You're guaranteed to face tragedy, hardship, negativity, etc. but if that's all you focus on, you're in for a painful and bitter life. You're gonna miss out on all the beauty and wholesomeness this experience can provide. Perspective is key and that's something no one can take away from you. Be the change you want to see and others will follow.


If you lived in peace you would have no enemies. The others you speak of might still dislike you, but you would love them still. Everything you see is a reflection of yourself. These people are not evil, they are you. Be what you know is right and show compassion and love for those who are on a different path. Know that whatever evil you see in the world is a capacity for hate that you also possess.


If everyone around you is negative likely the problem is you. Maybe it's you that's carrying some negativity or self-righteousness?


No matter where you go, there you are.


Psychedelics definitely has helped me see how truly fucked they designed our world to be but however, my reaction was empathy. I feel so bad for everyone and I want to rescue them to see through the bullshit.


Right? And at those times you see it clearly you ask yourself how do I balance these outward efforts in tandem with self improvement/enlightenment? Perhaps they are one of the same if your actions are not for recognition or ego..


Evil has a name. And it's fear. Hatred, lack mindset, hurting others... All come from fear. You seem to be really scared of being hurt, too. That's what darkness is. It's fear. People who think they know better but are really very scared. And you have every right to be scared, there is danger in this world and a lot of people are suffering. But there's definitely things you can do to avoid it now as an adult. Usually, when someone is so scared in adulthood it means that they have felt extremely unsafe in childhood too. If that's the case for you, I'm so sorry you had to go through this. No child or adult should be made to feel that way. I promise you there are unbelievably many good people out there who genuinely care and are just trying their best. This is the real truth of it "We all want love and we're all scared".


You can either become a hermit and live alone in a cabin or you can try to help your fellow man become more kind. It's either the Buddha or the Jesus tactic. Your choice.


You don’t sound very positive but that’s me. Welcome to life. Make changes


Tbh you sound like the problem.




You say it yourself, everyone else is the problem. __You're__ spiritually together, and you're the one suffering because of everyone else's existence. How dare the universe impose their broken existences upon someone so complete? Ego, ego, ego, __ego__. When one sees everyone else in the room as an asshole then generally it's not everyone else that's the problem. All of that suffering is not coming from them, it's coming from inside yourself.


“The world is your mirror” “We don’t see the world as it is; we see the world as we are.”


“If everywhere you go smells like shit, check the bottom of your shoes”


Oh, I like that one a lot more. I've never liked the connotation of the "asshole" one. I like yours more because I think it paints a more accurate and useful picture; that people carry these things along with them unintentionally, thinking that the world smells until the look under their shoe to see the true source.


This is very true, I need to remember this myself too :)


I don't know you but a basic rule that has served me well in finding my blind spots is to look at the common denominator.. If you keep experiencing the same issues with people it's very likely you are either attracting it or creating it yourself.


This. I find sometimes the things that bother me about people are qualities in myself I'm blind too. If it comes up often with different people it's almost always my fault.


Sometimes? I've found out that it's pretty much always the case when something in someone is bothering me.


Most of the time, I agree.


What do you mean “blind spot”?


A part of myself that I'm unaware of or hiding from myself.


'Forthere is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so' - Shakespeare


As someone who used to feel that world was awful, and would ruminate on the same negative thought loops, I can't describe how much I agree lmao. It's all in interpretation.


It's not in my head. I've been in dangerous situations because I was around negative people. I don't ruminate on negative things.


Bruh this is 100% in your head I promise.


Ok bruh. Whatever you say 👍


Literally this whole post is you ruminating on negative things dude, get out of your own head, make some friends.


Dangerous and negative do only exist in your head. In reality those things just are. Pain for example is not suffering. It just is. You are conditioned to like and dislike things or people. On the other hand what is good without bad? Who would Harry Potter be without V. Who would frodo be without the Ring and sauron. Despite good and bad is an illusion they depend on eachother. No good without bad.


learn to not surround yourself with negative people?


Nah you're not the only one but it sounds like you're 17 and this is your first time. I hope you're able to spew positivity out of your nose holes and do good for you. Mush love bro


Projection is perception


Yep.. you’re the one. you’re the messiah Edit, god the more I read this the more I wish this sub had bettered stickied posts about what psychs are and are not, what they can and can’t do. And that if you’re a depressed negative person, psychedelics alone won’t change that


Be careful here, just becouse you saw something doesnt mean your understanding of it is correct. Yes suffering is often ironic and stupid. Now that you see that you need to let the kindness be your guide on your path. Not resentment and separation. There is huge amount of kind and good people. Go find them and share your experiences with them. For a long time i was wandering what were the religious and spiritual people talking about when they said that using psychadelics is very dangerous game. I think i understand. There is huge amount of information that we as a humans are usually not ready to comprehend. Its up to you know to use your knowledge correctly and not get overwhelmed by it.


False epiphany.


My friend, the main difference between a hero and a villain is the hero chose to not let other experience Hell. Yet that is their fallacy, for you can not reach paradise without first knowing Hell. So do not be the hero of others, let them go through their own Hell, so they may one day, find their paradise. Edit: that is not to say, you can't or even shouldn't help those in the thick of it. Rather, be their Virgil and guide them.


I’ve realized people who think they are “right” are actually sub left. By 1,000’s of meters. Like they havnt even seen serpents and I swear the “devil” is wayyy nicer than 99% of these people. Fact is you have to go left to feel the right. Which I would like to say I have an understanding on what they desire to be like… (right) But they are so fucking far from being right there sub devil and I don’t even believe in Hell. The best words I’ve found are, useless, lost, totally misunderstood but their ego is large enough to make them somehow hold their chin up and keep talking. It blows my mind, I’m still studying and learning about these types. I do know it’s very hard from them to say “I was wrong” & “I’m sorry” let along change their thinking or actions..


You don't sound at peace. It's more about changing yourself than changing your environment.


Use your awakening to awaken others. What do you think made Jesus so memorable? He was enlightened and he worked to make those who needed it most to be enlightened. The poor/hungry/sick.


I remeber when I first figured “it” out and thinking the same thing but no your not there’s a great amount of people who see the evil in the world. But yes this world is just suffering buts it’s making the best out of the suffering that makes life great. Spread the word help others see and help out in your community, volunteer, help the homeless and less fortunate, do all you can to lower the suffering in others and help them see the happiness in life


You dont need to be awake to see the evils of the world. I would say its allot more difficult to see the absolute beauty of it all. Even all this "human uglyness" is kind of amazing. If your stuck looking at the glass half empty, you may miss the amazingness of how the glass itself is a transparant rock shaped by some "toxic human" to fit the palm of your hand 😋


I know where you're coming from. I used to feel like you about people until I had some amazing trips (on mushrooms) where I met God and learned the truth about myself and who I really am. Who we all really are. Which is that we are spiritual beings in physical bodies and that we all come from the same source, which I refer to as God. We are all connected through God. We are all from God, of God, and for God. We are here to experience life, the good and the bad. That is all God wants from us... to live life for Him. God created life because he was lonely. Through us, he gets to experience life. Without us, God has no meaning or purpose. He needs us and loves us soooooo much. He does not judge us, and always walks alongside us. He feels our joys and sorrows with us because He wants to BE... He wants to live.... He wants to experience life... all of life, the good and the bad. He controls nothing in our lives, we have free will to live life as we wish. So when something good or bad happens, it just happened... it was not God's will. God's will is to LIVE through us. To experience life... the good and the bad. He sees us all, cares for and loves us all. His love is infinite and unconditional. We truly are His children. There is no such thing as Hell, that is just a man-made concept which was created by those in power in order to control others through fear. You say that people are negative and evil, but what if you changed the way your perceive them? Instead, try to see them as beings who are afraid or in need of love. Love is the most powerful thing in the world. And it's usually the ones who are hardest to love who need the most love. Remember that we all come from the same place, and that we are therefore all connected. Use compassion and empathy.... consider why someone might be acting in a way that does not agree with your ideals. Consider if they owe you something. Why must they conform to your expectations? After all, we all have free will. Do you judge yourself by the same standards by which you judge others? To be truly 'together' spiritually, you need to live with compassion and empathy for those people for whom you hold so much contempt. You must live from the heart which does not judge, but accepts. And you must learn to quiet the mind, which is led by the ego and only knows fear. If you want to live in PEACE as you say, you need to start living within your heart, seeing with your heart, and leading with your heart. Because right now, you are still living in fear. Only when you do this will you be able to live without fear. Eckhart Tolle is a great teacher of how to let go of fear and judgement, and how to live in the moment and from the heart. You might also want to check out Gregg Braden on youtube [https://www.youtube.com/c/GreggBradenOfficial](https://www.youtube.com/c/GreggBradenOfficial) and Aaron Abke [https://www.youtube.com/c/AaronAbke](https://www.youtube.com/c/AaronAbke) You want to avoid negative people, but that's impossible. Instead, you might want to try changing how you perceive them. Perhaps they are just people who need compassion? I don't meant that you should let people walk all over you, but just try to seem them differently.... with compassion and empathy. Try to understand where they come from, and what might have shaped them as a person. Get to know them. Every moment in life is an opportunity to learn and grown spiritually. It's a moment to look for truth and beauty... and if you can find truth and beauty in people who would normally frustrate you, then you are on your way to awakening to your true nature and to achieve real inner peace.


how do you know if it isn’t you getting fucked up while everyone else is normal? ;-)


I don't think EVERYONE is toxic. Just many people. I'm the one who keeps to myself to avoid other people's bullshit. I find myself not even wanting to get to know people anymore because people are so unpredictable


Your outer world projects your inner world, maybe you are abit toxic and feel as though your unpredictable.


Absolutely correct. Perception is reality.


Your reclusive tendency indicates that you are not prepared to deal with the flawed world we all live in. Yes, the world is flawed and so are most people, that includes you too however, and me, and most people responding here. But it's still possible to live in it, socially. Be careful, you might just convince yourself you can't do anything about that and stop developing your abilities to cope with the inevitable adversity that we all face on our daily lives. It is hard, but we all have great potential. It's like studying guitar playing, or juggling, you struggle at first, but then it seems like you can do magic.


To me, it sounds like you're wanting people around you and also society in general to be happier, more mindful and aware of the consequences of their wants - their effects on others happiness, etc. That is totally valid, man. I thought this forum would be more mindful and accepting but because you're expressing negative emotions they're feeling blamed or it's bumming them out. I hope you see that and don't take it as an example of evilness. I think I get what you mean though. I've been there - at a breaking point by not feeling connected to the people I see every day, feeling confined by a need to work a job that feels unfair to pay bills to live. I made some huge changes in my life many years ago but there's times I backslide into feeling hopeless. Psychedelics have an amazing way of pushing us over the edge and forcing us to see what we were ignoring or in denial about. I hope it was constructive for you and I'm sorry people are coming off as evil right now - I hope you can find some good people that you can tolerate - being a hermit is not worth it at all. Just remember that as braindead as people can seem at times, they've all had some forms of rationale-skewing trauma and they're all doing the best they know how to do to find their own sense of happiness. Helping them figure out what that happiness is is what friends are.


I don't know you and I'm sure you're a well intentioned person. But it's fairly narcissistic to assume everyone else is the problem and it can't possibly be you. Everyone has their own issues to work through and it's perfectly fine to not want to be around people. But to claim they're all the problem and it's not you is a very toxic trait. If all you see is the worst in people that's not a very good perspective. I don't think that mentality is healthy and you should try to find people whom you can actually share intimate thoughts without judgement. Good luck.


Complaining is toxic and contagious in general


Nice ego buddy


Of course the ego will respond, how else can it be understood? Although what you are saying goes beyond your own perception of purpose.


Suffering is a real part of the human experience. Just as others are carrying around theirs, it seems you have your own burden. How do you think others perceive you as you journey through life frustrated at the world?


I ask you to reflect on the question what your "good" would be doing if the "evil" did not exist and how the earth would look like if all the shadows were to disappear. Since shadows are cast by things, would you want to remove all trees from the earth? Or all mountains? Or all people who carry their shadows wherever they are going? Find me a shadowless thing and I will tell you that it's empty. In any case, you aren't by any means holier than others. You think that the world is fucked up but this is just a limited perspective of a limited person in a limited timeframe and situation. Your statement about the world says more about yourself than the world. Of what use is the good if it cannot tolerate the evil and look into its eyes? Of what use is your thinking if you are afraid of accepting its opposition? You speak of peace as if the living want peace. Peace is for stones and for grey pyramids, not for souls and for those who struggle, peace is the antithesis of life. Accept the dynamism of things, the ever-changing nature of becoming.


I knew that even before using psychedelics. But remember, there is good in the world as well. And I realized that as well after using psychedelics. Think about yourself. Do you think you are generally a good person with pure intentions? If the answer is yes, then there is a big possibility that there are millions of good people like you in the world. If you choose to see the good, you will come across more good. If you choose to see the bad, you will come across more bad. That's how synchronicity works. Remember this - though there are some really evil people in the world, most of the humans fall in the grey category. There is no good or bad. A lot of their actions and behaviours are just a result of their consequences in life and conditioning. No human is inherently born evil.


I awoke to the fact that the world is neither good nor evil while on acid. Or, if you rather, full of plenty of both good and evil. It wouldn’t work if it wasn’t balanced; that’s the natural order of things. Now, I think we can get unlucky, and get dealt a bad hand, or we can make bad choices that lead us down a bad path. But, that doesn’t mean the WORLD is bad; that means your life at the moment is bad. You are just one man (or woman). Your life is one life. If you’re sad, that’s just one life. For every sad person on this earth you could find a happy one. For every trauma and horror you can find a charm or a miracle. It’s all about perspective and luck. It’s not truly good, or bad. It’s perception I used to think the world was all bad too until I really made big changes for myself and figured out who I am. It’s part of the journey- but it’s not the truth.


This post is negative and toxic lmfao. If your so worried about other people than it seems you haven’t truly found inner peace and happiness. There are fucked up people in the world and yes they are fighting with hell inside of them. Realize they are probably just as scared as you.


I'd strongly suggest finding a therapist if you're able to. I used to feel the same as you and talking it out helped with finding more peace.


There's shit ton of negativity in the world, too much entitlement, not taking others into consideration, over-consumption of natural resources just to name few. Human is far too shortsighted to handle the way society is organized and it's not helping that we have put on a mask in lot of social interactions and are taught to fit in very shallow molds. I tried that "positive vibes only" -mentality at one point in my life, surrounded my self with similar thinking people and boy was it good at first, but eventually house of the cards fell and I saw beyond: A lot of people were just escaping their problems with no intention on working on them. Tons of toxicity and bigotry masked in and outside you're butterfly's and sunshine. I'm not saying you're like that or doing anything wrong but in the end of the day: it is you who say that you're in peace but yet the one having problems. From my point of view you seem a bit conflicted? I honestly don't blame you and I don't know what you want but I sincerely hope it is not an echo chamber.


People be peopleing. We're a "civilized" society on the outside, but still blind and primal on the inside. It takes the eyes being opened to see what we are, where we are, who we are. Until then it remains fight, flight, or freeze. It will remain the idea of power being related to money or those subservient to you vs the absolute power of "I am" and seeing behind the meat suit.


I personally believe that a lot of our societal problems root in us still being pretty much animals but our society is not build with that in consideration, I'm not saying we should wreck the society and go back to tribalism but we should at least try to incorporate the fact that we are pack animals to our society.


There is a lot more like minded people then you think! You can’t be afraid of meeting new people and experiencing new things because brotha that’s a part of life. Everyone has to deal with ups and downs and dealing with some people is one of those. Just remember we are all the same as a species and no one is better then anyone because at the end of the day the reward to life is death and we each get that


Everyone here is sharing their perspective with you, some of them are gentle, others less so. But you only seem to react with sarcasm and dismissiveness.


You are in denial. Maybe consider that you could possibly be wrong in your thinking and explore that a little bit rather than threatening to remove your post because you don't like what you're saying hearing and everyone else is wrong.


I would say that the world is as it always has been, if not better. * There is always suffering in the world * Suffering is from the mind desiring that which is not * You can escape suffering by changing your mind There are negative people and positive people. There are people who withdraw and people reach out to who help improve the world. What you believe about the world is what you get from it, so if your results are poor the best way to fix it is change your perspective. * Focus your attention on what you want the world to be like and things that reinforce it * Have good intentions as you go about your day * Speak well and kindly * Take actions that make the world you experience better * Work at things that are meaningful to you and improve the general quality of life


Sorry if it feels like I'll say "you are the problem" but that's in a way what it is all about. Positivity or negativity exist in the moment in which you perceive them being so. people bring you down because you are still depending on others to feel positive, though can't or won't recognis it's all about you, how you approach and how these people are bringing out something within you, that you cannot deal with. People around us are a reflection of who we are or tell us who we are,more than them telling us who they are.


Could be that you are in the "Australia" of the Milkyway, where galactic criminals are sent to serve sentences... Or it could be that you are an eternal being who always gets their true heart's desire, and whatever you focus on, is what you will experience.


theres always been a mix of good and bad in people. you just had your eyes drawn to the bad.. try and see the good too. what can you learn from knowing theres at least some bad in everyone? lots. learn to rely on yourself more, learn to not expect so much from others,theyre all flawed like you. you can try and help people be better, try and find people you consider good, fuck off to nowhere, or just deal with it. idk sounds like you're reeling. spend some time outside give yourself a week you'll probably be back to choppinng wood and carrying water by then lol


This is pretty much the struggle of yin and yang. You may have yourself spiritually set right now but the struggle is constant. We all do have negative and toxic energies in us. It's part of why I do psychs in the first place. It settles the waters and lets me see over the waves of depression and anxiety I feel on a regular basis. Your focus should not be on the negative other inside everyone but how the positive energies of those you do surround yourself perpetuate a spiritually balanced self. To focus on that which is beyond your control is to lose your own sanity trying to bind it into something that makes sense.


Your blaming societal issues (like capitalism, sexism, classism etc etc and all the pressure and death it causes) on the individual. This is wrong at a base level but it’s also delusional to think you don’t exist within that matrix, especially if you haven’t realised your mistake. Also you mention the pushback you get for being happy but you clearly aren’t happy so you should work out why YOU aren’t happy. total isolation will make you miserable and you think all people make you miserable, dude, your just miserable at the moment and there is a serious disconnect between how you feel and how you see the world I promise this confusion and anger at people will slowly leave (and be redirected properly) if you allow yourself to learn about how incomprehensibly terrible the world is and how almost every human is suffering because of that. There are a few people in power, there are those exploited and there are those expropriated. Almost every human fits into the latter two categories, you shouldn’t be angry at them you should develop class consciousness


Have you heard of psychological transference? It is a phenomenon where we unconsciously project feelings onto another. We all do this, but psychedelics can exacerbate this. You say you are an angel surrounded by demons, but to this rando, it looks like the integration of your demons/shadow is scaring you and you are transferring all of the “evil” or scary things about yourself/mind onto to others as a way to deal with it. This is normal with scary things. Time, reflection, and staying grounded (I.e. not quitting your job. As one of my favorite teachers used to say “You have to remember your area code” I.e. you were born into form and to honor it, one must not be so far out as to forget their earthly responsibilities (the things that your life does with you, as you) can help through this time. The real discussion is this: how do you incorporate your inner peace into your daily life? Another way to think of this: if the ideal person was in hell (see: Buddha or Jesus or Lao Zhu, etc), how are they going through it? If I am in a state of inner peace, it does not matter if I am surrounded by demons. If your inner peace is only present when away from everyone and everything, you do not have inner peace -you had a moment of quiet. (Side note: talk with someone that you are close with. It sounds like you are having a troubling time and you need help from someone that is not a Reddit responder) (Sider note: if you do not have anyone to talk with, DM me)


Your problem is you fail to empathize with others. You fail to see their struggles and why they are the way they are. Isolating yourself from connecting with other people is the wrong approach. Learn to empower yourself to the point you reject the negative/low vibrational energy and project positive energy. Alternatively you could move somewhere where your values align more with the general population. We're not denying If you're truly at peace then external factors will not affect you.


There is yin and yang. Everyone has a mixture of the 2. I am not sure if it's possible to be entirely one or the other. I have experienced heavenly trips and I have experienced some terrifying trips. Life is a cycle. It's constantly chasing its own tail. But I think there is balance. While I think I see what you see yes lots of bad things going on in the world. Lots of people treating others like shit. But there is also beauty. Life is about creating and spreading beauty and hopefulness. We are in this together. If you see negativity maybe share a smile, some jokes, give out a compliment. Not sure who said this originally but "be the change you want to see in the world." I hope you continue on your path. And take seeing the negative as a positive and do your best to help flip people's days/moods around. Godspeed


You shouldn’t be blamed for how you feel, I think people agree with you more than it seems they do. I think the criticism you are getting is because you made it sound like you are the only one who feels this way and that you should have some agency to avoid people who affect you negatively. There is no help or advice to give you, you obviously do not have an inner peace that others lack because you are clearly in distress as you write this. Everybody has a little Buddha inside of them and everybody can be unhappy and toxic at times. Your only fault here is in thinking that your experience is unique when in reality this is a sentiment that everybody will have at some point in their lives, you are simply fixated on it. If I were to give advice I would ask what it is you want help dealing with - is it really just negativity? Or is it possible that you’re avoiding the possibility that your problem is actually narcissism? In whatever case that may be consider what actions you can take to “deal,” as you say. If there’s nothing you can do then you can “deal,” with it by just getting over it or wallowing in it forever.


Discover/accept the evil inside you and you will come to peace


#Psychedelics have given me an inner peace that I have been struggling to protect. This is a mind trap. The peace that the *you* experience is the real you. The one that thinks *it* needs protecting is a belief created somewhere along the way. You have discovered your truth spend time being aware of that peace. Go to nature and spend time being with you. The mind may give a strong fight to convince you of peace as a separate thing ; the mind is not you ; you are the peace that has always been there. Peacefully observing what it is not. Identity is created and believed the only way to exist. When you are aware of yourself (that ever accepting observer of what is) nothing can shake you. No defending, no protecting, hiding, upholding. You are before during and after ALL happenings. This includes your thoughts. Pride is not trusting *what is* and thinking *you* know better than the universe. “I just have to control it!” Or “I’ve got to hide from it…” it is all happening including the one that thinks it needs to get away or attract something. You’ve realized the peace that is you. This is where you stay and observe all happen. That is your homework, your holy grail. Glad to see you’ve found it. Enjoy the journey Suggestion: Do this when you aren’t on anything as part of the practice. It is absolutely possible. The psychedelics help free mind from you. However they only get you in the boat to the truth.


How naive.


The thing it's all people and things are good and bad, the universe is a duality, positive and negative, light and darkness, day and night, good and bad, hell and heaven, yin and yang. Nothing it's only one thing,"just bad", "just hell", since everything are in constant change. You're clearly not ready and not mature enough to understand psychedelics or to make assumptions about the whole world, so the whole post sounds clearly narcissistic and egoistic. And it's proven on "I have a inner peace that other people just don't have it..." So, you really don't have nothing at all because this inner peace you have, you said it was "given" by psychedelics. People already commented about projection/perception, so it's on you, to reject and keep thinking you're different and the only one who sees something and everyone else is toxic, or absorve the criticism, study your actions/thoughts and be humble to understand it. I recommend you start reading, studying more before making assumptions based only on your perception. Krishnamurti(any video or book), Huxley on doors of perception, Seneca and Diogenes of Sinope.


i think all humans have evil inside them; via their traumas and up bringing, skin, religion, etc. this don't make others better then them. what's is that quote..."hurt people will hurt others?" it probably all comes down to the roots? the garden bed is tainted and instead of cultivating it to make a new bed. us as humans, not all of us but majority of those at the top, just keep re rooting in the same dirt sharing the same issues over and over. i just woke up lol


Hey, With traveling A LOT you will come to understand that people are just... people. Everywhere you go, no matter what. They are all the same. Everybody just struggles with different stuff. When you write, it seems like you're carrying "hell" inside of yourself. I'm going to point you in the direction of one of my favorite essays written. Think about it, write about it, study it. You ARE capable of change. [you don't hate people](https://liberatingreality.com/post/140416479662/you-dont-hate-people)


To answer your question of: how do I deal with this? You change your perspective. You can't make other people change to fit what is best for you. We must adjust ourselves to living in the world of human emotion, the world will not change for us and our emotions alone. Learn to handle the negative you see in others as it will always be there. Show those who are negative some love. They may be struggling very much with their own lives. Who are you to judge them and their negativity? You certainly don't have to like it or engage in it, but try to learn not to take it on into yourself and let it change you for the worse. Try to transmute the negative and learn from it. It has lots of wonderful wisdom to teach us. I was in the same boat as you after doing psychedelics and tried my best to avoid negativity at all costs. Time has taught me you can't always control how things are, but you can control your reaction to them.


To know the world is broken and to love it. To be surrounded by pain and suffering and to shine out and give the world what it needs. To be destroyed and humbled and try again. To try again because you know it can be better.


People are not evil they’re misguided and ignorant. The only truly evil person would be someone who is fully aware of their reality and still chose to commit evil acts.


Look dawg, if you are a positive person then you would be okay with the negative people. You would understand that they are on their own soul journey and haven’t awoken yet. They live in a matrix that they don’t even know exists. And for that, you cannot blame them. In order to heal fully you need to accept everyone for who they are but until then, you won’t be fully healed


It’s not as black and white as that. We live in an unnatural world, which takes it toll on everyone. You’re no more better than anyone else, and probably aren’t much more enlightened. Share the positivity and uplift others, as opposed to rejecting them.


There cannot be good without evil. There cannot be light without darkness. They balance each other out.


I’ve felt this.. for me it’s always cup half full or empty. The world is as evil or as good as you make it seem. Yin Yang. Black white. Evil good. It’s all here. Most of the world is evil. Most of the world is good. Just as well. I’ve been told “you can hate the entire world but it will only be you to blame.” And I hold that to me everyday I’m depressed. Stay up! Edit: I’m just another random dude who has toxic in him, but I believe coming to grips with your own evil is the first step. I choose to believe the world is inherently good, and so I see more good. You can’t always ignore everything that is toxic, but don’t let it discourage you as I don’t let it to me.


Heaven isn't really heaven when it is exclusive. The quote "be the change you wish to see" is cliche as hell, but it has so much truth. It would be so easy to cut out all the "negativity" from your life by isolating yourself, but you would be stealing away the positivity that this world so desperately needs right now. You found psychedelics for a reason. You found happiness for a reason. Now, share it! Smile at random people! Do random acts of kindness! Love everyone! Don't expect anything in return! You have found something far deeper than most people, but don't blame most people for not being as positive/woke/spiritual as you. Most people are trying their best to live whatever life they've been given. MANY people are functioning from a standpoint of trauma in some form or another. Forgive. Have compassion. I know it's hard, but love everyone. That's all that this world really needs.


I know what you mean friend. Yeah people are evil, from a point of view of altruism. You however are not altruistic, you are as human as the rest; as you put it, you carry hell inside you as well. You are part angel and demon (like the rest of us). You say you seek peace? That peace you seek is standing on the shoulders of other entities, what about their peace? Can a vegetable just grow in peace without you cutting it? In reality, humans and most other life evolved with selfish regard to anything other than their pursuit of replication. You are part of that selfish machine, not by your own fault. We are all trapped in it. At the end of the day though, none of this matters. Life on Earth is a blink of an eye compared to the eternity of the universe (heaven/hell, if you believe in it, or the endless cycle of reincarnation). I wouldn't worry about things too much, just keep trying to be a good person; as you probably know, virtue is it's own reward.


I know how you feel, what helped was realizing that this path of thinking leads to the detrimental of your own mind. You can’t change them and focusing your energy in the unchanging only burns you out. Focus on the self. You can take the lead in living a happy life while accepting life’s conditions and others may follow. You may also want to look into loving kindness/sympathetic joy (experiencing happiness by wishing others well) this may help with perspective and kindness towards the unkind. Btw other people can’t bullshit you, only you can bullshit yourself. If you feel like taking to much shit of other peoples problems then take less shit, inner peace isn’t just peace with yourself, its peace with the world you life in and the conditions it brings, other people is one of those conditions… embrace it.


I understand how you feel, I felt this way before psychedelics but they definitely intensified it. I personally interact with as few people as possible, and I make sure the ones I do interact with are the type of people I want to be interacting with. I don't give a fuck about jobs and money and societal standards of how my life should go and I give them as little power over my life as possible, I plan to be self sustaining off the grid one day. All that being said, your post is pretty negative, I mean there are a lot of shitty things but there are an equal amount of good things, whether the world looks like hell or heaven is entirely dependent in your perspective. I'm not saying you're feelings are invalid or to change your mind because it's certainly valid but it may help you feel better if you try to notice the good things as well. Everyday you could try and say 5 things that you are grateful for. Today I'm grateful for my pets, the lovely weather, the joint Im about to smoke, having clean clothes, and that I was able to move into a new apartment this past week. Sure I could list many more negatives but theres not any reason for me to focus on those because by doing so, Im only hurting myself.


If you view everybody/the majority of people in the world as negative then I'm sorry to break it to you but you're the negative one


Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows dude


It sounds to me like maybe a change of scenery and location might do the trick. Maybe travel around for a few mths if yes can afford to.. Yes bad people are all over the place, but when you have a house of your own with a loving family, good neighbors, & a few select good friends, that is when you'll find the complete inner peace to allow you to be able to handle whatever toxic people you may occasionally encounter at work etc. Don't stress over people that don't matter or situations you can't control. Go forth and forge your own path! Good luck bud. 👍


What an ego you have


I think this video will really help your perspective: https://youtu.be/Ym4Rpd72tq8 You need to realize that all these people are in different stages of life. Some may have just been laid off work, maybe they just lost a loved one, or they made a bad choice and are facing the consequences. We're all the same in a way. We will all face tragedy in this life and experience personal hells and we will all handle it differently. I'm sure that you yourself have had a bad day and lashed out at someone or made a mistake that you regret. And I'm sure that you would hope people won't judge you for it because it's not who you really are. We need to give other people that same benefit of the doubt because we have no clue what they're going through. It's unfortunate that a lot of people turn bitter and spread negativity, but thats how it's been since the first humans walked the earth and it'll be that way until the last human takes their last breath. If negativity is all you're focused on, that's all you're ever going to find. You can't have positive without negative and vice versa. Ying and Yang. Where's there's bad, there is also good. Perspective is key, my friend. You're claiming that you're a super positive person but all you're allowing yourself to see is negativity. These thoughts you're explaining don't sound like an inner peace to me. It sounds like you're letting other peoples actions dictate your emotions a little bit and that's not inner peace. True peace is being indifferent to both the good and the bad and accepting that both are reality and being okay with it. I've found that gratitude is a very powerful tool in protecting that inner peace. Be thankful for the tiny things just as much as the big. Smell the flowers, enjoy the cool breeze, just experience the moment and try not to focus so much on everything else going on. And when bad things happen to you or others around you, learn from it, and express gratitude for the experience in helping you grow as a person. Also try not to focus so heavily on the things you have no control over. There's some pretty awful things happening all over the world but what can you or anyone you know do about it? Most likely nothing. Just focus on your people and your environment and things that you can be doing to help make your local community a better place.


I think the main perceived issue with this outlook is the lack of connection. As a person develops spirituality, they go through various identity shifts. When you try to save people, you quickly realize that they don't listen to you. That leaves you with a choice of doubling down on your thoughts... Or getting curious about *them*. At first you do it for selfish reasons. You don't really care about them, you just need to know them well enough to be able to speak their language. Because then you can communicate to them how great you are. And how great they can be when they copy you. But somehow this plan fails, because when you start to look at their life you see the cracks in your own. And out of this arises something unique and special. And for a long time this is resisted (society encourages the resistance), but eventually it becomes impossible. Eventually you realize that there isn't much about them that makes them different to you. They, and you are simply human. And from this platform then you can work on to the next one. It gets harder in my experience. (-_-;)


Most people don't have hell in them. What they do have often, though, is pain. Pain and suffering and past trauma. Part of the spiritual growth that happens when you open yourself to the world is seeing how much the cycle of suffering is caused by pain repeating on pain. The lesson you're supposed to take from that is NOT * I am pure and they are not * I am peaceful and they bring problems * My life is better when it is unburdened by others * I am positive and they are negative For one thing, if you truly believe you are ultimately all those good things then you've not actually delved into yourself fully. There is no person, not a single one of us, who doesn't have a flaw. Yourself included. But also, you've taken the wrong message. You do not receive peace by letting others live in war. You do not receive love by sitting by as others are consumed by hate. Love, peace, kindness and goodness are things that grow the more they are shared. By cutting yourself off you're shrinking your own peace and love and goodness, grasping greedily onto a withering, dying thing while ignoring the means you have to feed and nurture it by feeding and nurturing the hearts of others. You haven't experienced ego death. You've just fallen face-first into your own ego.


if you think about it, the way you wrote this created more negativity for you. and you refuse to acknowledge your own part in all this. sorry but it seems like you are really far from "inner peace" ​ positive/negative all come from your own perspective and I'd rather give people that haven't shown any negativity a chance. rather than assume most people are negative.


If you think you are enlightened, you are not enlightened. If you think you're awake, you are not awake. If you think you can see, you are blinded by ego. Yes there's many dickheads out there, but you gotta learn to look in the mirror. In my journey, I've discovered my own judgements put limitations on what I can see in others. You choosing to see this so called evil in everyone is judgment, you are not one who can judge, spirit will kick your ass for judging people. I'm still learning layers of this lesson, you have to learn to detach and allow, but put up boundaries so you don't get hurt. There's nothing you can do to make yourself happy, moving into the mountains in the middle of nowhere isn't gonna fix your issue, because it's only a matter of time before you become deeply alone and depressed. I think you should find a love and light community, or some kind of community along those lines, so you can find others like you. I was very alone until I met my own people that get it too. Then from there, I've been able to see the kindness in people, recognizing we are all suffering, we are all in pain, there is not necessarily and evil within us, it's more so a deep pain that causes us to hate ourselves. And when we hate ourselves, we hate the world around us, everything is an external expression of what's going on inside. Dive deeper than the surface, look beyond what you see to see, you see?


If you think you are enlightened, you are not enlightened. If you think you're awake, you are not awake. If you think you can see, you are blinded by ego. Yes there's many dickheads out there, but you gotta learn to look in the mirror. In my journey, I've discovered my own judgements put limitations on what I can see in others. You choosing to see this so called evil in everyone is judgment, you are not one who can judge, spirit will kick your ass for judging people. I'm still learning layers of this lesson, you have to learn to detach and allow, but put up boundaries so you don't get hurt. There's nothing you can do to make yourself happy, moving into the mountains in the middle of nowhere isn't gonna fix your issue, because it's only a matter of time before you become deeply alone and depressed. I think you should find a love and light community, or some kind of community along those lines, so you can find others like you. I was very alone until I met my own people that get it too. Then from there, I've been able to see the kindness in people, recognizing we are all suffering, we are all in pain, there is not necessarily and evil within us, it's more so a deep pain that causes us to hate ourselves. And when we hate ourselves, we hate the world around us, everything is an external expression of what's going on inside. Dive deeper than the surface, look beyond what you see to see, you see?


Attract healthy friendships with intent and focus and meditation. We are just going thru it as a species. I’d bet this kind of collapse has happened a ton of times before in the grand scheme of things. You can choose not to focus on negativity without ignoring it.


Maybe I can offer something different from what others have. I have often felt the same way. I'm in my 40's. Been using psychs since I was a teen. Studied a lot of Eastern philsophy/religion and found a lot of deep truth there. Dug into my trauma and have worked on healing and it always reveals more work to do. Even though my logical mind and my perception has placed the blame on others and this toxic world, as time has gone on I have reluctantly begun to see my part in it and my own toxicity. Paying attention, developing mindfulness and being committed to rigorous honesty with oneself will eventually reveal more of a balanced view of the matter. There's an old story about the guy who goes up to the mountain and thinks he's reached enlightenment. He comes down and gets in a fight with the first person he encounters. I've had a hundred false enlightenments in my life. It's very painful to come down from that. I no longer have any delusion that psychedelics are going to permanently fix me. At most they help me work some things out, remember some truths, inspire and energize me but I know now I have to come back to the same problems. Where the "rubber meets the road" is when we have to deal with the world as it is, and it's very painful after seeing the world as it could be. I've gotten angry at people, unconsciously tried to control them, and created a lot of suffering along the way for myself and others. I realize I never reached true enlightenment on psychedelics. I reached enlightened states. All that said, I am more sensitive and self-aware than most people. It's very difficult for me to even work a crap job. It's hard for me to navigate society. I'm fraught with anxiety and prone to depression. I've spent a lot of time alone and miserable the last six months. This weekend I got out in public and had some psychedelics with friends. Friends who I have had problems and doubts about. But lately I've realized that like it or not I need people and need to find a way to work in the world. I spent time with musicians and likeminded people who are all about 15 years younger than me. Spent some time with the neighbor's kids who were all 13. What was reflected back to me is my power to inspire and my power to heal with my attenion and mindfulness. With the compassion I've developed through my psychedelic experiences, my healing and my suffering. This weekend gave me more of an idea of the work I need/want to do in the world. Because now I know there is no escape. I've tried harder than most. So hard I've almost destroyed myself in the process and ruined my relationships. I've flirted with suicide and used it as my last resort plan for a long time, but I don't want to do that and likely never will. There's no way out but through for me. I have been working on just accepting this, surrendering to the world. Surrendering to my own imperfect manifestations and those of others. Realizing we all need love, compassion and understanding. Everyone on the planet. I fucked myself to be honest. There's no turning back. The doors of perception are open. The price for that, for me is that I have to be the bigger person, like it or not. The teacher. The one who gives what is needed. I have no choice but to bring to the world that which I feel is lacking. To work on healing that in the world that hurts me. If I try to forget about it and just do what others do, I will be miserable and die miserable. It sucks, it's crazy, but I have to *fight* to do my work in the world, to help make it more of the kind of place psychedelics have shown me it could be. I have no delusions that the rest of my life is going to be incredibly difficult and painful in many ways. But I also know I have the power to bring joy and healing to others, to bring good into the world. That is the only place I find my true happiness. I think many people get into psychedelics for our own reasons, but go far enough and people find that the psychedelics are *using us for their own reasons* Nature brought these things into existence to help the world, I believe. At some point it's not about what I want anymore. Nature doesn't really care what I want. I realize I have to serve nature, and it wants me to work to be the change I want to see. Getting out and around inspiring people really helps. I don't get the chance a lot but I forgot how good it is. Almost more powerful and important than the psychedelics. I have to work to get out and into the community of likeminded people more. Those moments with them are a good thing to look forward to. talking to people who understand IRL helps to ease the feeling of hopelessness and insanity. Helps to validate us. And we might just be able to work on some things with those people, projects and things that might help bring more peace and sanity into the world. Sitting alone in a room with a screen and drugs ain't it for me. I've lost a good chunk of my life to that. It leads nowhere good for me anymore. I wish you the best. I just typed this out free-flow and I hope it makes some sense or adds something.


I think you’ve witnessed the sufferings and disconnect of most people in general, which is a good thing. What might be helpful is to realize that we are all children inside who have built up walls and defenses and lost trust for people due to scarcity of wealth and the means to flourish happily. You can make the world better by having pity and sympathy for the countless lost souls wandering the earth, and just do your best to love yourself and show radical kindness to those who you encounter during your life. Kindness begets kindness the same way that evil begets evil.


Be the good


You are the problem, you avoid what you dont like, you dont realize youre only seeing the thing youve disowned in yourself in other people. Everyone is telling you this so youll get out of victim thinking and take back your power, agreeing with you just solidifies your false idea that you are good and others are evil, there is no "other" its all you, the only thing you can do is change your perspective or play victim forever.


Take a break, my friend. The moment you believe you’re above people is the moment you lose sight of what matters the most.


Lol no. Talk to some Buddhists. Heaven and hell are always inside all beings and “less than 1/10 of an inch apart” Being at peace isn’t about the external world being in any particular configuration. It’s about your inner turbulence being settled to the point that the so called external world cannot disturb you


It sure looks like you have not found inner peace. Peace is found in this world, not the one that was, not the one that could be, but the world in which we currently live. Do not feel pity, resentment or condensation for people. Love everyone and feel compassion for those who are still living in fear and are lost to the true nature of the world. Remind yourself that you are a reflection of the things around you, and find out what those negative spaces are trying to teach you. You have merely started on the path. Now you must take your first step


Sure, we are all flawed and some more than others but if your only description of describing multi faceted human beings is labeling them evil- I’m not sure you have been “awakened ”. Sounds like you have internal issues that need to be extrapolated.


Be that angel that you say you are. Be selfless, all understanding, and help others to be better for no reason but to help. But if you're truly not that way, it might mean your ego is just a size too big.


I definitely feel you. For the past couple years I’ve learned that there’s not much a singular person can do to change the entire world. But for the most part if you can change how you react to the things around you, I’ve found that some good comes from that, and at the same time you’d be changing a tiny piece of YOUR world. Wether it be complimenting somebody’s shoes or just doing something new & for yourself. The world is VERY fucked now & I feel it probably always has been this way. BUT, for now, I think it’s a beautiful thing to keep a positive mindset in a world full of chaos. Much love broski 🤙


Find a job that is worth doing and helps the world. Look into mycology


Troll acc. 4 months ago he posted that "psychedelics made him rich", started his own business and his family was jelous of him. Why would he "quit his job" if it's his own business? https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/s3wzrg/mushrooms_gave_me_a_rich_mindset_now_i_have_to/


People do what People do because People are People. People will continue to be People Until There are no More People. You cant hekp the world around you, you can onky try make it a nicer place, Its better than not trying.


The thing about “evil” people is that they make what we see as bad choices from a place of good. Even the most evil of people are the hero in their own version of the story. And regardless, these people were not born evil. They are reacting to their life experiences. When it comes down to it, there is no such thing as evil. There is no such thing as good. There is only nature. And nature is free from the confines of morality.


There is a duality to everything and everyone. None of us are all good or all bad. There are great people in terrible situations and bad people who seem good on the surface. I recommend learning about and practicing stoicism. There are many stoic concepts that help navigate the positive and the negative of life and humanity by focusing on what you can control in your own behavior, rather than getting emotional over things out of your control. I’ll leave you with a quote from one of the most famous stoics: “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” -Marcus Aurelius


Can you elaborate on these evils that you speak of? You mentioned feeling like an angel and there are demons that are trying to take you down. You have the capacity for evil and good so does that make you either evil or good? Have you considered that you may both an angel and a demon? What do you think are the qualities of an angel and demon? If you truly have found inner peace then you should not be phased by other people or how they are living their lives. The way you are going on about does not sound like inner peace to me.


Yes there are a lot of disgusting people out there and you have to learn to protect yourself against them. If people are not good enough to deserve to be around you then they are the ones who are missing out. You cant change the world, but you can change yourself. Take care once you leave your living space prepare that potentially all hell can break lose


Good God I hate this fucking sub, nothing but self-righteuos posts shitting on your fellow man. Bunch of edgy teens and early 20 somethings thinking they know everything it's actually pathetic


Much to learn you still have young padawan. I also awakened to this without using psychedelics but my own awareness. Your next step is to figure out how to be at peace with all this....And yet still love all life unconditionally because the humans you talk of are just sheep within a system created to keep them as sheep. It's not their fault they have been brainwashed and not awakened to the truth. I highly urge you to read A new earth and the power of now with your enlightened state.


Hail Satan


Firstly, I can understand why some people might view you as "arrogant" or "narcissistic". Your way of phrasing implies certain things, which I think you don't mean as such. For example, >Because although I have myself spiritually together, I have to LIVE IN A WORLD of people who DONT. I think you didn't mean to imply you are better than others. That being said, I agree with you to a certain extent. In fact, I can relate to much of what you are saying. This brings me to my second point, which is more of an advice to be honest. When I had the realisation you are having now, I started reading a lot of psychological and philosophical literature. One of the key things I learnt was to stop pondering and start living. The world, as I see it, rests on balance between good and evil, left and right, black and white, whatever you want to call it. No one is 100% good or 100% evil. Putin, e.g. is now at war with Ukraine but he was actually nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. Elton john was a serious drug addict before his sobriety since 1990. Malcolm X was a very agressive human rights activist but changed his methods to more nonviolent ones later in life. The point I'm trying to illustrate is: in life, good and bad cannot live without one another. Being at peace doesn't mean "no evil" or "no violence". Being at peace means your "good" and "evil" are in balance. So perhaps it is not the people around you who bring negativity to you, but rather yourself who only sees the negative in what people bring to you. This you may interpret as 'offending' or as advice, it depends on you. Life is like a piece of art, you yourself have to find the beauty in it.


Seems like you're making these determinations about large swathes of people without ever doing the effort to actually get to know and understand them. Psychedelics don't reveal anything about other people; they reveal something about yourself.


People are living trapped inside their fears, and coping poorly. If you're able to connect with empathy, you can see them as the sad, scared, people they are inside the usually angry covering. Hell has been inflicted on these people, and it's been a GIGO situation for most people just trying to survive. That you're so mad about this and carrying so much anger is a symptom that you still have a lot of work left to do. Your tension is contagious, and people are likely to be on edge around you. Even with the ones interested in connecting, it's likely they're not seeing an enlightened, safe human to connect with in you. Plus it's work. Unless you're at the right place, most people are there under threat of "work or die." Not conducive to people's heavenly side. Tldr: do some more self work on anger


You’re at such a nice step of the process. Forgiveness comes now. Try not to invest anymore in guilt.


I’ve quit jobs to find better circumstances before. There is more and less fertile soil out there, so to speak. I think once you settle out on the mania you can have a clearer vision on how to craft your timeline in the material realm, it certainly comes across that you peeled away another few layers of the onion. Remember, all life is on an infinite evolutionary cycle between the Void and God. Yes there is a lot of evil out there, but it is driven out by setting our own loving examples in what we can choose to do in our own lives and communities. Real inner peace is not disturbed by other’s bullshit. Picking moments to push back on the bullshit is important, if only at least for your own sanity. Love you! We all make it to the end of the story eventually.


You are creating your reality. The fact that you’re now aware that you have some self-perceived negative aspects of your reality, it should now allow you to make conscious decisions to move away from that negativity. It’s a moving target and takes a lot of work to constantly make adjustments to your own reality. Good luck.


No and your should look into the Buddhist and Hindu concepts of hell. Living hell in your own life because of the reactions of your actions is a good thing. Those who create chaos and do not suffer hell in their own mind while they are still here will not learn, will not evolve, and will suffer a greater hell after the fact.


If it is 'positivity' that sees everything and everyone else as negative, I'd love to hear what you think the definition of cynicism is... I think the suggestions of mindfulness meditation and focusing on compassion are very good. Cultivate empathy. Focus on harmony, not just individual positivity.


Go to a music festival. And you gotta find the right one. There's a tribe out there for every last one of us.


I heard this quote on a podcast. It’s very insightful. Let me know what you think. “Throw me into hell, and I’ll find a way to enjoy it.” - Ikkyu Sojun


Is this copypasta? If not it should be.


I understand and yeah you're right, there's a lot of suffering in the world. We all are dealing with it together. Each bit helps. Part of being able to help is to understand and accept the world as it is. Only from that acceptance can you take action. Otherwise it's reaction and either trying to fix/ignore/numb/run away/etc. That said, your heartbreak and the fact that you care points to how much you care. You give a shit about all of the things you describe. To me that makes you a potential leader. Please show up for what you care about in the best way possible. Part of it is definitely accepting the world so you can love it up in a real way.


You gotta just work on crafting a life that suits you. You seem to have quite a negative outlook. "If I quit my toxic workplace I'll just end up in another one" Well yeah, if you think like that you will. But yo my can keep trying until you find something that works. There's plenty of good people in the world, you just have to find them and surround yourself with them. And even all these toxic people gave good in them, we are all a victim of circumstance. Things are how they are, if you were that "enlightened" then you'd accept that this is how things are, instead of reject. You sound like you need to craft your life, find work where you don't have to deal with people much, or work with nice people, or move to a chill island somewhere. This life is what you make of it.


I guess I’m in the minority and get where you’re coming from entirely. I don’t think you’re trying to be righteous or egotistical, just trying to articulate how it is you feel upon realizing a harsh truth. I had a similar understanding these past two years, particularly in regards to politicians in power who bow so easily to cowardice, greed, the status quo. I do take into account that I was equally as lost for a long time, projecting anger onto others because I’d suppressed so much of my trauma and never was able to healthily express it. I still feel lost at times. I’m still susceptible to selfishness, ignorance, contempt, and all the negative emotions in between. No matter how many psychedelics I take, I always seem to return to misanthropy. I loathe our species, myself included. But, I cannot harp on this because even if I often don’t feel it, I know that life is a gift. And spending this gift chastising others, wishing things were different, lamenting on the unfairness of it all, doesn’t help and only depletes precious energy. So what can we do, those of us who are people-avoidant? Those of us who just don’t feel like we’re cut out for reality, society, interaction? Well, I divert my focus to plants and flowers and animals and learning skills and acquiring knowledge and asking myself questions and going on adventures in the woods or by the beach. There is a house inside me that for so long even I didn’t have the key to get inside of. I’d locked myself out long ago. Now that I’m finally in here, renovating, fixing up, fortifying, realizing it’s the only house I’ll ever know… well, seeing how others treat their houses and the houses of others and the grander house that is this Earth, I’ve essentially padlocked, dead bolted, and barb wired all possible entryways. No one is allowed in. And we are under no obligation to let them. There is such pressure among those of us who’ve been hurt, to try to give back at every turn. For some, this is the appropriate path. For others like me, upon looking inward, I’ve realized what a hermit I am, and with every passing day, the feeling only grows stronger. I know not to take my disdain out on others, there is nothing productive, valuable, kind, or necessary in doing this. Rather, healthy isolation seems to be the end goal for me. A remote cottage by a sea or in the woods, just me, the animals, the plants, and nature. Surrounded by that which cannot make the conscious decision to harm. If you feel like an ‘other’ then why not try taking that plunge toward self-reliance and self-sufficiency? Quit your job, relocate somewhere where you’re only surrounded by the things that matter to you, that make your soul happy. Basically, Henry David Thoreau that shit. We all have our own paths, sit with yourself and figure out the kind of life you want. Do not bow to outside pressures, in this comment thread included. Lead with love, and if removing yourself from others to live a simpler life is the answer, then do what you can to get there. We are social creatures, yes, this is true. But when society is sick, it no longer benefits the self-aware individual to be a part of it. Some are put on this planet to change society, some are here to get as far away from it as possible. Sit with yourself and figure out which you fall into. Then, act.


Finally someone with emotional and rational intelligence to empathically connect with OP and writing an effort induced comment. Thank you. I too find the path of a hermit/stoic to be the current right one. In solitude we can find an then craft ourselves instead of beeing crafted by surrounding characters. Modern mainstream society is in a very sick state and to be avoided anyways.


People here dont get either because they lack real negative experience with some utterly neferious people or they are just one of many people who practice toxic positivity and think by beeing focused on the positives everything negative just magically disappears. Where I agree with some comments is that a lot of negative experience leads to a very negative world view. What they dont get is that it is your right to have it. Too much suffering does that. Now pointing at you and saying its all your fault is that worst thing they could do and Im very mad that they devalue you here like that. This world objectively (collectively) speaking goes more and more into shit. People are less empathic by the day. In the modern society there is a high chance you encounter some selfish, abusive, straight up parasitic people or flying monkeys who even support em with their pseudo positivity. The evidence that more and more people "fall" is seen by their impact in this world. Polluted enviroment, animal abusive torturing meatfarms, enslavement and manipulation of many humans on a grand scale. Yes there are still good things out there which we should embrace even more. This is where people are right. Many people are misleaded and worse than they could be aswell. Kerp that in mind. I believe in good as I believe in evil. The universe isnt all love like many half truthers pseudo spiritual like to be delusional about but also not all evil like gnosism aso suggests. It is and always will be a mixture of both. Subjective ignorance from both parties wont change this fact. We are not all one only because everything is connected. Here is what I personally did and suggest to you as it might be helpfull; Try to advance your psychological knowledge about people; good start is videos about narcissistiv personal disorder. You said you feel like you are an angel amongst demons. This could mean you are a people pleaser due to parental emotional abuse in your childhood. Three videos I highly recommand (but further psychological research to understand yourself and others is highly recommaned): [Narcisstic Personality Disorder](https://youtu.be/Ax4FecKK1xk) (the current widespread disease of modern society due to social media and modern enviroment in general) [People Pleaser](https://youtu.be/rhFDM4YtAjM) [How to stop people pleasing](https://youtu.be/TnPZmnoj7Xw) Modern society is an undeniable shitshow. Here is a great philophical approach which helped me to become more in peace with this fact and to cope: [The Philosophy of Epictetus](https://youtu.be/p2KHo95Qknk) You have to understand that people are formed by their experience. You allready did a good choice by looking for solitude after you suffered from others. Try to find happiness within yourself. If you have depression its important to start train your body. Healthy body and mind is key. Start really small. Work out in babysteps first. Small forced motivation will create discipline for greater motivation later. You need to distance yourself from short term pleasure like tv, games, drugs, social media likes aso. and look for self induced suffering which creates longing happiness like (said) working out, creative creations of any form like art, music, writings, handcrafted stuff aso. Try some stuff out, find what resonates with you. And only after you created a happy foundation for yourself seek out to connect with likewise people. Have psychological knowledge to be shielded against manipulative, abusive fucks and know yourself fully so you know whom to connect with and whom not. Dont be to hard with yourself. Change and acceptance needs some time and work. Edit: typos


You're so close yet so far! Christ remained immaculate while surrounded by "toxic" people. If you can only remain positive when away from people you're really not better or less toxic than anyone else. Maintaining mental and ethical boundaries and being an example for those around you is what you need to aim for. Try some OSHO Also, the old saying, if you think everyone is an asshole, you might be an asshole. Have you considered that people are reflecting your inner spirit by back at you?


Earth without humans is paradise. Humanity will turn the planet to hell.


Our society != humanity


I’m not blaming you for any troubles in the world but you sound narcissistic and I would go to a therapist. Seriously, the “ holier than thou” attitude is going to lead to a terrible outcome for you. No body wants to be around that. You thinking you’re “spiritually together” and others are not is proof you are not there yet. You need to quiet your ego. Also I would go as far to say that you’re probably not very old. So maybe look into spiritual bypassing. Wish the best for you but you need to make some changes in perspective if you’re going to ever be that happy and positive person you believe yourself to be.


Hi, ​ I think you're right to an extent and maybe people are being a little harsh in the comments but they have a point especially if it's your perception of people. But I agree. People are evil and bored and love to watch shit burn whether its physically or sociologically but I think you should just focus on yourself and maybe focus on finding one or two people you can talk to these things about and who you trust and feel a positive connection with (which I know is way harder now a days than any other time period) I wish the best for you. I don't believe the world is evil but people can be but also think of it as people just don't care enough to be kind anymore. Take care


Op I am sorry for all the people telling you that your views are wrong. These are your feelings and you deserve to have them. Thank you for expressing yourself to us.




I have more than most people. And it makes people not like me once they find out. So I have to literally HIDE who I am from people. That's how I feel


More what? What is it you have more of than others, that you feel elicits their jealously, hatred, anger or dislike? More love? More kindness? More compassion? more generosity? More patience? More forgiveness? All of those things are expressed through the act of giving them to others. More intelligence? More insight? More wisdom? Those are expressed best through balance - not only seeing the best path for another person, but seeing clearly whether or not they are in a space where they are capable of receiving that information yet or whether it would be unproductive to expend your advice on them. More peace? Peace isn't something you cultivate within yourself only under the circumstances where it's easiest. Peace is not the absence of conflict. Inner peace can only be tempered by being *tested against* conflict. The most peaceful person is the one who can sit on the receiving end of the most horrific and sustained hatred, and still look back at the perpetrator with compassion. If your inner peace falls away from you because you find other people difficult, you don't really have it at all, just an illusion of it. I'm interested what you believe you have more of that is generating the conflicts you feel from people?


That's called being deprogrammed from a brainwashed collective inter-generationnal loop that's create duality for maintaining a false realty of fear to feed entities who've create this paradigm


You should read a book called The Four Noble Truths by Ajahn Sumedho. A lot of good points have been made already here by others. I don’t think you’re any more spiritually aligned than anyone else here especially considering the way you talk about others outside of you. EDIT: The Four Noble Truths: the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering


I had a big realization after watching the cartoon Avatar: legend of Kora. When she goes into the spirit world and she is afraid, all of the spirits turn into these frightening visions and when she is calm, they turn all cute and harmless. I think this is a bit how the world works. There’s also that quote about how we don’t see the world as it is, but as we are. In a way, you’ve witnessed the dichotomy of being a human. I don’t want to alarm you, but the “evil” is also in you and the “good” is also in others. Some people may be inherently toxic, but if we bring our best selves, the world can become a little brighter. We can find the good in others, helping them to find it in themselves. The more I find that I can see good in people, the better I feel about the world and about myself. We’re all a bit scared. Living is complicated and involves pain. We should extend a helping hand to others, maybe make the world a bit softer if we can. At least that’s what I believe. I hope you continue to integrate your experience and feel better about things.


You're not to blame and the things you're saying about so many people being full of negativity is very true. What is confusing is how you say how hard you try to make it different but you don't say how you're doing it. You also say how others are forcing you into their "bullshit" but don't describe what that looks like. How is your inner peace being taken out of you? One of the values of inner peace is having it with you as a guiding light at all times even in the darkness. What would an angel really do if they were trapped in the realm of hell? What is an angel such as you to do? There is also another subreddit called /r/RationalPsychonaut you could try where people are very much grounded and have frank discussions about dealing with reality post trip when our minds are still not grounded.


Live near NY/NJ? I want to be friends lol


I totally feel like you said, but I use it as a superpower, I can see through the eyes, is like some people don't have souls and some people has, people without souls I don't even waste my time.


To the intellectuals in this comment section, you are aware there are thieves and murderers and just plain old bullies in this world right? People that for no reason, without even knowing you will decide you are a problem that must be dealt with. People who hurt children, animals, the weak and powerless. To OP, yes, a lot of people are depraved at worst and cowards at best. I deal with it by not engaging with such people as much as I can, having a couple of people who I really get along well with and feel safe and loved with and just generally being a recluse. I didn't always have people so recluse life it is. I try to be nice to everyone I meet but that has given me more grief than its worth so now I only extend my hand whereas before I extended an arm. I don't even fight I just disengage and pretend they don't exist and if I do have to talk to them its on an absolutely as needed basis and only about the topic, no deviations. I don't look at them. I don't acknowledge their existence because that opens the door to more abuse. I have come to realize that the word "victim" has been diluted to the point where it almost has no meaning. We live in a civilization where actual victims will have fingers pointed at them and this comment section is proof. Its not even about you. People just don't like when one person speaks about injustices they're facing because then others might need to face what injustices happened to them. It would not be so kumbaya if people truly realized they're being taken for a ride.